
Sorbus Finance announces move to Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre

A Chesterfield finance broker, which supports businesses to get the best deals on vehicles, premises, equipment and cash flow solutions has moved into the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre, one of the town’s flagship office developments.

Sorbus Finance was founded in September 2021, and has developed relationships which allows the firm to access a panel of over 70 lenders.

The company’s aim is to support local firms in gaining extra capital and profits to re-invest in their businesses, employees and local communities.

Sorbus Finance is able to support the town’s business community, ranging from start-ups through to some of the largest businesses in the area turning over £10M+.

Speaking on the move to the Enterprise Centre, Director Arran Turner commented: “Having grown up in Chesterfield I have always seen the potential in the town and the commitment that the business community in Chesterfield puts in to continually pushing for a better future.

“We have one of the best locations to conduct business with great links to the rest of the country, and the developments we can see around the town at the moment are a great visual advert for what we can look forward to in the years to come.

Following the success of Sorbus Finance’s first 12 months of business, the firm wanted to find suitable premises which was not only cost-effective and convenient, but also provided a home for for the future.

Arran said: “From the first time I viewed the Enterprise Centre, it was clear that this was right for my business. The modern and spacious offices, the great team that runs the centre and the other businesses located in the building all take great pride in the space, and want to see each other succeed. Alongside this, the location is perfect for us, close to the railway station, coach station, town centre amenities and road links.

“Chesterfield is thriving and stakeholders investing in Chesterfield have a clear vision for its future. Chesterfield is home to a diverse range of business and industries ranging from Manufacturing, Professional Services, Hospitality, Agriculture and so much more!

“The decision to stay in Chesterfield as opposed to moving towards Sheffield or Nottingham was an easy choice for me, I want to be part of the future of this town and everything it is looking to achieve.”

Over the next 12 months, Sorbus Finance aims to grow its team at different skill levels and is now engaging with local education providers. On top of this, the company is committing to Chesterfield in part of its ‘giving back’ programme, and will shortly be looking to find charitable partners it can work alongside, in addition to supporting one-off events.

Further to the financial brokerage, Sorbus Finance has developed an additional brand, The Lease Hub, which specifically helps businesses and private individuals navigate vehicle leasing in an easy-to-use format.

Arran added: “We are already helping local business move towards Electric Vehicles for the first time, grow their fleet of vehicles and ensure that their employees are travelling in cost-effective, safe and reliable transport.”

For more information of the services offered by Sorbus Finance, visit the company’s website. 

More than 80% of the offices available at Chesterfield’s Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre have now been let, within just over a year of its opening. Find out more about the modern, affordable office space available in Chesterfield.

Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre

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Government announces £20 million boost for Chesterfield

Chesterfield is set to benefit from £20 million over the next 10 years, as part of further government levelling up investment being provided to 55 towns across the UK.

Under the new approach, local people will be put in charge, and given the tools to change their town’s long-term future. They will:

  • Receive a ten-year endowment-style fund to be spent on local people’s priorities, like regenerating local high streets and town centres or securing public safety.
  • Set up a Town Board to bring together community leaders, employers and local authorities to deliver the Long-Term Plan for their town and put it to local people for consultation.

The funding follows a £25 million investment awarded to Chesterfield by the government’s levelling-up fund to revitalise Chesterfield town centre and the historic Stephenson Memorial Hall.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and Vice-Chair of Destination Chesterfield, said: “This is good news for Chesterfield, which builds on our success in securing Levelling Up Fund funding for the restoration of Stephenson Memorial Hall and for revitalising our historic market grounds and high streets.

“The announcement also reflects the positive work that we have been engaged in over the past 12 months with the Government’s High Streets Task Force.

“Our aspiration is to strengthen the distinctive character and vibrancy of our town centres. Whilst we await the detail, the availability of additional funding and powers to make it easier for residents and visitors to visit Chesterfield town centre, to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour and to make our town centre more attractive and accessible are to be welcomed.

“As the Government’s lead delivery partner, we will also be able to draw on our experience of bringing community leaders, businesspeople and representatives of other local bodies together to establish a new Towns Board, which would mirror that which the council has already established to oversee delivery of the £25.2m Staveley Town Deal.

“We must and will take advantage of all such opportunities. We want our town centres to be competitive, sustainable, safe, and dynamic places that create new openings for local people and support employment and housing growth, and from which visitors can explore the borough and surrounding areas.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield, commented: “This extra funding for our high streets is extremely welcome, and will help to continue the ongoing work already taking place to regenerate our town centre.

“In Chesterfield, we’re already looking forward to several major improvements in the next few years, including a revitalised market, a refurbished Stephenson Memorial Hall and improvements to the connections between key points of interest across the heart of the town.

“Whilst celebrating the magnificent history and heritage of our town centre, we must also be aware that high streets must constantly adapt to changes to ensure their relevance today, and in the future.

“Destination Chesterfield is committed to working alongside partners and businesses in championing our town as an excellent location to work, live, visit and invest.

East Midlands Chamber chief executive Scott Knowles said: “It’s promising to see a renewed focus on driving forward towns, which are inhabited by a large portion of our population and have a significant role to play in a successful and thriving economy.

“The changing face of towns, much like in cities, has created challenges in how we ensure they are fit for purpose as places for living, working and spending leisure time.

“A Long-Term Plan for Towns therefore feels like a vision our country has lacked for a long time in order to deliver on their economic potential.

“Local decision-making by those who know the area is crucial to this and gives us the best opportunity to create good jobs for local people, breathe new life into neglected places and unlock wider economic growth that benefits everyone.”

Located in the centre of the UK and sat on the edge of the Peak District National Park, Chesterfield is a great strategic location for your business. Find out more about investment opportunities in Chesterfield.

Chesterfield Market at Christmas


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Family-friendly fireworks event to return to Chesterfield’s Stand Road Park

Chesterfield Borough Council is again working with Chesterfield Football Club to deliver the family-friendly fireworks event in Stand Road Park.

1866 Sport, Chesterfield FC’s in-house radio station, will deliver the entertainment at this year’s event with Becky Measures hosting on the night. Confirmed acts include the return of the Disney Princesses performing well-known songs. The fireworks theme will be decades, with the display set to popular sing-along songs from the 60s through to present day.

The event takes place on Friday 3 November, the gates will open at 4.30pm and the event ends at 9pm.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “It is fantastic to be working with Chesterfield Football Club and Becky Measures again to put on this popular family friendly event. We’re excited that some of the popular acts from last year are returning including the meet and greet with the Disney Princesses – come along early to make sure you don’t miss the chance to win Disney on Ice tickets. Please wrap up warm, wear suitable footwear and join in the family fun.”

Bridget Ball, Chesterfield FC’s marketing manager, said: “We are delighted to be working with Chesterfield Borough Council once again. We will be promoting the event via 1866 Sport in the build-up and then delivering some great entertainment on the night. We can’t wait to see everyone there!”

Becky Measures added: “I am so looking forward to hosting what is probably the biggest event in Chesterfield. I had a the pleasure of hosting this event for many years in my Peak FM days and I can’t wait to be back with the community of Chesterfield and my home town. The event at Stand Road has always been the one to look forward to and I’m honoured to be a part of it.”

Entry to the event is £3 per person but free for children under five. Entry is cash only and please make sure you bring the correct money as change cannot be given.

This is a family friendly event, alcohol, fireworks and sparklers are prohibited items and will be confiscated if found.

Parking for the event will be available at Chesterfield FC’s SMH Group Stadium for a donation of £5 per car, which will help cover the cost of stewards with any excess being given to Chesterfield FC Community Trust.

There is also a bus stop on Sheffield Road which is less than a two-minute walk from the park, find more details about bus services that stop here on the Stagecoach website.

The fireworks extravaganza is one of a series of events organised by Chesterfield Borough Council. Find out more about upcoming events taking place across the town here.

More information about entertainment and safety at the event will be available on the Chesterfield Borough Council website.

Chesterfield Football Club and Chesterfield Borough Council support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Stand Road Fireworks

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Plans for the regeneration of Staveley town centre released as additional funding confirmed

Revised proposals for the multi-million-pound regeneration of Staveley town centre have been released by Chesterfield Borough Council, following Government approval to allocate additional funding to the project.

The six-million-pound Staveley 21 project has been in development over the last year following publication of the Staveley Town Centre Vision Masterplan which received strong public support in November 2021.

The proposals – which are funded through the Staveley Town Deal – were shared at a meeting of Staveley Town Council on Tuesday night.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “We know everyone has been keen to see the council’s proposals for Staveley town centre and I’m delighted that we are now able to share these. As a package the proposals seek to enhance the town centre – opening it up for new uses that will encourage more people to visit whilst also supporting existing retailers, market traders and high street businesses.”

A range of visuals have been prepared to bring the proposals to life with a particular focus on the new pavilion building and how the marketplace will look and could be used by different audiences.

Staveley Pavilion Building artist impression

The new pavilion building sits between the Staveley Miners Welfare building and Staveley High Street. Of modern design but one that is also reflective of Staveley’s heritage, the building will form a striking new focal point in the heart of the town centre. Several uses for the building are currently being considered including as a potential site for Derbyshire County Council’s relocation of Staveley library and also for retail, leisure, and business start-up uses.

As an enlarged public open space, the marketplace will be designed as a flexible environment to support existing uses such as Staveley Town Council’s regular markets but also as a setting that can be used to host a wide range of new events to encourage more people to visit the town centre.

Tiered outdoor seating will be introduced to support outdoor theatre and open-air cinema screenings, and play equipment installed to help make the marketplace more attractive to families.

New paving, lighting, street furniture and planting will help create an enhanced atmosphere and visitor experience at any time of day or night whilst new signage will help connect the town centre with Staveley’s other visitor attractions including the Chesterfield Canal and Staveley Hall.

Staveley town centre regeneration artist impression

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, continued: “Town centres across the country are changing and our proposals reflect this need to adapt. We have already secured a main contractor to deliver the project and our aim is to achieve planning permission in Spring 2024. In line with the Government’s requirements, we plan to be on site in Autumn 2024 and for all of the construction work to have been completed by the end of 2025.

“Ahead of this, we are committed to carrying out extensive engagement on the proposals to ensure that we capture the views of all stakeholders and make appropriate adjustments ahead of submitting the necessary planning application.”

“We’re also still seeking applications for the shop front grant scheme which we launched in February. A total sum of £600k is available to support shop owners and landlords to make improvements to their premises.”

Ivan Fomin, chair of the Staveley Town Deal Board, said: “The delivery of the Staveley 21 project is a big first step towards realising the Staveley Town Centre Vision Masterplan which received strong public support in November 2021. It’s exciting to see Chesterfield Borough Council move the project forward move into this next phase, which reflects the Staveley Town Deal Board’s vision and ambition for Staveley town centre. These are significant proposals which will ensure Staveley town centre is a place where local people and visitors will want to spend time whilst also supporting local businesses to grow not only now but in the future.”

Updates about the Staveley 21 project, details about drop-in sessions for residents and businesses, and information on the Shop Front Improvement Grant Scheme will be available on the council’s website: www.chesterfield.gov.uk/staveley-21

Find out more about the Staveley Town Deal.

Chesterfield is perfectly located, with excellent transport links to enable your business to grow. To find out more about available opportunities in the area, go to our Invest in Chesterfield page.

Staveley town centre regeneration plans from above artist impression

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Investors praise Chesterfield’s location and lifestyle in new campaign

A series of short films celebrating small and medium-sized companies investing in Chesterfield during 2023 have been premiered online by Destination Chesterfield, the organisation responsible for promoting Derbyshire’s largest town as a place to invest, work, live and visit.

The Why Chesterfield, Why Now? films, which are being published and promoted across a range of online and social media channels, including YouTube and the Destination Chesterfield website, seek to inspire more businesses to locate in Chesterfield and attract investors to the Chesterfield Investment Summit, which will take place in October.

They feature four companies – ChargedEV, Rosewood Wealth Management, NeoDyne and Voeberg Hospitality – that have already created more than 100 jobs in Chesterfield and are expected to invest over £5.6 million in the town’s facilities over the next ten years.

All four business leaders featured in the films cited Chesterfield’s central location and transport connections as significant benefits of being located in the town. They also mentioned lifestyle, access to talent and a supportive investment environment as reasons to base businesses in Chesterfield.

Chesterfield will hold its eighth annual investment summit on 18 October 2023, which will outline the town’s growth strategy, detail new investment opportunities, and provide an update on development activities. More than 200 delegates, including domestic and commercial property investors and business leaders from the UK, are expected to attend the event, which is sponsored by East Midlands Chamber and Turner & Townsend.

Data shared in Chesterfield’s growth strategy, published in April 2023, show the town’s business population grew by more than a fifth (21 per cent) in the last decade and created 2,000 new jobs. Chesterfield aims to attract 400 more businesses and a further 2,000 jobs by 2030.

Matt Close, UK Business Lead at NeoDyne, an Irish industrial automation and electrical engineering company that opened its first UK office at Spire Walk in August, said: “There’s a huge benefit to be able to go and see our manufacturing customers and their processes. Getting to them easily and quickly is why we’ve opened the UK office, and Chesterfield is close to many areas that undertake manufacturing in the UK. There are good transport links from airports, public transport and the road network, a history of engineering excellence in the area, and several local universities we’re partnering with and have recruited from.”

Emily Smith, Director of Voeberg, the property investment company developing The Holywell Hotel in Chesterfield town centre, comments: “We moved from Scotland almost two years ago looking for a new investment area for our residential and commercial projects. Chesterfield was one of the first places we looked at because of the location, and it stood out because of the demand in the area. Chesterfield gave us that kind of local feeling that you don’t get in big cities and the ability to bring something new to the area. Going through this project, we’ve worked closely with the council, which has been massively supportive.”

Mark Pymm, Founder and Managing Director at ChargedEV, an electric vehicle chargepoint installation specialist which relocated to The HQ in March, comments: “We’re already one of the leading installers of EV charging points in the UK, and we expect to maintain that position. We needed new premises that allowed us to grow and scale our customer operations and office-based functions, and this building was prime for that. We chose to maintain a team in Chesterfield because of its transport links and central location, which offer easy access nationwide, and because of the diverse and talented range of people we can get here.”

Donna Robertson, Director of Rosewood Wealth Management, an independent financial advice company relocating to One Waterside Place, part of Chesterfield Waterside, comments: “Chesterfield has a great community feel, people do want to help each other out. It is exciting to be part of that and to be able to grow the business and give back to the community. It was great to get in when Chesterfield Waterside was just starting to take off, and be here from the start, knowing how amazing this development is going to be.”

Cllr Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and Vice-Chair of Destination Chesterfield, comments: “Entrepreneurs and SMEs are vital for economic growth and Chesterfield provides this section of the business community with everything they need to thrive. Businesses in Chesterfield enjoy a strategic location in the centre of the UK, offering access to great talent, great transport links and a great quality of life. Chesterfield is investing in the facilities and homes required to deliver sustained growth, support local startups and scaleups, and attract great people and businesses from elsewhere looking for a compelling alternative to big cities.”

Destination Chesterfield has received £180,000 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It follows a successful funding bid by Chesterfield Borough Council, to secure £2.69 million worth of funding for local projects.

The HQ Chesterfield Charged EV


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Approval granted for Staveley Waterside regeneration project

Approval has been granted for the Staveley Waterside project, which will revitalise the Staveley Canal Basin site.

£2.664 million has been earmarked from the Staveley Town Deal fund, to enable Derbyshire County Council to construct a 2-storey building, offering flexible space for new and existing small businesses, some retail use, and a food and beverage opportunity, with indoor and outdoor dining space, along with an access road, and mooring space.

A total of 11 units are planned within the centre, each equipped with kitchen and restroom facilities, while a new 40-metre footpath is planned along Hall Lane.

The project aims to encourage more visitors to use the canal and will also create space for around ten new businesses. Proposals were unanimously approved recently by councillors at Chesterfield Borough Council’s planning committee.

Councillor Tony King, cabinet member for clean growth and regeneration at Derbyshire County Council, said: “We’ve put together proposals for an exciting new development, which will help to bring jobs to the area and boost the visitor economy.

“Derbyshire County Council has been working alongside partners over a number of years to improve the Staveley Basin area and the Staveley Town Deal has given us a great opportunity to turn our ideas into reality, using our expertise from Markham Vale to create high-quality business accommodation as well as a visitor destination that people from near and far can enjoy.”

The Staveley Town Deal is a £25 million fund, which will bring forward multiple employment sites, and bring higher-level skilled jobs to the area.

As part of the Staveley Town Deal, Chesterfield Canal Trust is working on the restoration of the canal by extending it from the existing limit at Eckington Road. As well as improving outdoor space and creating new leisure infrastructure, it is expected that the restoration project will lead to a 20% increase in visitors to the Staveley area boosting the amount of money spent in the local economy.

Find out more about the range of benefits associated with locating your organisation in Chesterfield.

staveley waterside

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Peddler Market Chesterfield to host exclusive business networking event

The popular Peddler Market in Chesterfield is getting ready to welcome businesses from across the town and region to Peddler Connect, an exclusive networking session at its next market in September.

The event, which is one of the UK’s leading street food markets, launched for the first time in Chesterfield back in June and was enjoyed by visitors from Chesterfield and further afield, who enjoyed a wide range of food, drink, crafts, and live entertainment.

Visitors will once again be able to enjoy the buzz of Peddler Market in the scenic and historic setting of Chesterfield town centre next month, and the event has partnered with Destination Chesterfield to ensure businesses hear how they can get a slice of the action.

A free, informal networking session is being hosted on Friday, 15th September, offering delegates an exclusive opportunity to meet and purchase food and drink before the event opens to the public.

Luke Hood, Head of Marketing at Peddler Events commented: “We’re really looking forward to welcoming businesses to our next event in Chesterfield and are delighted to be playing our part in helping to create connections, which will benefit the local economy.

“On top of that, guests will be able to sample some of the amazing food, drink, and entertainment on offer, ensuring they can enjoy networking with a twist in a relaxed and informal setting. Our launch event in June was a huge success, and we can’t wait to welcome more people to Peddler Market Chesterfield this time around.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield added: “It has been fantastic to see the popularity of Peddler Market since its launch in the town this summer. We are pleased to be supporting firms by bringing them together in a unique setting and helping them to make those all-important links which businesses thrive on. I would encourage anyone in the business community to come along and enjoy the afternoon.”

Find out more about the networking event and book your place at: https://www.chesterfield.co.uk/events/peddler-connect/

Funding to help bring the event to Chesterfield has been provided through the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

Chesterfield Borough Council received £2.69m of UKSPF funding which will be invested across the borough over the next three years. A portion of this will be invested into promoting the borough as a place to visit, and providing support for arts, culture, and heritage activities.

peddler networking

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Work due to start on 650 new houses in Mastin Moor

Work is due to begin on the new 650-home community in Mastin Moor, near Staveley after planning approval was granted this week.

The Devonshire Group, which owns the 46-hectare site, will now begin enabling works for phases 1 and 2 of the project, which will pave the way for the first homes to be delivered. These include creation of a new access road, services and the formation of public open space.

The preparatory works are due to complete in late spring 2024, with work on the new homes set to begin over the summer of 2024 on the first phase of 143 three, four and five- bedroom homes, by local developer Harron Homes.

The enabling works will also pave the way for the launch of the Construction Skills Hub, a Staveley Town Deal project, developed by Chesterfield Borough Council and to be operated by Chesterfield College in conjunction with the University of Derby. The Devonshire Group has collaborated on and supported the Council to deliver this innovative project.

The Skills Hub will provide a practical platform for construction training, careers activity and work experience on a live construction site. Over ten years, the hub aims to provide training, careers insights, and work experience for over 5,000 learners.

As well as providing support for trade skills, this partnership provides the opportunity to progress to a university level and develop the skills needed for roles like quantity surveyor or estimator, helping develop skills in the local community and provide new career opportunities.

Andrew Byrne, Property Development Director at the Devonshire Group, said: “Receiving planning approval marks an exciting next step for our development at Mastin Moor. We are now able to get underway with works in earnest and start to see the project really take shape.

“Our focus now is to ensure that we move the project forward quickly, while also prioritising a considered, sustainable and sensitive approach for the benefit of the wider community that we serve. We’re looking forward to continuing this journey and creating a place that will contribute to the area and provide new homes for local people.’

Upon completion, the new community at Mastin Moor will deliver 650 new homes, including affordable and accessible properties, elderly accommodation and a local centre. The development will also provide almost 20 hectares of publicly accessible open space and landscaping, significantly enhancing the biodiversity on site.

The project is expected to take 10 years to complete and create 150 direct construction jobs, as well as 250 roles in the supply chain and elsewhere.

Outline planning permission for the site was approved by Committee in December 2022.

The Devonshire Group supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


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Leading industrial automation and electrical engineering firm opens new headquarters in Chesterfield

One of Ireland’s leading industrial automation and electrical engineering companies has opened its UK headquarters in the centre of Chesterfield today.

NeoDyne’s newly recruited team, based at the company’s state-of-the-art Spire Walk office, was joined at the launch by Toby Perkins MP, Shadow Minister for Skills and Further Education; local councillors Jenny Flood and Keith Miles, Deputy Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council Amanda Serjeant; and Dom Stevens from Destination Chesterfield.

Referring to Chesterfield’s long history of engineering excellence, Matt Close, UK Business Lead, said NeoDyne was harnessing the area’s potential and local talent to guarantee the success of the office. “Chesterfield was the ideal location to base our UK headquarters, with its accessibility to the midlands and the north,” he said. “We are proud to invest in and support the local economy and to work closely with Destination Chesterfield to champion the area.”

Matt Close joined NeoDyne at the start of the year, bringing over 25 years’ experience of working with leading UK automation and engineering companies. He will head up the Chesterfield team.

2_NeoDyne team with Toby Perkins MP and Cllr Amanda Serjeant Dep Leader Chesterfield Borough Council

Introducing Matt, Martin Farrell, NeoDyne MD, said, “With his industrial background, knowledge of our sectors and business connections, Matt brings a wealth of experience and local knowledge to the team. Matt has already grown our UK operation to 15 engineers with plans for significant further expansion. I am confident our UK office will go from strength to strength under his leadership.”

The launch was also attended by representatives from local universities, including Sam Trafford, Andrea Huidan and Greg Stewart, University of Sheffield; and Joe Hockney and John Sorsby, Sheffield Hallam University.

Thanking them for attending, Matt said, “Working with local institutions like Sheffield Hallam University and The University of Sheffield has helped us build a talented and skilled UK-based team. This talent pipeline is another key factor behind our decision to base ourselves in Chesterfield. We are committed to partnering with local universities to help develop future engineering talent through placement and graduate recruitment programmes.”

Toby Perkins MP said: “I am delighted to be joining NeoDyne for the opening ceremony of their new premises in Chesterfield. It is a real show of confidence in our town that NeoDyne has chosen to open here, bringing with them new jobs, and helping to boost the local economy. The company is bringing in highly-skilled jobs and will be a welcome addition to the strong engineering and manufacturing base we have here in Chesterfield.

“Manufacturing in Chesterfield has changed from the days when thousands turned up at factory gates every morning, but still there are products across the world, that are ‘Made in Chesterfield’. “I look forward to formally welcoming NeoDyne to our town and discussing their plans for the future.”

NeoDyne has enjoyed continued growth since its launch in 1998 and employs more than 170 automation, electrical, and IT engineers in six offices across the UK and Ireland.

As a leading industrial automation and electrical engineering solutions and services provider, the company has more than 300 customers, including large multinationals in pharma, high-end food and beverage manufacturing and energy.

Looking to expand or relocate your organisation? Find out why Chesterfield is the perfect location to base your business here.

NeoDyne team with Toby Perkins MP

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Demand for Chesterfield office space soars following completion of flagship developments

Demand for office space has soared in Chesterfield, Derbyshire’s largest town, following the completion of several high-quality schemes, according to new figures published today by Destination Chesterfield.

Demand for space in Chesterfield’s enterprise centres, which provide flexible accommodation for start-ups and businesses with high growth potential, has increased since Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre, the town’s newest centre, opened in July 2022.

More than three-quarters (81 per cent) of the office suites are now occupied at Northern Gateway, well ahead of a 50 per cent 12-month target set by Chesterfield Borough Council. Almost half (14) of tenants at Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre are new to Chesterfield, and have either fully relocated to or opened satellite offices in the town since July 2022.

Occupancy rates at Chesterfield’s established enterprise centres have rebounded to above pre-pandemic levels. 85 per cent of space at Dunston Innovation Centre and 87 per cent of Tapton Park Innovation Centre is now let. Occupancy at both locations was below 80 per cent at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and had fallen to 67 per cent at Dunston and 57 per cent at Tapton Park during the third national lockdown in early 2021.

Two floors of One Waterside Place, a 35,000 sq ft office block next to Chesterfield’s mainline railway station are now occupied and Chesterfield Borough Council reports strong interest in the remaining space. Opened in January 2023, One Waterside Place is located in Basin Square, a major part of the £340m Chesterfield Waterside regeneration scheme.

One Waterside Place

One Waterside Place

Private landlords are also succeeding in attracting businesses to new developments in Chesterfield. Occupancy has reached 94 per cent at The Glass Yard, a 50,000 sq ft office and retail park opened in 2022 by Blue Deer on Sheffield Road, Chesterfield. And FI Real Estate Management has secured deals on 1,143 sq ft and 7,647 sq ft spaces at The HQ, a former Royal Mail building delivering 44,000 sq ft of open-plan office space after refurbishment work completed in April 2023.

Chesterfield Borough Council is supporting a series of projects to provide high-quality commercial space for businesses. It has helped bring to market almost 300,000 square feet of modern office, industrial, manufacturing and logistics space since the start of 2022, and expects to make further premises totalling more than a million sq ft available by the middle of 2025.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and Vice Chair of Destination Chesterfield, comments: “Our local economy is growing and the investments we have made in modern attractive office space has helped bring new businesses into the town and created new jobs for our residents. Our investment coupled with our central location, culture of invention, competitive cost base and quality of life, is driving growth across the borough. Demand is soaring from local start-ups, relocating entrepreneurs from the likes of London, Leeds and Sheffield, and bigger businesses wanting more space or to consolidate their facilities in a single, central location.”

Tim Turner, Managing Director at Blue Deer Ltd, comments: “Chesterfield is a thriving business location and the perfect place for the mix of office and retail space we offer at The Glass Yard. Demand for space here has been particularly strong since we opened last year, both from local companies and incoming businesses.”

The Glassyard

The Glassyard

Dom Knowles, Head of Offices at FI Real Estate Management (FIREM), comments: “We’re passionate about putting Chesterfield on the map as a great place to work, improving its offering in line with nearby cities and enriching the lives of the local business community. We recently carried out a £1.2m refurbishment of The HQ to update the building to a Grade A workspace and we’re already receiving high levels of interest. The HQ offers excellent bespoke office solutions and benefits from well-connected rail and road transport networks, making it a great choice for businesses.”


The HQ, Chesterfield

Chesterfield’s business population has grown by more than a fifth (21 per cent) in the last decade, creating 2,000 new jobs, including 1,800 high-value roles in sectors such as advanced manufacturing and professional services. The town recently published an ambitious growth strategy to attract 400 more businesses and 2,000 more jobs by 2030.

To find out more about the wide range of high-quality office spaces in Chesterfield, go to: https://www.chesterfield.co.uk/office

Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre

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Medical training and equipment provider moves to Chesterfield

A business which provides equipment and training to NHS Trusts, universities and colleges has opened a new facility in Chesterfield.

Sim & Skills will be based at the Peak Business Park on Foxwood Road in Sheepbridge, occupying the building which used to house local radio station, Peak FM.

The company be giving new life to the former studio, using the space to showcase its latest products with webinars and online demos.

The firm was founded during lockdown back in 2020, and since then has gone from strength-to-strength, becoming one of the fastest-growing distributors of Healthcare simulation and clinical skills trainers in the country.

The business is now a team of seven people, all of whom boast a wide range of healthcare simulation experience. It says the town’s central location and transport links make it an ideal place to grow. The new warehouse, office and training space have been created with the help of local businesses and suppliers.

Sim & Skills aims to provide the training equipment that doctors, nurses and health professionals need. Having the resource to practice with specialised equipment in a simulated hospital environment enhances skills and improves patient safety.

sim and skills team

The company has customers based across the country and beyond, and has already supported many local training providers, including Chesterfield College.

Managing Director Mark Cook said: “We’ve been searching for the ideal property for some time. When we saw Radio House in Chesterfield, we knew it was the one for us. The studio space is unusual but great for what we need. The building is a good size and will support us as we continue to grow.”

One visible change the company has made to the building is the installation of a defibrillator. As a medical training equipment provider, Sim & Skills believes it’s important to support the saving of lives. A spokesperson for the business commented: “We hope the defib is never needed, but if any of our Peak Business Park neighbours ever find themselves in an emergency situation, the defibrillator is there to be used and could save a life.”

Over the next year, Sim & Skills will continue to grow and aims to be the one-stop shop for medical training equipment. The business wants to offer customers the widest range of products and the best advice, so they can make an informed choice.

Sim & Skills also has plans to support the next generation of professionals as the business grows. Operations Director Chris Dinsdale said, “As we expand our warehouse and customer service team in Chesterfield, we’re really keen to help local young apprentices who have an interest in business and logistics.”

To find out more about what we do visit www.simandskills.co.uk, or via Twitter or Instagram.

Find out more about the benefits of locating your organisation in Chesterfield at: https://www.chesterfield.co.uk/business/invest-in-chesterfield/

sim and skills

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