
Covid-19 Community Response Unit set up to bring agencies together

Derbyshire County Council has set up a Covid-19 Community Response Unit to bring agencies and volunteers across the county together and support residents and businesses as they tackle the infection and its effects.

County Council Leader Councillor Barry Lewis announced the new response unit as the council’s Cabinet agreed to an initial £1m coronavirus fund to help support vulnerable residents and affected businesses.

The Covid-19 Community Response Unit will be led by public health and emergency planning officers, supported by other council teams including social care, and linking in with the Local Resilience Forum.

The unit will work to bring together other Derbyshire councils and agencies including the voluntary sector, so they can all work more effectively to help support people across the county who are experiencing hardship related to the virus.

Councillor Lewis said: “We have obviously been working closely with other agencies since the first case of coronavirus was confirmed in the county, but this formalises these partnerships and will bring more agencies, including voluntary groups, into the fold.”

“A cross-community response is what is needed now, to ensure our communities are as resilient as possible. It’s what people are looking to us to do and what we need to do.”

“These efforts will be supported by the initial £1 million that we’ve agreed to make available to support our vulnerable residents, families in need and to help businesses. The money we’re making available is very likely to need to rise over the coming weeks, depending on how badly Derbyshire is affected by the virus.”

“That’s why we wholeheartedly welcomed the move by the Government to create a £500 million hardship fund which was announced in last week’s Budget, which will be available for local authorities to tap in to.”

“There is no doubt that this is going to affect many of our residents personally, and it will also have a detrimental effect on local businesses, particularly small and independent traders, but we want people to know that support is available to help them get through the outbreak, whether it’s advice and information or financial support.

“Any further increases in our coronavirus fund will, of course, need to be balanced against the additional costs the council faces in delivering its own services, particularly to vulnerable residents, during this period. It is obviously vital that these services continue to ensure people are cared for when they need it most.

“Agencies including the council will be looking to volunteers to come forward over the coming weeks to help our most vulnerable and support vital services, and we’ll be putting out appeals soon for people who want to help. Offers of help that are already coming in are being collated and people will be contacted as plans take shape.

“It’s important that we all pull together at this time and work to keep everyone as safe and protected as possible.”

For more information, visit the Derbyshire County Council website here (opens in new tab).

Visit our coronavirus (COVID-19) Business Support Page here

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Coronavirus outbreak: latest Chesterfield Borough Council services update

Following the latest Government guidance, Chesterfield Borough Council have taken further “difficult, but responsible, decisions to change our service provision.”

Beat the Street

Beat the Street Chesterfield has now ended.

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt, cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “We have seen lots of people get more active thanks to Beat the Street, so we’re very sad to see this end, however, we must assist the government in ensuring people follow the latest guidance to stay at home to stop the coronavirus spreading.

“Even though Beat the Street is ending early, our partners and game operator, Intelligent Health would still love to know what you thought of the game. Please complete our survey www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/DTPQGSJ (opens in new tab) and you could be in with a chance of winning prizes.”

Beat Boxes will no longer function, and the leader board has been frozen. Winners will be announced on social media and prizes will be sent out via email and post.

Town Hall reception

The Town Hall reception is closed until further notice, following the government’s latest announcements about social distancing. The Register Office is open for essential business only, and the Coroner’s Court can be contacted via phone or email.

For further information about the Register Office call 01629 533 110 or 01629 533 111 or via email at chesterfield.registrars@derbyshire.gov.uk or by clicking here (opens in new tab).

For further information about visiting the Coroner’s Court call 01246 533 405 or email chesterfield.coroner@derbyshire.gov.uk 

Stone Gravels depot reception

The reception desk at the Stone Gravels Maintenance Depot is also closed until further notice. If you have any specific questions, please instead contact Chesterfield Borough Council on 01246 345 345.

Parks and open spaces

In line with the Government’s guidance, residents and visitors must not use the play equipment or outdoor gyms that are situated in the parks. All toilet facilities in parks are also closed.

Parks remain open, but you must ensure that you are following social distancing guidelines when exercising:

  • Washing your hands before and after visiting
  • Keep a safe distance from people outside your household (at least 2m)
  • Do not gather in groups of more than two people, excluding people you live with
  • Sneeze or cough into your sleeve or a tissue
  • Avoid touching your face or eyes
  • Do not use play equipment or outdoor gyms

Market, Market Hall and Pavements Shopping Centre

In the Town Centre, all shops that are not classified by the Government as essential are now closed.

The Market Hall is closed apart from the butchers, pet food store and the Cheese Factor, which remain open from 10am-2pm in order to provide essential supplies. A limited number of customers will be allowed into the Market Hall at any one time so that social distancing guidance is followed.

On the outdoor market, all stall holders selling non-essential items will no longer be able to trade until further notice, but stallholders that sell essential items such as fruit and vegetables and pet food will be able to continue trading.

Only essential retailers including the supermarket and post office are open in the Pavements Shopping Centre.


The crematorium remains open for funerals to take place, however, due to strict social distancing guidance a number of temporary restrictions have been put in place.

If you are attending the crematorium, please adhere to the following guidance:

  • In the chapel, please sit a respectful distance away from others. A maximum of three people per row. The chapel capacity is now reduced to 24 people in total.
  • Webcasting can be organised via your funeral director; this is a free service and outside speakers can be provided on request.
  • Only immediate family should attend funeral services.
  • Services will be a maximum of 25 minutes each to allow for extra cleaning to take place in between services.
  • Mourners are advised not to touch the coffin when leaving the chapel.
  • Strictly one person can enter the office to collect cremated remains at any one time, this is to protect both our staff and visitors.
  • If you are in one of the Government’s vulnerable groups or have any symptoms of coronavirus please do not attend services to protect both yourself and others.
  • Hand sanitiser is available for everyone attending funeral services at the crematorium.

Customer Contact Centre

Although the Council have had to close face to face customer services, you can still contact the council in a number of ways including telephone 01246 345 345, email via enquiries@chesterfield.gov.uk and through the website here by completing an online form (opens in new tab).

The Customer Contact Centre is currently experiencing a high volume of calls. If your call is not urgent, please contact online or by email enquiries@chesterfield.gov.uk if possible to help manage the level of enquiries effectively.

All of the latest service-related updates can be found in the dedicated coronavirus section of the Chesterfield Borough Council website here –  www.chesterfield.gov.uk/coronavirus (opens in new tab).

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Heathcotes to introduce new Intensive Support Team for care services

Chesterfield-based Heathcotes Group is introducing an innovation in care provision, with the development of an Intensive Support Team (IST) providing a dedicated clinical resource across the organisation’s 72 residential services for individuals with learning disabilities and mental health needs.

The new multidisciplinary IST will include a consultant clinical psychologist, three assistant psychologists, a specialist occupational therapist, a specialist mental health nurse and three Positive Behaviour Support practitioners. Headed by Heathcotes’ Head of psychology and clinical director, Dr Peter Burbidge, the team will operate group-wide to provide expert clinical input and reinforce compliance with the Restraint Reduction Network (RNN) Training Standards,  a sector-wide programme to reduce restrictive practices which will be implemented via commissioning requirements and Care Quality Commission inspection frameworks from April 2020.

Heathcotes’ director of business development, Natalia Lysiuk, said: “This is an exciting initiative based on some excellent work by a project team from our Senior Leadership Team; Dr Peter Burbidge, Tracy Johnson and myself. The IST will put Heathcotes at the forefront of specialist providers in the UK and will enable us to significantly enhance the resource available to our services, assisting the work they do to improve the lives of the people we support. The team will take on a wide-ranging remit, but one of its most vital functions is the professional support it provides when a high level of specialist expertise and clinical input are critical. This would include the admission of an emergency placement or a very complex individual, a service user going through a crisis, a placement at risk of breaking down and the need for a functional assessment or Positive Behaviour Support plan.

“Being a specialist provider brings with it some additional responsibilities, which we take very seriously. That’s why we have introduced the IST – having it readily available within the organisation will be an extremely valuable resource for our Service Managers, our service users and our wider stakeholders.”

Dr Peter Burbidge said: “The IST will provide training, consultation, supervision, functional analysis and interventions for services that need specialist input or multi-disciplinary work. It will also provide brief therapeutic interventions where appropriate. We hope that, by developing the IST, we will be able to support services to provide placements for more complex clients, and to provide additional support when people are in crisis As a clinical team, we plan to work alongside the local community, mental health and learning disability teams, where they are involved or are commissioned, and to provide more concentrated input where we are not able to access support from local services.”

Dr Peter Burbidge is already working in a supportive role across Heathcotes services, with a team of two Assistance Psychologists and a Specialist Occupational Therapist in place. They currently deliver specialist training, consultation and supervision to services with complex clients alongside direct one-to-one therapy with complex clients. Heathcotes is currently working on recruitment for the other roles within the IST, and the development of referral guidelines, policies and procedures to support the team.

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All Derbyshire recycling centres closed until further notice

Derbyshire County Council has issued the below statement:

All Derbyshire County Council’s household waste recycling centres are closed until further notice.

The safety of customers and staff is our number one priority and in accordance with current government Coronavirus guidelines of avoiding non-essential contact and preventing a risk of infection to others, the sites will remain shut. It is essential that we do all we can to slow down the spread of the virus.

Much of the waste that goes through the recycling centres is bulky waste (large items such as furniture, wood and metals) and garden waste. People should hold onto these items until the sites reopen.

Please do not leave any waste outside the recycling centres. Leaving waste at the gates or anywhere else is classed as fly tipping and is a criminal offence for which people will be prosecuted and fined up to £50,000.

Where possible residents should compost grass cuttings and hedge trimmings and if they can’t do that keep your garden waste until recycling centres reopen. Composting is a great way to turn your garden waste and kitchen scraps into a useful compost.

Read advice on how to make the most of the food you have and about how to cut food waste.

Thanks for helping to keep everyone safe.

Chesterfield council houses homes building Brampton

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Beat the Street Chesterfield concludes

Organisers of the Beat the Street game across Chesterfield borough have drawn the game to a close, owing to the restrictions in place to help stop the spread of Coronavirus / COVID 19 that were announced on Monday 23 March 2020.

Beat Boxes will no longer work and the leaderboard has been frozen.

Points are now being counted and the winners of the game will be announced in the next few days on the Beat the Street Chesterfield Facebook page and on Twitter and Instagram plus via the Beat the Street newsletter at www.beatthestreet/me/chesterfield.

Unfortunately, the planned celebratory event is unable to take place however all winning teams will receive their prizes by post and email.

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt, cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “We have seen lots of people get more active thanks to the Beat the Street so we’re sad to see this end, however, we must encourage people to stay at home to stop the virus spreading.

“We are sorry that Beat the Street is ending early but we’d still love to know what you thought of the game. Please complete our survey www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/DTPQGSJ and you could be in with a chance of winning prizes.”

Beat the Street has been designed to encourage people to be active, so organisers will continue to help with a new programme called Beat the Bug, packed with hints, tips and advice on how you and your family can stay fit, get active, reduce stress and have fun at home.

There will be regular Beat the Bug advice and Q&A sessions with Intelligent Health’s founder, Dr William Bird MBE, who is a doctor working on the NHS frontline, a world-famous expert in physical activity and an advisor to the World Health Organisation and Public Health England.

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Coronavirus outbreak: latest Chesterfield Borough Council services update

Following the latest Government guidance, Chesterfield Borough Council have taken further difficult, but responsible, decisions to change some of their service provision:

All of the latest service-related updates can be found in the dedicated coronavirus section of our website www.chesterfield.gov.uk/coronavirus

Customer Service Centre and On The Move

Cllr Jean Innes, cabinet member for business transformation, said: “We are taking the difficult decision to close both the Customer Service Centre and On The Move housing options centre to customers from tomorrow (Tuesday 24 March) until further notice, in order to protect the safety of the public and our staff.

“We know that this is a worrying time and want to assure you that our council services can continue to be accessed through our other contact channels.”

Many of the council’s services can be accessed through using our website forms which can be found at www.chesterfield.gov.uk/contactus. You can also reach our services including benefits, council tax, licensing and many more via email, these are listed on our website at www.chesterfield.gov.uk/coronavirus

The customer service call centre can also still be reached by calling 01246 345345 between 8.30am – 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.

If you are homeless and need urgent support, our homelessness service can be reached on 07870 277291.

If you need to apply for an emergency payment from the Derbyshire Discretionary Fund, you can call Derbyshire County Council directly on 01629 533399.

We are happy to accept copies of forms and documents online and encourage you to use this method to provide us with information. If you need support to do this, please call us on 01246 345345 and we will be pleased to help you.

Payments can be made online at www.chesterfield.gov.uk/pay or by using our automated telephone number 0345 602 0214.  If you are unable to use these methods, please contact us on 01246 345345 and we will do all we can to help.

The Market Hall Café and Artisan Market

In line with the latest Government guidance we have today closed the Market Hall café until further notice.

The Chesterfield Artisan Market which was due to be held on Sunday 29 March is also cancelled. There will be no artisan markets in the town centre until further notice.

Housing repairs and safety checks

We are currently only carrying out emergency repairs to our council houses and when doing so the council’s staff will be following the Government’s guidance regarding social distancing. All other repairs are on hold until further notice.

Our tenants can report their urgent repair needs by calling our repairs hotline for free on 0800 587 56 59 or by visiting the repairs page of our website www.chesterfield.gov.uk/housing/council-tenants/repairs-and-improvements/request-your-repair.aspx

Annual checks of your gas and electrical systems will continue, so it is important that if you are self-isolating because you have coronavirus symptoms or are in a vulnerable health category you advise staff before they enter your home.

All tenants will be asked a number of questions by the staff member who will be visiting you at home, this is to keep you and them safe.

The latest service related updates will be available on the council’s website www.chesterfield.gov.uk/coronavirus or on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Chesterfield council houses homes building Brampton

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Meet the Buyer Event Cancelled: But local companies can still benefit from Northern Gateway development

Local companies are being invited to get in touch with Chesterfield Borough Council to find out how to tender for work connected to the ongoing regeneration of Chesterfield.

The safety of residents, businesses and staff has been considered carefully following the latest government guidance relating to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) and the Meet the Buyer event that was due to take place at the Town Hall on Friday 27th March has been cancelled.

However, the construction of the new Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre on part of the Holywell Cross car park is still scheduled to commence in April and main contractors Robert Woodhead Limited remain very keen to speak to local companies to form part of their supply chain on this project and other local projects in their pipeline.

As part of its commitment to supporting the local economy Chesterfield Borough Council, as the planning authority, includes Local Labour Clauses within planning approvals for developments of this kind to ensure developers use local suppliers, have apprenticeships and allocate as many jobs as possible to local people.

To maximise the opportunities for local companies, main contractors Robert Woodhead Limited are offering a range of sub-contractor packages available during the project.  Opportunities include:

  • Brickwork
  • Plastering
  • Screeds
  • Joinery and kitchen fitting
  • Floor finishes
  • Fencing
  • Landscaping
  • Painting and decorating
  • Wall tiling
  • Mastic and sealants
  • Cleaners
  • Roof Tiling
  • Local Labour Recruitment Agencies

Councillor Terry Gilby, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for economic growth, said: “There is more than £1 billion of investment currently underway in Chesterfield and one of the key priorities of the council is that Chesterfield residents directly benefit from this by getting new jobs, training, business and skills opportunities.”

“Robert Woodhead Limited has worked closely with the council to ensure that our Borough benefits as much as possible from the opportunities that building this new Enterprise Centre will bring.”

“Whilst it is disappointing that the event is not going ahead as planned, I am pleased that staff have worked hard to ensure a virtual alternative is in place. I would encourage all local businesses that deliver the trades and services specified to follow the link to our website below where businesses and see what opportunities are available for them and their workforces. It is now more important than ever that we do all we can to support local businesses and this is an example of where we can make a difference.”

Dan Cove, Project Manager, Robert Woodhead Ltd said: “It is with regret that the meet the buyer event has been cancelled but we will undertake to respond to all enquiries remotely. As soon as we can, will look to reschedule the event but in the meantime, we would urge local businesses to get in touch through the website to express interest in the subcontractor opportunities we have available on the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre project.”

If you would like to express an intertest in any of the opportunities listed with Robert please click here or contact Emily Williams via email on emily.williams@chesterfield.gov.uk

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UKATA announces temporary video conference asbestos training during Coronavirus crisis

The UK Asbestos Training Association (UKATA) is urging workers in construction-related industries and trades to make use of the time to upskill or refresh training.

In line with this, UKATA has approved its 200-member companies and individuals to deliver a number of its approved courses by video conferencing software, including Skype, Microsoft Teams and Zoom.

During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, UKATA members are approved to deliver the following courses by video conference:

  • Asbestos Awareness
  • Asbestos Awareness Refresher
  • Duty to Manage – Extension to Asbestos Awareness
  • Non-Licensable Refresher (Delegates must complete a Training Needs Analysis prior to the training)

The move to temporary video conference training was approved during a recent emergency UKATA board meeting.

A number of quality control measures have also been put in place with members to ensure the training delivered continues to be of a high quality. To support the delivery of courses UKATA is also developing a new, bespoke online examination system.

UKATA-approved training providers are audited regularly by UKATA to ensure the training they deliver is of a consistently high standard. They are also authorised to award industry-recognised and respected UKATA certificates following successful completion of training.

To ensure that training can continue to be delivered by members, UKATA has also agreed to grant an extension period to members whose membership process deadlines are approaching.

Craig Evans, Chief Operating Officer of UKATA, which is a highly respected, leading authority on asbestos training explained: “These are uncertain times and we have acted swiftly to ensure that workers can access vital asbestos training and that our members can continue to deliver it.

“It’s a distressing time for everyone concerned, particularly self-employed people, but we are urging people to use this enforced downtime to upskill and increase their knowledge and awareness of asbestos.”

He  added: “The industry is going to have some difficult times ahead, from projects being cancelled to shortage of supplies, inevitably meaning works cannot be carried out, but the country and the industry WILL recover and we must all be ready to hit the ground running when that happens.

“UKATA staff are all working remotely to ensure that, as much as possible, it’s business as usual and that we can continue to support our members and the industry during these unprecedented times.”

To find a UKATA member in your area delivering asbestos training visit www.UKATA.org.uk,call 01246 824437 or email info@ukata.org.uk.

Click here to view our Coronavirus (COVID-19) Business Support Page

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Coronavirus – Business support to launch from today

Businesses will be able to access government support from today (Monday 23 March) to keep operating in the face of the global economic emergency brought on by coronavirus.

The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme will provide government-backed loans of up to £5 million to small and medium businesses.

The Bank of England’s Covid Corporate Financing Facility will provide a quick and cost-effective way to raise working capital for those large firms who need it.
A business information campaign has launched to ensure that businesses are aware of support available.

Businesses will be able to access government support from today (Monday 23 March) to keep operating in the face of the global economic emergency brought on by coronavirus. Details of two new loan schemes are being confirmed and an information campaign launched so that businesses know how to get help.

More than £330 billion of loans and guarantees to help firms continue operating will be available for applications from the two schemes launching today – as the government delivers on its commitment to do everything it can to support business and manage cashflows during this difficult time.

For small and medium sized businesses, the new Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme is now available for applications. This scheme will help any viable business with a turnover of up to £45m to access government-backed finance of up to £5 million. Interest payments and any lender-levied fees for businesses will be covered by the Government for an initial period of up to twelve months.

The government will provide lenders with a guarantee of 80% on each facility to give lenders further confidence in continuing to provide finance to SMEs. The scheme is available through more than 40 accredited lenders, which are listed on the British Business Bank website.

The Bank of England’s new lending facility for larger firms – the Covid Corporate Financing Facility – will also be open for applications to participate from this morning. By purchasing short-term corporate debt – known as commercial paper – the scheme provides a quick and cost-effective way to raise working capital for companies who are fundamentally strong but are experiencing severe disruption to cashflows, helping businesses across a range of sectors to pay wages and suppliers. The scheme is open to firms that can demonstrate that they were in sound financial health prior to the impact of Coronavirus. Companies who wish to use the scheme do not need to have issued commercial paper before.

A government information campaign has also launched today to ensure businesses are aware of the support available to them and how to access it. In addition to a new central website, the campaign will use media channels including radio, social media and television to reach businesses eligible for help.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, said: “We are working round the clock to do whatever it takes to protect our people and businesses. That means that we are not only taking unprecedented action but doing so at unprecedented speed, because we know that businesses and their employees need help now.”

Business Secretary, Alok Sharma, said: “We know that businesses are in urgent need of access to funding during these unprecedented times. The Business Interruption Scheme will make it easier for banks to lend and businesses to borrow. This will ensure that credit keeps flowing to where it is needed, when it is needed.”

Bank of England Governor, Andrew Bailey, said: “The Bank of England has taken a number of steps in recent weeks to support the UK economy through the economic shock caused by covid-19. On Monday a new lending scheme, the Covid Corporate Financing Facility, will open to help businesses manage through this period of uncertainty. Combined with steps taken by the Government, this will help companies through this difficult time and support the needs of the people of this country.”

This builds on the Chancellor’s announcement on Friday of further support for firms and employees, meaning that businesses should have the access to the funds they need during this difficult period. Further measures will be announced to ensure larger and medium sized businesses will be able to access the credit they need.

Links to the information provided here and more can be found on the Destination Chesterfield Coronavirus Business Support Page

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Derbyshire Emergency Relief Fund for businesses now in place

UPDATE 25/03/20: Applications are currently closed on a temporary basis – “We are currently processing the applications received so far as quickly as possible and prioritising self-employed applicants to ensure they are the first to receive payments.” Read more here.

Following the announcement of an initial £1m allocation, complementing the Government’s coronavirus funding packages, the Derbyshire County Council Emergency Relief Fund for the county’s smallest businesses is now in place.

Businesses with nine or fewer employees and sole traders will now be able to apply online for up to £500 in emergency support to help to cover the initial hardships that companies might have as a result of the pandemic.Council Leader Councillor Barry Lewis said: “Derbyshire’s smallest businesses, particularly in certain sectors, will already be feeling the impact of the coronavirus outbreak. The support available from the Emergency Relief Fund won’t solve those problems but might help those who face an immediate issue as a result of lost income.””The Fund is easy to apply for and one-off payments will be made quickly for successful applicants. Alongside this direct financial help we are pulling together a wider package of support in place to help companies access the millions of pounds that the Government has made available for businesses and more details are available at  www.derbyshire.gov.uk/businessgrants.”

The Emergency Relief Fund criteria and application form are available online at www.derbyshire.gov.uk/businessgrants . Businesses will need to be registered in Derbyshire, be able to evidence a loss of income as a direct result of the coronavirus outbreak and fulfil the other criteria laid out online in order to apply. The Fund will be open until the 17th April 2020 and has a limited number of grants available.

The Government has already announced a wide range of measures to support businesses across the country including a business rate holiday and a range of grants. Details of this support is awaited and the Emergency Relief Fund is intended to help businesses whilst the national support is put in to place.

Businesses and residents can find Derbyshire-specific support during the coronavirus outbreak.

Click here to view our Coronavirus (COVID-19) Business Support Page

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National Trust closes parks and gardens

From midnight on 21 March the National Trust will close all of its gated gardens and parks to help restrict the spread of the coronavirus.

The move follows the closure of pubs, restaurants, cafes, gyms and leisure centres announced by the government on Friday, and tightening travel restrictions and public health advice.

At the start of this week the conservation charity announced that despite closing its houses, shops and cafes, it would work to keep gardens and parks open so people could access open space. However, the Trust warned that a fair weather forecast and Mothering Sunday could tempt people onto the roads over the weekend and National Trust sites would close if high demand meant social distancing could not be enforced.

Director-General Hilary McGrady said: “Despite our desire to keep our outdoor spaces open, the health and wellbeing of our staff, volunteers and visitors has to be our top priority. Having observed the numbers visiting our properties today and I am no longer convinced we can maintain social distancing over Mother’s Day when numbers are likely to grow, and beyond.”

“We have now sadly taken the decision to close all of our parks and gardens, in addition to our houses, shops and cafes, to avoid crowding that puts social distancing at risk.”

“We know that people are likely to need space and fresh air in the coming weeks and months and we will do all we can to provide access wherever possible.”

“Our countryside and coastal locations remain open with parking charges waived, but we encourage people to stay local and observe social distancing measures.”

“Over the coming weeks our digital platforms – our website, social media feeds, podcasts and video – will become even more important, ensuring the places of nature, beauty and history that we care for on behalf of the nation can remain open for business virtually while we are temporarily closed.”

“We will also be ramping up our efforts to help people connect with nature wherever they are and to find moments of joy in the world around them. We will be providing rich content and staying in touch with our members and followers throughout this time.”

Information on which National Trust outdoor places are open can be found at www.nationaltrust.org.uk

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