
Charities Aid Foundation launches Coronavirus Emergency Fund

The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) has launched a new Coronavirus Emergency Fund. Through this fund smaller charities, not for profit organisations, social enterprises and unregistered community groups can apply for grants of up to £10,000 to help them to continue to deliver much needed support to within their communities.

The funding is available to help with core costs, staffing, volunteer costs, supplies and equipment, communications or other critical charitable areas.

They advise that they may need to focus on:

  • Charities, and other organisations, whose established charitable activities are at risk of being severely reduced to the detriment of vulnerable groups
  • Organisations that are having to deliver core services in fundamentally different or unusual ways in order to respond to the crisis and still reach their beneficiaries
  • Organisations that are deeply embedded with communities and have established networks to deliver their charitable activities
  • Organisations experiencing current cashflow problems, rather than concerns that future income will be reduced.

Action Grants

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Vicar Lane inspires youngsters to grow their own ray of sunshine

In the midst of lockdown, Vicar Lane Shopping Centre wants to create a little sunshine along the way! They have teamed up with Bear Cool Honey Company to challenge little gardeners of Chesterfield to get their green fingers in gear and grow their own mini sunflowers!

For individuals who don’t have any sunflower seeds to hand, they can get a ‘Grow Your Own Ray of Sunshine – Sunflower Seeds & Bee Pencil Pack’ for £1 from Bear Cool Honey Company here – https://www.bearcoolhoneycompany.co.uk/. Vicar Lane is suggesting customers opt for a dwarf variety, to make them easy to accommodate in even the smallest of gardens.

Vicar Lane would love to follow everyone’s sunflower journey, so they are inviting the public to share their pictures online with #VicarLaneSunflowerStories.

Once they have the all clear for business as usual at Vicar Lane they’ll set a date in the diary for all mini-gardeners to bring their sunflowers down to the centre and create a sea of yellow in St. James Square.

Vicar Lane has chosen sunflowers, not only as a symbol of sunshine and happiness but for the endless ways they support our wildlife from the bees, while they are in flower, to the birds when the seeds are ripe!

Shaun Brown, Centre Manager at Vicar Lane said, “These are unprecedented and challenging times for communities across the globe and we just wanted to let our local communities know that we are all thinking of them. It would be great to see a sea of yellow, both across the internet and, hopefully Vicar Lane this summer, so anyone that wants to, please join the fun!’’

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Coronavirus outbreak: Chesterfield Borough Council update

Chesterfield Borough Council is prioritising the delivery of essential services but in line with the latest Government guidance, are adjusting some of the services that they provide.

All of the latest service-related updates can be found in the dedicated coronavirus information hub: www.chesterfield.gov.uk/coronavirus

Council Tax

Chesterfield Borough Council know that this is a difficult time for many residents and that the COVID-19 virus is having a significant impact on the economy. Council Tax pays for the essential services that Chesterfield Borough Council, Derbyshire County Council, Derbyshire Police and Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service deliver to residents within the borough. If you are able to do so, please continue to pay your Council Tax as detailed on your bill, so that these essential services can be maintained.

If you are struggling to pay your Council Tax, there is support available and Chesterfield Borough Council can help you.

Usually, most residents pay their Council Tax in 10 monthly instalments, starting in April and finishing in January. However, during the current crisis, some residents may need to talk about a more flexible payment plan.

Chesterfield Borough Council can offer residents a 12 month payment plan for their Council Tax which would run to March 2021, which will lower monthly payments. To implement a 12 month payment plan, please email revenues.billing@chesterfield.gov.uk – please ensure that your email includes your Council Tax account number.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “We are committed to helping all residents during this unprecedented crisis. Council Tax helps pay for the essential services that we provide but we understand that for some residents keeping payments on the current schedule simply isn’t possible and we want you to know that we can be flexible, and that support is available.”

If you are having difficulty making payments, please contact Chesterfield Borough Council as soon as possible who can help you to manage your payments. You can email revenues.billing@chesterfield.gov.uk, visit their website or call 01246 345 345.

We are experiencing high call volumes, so please bear with us as there may be a delay in answering your call. We are working hard to support all residents at this time.

Council Tax Support

If you are on a low income, you may be able to claim a reduction on your Council Tax bill through the Council Tax Support Scheme. You can check whether you are eligible for additional support using the benefits calculator: www.chesterfield.gov.uk/benefits-and-advice/housing-benefit-and-council-tax-support/benefits-calculator.

Chesterfield Borough Council’s website has a section on benefits advice which provides you with more information on the support you may be able to access: www.chesterfield.gov.uk/benefits-and-advice

Hardship fund

Chesterfield Borough Council will also be providing working age residents who already receive Council Tax Support with an additional reduction in Council Tax of up to £150. This will further reduce the amount that these residents need to pay of their Council Tax bill.

In many cases, this will mean that residents will not need to pay anything for 2020/21. All residents who are entitled to receive this additional support do not need to do anything, new bills will be issued to these residents during April. Where residents have already paid Council Tax at a higher level, the council will refund payments as soon as possible.

Private sector housing team

Officers from the private sector housing team are still available for advice and guidance during this difficult time. However, it may take longer than usual to respond as their teams are dealing with enquiries on a priority need basis.

To reach the private sector housing team please email hia@chesterfield.gov.uk. The council’s private sector housing enforcement team is operating in line with the latest Government guidance when enforcing standards in rented properties.

Government guidance for landlords and tenants, as well as details on updated enforcement measures are available on the Government website: www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-and-renting-guidance-for-landlords-tenants-and-local-authorities.

Stay up to date with all the latest information about coronavirus on our dedicated hub: www.chesterfield.gov.uk/coronavirus

Chesterfield council houses homes building Brampton

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Chesterfield manufacturer offers factory, staff and resources in response to national COVID-19 effort

A Chesterfield manufacturer is offering its factory, people and resources to the national effort to fight the killer virus.

The company, Blachford UK, which manufactures vehicle soundproofing materials for clients in both the UK and Europe, including JCB and CASE, employs more than 100 people at its site in Holmewood, Chesterfield.

Production at the factory has ceased in response to the global pandemic. However, appeals from the government to manufacturers to assist with the UK effort has prompted Jason Lippitt, Managing Director of Blachford UK to offer the services of the company’s factory and staff.

He said: “We have a large production facility and a skilled workforce, including engineers, machinists and designers, that can all be utilised to manufacture goods and equipment that are critical to the NHS.

“If there are any companies out there, particularly those making PPE for NHS workers, we have staff and equipment at Blachford and we’d all like to help.”

The company has set up a dedicated email address during the crisis, to ensure that requests for help are answered immediately.

Jason added: “The company view is that we are all in this together and our staff want to help wherever they can to help the nation get fit and well and back to business. Blachford is a family and I am immensely proud of every member of staff for their support, not only for the company but the national effort to fight Coronavirus.”

Jason praised the government’s response to a national shutdown, saying: “The national shutdown I believe puts UK manufacturers in a strong position to recover business faster than many other countries. There is no doubt that UK manufacturing will face financial hardship over the coming months but, due to the nation’s collective shutdown, I believe the sector will recover and be in an excellent position in a couple of years.”

Companies involved in producing essential supplies during the COVID-19 and would like to talk to Blachford should email NHSsupport@blachforduk.com

Jason Lippitt – MD of Blachford UK

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Volunteers available to support local community

A training provider has pledged to support communities in Chesterfield in a bid to repay the hard work and loyalty the business has seen from local people.

The team at Juniper Training in Chesterfield is open to suggestions for a variety of volunteering activities, from helping at local food banks, shops or distribution centres to manning telephone support lines for isolated and/or vulnerable people.

Aaron Squires, Lead Practitioner said “It is important that our local communities and residents, especially those that are vulnerable and/or isolated are assisted and supported during this unprecedented time.

“We continue to see organisations; volunteering groups and community groups put their own health on the line and work extremely hard to ensure they meet current demands. We understand the pressure involved in meeting these demands and would like to provide a little balance and alleviate a little pressure by offering an extra pair of hands!”

Juniper Training, Chesterfield supports local 16-18-year olds to develop their skills, knowledge and behaviours through a variety of educational pathways including apprenticeships, traineeships and study programmes.

Organisations seeking volunteers to support with activities, which adhere to government guidelines and social distancing requirements, should contact Chris Hull at Juniper training on 07712676373

Chesterfield council houses homes building Brampton

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Chesterfield manufacturer shifts production to bespoke face shields

In less than three days, Chesterfield manufacturer, Specialised Canvas has designed, prototyped and produced a new face guard to support front line medical staff.  The company’s prompt response came following a request from a care home.

Specialised Canvas, which has a 25,000 sq ft manufacturing facility in Staveley, Derbyshire, has a track record of producing other products for the healthcare sector, including isolators, but it is the first time it has created face shields.

Despite having closed its doors on Wednesday 25th March following the lockdown announcement, the company had designed, prototyped and delivered the face shields to the client by the Friday afternoon, having only received the enquiry on the Thursday.

Sam Bramah, Director at Specialised Canvas said: “We’ve gone from closing our doors last week and not knowing when we might open them again, to manufacturing an entirely new product into a new market in a matter of days, which really is testament to the great team we have working here. Thanks to our facilities, infrastructure and skilled team we are fortunate to be in a position to support the nation’s key workers in these unprecedented times and play our small part in the ongoing battle.”

Specialised Canvas has created plans to produce up to a 1,000 units a day, whilst practising social distancing and adhering to all government guidelines.  Orders are already being distributed to care homes, social workers, nurses, GPs and supermarkets.

For further information please contact sales@flexiplastics.co.uk or 01246 472 949.

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Coronavirus outbreak: Support for Chesterfield businesses

In response to the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19), Chesterfield Borough Council is actively implementing a number of Government backed financial measures to help support local businesses.

The council has already identified local businesses that may be eligible to access small business grants and business rate relief and has contacted these businesses directly.

However, not all businesses will be eligible for the small business grants and business rate relief schemes. Chesterfield Borough Council therefore want to ensure that these Chesterfield-based businesses are aware of other support schemes and advice which may be available to them during this challenging time.

Further information and links to Government schemes is available at www.chesterfield.gov.uk/your-council/coronavirus-information-hub/businesses-information

Councillor Terry Gilby, cabinet member for economic growth, said: “Chesterfield Borough Council and our partner agencies are working hard to ensure that Chesterfield businesses can access the very best support and advice during these difficult times. I would urge all local businesses to keep up to date via our website and take the opportunity to discuss any specific concerns they might have with the council’s staff or those of our partner agencies”.

The council has a business advisor who is available to talk through and offer advice to any Chesterfield based business as part of our D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership Growth Hub scheme. You can contact the business advisor or staff of the council’s Economic Development team via economicdevelopment@chesterfield.gov.uk.

Businesses can also get support and advice from a number of partner agencies including East Midlands Chamber, D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership, Derbyshire County Council and Destination Chesterfield. Contact information and links to relevant websites are available on the Chesterfield Borough Council website via the link above.

Click here to read the Destination Chesterfield Coronavirus (COVID-19) Business Support Page

anzacs chesterfield

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New contract secured by Polar Windows

Chesterfield company, Polar Windows, has secured a £124,000 contract to manufacture, supply and install over 400 windows and doors for a housing development at Long Duckmanton near Chesterfield.

The windows and doors on this contract are to be manufactured using their latest window and door profile on the market “Optima” all of which will be manufactured to the standard of Pas 24.

Known as The Pastures, the site in Duckmanton includes 33 new build homes including two, three- and four-bedroom houses and three-bedroom bungalows.

Adrian Bradley, Senior Contracts Manager at Polar Windows said “It is great to have started a new relationship with another established Local Developer and we are hoping to continue the partnership on to future developments.”

Based in Chesterfield for over 30 years, Polar Windows is a family run business that has always put their customers at the heart of everything they do. First Established in 1989 by Managing Director Alan Crowe, Polar Windows now Employs over 25 full time staff and is proud to be the only window manufacturer in Chesterfield. Over the years they have built up an unparalleled wealth of knowledge and experience within their industry and have developed into Chesterfield’s largest manufacturer and installer of UPVC windows, doors, conservatories and glazed extensions.

Click here to find out more about Polar Windows

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Educational Day at the Proact Stadium delivered by Chesterfield FC Community Trust

Over 120 primary school pupils recently attended an Educational Day at the Proact Stadium, which was organised and delivered by Chesterfield FC Community Trust.

The theme of the Premier League Primary Stars event was ‘One World’, featuring the importance of being part of a diverse community, black history and world languages. Spireites stars Will Evans, Scott Boden, Liam Mandeville and Jack McKay also attended a Q&A session.

Keith Jackson, the Trust’s head of sport & activities, said: “We’ve now run a number of Educational Days and we were excited to deliver sessions with a ‘One World’ theme.”

“Kids were taught in foreign languages, told about Black History and equality and took part in an interactive quiz about diversity, with the winner receiving a VIP Press Box Experience at a forthcoming Chesterfield fixture!”

“We had some great messages from the children throughout the day, promoting the theme and really buying into it. As always, it’s been a pleasure to work with them all and we’re looking forward to the next one.”

To find out about any school activities offered by the Trust, please email keithjackson@spireitestrust.org.uk.


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Chesterfield Royal Charity appeals to residents to help ‘Protect Your NHS’

The Charity that aims to ‘gift outstanding’ care and wellbeing support to patients and staff of Chesterfield Royal Hospital and Royal Primary Care is asking local people to get behind its appeal to ‘Protect Your NHS’.

The Chesterfield Royal Charity (1052913) is looking for donations that will make a real difference at an unprecedented time of challenge. Like the rest of the NHS, the hospital and its primary care services are under pressure as part of the UK’s response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

The aim of the ‘Protect Your NHS’ appeal is two-fold and all donations will be used to:

  • Gift health and wellbeing experiences to staff
  • Gift enhanced care and facilities to patients

Ken Godber, the Chesterfield Royal Charity’s Director comments: “Right now it’s more important than ever to look after the people that could be looking after you and your family – either now or in the next few weeks and months. And it’s equally important to give a helping hand to people in hospital at a time when visiting is suspended for all but the most essential reasons.”

“We have never experienced such demand for NHS care and treatment. Our ‘Protect Your NHS’ appeal is about protecting hardworking staff and vulnerable patients. The money you give will help to provide essential care packages, mental health and wellbeing support for all staff. If they are able to stay well, they’ll be able to stay at work to look after those who need anything from over the phone medical advice to critical care on a ward. It will also enhance patient care and experience. With visitors not able to come in, our Charity can help to make sure loved ones have everything they need to make their hospital stay a positive experience – even in these tricky times.”

With people across North Derbyshire communities already showing support for the hospital – the Charity’s ‘Protect Your NHS’ appeal looks set for success.

You can donate NOW through Just Giving – and any amount will be appreciated www.justgiving.com/chesterfield-royalhospital.

If you would like to link up with the Charity please call 01246 513367 or email CRHFT.Fundraising@nhs.net.

Chesterfield Royal Hospital

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Learn how to save a life with free online course through local organisation

As many remain at home amid the coronavirus pandemic, people are being urged to do something positive with their time and learn vital first aid skills online.

In conjunction with Virtual College, Chesterfield-based community organisation CSALS promotes a free online first aid course which takes less than an hour on average to complete.

CSALS set a world record in 2016 when 1,795 people took part in a first aid lesson at Chesterfield FC’s Proact Stadium.

Debra Johnson, Community Facilitator for CSALS, explains why it is important for everyone to learn basic first aid skills. She says: “The statistics are quite startling because every five minutes, someone will have a heart attack and an estimated 140,000 people die annually where the use of first aid could have saved their lives.

“Around 59% of people wouldn’t feel comfortable attempting to save a life with 24% saying they would wait for an ambulance or others to help. With ambulance response times averaging 7-12 minutes, it really can be a matter of life or death whether someone knows how to administer first aid.”

Boxing legend Frank Bruno MBE (right) and former Sheffield United and England star Tony Currie (below) have both recently pledged their support for CSALS’ efforts to train more life-savers.

To do the course, which features just five short sections, please visit: www.virtual-college.co.uk/prepared. Once you have successfully completed it, you can download and print off a certificate of achievement stating that you are now ‘Prepared to Save a Life’!

A video highlighting the importance of first aid can be viewed below or on the CSALS YouTube channel here – www.youtube.com/watch?v=rP2xf0ykwqU

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