People in North Derbyshire are being encouraged to a make a will this August as part of Ashgate Hospicecare’s Make a Will Month campaign.
The hospice has partnered with BRM Solicitors who are waiving their usual fees during August and instead they are asking clients to consider a voluntary donation to Ashgate Hospicecare.
The choice and amount to give is up to the client, but for a simple single will a suggested donation is just £75, and £150 for a mirror will for a couple.
Jack Wood, Head of Fundraising at Ashgate Hospicecare, said: “The past 18 months have been a challenging time for us all, with the pandemic making us painfully aware of our own mortality.
“Making a will is an important part of making sure that our affairs are in order and ensuring our loved ones are cared for. It enables us to put plans in place so that we can get on with living and make the most of the time we have.
“Ashgate’s Make a Will Month allows you to do that for free.”
Ashgate Hospicecare is an independent charity that provides free care and support to patients with a life-limiting illness, and their families across North Derbyshire, both at the hospice and in the community.
Currently, one in five people are cared for thanks to money left in wills, but as the number of people with life-limiting illnesses increases, demand for the services continues to grow.
Ashgate must raise £7 million over and above NHS funding, with the hospice reporting losses of more than £3 million in planned fundraising income because of the pandemic.
Jack added: “While there is no obligation to leave a gift in your will, or make a donation to Ashgate, we hope people will consider leaving a legacy.
“By choosing to leave money to Ashgate, you are helping us safeguard our future and ensure we can continue to support families in years to come when they need us the most.”
Supporters can make their will at BRM’s conveniently located Chesterfield office, with disabled access and free parking. In addition, free home, hospital and hospice visits are being offered to those physically unable to attend the office.
Jack added: “We’d like to say a huge thank you to BRM Solicitors for supporting Make a Will Month and offering such a vital service to our community.”
To find out more about Make a Will Month, and to make an appointment, go to: or call 01246 555 111
BRM Solicitors and Ashgate Hospicecare support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.