
Business centre expansion supporting work to bring 5,000 jobs to Chesterfield

A business centre which is playing a vital role in the drive to bring thousands of jobs to Derbyshire is to be extended in a £975,000 scheme.

The Markham Vale Environment Centre is at the heart of Derbyshire County Council’s Markham Vale regeneration site close to junction 29A of the M1.

The former coalfield site is eventually expected to employ around 5,000 people. It is already home to 28 businesses employing over 400 people.

The Markham Vale Environment Centre is powered by on-site renewable energy and is at full occupancy – providing environmentally friendly work spaces for 12 small businesses.

Its meeting rooms are used by firms already on site and by businesses planning to relocate to Markham to recruit and train staff.

The £975,000 investment will see the centre double in size, bringing more workspace and offices. The bulk of the cost will be met through a £611,520 European Regional Development Fund Grant, with the county council contributing £363,480.

Councillor Joan Dixon, Derbyshire County Council Cabinet Member for Jobs, Economy and Transport, said: “The Markham Environment Centre has been a huge success and continues to play a key role in our work to deliver jobs for Derbyshire people.

“The centre’s expansion will double the amount of space available for use by companies which are already on site and those thinking of setting up at Markham to bring jobs for local people.

“This adds to the strong foundations which we’ve put in place to ensure Markham Vale is in a position to flourish as the economy picks up and is the latest in a string of recent positive announcements.”

Earlier this month Markham Vale received a £14.2m boost after successfully bidding for Government cash to turn dormant sites into prime economic land.

The funding will be used to develop the northern part of Markham Vale site, including a new link road, where the former Seymour Colliery site once stood.

Markham Vale has been granted Enterprise Zone status by the Government, meaning firms moving to some areas of the site can apply for Enhanced Capital Allowances – offering tax relief for major investment in plant and machinery.

Source:Derbyshire County Council

Posted in Business, Development

University future for landmark Chesterfield building

The University of Derby is delighted to announce the purchase of a Grade II listed former girls’ school in Chesterfield which will be used to support its growing presence in the town.

The acquisition of the St Helena Centre from Derbyshire County Council provides the University with an opportunity to further strengthen its work with the neighbouring Chesterfield College on Sheffield Road.

Major refurbishment would be required to bring the 2.2 acre site up to standard but, as a former school, many aspects of its layout lend themselves to further educational use.

The University could have the new centre ready by mid-2016.

It will bring new jobs to Chesterfield, business support, business incubation, nursing, engineering and real world learning to the town. The proposal has already been well received by Destination Chesterfield, which coordinates efforts to promote the town.

Hari Punchihewa, Deputy Chief Executive and Finance Director at the University of Derby, said: “We have been working for some time to extend our presence in the town.

“This strategic acquisition extends our options to be of service to the town of Chesterfield and to help the economic development through comprehensive business support to create jobs and bolster the higher education offer already in place there.

“The building itself is a wonderful structure which sits in a perfect location, being so close to town and the college.

“The University of Derby has proved before that it is excellent at taking special buildings and bringing them back to life. You only have to look at the Buxton Dome to realise that. It would be great to see the building returned to its original purpose for education but this is just one of the options open to the University.”

Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Council Services, Councillor Brian Ridgway, added: “I’m delighted that we’ve been able to give the University the opportunity to extend their work intoChesterfield. This is the best possible use for the St Helena Centre.

“The University will bring new jobs to the area and create opportunities for people from Chesterfield, North East Derbyshire and Bolsover to increase their qualifications and skills.

“We’ve just announced a £14.2m investment in the Markham Vale site and having a more skilled local workforce will make coming to Derbyshire a more attractive proposition for businesses.”

The centre was built in 1911 as a school. The girls’ school closed in the 1990s and the council then used the building as offices until late 2013.

Source:University of Derby

Posted in Development


Acting on behalf Chesterfield Waterside Partnership, a joint venture between Urbo Regeneration and Chesterfield Borough Council, HOW Planning has secured reserved matters planning approval for the first phase of the £300 million mixed use regeneration scheme in Chesterfield, Derbyshire.

The site, known as Chesterfield Waterside, is made up of land within the A61 and Chesterfield Canal Corridor and the planning approval for 19 new homes marks the first element of the extensive scheme which is set to be delivered over the next few years.

Says Liz McFadyean, Senior Planning and Environmental Consultant at HOW Planning:  “This is a fantastic result which will see work get underway at the new Chesterfield Waterside site.  The overall development will open up a huge area of redundant land, transforming it into a thriving new district, helping to create new jobs, providing new housing as well as services that will help support these homes.”

Chesterfield Waterside is being delivered by specialist regeneration developer, Urbo Regeneration which is controlled by Chesterfield based Bolsterstone PLC and Arnold Laver Group and comprises an employment and residential led mixed-use regeneration scheme covering 25ha site and creating approximately 2000 jobs.

HOW carried out all planning and retail work for the initial outline planning application which was approved in March 2011

In addition to new residential, retail, office and leisure accommodation the development will include new canal link into the Chesterfield Canal will enhance the waterside environment and will be complemented by open space including a linear park and eco-park as well as high quality new public realm space.

Peter Swallow, Chairman of Chesterfield Waterside commented:  “This is a large and complex scheme and it is great to see things moving.  A lot of hard work has been put into every stage of the project and HOW has led an extensive professional team in all planning stages. This is a fantastic result and allows us to get underway with delivery phase, which is likely to be a period of 10-15 years.’

Source:Chesterfield Waterside

Posted in Development

Cash boost for Markham Vale Enterprise Zone

Sheffield City Region’s Enterprise Zone is set to receive more than £14 million to speed up the delivery of vital infrastructure for the Markham Vale logistics development.

The money will come from a £100 million ‘nuts and bolts’ fund designed to transform land at enterprise zones across the country and fast-track new jobs in key industries, Communities Secretary Eric Pickles has announced today.

As part of the Government’s long term economic plan, 12 bids have been shortlisted from locations across the country to share the cash pot.

Markham Vale, a leading logistics and distribution park off the M1, could win up to £14.2 million.  The grant will generate a further £95.7m of private sector investment, create more than 2,100 jobs and build new access roads, around 16,720 sq m of commercial floor space, and unlock a further 33 Ha of land for development.

The £100 million set to be released by Government will fund projects such as road building, refurbishment, utility supply and land clearance to unlock previously dormant areas and turn them into prime economic sites that attract new businesses and develop local economies.

Across the country the funding for road building, refurbishment, utility supply and land clearance will lead to 3.5 million square metres of land being brought back into use and the creation of 124,000 square metres of new commercial floorspace by 2015 (over 10 football pitches).  In addition 10km of new road and 2 new bridges will be constructed, reducing congestion for residents and increasing the access to new Enterprise Zone sites for business.

Communities Secretary Eric Pickles said:

“Enterprise zones are at the centre of our long-term economic plans to build a stronger, more competitive business environment and a better future forBritain.

“This funding will give these areas the infrastructure they need to attract more investment, support the growth of local businesses and create up to 3000 jobs for hardworking people across the country.”

James Newman, Chairman of the Sheffield City Region Local Enterprise Partnership, said:

“The UK economy will be getting an excellent return on this investment from Government which will help to unlock more than £80 million of new business investment and over 2,000 new jobs for the Sheffield City Region.

“The Government’s decision to invest £14 million in our Enterprise Zone will be welcomed by international investors looking to set up in the Sheffield City Region. This important funding will enable us to meet unmet investor demands by making improvements to our Enterprise Zone at Markham Vale, including medium-sized business units and developing larger areas for bigger investors.

“Improvements at Markham Vale will help us to build on the success of our Enterprise Zone, which in its first year attracted 15 new occupiers, created 228 new jobs and was picked out as the number 1 UK free zone by the Financial Times.”

Since they opened for business in April 2012 Enterprise Zones have laid firm foundations for success, attracting international companies, building centres of excellence in key industries such as automotive, pharmaceuticals and renewable energy, and delivering the infrastructure and training that will ensure that Britain continues to be competitive and successful on the global stage.

In total they have:

·         attracted 250 businesses

·         secured £1.1 billion of private sector investment

·         created over 7,000 jobs.

Source:Sheffield City Region

Posted in Development

Public’s favourite design chosen for Hornsbridge Roundabout in Chesterfield

Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet has approved plans for a key entrance into the town, as chosen by the public and local businesses.

At their meeting on Tuesday 22 October, cabinet members approved plans for work by a local artist, guided by the outcome of a public consultation, to be installed at Hornsbridge roundabout, the main gateway into Chesterfield from the M1.

£300,000 in funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Barratt Homes, who is currently building 68 homes on the site of the former Chesterfield Football Club on Saltergate, has been provided to improve the area.

This funding can only be used for public artwork and work to improve the look and feel of the roundabout.

The aim of the project is to provide a talking point and to attract inward investment into the town centre.

Members of the public and business leaders in Chesterfield have chosen a design by Derbyshire-based artist Melanie Jackson for the site.

The public were given the opportunity to choose between four shortlisted designs during a consultation held during August and September, 507 members of the public commented online and in person during an event at the Pavements Shopping Centre.

The design was also chosen by the Chesterfield Champions, a network of local business leaders.

The chosen artwork, entitled Growth, features a wheel or cog, integrated into the landscape, symbolising Chesterfield’s strong industrial heritage with an opening bud or flower rising out of the centre.

Councillor John Burrows, Chesterfield Borough Council’s leader and executive member for regeneration said: “At the junction of the A61 and A617 and next to the Midland Main Line, the area’s rail link to London, Hornsbridge is the most important entrance to Chesterfield, it is, therefore, only right that we take any opportunity to improve this area.

“The funding for this has been provided by the European Regional Development Fund and Barratt Homes and can only be used for this purpose with the aim of attracting more economic development in the town centre.”

A further £190,000 in funding will be spent on the pedestrian approach from Chesterfield Railway Station to the town centre.

Source:Chesterfield Borough Council

Posted in About Chesterfield, Development

Revamped Market Hall prepares to open its doors

The finishing touches are currently being added to Chesterfield’s Market Hall, which opens later this month after a £4 million redevelopment.  Click here for photographs.

The new Market Hall, owned and operated by Chesterfield Borough Council, opens on Monday 28 October after the work, which has taken 12 months to complete.

The main retail hall has been transformed with a glazed atrium above first floor level providing natural light and the 1970s extension on New Square has been redesigned to be more in keeping with the original Market Hall whilst providing high quality offices at first floor level.

The majority of existing traders who were trading in the Market Hall were offered space in the new one and are currently fitting out their premises.

The new Market Hall will offer an improved shopping mix for the town centre with a wide variety of stalls including: perfume, mobile phone repairs, sweets, footwear, wools, butchery and seafood.

A new central café area is at the heart of the ground floor operated by Market Plaza Café, managed by mother and daughter team, Lynne and Shannon Benison.

Market Plaza Café is owned by SLIC Training.  The company will offer opportunities for new apprentices to train on the job in the new café.

The new Market Hall will open Monday to Saturday from 9am to 5pm.  The butchers and café will open from 8am.

The shopping offer will be further improved as new external units prepare to open.  Fred’s Haberdashery has expanded and will be moving to the bigger former Douglas Turner unit on 28 October.  Further external pitches will be opening during December.

The upper storeys contain rented office accommodation for businesses.

The Assembly Rooms have been restored to their former glory.  They will host the CAMRA beer festival, sponsored by G F Tomlinson, which takes place on Friday 1 and Saturday 2 November.

The Assembly Rooms, based right in the heart of Chesterfield, will also available to hire for parties, weddings, business meetings from December.

Councillor John Burrows, Chesterfield Borough Council’s leader and executive member for regeneration said: “I am proud that at a time of cuts, when many councils have been forced to scale down their markets, we have been able to invest in the Market Hall and the traders who offer a wide range of choice to shoppers in Chesterfield.

“I’d like to thank the traders for their patience while the work has been carried out and I hope they are as excited as I am to see the jewel of the market place restored to its full glory.”

£2.1 million for the project was provided by the European Regional Development fund and Lottery grant with the remainder by Chesterfield Borough Council.

The work has been overseen by the council’s asset management partner estate management partner, Kier with G F Tomlinson as main contractor.  Project management has been carried out by Mace with IBI Taylor Young as architects and Ramboll as engineers.

Source:Chesterfield Borough Council

Posted in About Chesterfield, Development, Visiting

Have your say on art scheme for Hornsbridge roundabout in Chesterfield

Chesterfield residents are able to vote for the public artwork they would like to see at a key gateway to the town centre.

The project, led by Chesterfield Borough Council, aims to raise the profile of Chesterfield as a place to invest, visit and live.

Funding of £500,000 has been secured from Barratt Homes, who are responsible for new housing developments in the borough, including on the former Chesterfield Football Club site on Saltergate, and from the European Regional Development Fund for the project.

The funding must be used to make environmental improvements and install public art at key sites around the edges and entry points to the town centre.

The first site is at Hornsbridge.

The borough council is running a consultation with residents to choose the design of the artwork at this key entry point into town.

There will be a one-day event in the Pavements Shopping Centre where residents can votes for the design they would like to see installed at Hornsbridge from a shortlist of four designs,.

The event runs on Friday 9 August from 10am to 4pm.

The shortlisted designs for the Hornsbridge site are:

  • The Tutelar
  • The Portal
  • Field and Fort
  • Growth

Each of the designs which have each taken inspiration from a different aspect ofChesterfieldand its history.

The survey will also be available on the council website from Friday 9 August until Friday 13 September:

The results of the public vote will be combined with the votes of the business community, gathered through Destination Chesterfield, and recommended to  the council’s cabinet, who will have the final say.

Councillor John Burrows, Chesterfield Borough Council’s leader and executive member for regeneration said: “We are proud ofChesterfieldand keen to attract new investment into the town – so we feel it is right to give our residents and local businesses a say in the artwork that will used at Horsbridge, a key entry point into the town from the M1.

“I would urge anyone involved to go along to the event at the Pavements Shopping Centre on 9 August to meet the artists and leave comments or to vote online before 13 September.

Source:Chesterfield Borough Council

Posted in Development

More great job news for Chesterfield

Henry Boot Developments Ltd, has joined forces with Euro Garages Ltd to table plans for a petrol filling station and Starbucks Drive Thru Coffee Shop at Markham Vale off M1 junction 29A near Chesterfield.

The filling station will include a convenience store, Subway sandwich bar, public toilets and a cash machine while the Starbucks will have 65 indoor seats and 10 outside for customers not wishing to use the drive-through facility.

The 1.5 acre site will have 53 parking spaces of which three will be for disabled motorists. The site will be landscaped with 10 trees and substantial shrub planting.

The filling station and convenience store will create 22 jobs while the Subway and Starbucks will create 15 and 26 jobs respectively. Of the 63 total jobs, 37 will be full time.

All operations will be open 24 hours a day.

Councillor Joan Dixon, Derbyshire County Council, Cabinet Member for Jobs, the Economy and Transport, said:

This latest investment in Markham Vale underlines again the value of having a bespoke site in the middle of England that’s served by its own motorway junction and has excellent transport links.

“The new development comes just days after Ready Egg Products Ltd submitted plans to move to the site, and brings to 323 the number of new jobs secured for the local economy by Markham Vale in the last eight months.”

Ready Egg Products Ltd wants to build its new manufacturing plant at Markham Vale in a move that will create 50 jobs over two years.

Ready Egg is a key player in the egg processing industry and supplies both UK and Irish food manufacturing markets.

The firm sees the European Union as a growing market but transport costs to and from its current location put it at a commercial disadvantage.

The Euro Garages and Ready Egg applications will both be determined by Chesterfield Borough Council.

Last month (April) saw the opening of a £905,000 stretch of road linking the A632 at Long Duckmanton with the M1. The link road unlocks a further 40 acres of land for development.

Markham Vale has been granted Enterprise Zone status by the Government, meaning firms moving to some areas of the site can apply for Enhanced Capital Allowances − offering tax relief for major investment in plant and machinery.

Source:Derbyshire County Council

Posted in About Chesterfield, Development

Markham Vale jobs boost for Chesterfield

A Northern Ireland-based company is to move to our flagship employment site bringing the number of new jobs created to 260 in the last eight months.

Ready Egg Products Ltd has selected Markham Vale off M1 junction 29A near Chesterfield to locate its new manufacturing facility which will create 50 new jobs over two years.

Ready Egg is a key player in the egg processing industry and supplies both UK and Irish food manufacturing markets.

The firm sees the European Union as a growing market but transport costs to and from its current location puts it at a commercial disadvantage.

Derbyshire County Council’s Joan Dixon, Cabinet Member for Jobs, Economy and Transport, said:

“More and more companies are making Markham Vale their home because of its location in the centre of England and excellent transport links afforded by its purpose-built junction 29A just off the M1.”

Ready Egg’s vote of confidence in Markham Vale follows last autumn’s decision by car parts distributor Andrew Page to base its new national distribution centre there in a move that is expected to create 120 jobs.

And fast food restaurant McDonald’s created 90 jobs when it opened a drive-through restaurant on the site last September.

There was more good news for Markham Vale last month (April) with the opening of a £905,000 stretch of road linking the A632 at Long Duckmanton with the M1. The link road unlocks a further 40 acres of land for development.

Ready Egg Products plans to build a 34,700 sq. ft. warehouse on nearly three acres of land. A planning application for the development will be made by Henry Boot Developments Ltd which is managing and marketing the site for us.

The application will be determined by Chesterfield Borough Council.

Markham Vale has been granted Enterprise Zone status by the Government, meaning firms moving to some areas of the site can apply for Enhanced Capital Allowances − offering tax relief for major investment in plant and machinery.

Councillor Dixon added:

“This announcement by Ready Egg Products further underlines Markham Vale’s importance to the local economy as a catalyst for inward investment and job creation.”

Source:Derbyshire County Council

Posted in About Chesterfield, Development

Top listing for Chesterfield Waterside set to bring it to the attention of investors

Chesterfield’s commercial property offering has been brought to the attention of national investors after the town’s Waterside development was announced as one of the UK’s largest Regeneration and Renewal projects in a prestigious list of major schemes issued for 2013.

The £340m development, has moved four places since 2012 to be ranked at number 47 in the top 100 list of the UK’s largest regeneration projects, published this week in the sectors leading publications, Planning Magazine,  and Regeneration & Renewal.

The 60-acre development is being led by Chesterfield-based company, Bolsterstone Group, working in partnership with Arnold Laver Group and Chesterfield Borough Council.

Peter Swallow, Managing Director of Bolsterstone Group and Chair of the town’s marketing campaign, Destination Chesterfield, is delighted with the project’s position in the list. He explained: “Acknowledgment of Chesterfield Waterside as a key regeneration project in the UK will bring it to the attention of national commercial property agents, and inward investors/employers looking to establish new locations, which will in turn bring new jobs and opportunities to the Town.”

The first commercial/employment phases of the mixed-use 10-year development project will feature office space located on the site of the former Trebor Bassett factory, adjacent to the railway station. Bolsterstone are currently in detailed negotiations with a number of potential occupiers, which should lead to a start on site in the coming months. In addition, negotiations in respect of the family housing element of the project, which is to be developed on the former Arnold Laver timber yard site, are also at an advanced stage.

He added: “Chesterfield Waterside’s first phase location, right beside the station and within walking distance of the town centre will, I believe, make it particularly attractive to technology and digital media companies. It’s an opportunity to attract these rapidly growing new business sectors to the town and create opportunities and jobs for the people who live and work here.”

Chesterfield Waterside forms part of the A61 Corridor Regeneration area, which has already delivered the independent four-star Casa Hotel, Tesco and the Pro-act stadium. The Waterside development is one of two projects by Bolsterstone Group to appear in the prestigious Top 100 list; the other being the £244m New Bolton Woods scheme in Bradford, which is listed at number 65.

Mr Swallow added: “The strong positioning of our schemes across the region highlights the achievement in maintaining project momentum at a time when some major regeneration projects across the UK have stalled.”

Posted in Business, Development

Chesterfield Waterside to welcome Communities and Local Government director general

Chesterfield Waterside is  to welcome Communities and Local Government director general.  D2N2 – the Local Enterprise Partnership for Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire – is hosting a visit from Peter Schofield, the Director General of the Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG), on Friday, May 3.

CLG are one of the Departments that have provided resources for the Growing Places Fund (GPF) and Mr Schofield will be visiting to look at projects that are already, or could in the future be benefitting from the work of the D2N2 LEP.

D2N2 chairman Peter Richardson and chief executive David Ralph will show Mr Schofield the growth potential of business locations, and small and medium sized firms, in our region by touring projects and businesses in the area.

One stop on his tour will be the Chesterfield Waterside project, where they will meet withPeter Swallow, the developer of the site and chair of Destination Chesterfield, as well as representatives of Chesterfield Borough Council.

Chesterfield Waterside is an innovative and sustainable £340 million scheme and is currently the (47th) largest regeneration project in theUK, which will rise from the remains of the old Trebor factory and is a major mixed-use regeneration scheme located immediately adjacent to the town centre.

The site, which incorporates elements of the River Rother and Chesterfield Canal, and sits alongside the A61, will provide a thriving and successful new destination, including the creation of a new community with 1,500 modern houses and apartments, new employment opportunities, shops, cafes and bars around the new canal basin and public square.

David Ralph said: “We are building a relationship with Government and through our senior sponsors it is critical part of our Growth Plan. Therefore we welcome Peter Schofield to look around the area and hear about the work D2N2 is doing and proposing to grow the region’s economy.

“We are looking to take him to both Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, including to the Chesterfield Waterside project, and I am sure this will be the start of a number of visits to our area. We will continue to help grow the region and we are working relentlessly towards doing that.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield said, “We welcome this opportunity to work with D2N2LEP in hosting Peter Schofield’s visit to Chesterfield to discuss the importance of the Chesterfield Waterside project to the town, and the region, and how the Government’s ‘Growing Places’ funding scheme will be instrumental in bringing forward the first phase of development.”

Mike Hayden, head of regeneration at Chesterfield Borough Council, said: ‘We’re delighted to welcome such a senior government official toChesterfieldto see the great opportunities the town has to attract investment and create jobs and new homes.

“Chesterfield Waterside is set to transform the town and with the help of £750,000 from the Growing Places Fund awarded by the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership to support the infrastructure costs, we expect development to start by the end of 2013.”

Posted in Business, Development

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