
More than 200 local businesses now included in Chesterfield’s Unhampered map

People across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire are being encouraged to get their hands on the first release of the Unhampered map of Independent Businesses.

Unhampered is a new online directory of Chesterfield’s independent businesses, set up by Chesterfield’s independent businesses, supported by Chesterfield’s independent businesses – and driven by a passion for Chesterfield to thrive.

It features over 200 shops, restaurants, pubs, food suppliers, local service providers, events, blog pages and so much more, all in one place, putting Chesterfield independents, literally on the map.

The project comprises of a community of independents working together for Chesterfield, and the first physical deliverable is a paper map showing the locations of 80 independent businesses in the town centre and along Chatsworth Road.

The maps are slightly smaller than A3 and fold down to fit nicely in a handbag or pocket. They’ve been distributed to several local businesses, the tourist information centre, plus hotels and accommodation venues so visitors can find some of our best businesses, with a little help from Unhampered.

Phase 1 (the website) was developed by local businesses; Defeye Creative, S40 Local and S41 Local magazines and Phase 2 (the map) is now available thanks to funding from Unhampered Founder Members; Adorn, Bottle & Thyme, Ginspired, Ingmans, Libby’s, Odyssey Restaurant, Pizza Pi, Tallbird Records, The Café at Libby’s, Vanishing Point Records and Vintage Tea Rooms.

Any businesses in Chesterfield who want to get involved with Unhampered can do so by contacting Paul Chapman at S40 Local magazine –

Andy Ingman from Ingman’s Cobblers, Footwear & Clothing of Burlington Street is a Founder Member. He commented: “we were really impressed by what the Unhampered team delivered over lockdown to support Chesterfield’s independent businesses for free, and we’re now happy to help them take the next steps to build the site and promote our town”.

“We’re excited to have the latest phase of Unhampered off the ground,” says Paul Chapman from Unhampered and S40 Local magazine. “We have so much to offer and have a real passion for supporting small independent businesses, it’s these guys that are keeping the town centre alive. We are totally independent from any external funding and are massively thankful to the founder members who have come on board to date.”

Unhampered is offering a limited number of Founder Members packs at £396 for two years membership, which includes extra benefits for those taking up the offer and helping provide set-up funding.

The Unhampered socials have seen increased followers on Facebook and Instagram pages, with the team committed to keeping followers up to date with what is happening across Chesterfield’s business community.

Defeye Creative and S40 Local support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Chesterfield Pride 2022: How your business can celebrate our LGBTQ+ community

Chesterfield is set to gather in celebration later this month, as one of the biggest Pride festivals across the region returns to the town.

The celebration of our LGBTQ+ Community will see thousands of people in attendance, to raise awareness of diversity and inclusivity in all walks of life.

As we approach the event, we’ve been finding out how your business can help to support and celebrate staff, clients and customers who identify as LGBTQ+; and how this can have a positive effect on your business in terms of raising profile and enabling further growth.

Ed Fordham is a Chesterfield Borough Councillor and Derbyshire County Councillor, he was the first LGBT+ person in Britain to get engaged to his same sex partner with the passing of the equal marriage laws in 2013.

Sharing his experiences of living and working in Chesterfield, Ed has penned the following blog post to encourage more businesses in implementing a clear and definitive diversity and inclusion policy…

It’s really quite simple: business that understand, embrace and celebrate diversity in their values are more successful. This applies to all aspects of diversity and inclusion, but in this blog post I am exploring the issues for Chesterfield businesses and the LGBT+ communities.

Derbyshire is, I think the only county in England that has two LGBT+ centres – one in Derby and one in Chesterfield. Indeed Derbyshire LGBT+ is a long standing and successful charity serving the community all year round and in good times and in bad. This year we are celebrating 50 years since the first Pride March in the U.K. In London in 1972. Here in Chesterfield our Pride Festival is in year 8. Pride is a celebration, a festival and a party, but crucially it is also a protest, a vigil, a march and a gathering of the community in numbers. It’s safety in numbers for the LGBT+ communities.

Across Chesterfield many companies employ people who self identify as LGBT+ but for each and every one of those staff members they often have an internal dilemma about how well known and public they are about their security.  I forget the number of times that I have had to correct people over my own identity. Indeed, I still get assumptions that my wedding ring signals that I have a wife rather than a husband.

Chesterfield Pride will see 6,000 people gathering in Stand Road on Sunday 24th July and the net spend, the investment and the purchase of food and drink alone will be significant for local traders and businesses.  In the run-up to Pride spend on fashion, clothing, hairdressers, shoes and more besides is significant in the Borough.

Further, it is known and understood that businesses of the 1950’s that were dominated solely by male managers and men only boards were unrepresentative and staid.  Accordingly it is now accepted that business and companies that know their workforce, embrace their identity and ensure they are included, listened to and enabled are more effective.  In addition they are more fleet of foot in a shifting economy, and in a world where companies want to be seen and noticed companies that celebrate Pride, empower their staff and reflect the modern world.

The best employers understand their employees, know that they should feel welcome, respected and represented at work. Inclusion in decision, plans and strategy drives better individuals, business and organisational outcomes.  And by celebrating Chesterfield Pride in way that us visible and staff led means that staff are able to bring their whole selves to work. All of the evidence shows that when LGBT+ employees feel free to be themselves , everybody benefits.  It is further accepted that employee inclusion is picked up by customers and support and commerce increase in line with awareness.

There are national scheme for large employees by Stonewall, but we are fortunate in having such a strong and vibrant Derbyshire they provide Rainbow Accreditation for companies locally.  There are three entry levels: Rainbow Allies, Rainbow Connection and Ranbow Partnership. The level depends on your size of business and the associated costs are pegged accordingly.

Please, do what you can for Pride this year in your business, company and shop window, but for the future and long term, contact Derbyshire LGBT+ today and register for Rainbow Accreditation.  Contact John Yates-Harold

LGBTQ+ Leaders in Chesterfield 

Chesterfield Pride Sponsor

Chesterfield Borough Council

Chesterfield Borough Council has been announced as headline sponsors with Chesterfield Pride for the 2nd year in a row, continuing its support of the annual celebration.

Cllr Sharon Blank, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for governance, said: “We’re thrilled to be sponsoring Chesterfield Pride again this year and to continue this great partnership. It is a fantastic event for our borough and our sponsorship sends a clear message that we stand together as one community to celebrate our diversity with pride.”

The Council also has a clear policy and strategy to welcome equality and diversity in the borough, recognising that both equal treatment and positive action are necessary to counteract discrimination.

Activities to ensure the strategy is implemented includes The Equality and Diversity Forum; a group of representatives from statutory partners, community groups and local individuals with an interest and/or expertise in equality and diversity. The Forum members work together to share ideas, best practice and to raise awareness in the community of equality and diversity.

Find out more about Chesterfield Borough Council’s Equality and Diversity strategy here. For more information about the Equality and Diversity Forum please email

Chesterfield Royal Hospital

Chesterfield Royal Hospital

Tom Harrison, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Facilitator said: “At Chesterfield Royal Hospital we are proud supporters of Pride, and once again delighted to be taking part.

“We understand the value of bringing your whole self to work and support these values as a Trust. Several of our colleagues have completed the Stonewall role model programme and are in the process of setting up a staff network to support this learning. We are listening to both colleagues and patients – our listening exercise at Pride three years ago saw us develop training to support our gender diverse staff and patients through e-learning – we revisited last year at Pride and received positive feedback from those who had engaged with us. We are currently listening to views on gender inclusive language and are looking to introduce single occupancy unisex toilets at minimal cost. 

“We are proud of the work which our Royal Cultural Community does to promote and support our BAME and international colleagues – alongside our Be Yourself group. We offer a rainbow badge scheme helping colleagues to commit to being an ally and offer rainbow lanyards to colleagues so that our commitment is visible in all areas of the Trust. We will be flying the LBGT+ flag outside our Main Entrance with pride.”

To find out more about diversity and inclusion at Chesterfield Royal Hospital, go to:


joe 1 Chesterfield Pride

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Peak Indicators donates 19 laptops to Chesterfield College

Peak Indicators has recently donated 19 laptops to Chesterfield College, so that they can be used by people who need them the most.

The laptops were no longer needed at Peak so it was decided to donate them as part of the company’s “Giving Something Back Scheme”.

Students on the IT Network Infrastructure Technician course at Chesterfield College are going to take the laptops, perform another reset and wipe them, before installing a new operating system.

Once the laptops have gone through the resetting process, the college will work with charities in the local area to distribute the laptops to families and groups that need them the most. The recipients will often be people who don’t have access to a computer or laptop.

The donation also provides the opportunity to develop the skills of the college’s students and helps Peak Indicators to contribute and support the local community. It has also prevented waste going to landfill.

Kenneth Neilson, Managing Director of Peak Indicators said: “I am delighted that we can recycle our laptops in such a way that they will make a huge difference to those that need them most in the local community once reprovisioned by the students at Chesterfield College.”

Piers Ching of Chesterfield College commented: “I wanted to say again many many thanks for your donation, it’s contributions like this that are genuinely life changing for families and individuals”.

Peak Indicators is a visionary Data Services, Data Science & Advanced Analytics consultancy based in Chesterfield. The company brings together a diverse and passionate team with best-in-breed technologies and methods to deliver innovative solutions that drive transformational results.

The firm believes data can be a force for good; helping people make better decisions and helping companies grow.

Peak Indicators supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Council seeks training provider for new Staveley Construction Skills Hub

Chesterfield Borough Council has published an exciting tender opportunity in order to secure a training provider for the Staveley Construction Skills Hub.

The Hub will provide an innovative on-site construction training facility where trainees can benefit from practical skills development in a wide variety of construction occupational areas on a live construction site in Mastin Moor.

Initially the Skills Hub will provide training in site and bench joinery, brickwork, ground works and electrical installation but in time the offer will expand to include training in retrofit and green technologies. It will be open to school leavers and other residents seeking to train or retrain.

There will also be a careers insight programme, which will be developed in collaboration with local schools, and opportunities for work experience to help young people make informed decisions about their futures.

The first cohort of learners will be engaged from the Autumn term 2022 with the training compound expected to be fully operational from September 2023.

Funding for the Construction Skills Hub has been allocated through the Staveley Town Deal and the land for the site has been provided by the Devonshire Group who are the developer for the major housing site.

The £25 million Staveley Town Deal is a significant milestone for the range of projects that will receive funding through the Towns Fund, which are being delivered by a variety of organisations including Chesterfield Borough Council, Derbyshire County Council, Staveley Town Council, Barrow Hill Community Trust, Chesterfield Canal Trust, Staveley Miners Welfare Football Club and Tawnywood Ltd.

Together the projects offer a once in a lifetime opportunity to improve the quality of life for residents, create new employment opportunities with higher level skills, ensure it is a place where everyone can be proud to live and guarantee that the town and its residents have a bright future ahead – supporting Staveley as a place to start, stay and grow.

The deadline for tenders is Friday 19 August, more information about the tender can be found on Source Derbyshire.


recruiting apprentices

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Chesterfield celebrates National Manufacturing Day 2022

We are celebrating manufacturers across Chesterfield today, as National Manufacturing Day 2022 is marked around the UK.

If you look closely, you’ll discover there is a strong manufacturing network in Chesterfield, helping to provide quality jobs, skills and growth to the local economy.

Destination Chesterfield helps to support the sector, by hosting the regular Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Manufacturing Forum.

The idea for Manufaturing Day 2022 came from Make UK, the manufacturers organisation. CEO Stephen Phipson commented: “This is a sector with amazing opportunities and we hope this first National Manufacturing Day will give people who have never had the chance to see inside their local businesses just what is going on and the opportunities available to them.”

We’ve pulled together a roundup of some of the great activity our local manufacturers have been getting involved with recently, showing the range of initiatives taking place amongst sector leaders in Chesterfield.

If you’re taking part in any activity on the day, we’d love to hear from you! Tag us in your social media posts at @DesChes on Twitter, or on the Destination Chesterfield Facebook and Linkedin pages.

MTM Products to open its doors to visitors

To mark the occasion, Local firm MTM Products Ltd is opening its doors to the whole community, showcasing potential careers and jobs on offer and running ‘through the keyhole’ tours of the business throughout the day.

MTM Products has been part of the Chesterfield community, manufacturing plastic labels & signs, aluminium and stainless-steel nameplates, graphic overlays and vinyl cut decals to OEM’s in the UK and EU for over 40 years. Along with other manufacturers from across the UK joining companies from aerospace to food and drink, the company will host a gigantic celebration to showcase production operations, how the company works and to put on a series of fun events throughout the day. Visitors will be able to talk directly to members of staff about how the firm’s operations work and what opportunities there might be available in the business.

Mark Niblett, Managing Director – Designate of MTM Products said: “We are delighted to be taking part in National Manufacturing Day showcasing our products, processes, tools and people. National Manufacturing Day gives us an opportunity to open our doors to interact with students, teachers and career advisors to visit our manufacturing facilities, showcasing the exciting opportunities of offer and ‘get behind the scenes of success’.

“As a growing company, we are continuously seeking creative designers and innovative engineers to get involved and help us to produce customer specific products. Our company can offer a diverse range of career opportunities from administration and logistics, design, engineering, finance, marketing and communication, product development, production, research and more.

“We are looking forward to local residents, school students and parents visit us for a day. Visitors will be able to meet our team and hear first-hand what inspired them to join us.”

Manufacturing leaders of tomorrow

Chesterfield is home to a number of apprentices working in the manufacturing and engineering sector.

If you are interested in a career in manufacturing, check out this blog where you can learn more about the roles in the sector from current apprentices as they talk about their career.

Made in Chesterfield campaign to inspire the next generation of manufacturers

Made in Chesterfield is a celebration of the manufacturing, engineering, science and technology industries and careers in the town.  The campaign looks to inspire the next generation to the industry, with businesses, schools and training providers coming together to showcase the sector.

Tours of local manufacturing businesses for schools are taking place once again this year. These tours allow students to discover more about Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths careers in and around Chesterfield.

Manufacturers involved in Made In Chesterfield include: CBE+, United Cast Bar, Superior Wellness, MSE Hiller, Penny Hydraulics, Aztec Oils and Weightron Bilanciai.

A Business drop-in session will take place at United Cast Bar on Thursday 14th July  for businesses to learn more about getting involved with the initiative. Local businesses in the manufacturing, engineering, property and construction sectors can book a place here.

CBE+ will host a tour of its factory as part of a ‘Backing Britain’ event

On Friday, 8th August Chesterfield Champion, CBE+ is set to host a tour of its factory, alongside business networking as part of a ‘Backing Britain’ Live breakfast event.

CBE+ are leaders in electroless nickel plating, precision engineering, gear cutting and laboratory testing, wire EDM, assembly, surface treatment & pressure testing.

Superior Wellness listed in the FEBE 100 growth index

Chesterfield’s Superior Wellness ranks 18th on the Growth 100: an annual list that reveals Britain’s fastest-growing privately owned businesses in the country where the founder or founders are still involved.

Superior Wellness leads the market as the world’s fastest growing hot tub manufacturer, creating premium, high quality products focused on improving your health and well-being.

In 2021 Superior Wellness moved into its brand-new headquarters in Chesterfield and has also recently opened a 10,000 sq. ft showroom with training facilities. The team headcount has also doubled to almost 70.

Chesterfield Manufacturers listed in Derbyshire’s top 200 businesses

A recent list of the top 200 businesses in Derbyshire, compiled by researchers at the University of Derby shone a light on the scale of Chesterfield’s manufacturing and engineering sector.

Included in the list were industry-leading firms based in our town, such as Robinson, Global Brands, Atlas Copco, Coster Aerosols, Xtratherm UK and many more.

Find out more about the list here.

East Midlands Chamber’s Manufacturing Support Network

Manufacturers across the East Midlands are being invited to join a new region-wide, business-led support network, which began in March 2022.

The East Midlands Manufacturing Network aims to help manufacturers share best practices and experience in a trusted peer environment; focus on issues and challenges that are a priority for manufacturing businesses; better understand the financial support on offer for their industry; and tap into specialist consultancy and advice on regulation and compliance.

Diane Beresford, deputy chief executive of East Midlands Chamber, said: “The East Midlands is a region with a strong manufacturing heritage and with the potential to have an equally strong future. What better way to secure the future success of manufacturing in our region than by bringing together key knowledge and skills to form a dedicated, supportive peer network. That’s why it’s so important the Chamber leads on this.”

Robinson celebrates 1st full year of sustainability pledge

Robinson, the manufacturer specialising in value-added custom packaging – is celebrating the successful first anniversary of its Sustainability Pledge.

Helene Roberts, CEO, says: “Our sustainability pledge helps bring our purpose to life – going above and beyond to create a sustainable future for our people and our planet. This underpins our business strategy and is focused on five pillars and 15 ambitious commitments which are woven into the fabric of our business. We have achieved many of our goals ahead of time and we are proud to celebrate a very successful first year”.

People successes included the introduction of a ‘People development plan’, Zero accidents and proactively championing employee health and wellbeing. An organisational culture survey for the entire workforce compared Robinson to some of the world’s most successful businesses identifying strengths which led to more teamwork and empowerment.

Other activities included enhanced employee communication, a diversity plan to ensure Robinson benefits from a variety of perspectives, skills and backgrounds, and investment in people development and training.

Pinelog moves to Chesterfield, bringing 30 new manufacturing jobs to the town

A leading manufacturer of timber holiday lodges and buildings, Pinelog Ltd, has relocated its production facility from Bakewell to Chesterfield and created 30 new manufacturing jobs in the town.

Nick Grayson, Chairman of Pinelog Group, a family-owned business which also owns Landal Darwin Forest and Landal Sandybrook Holiday Parks and employs approximately 240 people, made the announcement at the annual Celebrate Chesterfield event held on Wednesday 23 March at the Winding Wheel.

Known as a pioneer in the holiday park sector, the move to Chesterfield marks the end of Pinelog’s 10-year ambition to modernise their premises.

Corrugated Case Company marks 25 years of success

A Chesterfield-based manufacturer specialising in the production of sustainable packaging designs is celebrating 25 years of continued success.

Corrugated Case Company was set up in 1997 and over the years has offered packaging solutions to a number of clients, becoming an established presence within the corrugated market.

As a celebration for the firm’s 25th anniversary, it is hosting a competition for local junior schools to create innovative designs.

Laura Woolley, Internal Sales Co-Ordinator said: “We have given the school a task to complete by the 18th July, where they can either tie in with existing projects or make it a bit of fun before the summer holidays the winners will be drawn on the 20th July digitally.

“Once we have received all the entries in, we will share photos and recognition for there efforts via our social media platforms for taking part. Not only does it allow them to win a prize but its also nice for them to share in our 25th year anniversary celebrations and feel its worthy of sharing with the younger generation.

“It is very important to us to inspire the younger generation and we always do our best to help where we can within the local community.

Pronto Paints supports Wellbeing Challenge for Chesterfield Residents and businesses

Chesterfield’s Pronto Paints is working alongside the organisers of the Redbrik Chesterfield 10k race to promote healthy lifestyles among the town’s business community.

The Wellbeing Challenge offers local businesses the opportunity to gain 10 percent discount on Chesterfield 10k entry fees, as well as recognition from the 10k stakeholders as an organisation that promotes and supports a healthy lifestyle and mental health wellbeing.

David Beckford, Managing Director of Pronto Paints, said: “We’re delighted to sponsor the Wellbeing Challenge once again, after many years of involvement. It’s a great incentive for staff of local businesses like ours to create a running goal and stick to a training plan, while encouraging team members to get stuck into some healthy competition.”

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New retailer now open at Chesterfield’s Vicar Lane Shopping Centre

Chesterfield’s Vicar Lane Shopping Centre has welcomed ‘One Beyond’ to it’s diverse range of retailers, as the store opened its doors in a prominent town centre location.

The new discount store officially opened on Friday, created by the original founders of national chain Poundworld. The popular brand has taken over the former TJ Hughes store near St James’ Square.

One Beyond will offer thousands of essential items across many departments including essential cleaning, groceries, medical, home, pet care, health, beauty and DIY. Many items will be priced at £1 and under but as the name suggests there will be some incredible bargains to be had for £1 and beyond.

The ribbon was officially cut outside the shop last Friday, with the store greeting it’s first 100 shoppers with a small freebie to celebrate the launch.

Sarah Bowler from Vicar Lane said: “We are always really pleased to welcome new tenants to the centre. It was great to support One Beyond with their opening launch and to see so many local faces coming out to be the first inside the doors. Being able to fill an empty unit in the current climate and offer variety for Vicar Lane shoppers is paramount and so we wish One Beyond every success in their first quarter trading – and beyond!”

Based in the heart of Chesterfield, Vicar Lane Shopping Centre is  home to a range of popular high-street retailers and a mix of unique independent stores. Find out more about the centre, and shopping in Chesterfield here.

Vicar Lane shopping centre supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Peak Pharmacy set to move to ultra-modern headquarters in North Derbyshire

Work has begun in Derbyshire to build a new ultra-modern headquarters for Peak Pharmacy, which will process millions of prescriptions per year for their patients.

Called Project Horizon, the multi-million pound venture at Markham Vale near junction 29A of the M1 signals a new chapter for the Chesterfield-based company.

The new Pharmacy Service Centre will handle prescriptions and dispatch medicines for the firm’s 150 community pharmacies across England. Prescriptions will be assembled for individual patients, then either delivered to local pharmacies for collection the next day, or direct to patients’ homes.

The facility will use state-of-the-art robots and automated systems to support staff handling over 400,000 medicines and other prescribed items every month – that’s 20,000 a day, more than 40 every minute.

Peak Pharmacy’s move is in response to caps in Government funding, which mean that pharmacy businesses are having to be more efficient in how they handle prescriptions. Centralising the process will also free up local pharmacists and Peak Pharmacy staff to provide other services for patients, such as vaccinations, blood pressure checks and healthy living advice.

Managing Director Joe Cattee, whose parents Peter and Jane founded Peak Pharmacy in 1981, said: “These are ambitious plans for our company, staff and customers – in the face of a rapidly changing pharmacy landscape.

“This will be transformational for us. We’re investing now to future-proof our business, so that we can continue to provide great local customer service which means so much to us.”

The new hub is due to open in April next year. It will house up to 100 staff, with the potential to grow into a 24-hour operation in future.

Peak Pharmacy is planning to be in a position to offer a centralised dispensing service to other independent pharmacies which don’t have the resources to develop their own centralised service, should the legislation allowing this change in the near future.

Mr Cattee added: “We’re inviting other pharmacies to contact us now, so we can show them how our hub can benefit them too.”

The company is investing more than £20m on Project Horizon, a significant proportion of which will be spent on automation technology. Around 40% of all prescriptions can be processed in this way.

The project will replace five smaller existing Peak Pharmacy sites in Derbyshire.  The new hub, on the site of the former Coalite coking plant in Bolsover, will:

  • Cover 113,000 square feet
  • Have a continued focus on sustainability, with energy efficiency measures, electric charge points for colleague and business vehicles, major tree-planting and a bat box
  • Provide an excellent working environment for staff, including a canteen and leisure facilities

Peak Pharmacy supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Derbyshire North Careers Hub celebrates achievements of schools, colleges and businesses

The achievements of a young adult with special educational needs who has secured himself an internship at Chesterfield Royal Hospital – plus an aspiring female electrician engineer – were recognised at an event held to celebrate businesses and educators who have worked together to support hundreds of students in Derbyshire.

The Derbyshire North Careers Hub brings local employers together to work with schools and colleges to support their careers programmes which enable students to choose what they would like to do next, while also ensuring school and college leavers have the skills needed by employers in the region.

Part of a national programme funded by the Careers and Enterprise Company and the Department for Education – and managed locally by D2N2 LEP – the Derbyshire North Careers Hub works with more than 30 schools and colleges as students prepare for their best next steps.

The event, which was held at The Whitworth in Darley Dale, was the first face-to-face meeting the Hub has had since being launched pre-lockdown, in February 2020. Students from The Highfields School, in Matlock, supported on the day.

Eighteen-year-old Jamie, a pupil at Alfreton Park Community Special School, gained valuable work experience with the Woodhead Group; a family-owned group of companies specialising in construction.

He was one of four pupils from the school who took part in a seven-week Supported Insight Scheme, through the Direct Education Business Partnership and part funded by the Careers Hub,  shadowing core areas of the business, visiting sites being developed by the Woodhead Group and spending time in their head office, in Edwinstowe, Mansfield where they were involved in real-life work place tasks such as keeping the building site safe and even brick laying.

Sarah Cutler is programme manager for Direct Education Business Partnership’s special educational needs programmes, supporting various SEND schools in the Derbyshire North Careers Hub. She worked closely with Alfreton Park Community Special School and Woodhead Group.

“Jamie has been a pupil at Alfreton Park since the age of four and, by his own admission, 14 years later, he feels that he needs a change to help with his personal development and wellbeing,” said Sarah.

“He flourished under the guidance of Matt Bust at Woodhead Group, who are one of our Cornerstone group employers and huge supporters of the project. The work experience helped him to gain the confidence he needed to gain a place on an internship at Chesterfield Royal Hospital which, hopefully, can be transferred into paid employment in 12 months’ time.

“On average, the percentage of young people with a Learning Disability in the D2N2 area that is in employment is 1.8%. We need to increase this figure by providing opportunities for these people and working together.

“This figure will increase – it won’t happen overnight – if we continue to do what we are doing.”

As well as being Business Support Manager at Woodhead Group, Matt Bust is enterprise advisor for The Bolsover School – who provided musical entertainment at the event. He said: “We structured each session for the students, and they took part in various tasks that are all relevant to our business.

“We noticed how they had grown and developed throughout the programme. It was a pilot programme, so we had no idea how it would be received, and we had to have flexibility when delivering the project to overcome issues such as covid and transport.

“But it was a huge success and we learned so much from the programme.”

As well as construction, other industries represented in the Careers Hub include healthcare and engineering. Projects that have been funded include Future Makers, Creators, Designers and Builders which brings together a local group of companies from those sectors. Students are given the opportunity to learn about the careers in these industries, plus the pathways into them.

Emma Dando, careers lead at St Mary’s Catholic High School, in Chesterfield, praised the Future Makers scheme, which has played a key role in launching the career of pupil Millie Liversedge.

Millie was mentored by Katie Burnham, who works for construction and property development company Henry Boot.

“I am absolutely delighted for Millie,” she said, “she will leave St Mary’s at the end of Year 12 to take up and apprenticeship with Western Power which, for Millie, is a dream job.

“The Future Makers project gave her the confidence to interview for the apprenticeship and this is definitely the right career path for her.”

The Derbyshire North Careers Hub is part of a national network of hubs, driven by the Careers & Enterprise Company. Evidence published by the company in October last year showed Career Hubs had accelerated overall careers education progress and performance by 56% in 12 months.

When it launched, the Hub worked with 21 schools and colleges but has expanded and now supports 35 schools and colleges. During lockdown, employers found innovative ways to continue working with schools, holding virtual events and sessions so that students could be supported in choosing their next step after education.

One of those employers, Fortem, delivered an interactive workshop during this time to Ashgate Croft – the first time that the property solutions experts have worked with a special school.

Marie Cooper, Group CEO of CBE+, explained the impact of the Cornerstone group of employers; a group of flagship businesses – including Fortem – carrying out exemplary work to support schools and colleges develop careers programmes and then sharing their best practice with others.

She said: “If we don’t engage as businesses in educating and inspiring the young people in Derbyshire, then who is going to be running these businesses in the future?

“The only way we can do that powerfully is to collaborate; collaborate as companies, education partners, schools and colleges.

“There are some businesses, responsible businesses in Derbyshire, but there are some that need educating. I hear that they haven’t got the resources or they’re too busy to do this; but there is so much support out there for those of all levels.”

Lana Jay, Strategic Careers Hub Lead at D2N2, added: “It was great to celebrate the amazing work that is happening across the Derbyshire North Careers Hub.

“Since our launch, we have developed stronger relationships with schools and colleges we support, and we have increased engagement with businesses in the local area and strengthened our local authority and partner relationships.

“This event was a chance to celebrate the successes and showcase some of those fantastic projects that have taken place.”

Derbyshire North Careers Hub, Woodhead Group. CBE+, Fortem, Chesterfield Royal Hospital, DEBP and Mortgage 1st support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Chesterfield firms included in England’s top 50 SME apprentice employers

Chesterfield barbers Less Than Zero has been included in the annual list of top 50 best SME apprenticeship employers across the country.

The business based on Soresby Street in the town centre ranked 36th in England for taking on and developing apprentices.

The Top 50 SME Apprenticeship Employers 2022 recognises leading small & medium-sized apprenticeship employers for their commitment to employing apprentices, their creation of new apprenticeships, the diversity of their new apprentices, and the progression of their apprentices onto further apprenticeships and employment.

The new annual rankings have been developed by the Department for Education, in partnership with High Fliers Research.

Martin Wallis-Keyworth, Owner of Less Than Zero commented: “We are over the moon. To know that we’d been nominated for it at all was amazing. We then knew we were finalists for the Top 100 then invited to an online TV announcement but we still thought we’d hadn’t been successful and when we hadn’t reached the 51 to 100 we actually logged off.

“That evening we looked at our emails and had 120 unread messages we knew something had happened and the first email we saw was a congratulations from the “Investors In People”.”

Martin explained how his business has worked with its apprentices to achieve the accolade: “It’s about the mindset of the apprentice and the employer being as one. Added to this a supportive and professional learning provider. We’ve been partners of the best for over 4 years now, Realise Training who were given the amazing accolade of Apprentice Training Provider 2022.

“Apprentices are the life blood of the company as they are the next generation of talent. We are always on the lookout to grow our team both in numbers but more importantly talent therefore in terms of people we ensure everyone has a Personal Development Plan and the necessary support in the company to ensure that’s understood and delivered. ”

For businesses considering taking on an apprentice in Chesterfield, Martin had the following advice: “Apprentices aren’t right for all business or put it more specifically, not every business of right for an apprentice.

“There’s a level of maturity needed within the business and also within the apprentice to understand Apprenticeships aren’t a quick fix they are part of a long journey of continual development and that sticking with it is what’s needed. Within my business sector, barbering, it offers learners and new entrants and amazing opportunity to have an amazing lifelong skill, have fun, have opportunities opened up that only superstars can dream of and earn great money.

“We try and empower our apprentices whether that’s a work experience starter on an NVQ Level 1  or a manager within the business on a Level 6.”

Meanwhile fellow Chesterfield company, Clee Hill Plant were also named in the list, with the firm ranking highest out of all plant hire companies in the UK.

Clee Hill has maintained a successful Apprentice Scheme for over twenty-five years which is an important element of its Business Development Strategy for the future.

Gavin Kirk, HR Manager, said: “Clee Hill Plant has a long history of supporting apprentices through their training programmes and enabling them to obtain a nationally recognised qualification in plant maintenance and repair.

“We are extremely proud of our apprenticeship pass rate and retention, with over 40 per cent of our operational employees either undergoing apprenticeship training or having completed their programme and choosing to continue their career with Clee Hill Plant.

“Apprentices who have completed their apprenticeships with us have progressed to become highly competent and experienced Plant Engineers, either workshop based or mobile.

“We offer a three-year advanced apprenticeship in plant maintenance and repair with training taking place ‘on the job’ and through block release at college.”

To find out more about apprenticeships in Chesterfield, go to:

Less Than Zero supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


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Dozens of Chesterfield companies among Derbyshire’s top 200 businesses

It has been revealed by the University of Derby that 40 Chesterfield businesses are among the top 200 firms in Derbyshire.

Researchers from the University’s Business School have compiled the list, which ranks all active, private sector businesses in Derby and Derbyshire by turnover — a simple but powerful indicator of business growth and relative positioning.

It showcases some of the companies driving the local economy and highlights interesting growth sectors and place-based clusters.

Angela Tooley, Enterprise Development Manager at the University of Derby, said: “Derby and Derbyshire are home to global brands, as well as locally owned high growth companies from a diverse range of sectors, which are at the forefront of innovation in UK growth areas such as decarbonisation, clean growth, digital and export of services.

“This research further confirms the strength of the area’s businesses, particularly as many of them are based outside of our main towns and city. This makes their contribution to the regional economy even more important, through providing high-quality employment and buying goods and services from local supply chains, many of whom are SMEs.”

The Top 200 has been compiled from publicly available information for the financial period 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020, including data from Companies House and the Fame database. It therefore doesn’t show the full effects of the pandemic, which will become more apparent in the 2023 listing.

To qualify, companies must have:

  • been active during 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020 (i.e. not in receivership or dormant)
  • had their registered office based in the region
  • reported independent accounts to Companies House for the period 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020

Professor Kamil Omoteso, Pro Vice-Chancellor Dean of the College of Business, Law and Social Sciences at the University of Derby, added: “As the University’s profile and impact within the business community continues to grow and we move forward with our plans for our city-based Derby Business School, it’s fantastic to see such strong, thriving businesses, many that the University works closely with, recognised in the list.”

The Chesterfield businesses included in the list are:

  • Avant Homes Group – 13
  • GI Recruitment – 17
  • University of Derby – 27
  • Avanti Gas – 36
  • Vesuvius – 39
  • BI Group -53
  • Eyre and Elliston Holdings -60
  • Xtratherm UK – 68
  • Global Brands (GBL) Holdings – 78
  • Hillcare Holdings – 88
  • Derbyshire Support and Facilities Services Ltd. – 89
  • Heathcotes Group – 90
  • Caldic UK – 100
  • Proact IT UK – 102
  • Designer Contracts – 103
  • James Convenience Retail -109
  • Tenant Metallurgical Group Holdings Limited – 110
  • Xbite – 111
  • PR Marriott Drilling Ltd. – 120
  • United Rental Group – 122
  • Utopia Holdings -127
  • Capital Refactories – 130
  • Robinson PLC-  133
  • Bridgstock – 134
  • Evolution Funding Group – 135
  • UK Egg Centre – 136
  • CMC Chesterfield – 137
  • Magnavale – 141
  • Lubriacnt Holdings (Midlands) – 143
  • Aperam Stainless Services and Solutions UK – 152
  • Dormer Pramet – 162
  • Atlas Copco Medical – 164
  • Meter Provida Holdco – 169
  • Minorfern Ltd. – 174
  • Versus Arthritis – 176
  • Cathelco – 189
  • Moorhen Holdings – 190
  • Foseco International – 191
  • Coster Aerosols – 194
  • HRE Newco – 199

Find out more about all the companies in the list here.

Invest in Chesterfield and you will join businesses from world-leading manufacturers to multinational communication companies.  Enterprises of every kind already benefit from our positive approach and superb travel links.

A number of businesses featured in the list support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire. These include: Avant Homes, University of Derby, Global Brands, Robinson PLC, SDL Minorfern.

Markham Vale business park, Located off J29a of the M1 Motorway

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North Derbyshire in the running to recieve several new rail stations

A proposal to reopen existing rail lines to passengers bringing the potential to build up to four new stations in North Derbyshire are steaming ahead with project leaders working with Network Rail to get the plans moving.

Derbyshire County Council has confirmed it is working with South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority and Network Rail to develop the business case to reopen the current, freight-only Barrow Hill line between Chesterfield and Sheffield to passengers.

If the outline project gets the green light at the next stage, it will signal the start of work to reintroduce passenger trains on the line and build up to 4 new stations in Derbyshire at Whittington, Staveley Barrow Hill, Eckington / Renishaw, and Killamarsh.

Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Environment, Councillor Carolyn Renwick, said: “This is all part of the Levelling Up agenda and we’re pleased that Government has recognised the need to reintroduce passenger services along these two routes.

“Significant new employment and housing development is already planned along the Barrow Hill Line route with long-overdue investment in this part of Derbyshire kick-started by the Staveley Town Deal.

“Re-opening both lines would build on this momentum, making it easier for people to travel to work, education, and healthcare, cutting congestion, improving air quality, and promoting greener travel as part of our commitment to cut carbon emissions to help tackle climate change.”

It is anticipated that the next stage of work by Network Rail should take approximately 4 months to complete.

The £25 million Staveley Town Deal offers a once in a lifetime opportunity to improve the quality of life for residents, create new employment opportunities with higher level skills, ensure it is a place where everyone can be proud to live and guarantee that the town and its residents have a bright future ahead – supporting Staveley as a place to start, stay and grow.

Meanwhile, Chesterfield Borough Council’s plans for development around Chesterfield station are well advanced, as set out in the recently approved Station Masterplan. The ambitious plans are set to transform the area between the town centre and Chesterfield Train Station – creating a vibrant gateway to North Derbyshire and setting out potential sites to create around 850 new jobs. Find out more here.


Chesterfield Railway Station at Night

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