
Chesterfield business leaders encourage firms to take advantage of local support

Chesterfield business leaders are urging companies across the town to take advantage of a wide range of support being offered, to assist in their growth and innovation.

The recent Destination Chesterfield Round Table discussion, conducted in collaboration with the Derbyshire Times, brought together several organisations to celebrate the reasons why they love working, living and running businesses in the town.

Delegates highlighted how Chesterfield was a town full of opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs, with its vibrant community, strategic location, access to skill and talent, and robust support ecosystem.

Firms across the Borough of Chesterfield can currently access a wide range of support options. From improving sustainability to upskilling their teams and exploring innovation and growth, the Round Table panel were keen to encourage other businesses in the town to take advantage of the schemes available.

Abigail Phillips, Start-up Advisor at East Midlands Chamber explained more about the Chesterfield Accelerator Scheme, which was launched in late 2023: “The programme provides one-to-one business support. The key thing about it is that our advisors can highlight potential improvements which you may not know about or haven’t considered. A series of workshops are being hosted across our region too.”

Celebrate Chesterfield 2024 exhibition

Cllr Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council commented: “As a council, we hold regular conversations with businesses across a diverse range of sectors, so we have a good overall vision of what is happening across the borough. The Manufacturing and Property & Construction Forums held under the Destination Chesterfield umbrella are a real strength. I am also very keen to highlight the Skills Brokerage Service which Chesterfield Borough Council has launched for businesses, which allows us to talk to a range of organisations about their skills gaps and identify what they need.”

Chesterfield boasts a bustling community of more than 5,000 businesses. Whether you’re starting up, or looking to grow, a supportive network of organisations are more than happy to share advice. From informal meetups to large exhibitions and major summit events, the sense of camaraderie in Chesterfield helps to reassure people when faced with the challenges of starting a business.

Catherine Wenborn, Managing Director at Vines Legal Ltd spoke of her experience of moving her organisation to the town: “We were shy at the beginning, very much newcomers. However, we got involved in networking with other businesses, attending BNI and the Chesterfield Business Expo at Casa Hotel. We soon found that it was great to meet local businesses. It is always hard setting up in a new place, but people are so friendly here, and people always welcome you. There are so many opportunities here, and now I certainly don’t want to go back down south!”

For established companies, being ingrained into Chesterfield’s community becomes a natural progression. Matt Killingley, Business Development Director of NT Killingley Ltd, which has been trading for more than half a century, explained how important it is for business owners to step away from their day-to-day tasks and collaborate with others.

He said: “One of the most useful things for me was being part of a Chamber initiative which saw a group of managing directors meeting semi-formally once every month. It was very useful because we were all non-competing businesses, and it enabled you to step out of your own business, share problems and then discuss possible solutions. Running a business is totally encompassing, and to step away just for a couple of hours and meet with other business leaders is a great idea.”

Around 150 guests seated in rows facing the stage at the front in the function room at Casa Hotel

Abigail Phillips added: “Through adversity, businesses across Chesterfield have bonded together and it has been beautiful to see. People are being honest and helping each other, which provides a great environment for support and collaboration. The more we can have cross-sector conversations, the more we can continue to break down barriers.”

Cllr Tricia Gilby said: “It’s fantastic to see how businesses step forward when we ask them to – showing a real collective aspiration for our place and people. In terms of inward investment, businesses are always willing to come forward and support. We have seen a fantastic response to Destination Chesterfield’s call for new board members, and the appetite of businesses wanting to get involved in the new Chesterfield Town Board has been strong too.”

In addition, delegates at the Round Table explained how being located in Chesterfield, with its central location and proximity to several major cities, was helping to give them a strategic advantage.

Business man in suit with briefcase stepping off train onto platform at Chesterfield Railway Station

Chesterfield Railway Station

Mel Archbould, Managing Director owner of Cloud-Busting, commented: “The location of our town is its greatest strength. We are in the centre of the UK, next to the M1. When the upcoming work has been carried out at the rail station to provide a great welcome to Chesterfield, I think it will be really exciting.”

Catherine Wenborn added: “You can get to up Scotland, or down as far as the south-west either on the train or by road. We’re pretty much bang in the centre, which I consider to be a huge advantage.”

The town’s location also enables businesses to tap into a wide talent pool, with an estimated 7 million people living within an hour’s commute of Chesterfield. Attendees at the Round Table pointed out how they were ensuring they made the most of local skills opportunities to help grow their organisations and create jobs.

Matt Killingley said: “We are working with local schools, trying to promote apprenticeships and we are looking to engage with the potential workforce in our area. Sometimes in business, it is easy to have aspirations you can’t actually enact, but stepping away and speaking to schools and universities helps to promote your business and engage with the next generation.”

Paul Chapman, Owner and Editor of S40 Local Magazine added: “The sense of community in Chesterfield is so different to anywhere else. Look at the links we have between businesses and educators, such as Chesterfield College and the University of Derby. If you’re looking for particular skills, they’ll speak to you and ask what you’re looking for. They’ll then train people up to help get people into jobs, which is excellent.”

Are you a Chesterfield business looking for support to grow or upskill your organisation? Find out more at: www.chesterfield.co.uk/business/business-support

Round Table - Celebrate Local

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Football’s coming home: Chesterfield to host the 2024 International Walking Football Federation World Championships

Chesterfield is preparing to host the International Walking Football Federation World Championships. 

From May 17th to 19th, the best walking footballers will grace the hallowed turf of the SMH Group Stadium, home of Chesterfield FC. Fifteen nations will be represented at the tournament, featuring 54 men’s and women’s teams, with the likes of Australia, Lithuania, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Peru and the hosts, England, participating.

The championships coincide with the unveiling of a blue plaque at the stadium, commemorating the role of Chesterfield FC Community Trust in the creation of walking football.

Walking football has captured the hearts of many and offers a unique twist on the traditional game.  It allows those who love football to continue playing into their later years, promoting fitness, camaraderie, and a competitive spirit without the impact and strain of running.

Chesterfield F.C. Chief Executive John Croot pioneered this inclusive version of the game for an ‘Extra Time’ initiative aimed at people aged 55 and over, and it has spread worldwide.

John Croot, Chief Executive of Chesterfield FC said, “It’s great to have the walking football community back at the stadium.

“They’re coming from all corners of the world. I know it’s much anticipated by the players, management and the families and friends they’re bringing with them.

“It’s great for businesses in North Derbyshire because, linked with the teams alone, around 500 people are coming here and they will all be spending money.”

Alan Rose, president of IWFF Global, is encouraging people to come along, watch the games and discover more about the physical and mental benefits of walking football.

“It’s not always about the game, it’s about the enjoyment, it’s about the friendship. You’ll see everybody laughing and joking with each other, regardless of which nation they’re from.

“Get hold of some of the players and have a chat to them and they’ll tell you how much it’s changed their lives, from having illnesses and being housebound to making the effort and getting out there. It’s wonderful.”

Attending the International Walking Football Federation World Championships costs £10 for a Day Pass or £25 for a Weekend Ticket, allowing access on all three days. 

Tickets are available at https://bookwhen.com/cfcct/e/ev-s057-20240517143000

There is a bumper weekend of events happening in Chesterfield, so why not add a visit to Peddler Market Chesterfield or the Rail Ale Festival to your visit?

Check out all the events happening in Chesterfield this weekend.

Chesterfield F.C. supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Images courtesy of Tina Jenner / Chesterfield FC


Walking football at the SMH Group Stadium

Walking football at the SMH Group Stadium. Image courtesy of Tina Jenner / Chesterfield F.C.


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VisitEngland Quality Marque awarded to Matlock Farm Park 

Popular Peak District attraction Matlock Farm Park, located between Matlock and Chesterfield, is celebrating after recently becoming a VisitEngland accredited visitor attraction. 

The farm park has been sited as a strong example of its type and evidence of high quality and standards was seen by judges across the visitor journey. A high overall score of 88% was awarded across areas including the attraction itself, catering, retail and toilets, with the rating for staff performance excelling at 95% and cleanliness 96%. 

Lotty Hawkins, Communications Manager of Matlock Farm Park, said: We’re delighted to have been recognised by Visit England in this way. It’s testament to our hard-working team and a desire to really give a wide range of visitors the best experience possible”. 

Celebrating its 20th anniversary last year, the park has seen many changes over the years since its humble beginnings of a few outdoor animal pens, small animal barn and a 15-seater tearoom. 

Now several times the size, it is home to a wide range of native and non-native animals. Activities include sheep racing, meerkat talks and alpaca trekking, with facilities such as multi-zone play areas, a horse-riding school, café, function rooms and a Changing Places facility. Special events take place throughout the year. 

The attraction took gold in the 2023 Peak District & Derbyshire’s Tourism Awards for Best Visitor Attraction and won the Accessible & Inclusive award. 

Managing Director and founder Allan Finlay said: “We’ve really surpassed everything we set out to do. My background was hospitality and my wife Virginia’s was farming – we started the park off just as a little hobby to do together. I look now at being awarded the VisitEngland Quality Marque and what we’ve achieved to bring visitors such enjoyment and I feel immensely proud”.

The successful attraction has also been added to the X17  bus service, giving visitors to Chesterfield the opportunity to use public transport to visit Matlock Farm Park.  The bus will stop at the park twice a day for both outward journeys (stopping mid-morning and lunchtime), and return journeys (lunchtime and late afternoon).

 Chesterfield is the perfect base to explore Derbyshire and the Peak District for ideas of things to do and places to stay head to our visiting page

Matlock Farm Park supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Lamb and girl Matlock farm park

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Chesterfield welcomes new East Midlands Mayor

The first Mayor of the newly created East Midlands Combined County Authority has been welcomed to her new office in Chesterfield.

Claire Ward, who was elected to the position this month, has moved into the new interim mayoral headquarters based at Chesterfield Borough Council’s flagship office development, the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre.

The East Midlands Combined County Authority (EMCCA) has been created as part of the devolution deal between the Government and the four upper tier councils of Derbyshire County Council, Nottinghamshire County Council, Derby City Council and Nottingham City Council – working closely with local authorities across the region, including Chesterfield Borough Council.

The EMCCA has been given powers, functions and funding worth £1.14 billion from the Government. It means that decisions about investment in our areas, which are currently taken by central government, will be made locally. But it is estimated that the region will unlock around £4bn of funding over the coming years because of this devolution deal.

Local authorities still exist as individual councils but the new Combined County Authority, led by the new regional Mayor, will work with all councils across the area to deliver the best possible outcomes for the residents and businesses. There will also be opportunities for private, public, and voluntary sector organisations to contribute and have their voices heard.

As part of the devolution deal, the EMCCA must have a directly elected mayor. A key part of the role is to act as an advocate and global ambassador for the Combined County Authority area and the 2.2 million residents who live here. The Mayor’s term of office will run for four years.

Prior to meeting staff at the office in the heart of Chesterfield, the new Mayor signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office at Bolsover Castle, signalling the start of her duties.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “I welcome Claire Ward to her new position as EMCCA Mayor, and we’re delighted that the combined authority has chosen Chesterfield – and our flagship Northern Gateway Centre – as the home for their region-wide operations.

“In Chesterfield, we’re committed to ensuring that our communities benefit from the opportunities created under devolution, and regional investment. We’re working with other local councils to build on our existing partnerships, and we look forward to building even stronger relationships with our regional leaders and networks to ensure we have a strong voice and influence in the East Midlands Combined County Authority.”

claire ward speaking into a microphone at Celebrate Chesterfield

Amanda Mays, Interim People and Operations Lead at East Midlands Combined County Authority, said: “The Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre is a fantastic office space, with great facilities for our East Midlands Combined County Authority’s growing team.

“Chesterfield is one of many great towns in our region – it boasts a rich industrial heritage and will be a key pillar for our economic growth strategy over the coming years. We’re delighted to call it home.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield, commented: “I would like to congratulate Claire Ward on her election as Mayor of the East Midlands Combined County Authority. The board and team at Destination Chesterfield are looking forward to working with our new Mayor to attract further investment to the region, raise the profile of our visitor economy and support our indigenous business to innovate and grow.

“The borough of Chesterfield has an ambitious growth strategy and has an important role to play in achieving the region’s ambitions.

“We are very pleased that the new East Midlands Combined County Authority will be based here in the heart of Chesterfield. The Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre boasts excellent facilities and is already home to dozens of brilliant businesses, so I am confident that the centre will provide an excellent base for Claire and her dedicated team.”

If you are a business looking for office space, the Invest in Chesterfield service will help you discover the perfect locations in and around Chesterfield.

enterprise centre

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Outstanding women in business across the East Midlands to be showcased at award ceremony 

Women who excel in business are to be recognised for their accomplishments at the Enterprising Women Awards 2024.

Chesterfield businesses are being encouraged to enter these awards.

A ceremony and dinner taking place on 20th September at Winstanley House in Leicestershire will crown the 2024 winners. Entry is invited for a limited period across ten categories covering a wide range of qualities including social commitment, STEM innovation and a newly introduced award in 2024 for emerging leaders.

In 2023 the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award went to Sue Tilley, Head of Business and Innovation at Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership.

At the event Sue said: “I truly understand the challenges that entrepreneurs face – you fuel the economy and keep going.” The 2024 awards ceremony in September follows the announcement of the selected finalists at a Summer Networking Event on 13th June at Kilworth House Hotel.

East Midlands Chamber Head of Commercial Events and Partnerships Trace Voss said: “The East Midlands has so many inspiring women at all levels of business that deserve to be recognised for their skill and achievement. With awards, so often people tend to think of bosses and directors but you can be an inspiring leader without being the boss.

In fact, there are so many areas of business that should have the spotlight shone on them. We have award categories for small businesses, Team of the Year, Apprentice of the Year and many more.

It’s about those standout women who impact the direction of a business or lift the people around them so that they too have a positive influence.

“If a woman springs to mind – and I think we can all picture someone – that suits one of the 2024 categories then I’d urge people to put them forward straight away. That’s the first step toward them being a recipient at the Enterprising Women Awards 2024, which is perhaps the best accolade a woman in business can receive in our region.

An Enterprising Women award tells the business world that they’re one to watch.”

Enterprising Women Awards 2024 categories and sponsors:

• Business Woman of the Year sponsored by Michael Smith Switchgear
• Social Commitment Award sponsored by Tomato Energy
• Apprentice of the Year Award sponsored by Futures Housing Group
• Female Employee of the Year Award sponsored by Nelsons
• Female Entrepreneur of the Year Award sponsored by Fraser Stretton Property Group
• Team of the Year Award sponsored by Breedon Consulting Ltd
• Small Business of the Year Award sponsored by Unique
• She who Innovates by STEM Award sponsored by Pick Everard
• Emerging Leader Award sponsored by Sarah Higgins Corporate Coaching
• Lifetime Achievement Award sponsored by Paradigm Wills and Legal Services

To find out more about award categories and enter the 2024 Enterprising Women Awards click here

Enterprising Women Awards 2022 winners

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Business brings a splash of colour to Chesterfield town centre

The Colour Collective Pottery Painting & Well-Being Studio has recently opened a new shop in the heart of Chesterfield town centre.

The new studio on Rose Hill offers pottery painting for all ages alongside a therapy room offering a range of holistic and complementary therapies.

Carla Macmillan, Owner, said, ” I provide a relaxing and inspiring environment to be creative.”

“You don’t have to be a highly skilled artist to be able to create something to be proud of.”

“Pots can make unique gifts with baby foot and hand prints.” 

“I also have a therapy room upstairs offering numerous holistic and complementary therapies. Such as reflexology, different massage including aromatherapy and reiki.”

The Colour Collective joins several businesses that have recently chosen to invest in Chesterfield Town Centre.

These include the Soresby Street Cafe, a modern venue with a relaxed ambience.

Cards Direct at Vicar Lane offering greeting cards, gifts and partyware.

Hotpod Yoga became the first tenant to locate the new units created in the former Co-op department store on Elder Way.

Eclectic Delights of Serendipity, a quirky independent store, opened its doors, selling gifts and other unique items.

Carla continued, ” I started my pottery painting journey in Bakewell, I wanted to be in Chesterfield, and once a shop became available that I could afford, I jumped at the chance.”

“I love being part of the community in Chesterfield. I always feel safe and supported here.”  

“Chesterfield has such a unique character that is great for visitors to come and experience while looking around lovely shops that reflect its character. ” 

If you are considering a location for your business, the Invest in Chesterfield service can support you in finding the perfect location for your business in Chesterfield. Visit www.chesterfield.co.uk/invest to express your interest and discover more about joining Chesterifeld’s business community.

Colour Collective Pottery Painting & Well-Being Studio

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Save the dates – Peddler Market returns to Chesterfield this May and July

Chesterfield town centre will be buzzing in May and July as Peddler Market returns for two more weekend events this summer.

The popular street food market will be in New Square on 17 to18 May and 19 to 20 July. These are the final events for 2024 as the multi-million pound regeneration of the town centre is expected to start over the summer.

Ben Smith, Director at Peddler Market, said: “We are looking forward to signing off the summer with a bang! Peddler offers a fantastic opportunity to meet up with friends and family in the heart of the town centre; enjoy a drink, sample some of the UK’s most exciting street food talent and soak up the atmosphere from the live stage.

“With New Square being rejuvenated later this summer, we are happy to have provided a blueprint for how street food can play a pivotal role in transforming Chesterfield’s night-time economy in years to come.”

There will be a fantastic range of award-winning street food from around the world at the event in May.

Syiok-Lah will be serving up authentic Malyasian cuisine, Get Wurst will be offering German style Currywurst and Bratwurst, Cow Boys will be bringing brilliant burgers, The Spicy Biker will have a range of Indian street food, Brúm Mì will be dishing out East Asian street food, Luigi will be offering a taste of Italy with Arancini and Panzerotti, De Boeuf will be slicing up their mature beef, Madame Crêpe will have a range of fresh crepes and Vanilla Bean will be serving coffee and baked treats.

The weekend also features a strong line-up of live music with something for everyone to enjoy including, indie-rock band The N.S.O, folkie singer-songwriter Jack Weston, pop punk outfit 2x Fast,  Viva La Vintage  who performs a mixture of classic soul, swing and rock n roll, singer songwriter Masha Jana, and unique band Honey Trap, with some more acts still to be confirmed.

On Saturday Sunflower Dance will be providing family friendly entertainment with a dance workshop designed for children.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “Peddler Market has been a unique event in our town, and I know lots of people have come out to support the three events so far. I hope to see lots of returning faces and new visitors come along in May and July to show their support for this fantastic event before we start work on the regeneration of the town centre.

“These events are a fantastic way to kickstart your summer in Chesterfield with your friends and families.”

The Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield project will see extensive works to key town centre areas to support a range of uses including markets, events, festivals and more. The work is due to start in summer 2024 in the Market Place.

Funding to help bring the event to Chesterfield has been provided through the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

Chesterfield Borough Council received £2.69m of UKSPF funding which will be invested across the borough. A portion of this will be invested into promoting the borough as a place to visit, and providing support for arts, culture, and heritage activities.

Planning on visiting Chesterfield on a Peddler Market weekend? Find out more about what’s on offer in the town here. 

Peddler Market Chesterfield - family enjoying some food and smiling for the camera

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Chesterfield’s 383rd Mayor sworn in

Councillor Jenny Flood has begun her term of office as Chesterfield’s 383rd Mayor, taking over the position as the borough’s civic head for the coming year.

Cllr Flood was sworn in at Chesterfield Borough Council’s Annual Council Meeting on Wednesday 8 May, with a Civic Parade on Saturday 11 May.

Councillor Flood’s friend and Community Liaison Officer Heather Hopkinson takes on the role of Mayoress. Cllr Barry Dyke has been appointed as Deputy Mayor with his with wife Marie Dyke serving as Deputy Mayoress.

Chesterfield residents are invited to come and celebrate Chesterfield’s new Mayor at the annual Civic Parade which will take place from 10.15am on Saturday 11 May in the town centre.

Councillor Flood, said: “It is a wonderful honour to be Chesterfield’s Mayor, I look forward to getting around the borough and meeting local residents and celebrating our community. I’m also pleased to be able to use my position to raise funds for three incredible charities that do amazing work in our community.”

The Mayor’s Appeal will be raising funds for Derbyshire Law Centre, Chesterfield Royal Charity, supporting staff’s Health and Well Being post Covid and Rural Action Derbyshire’s Feeding Chesterfield initiative.

The Civic Parade is an opportunity to celebrate the new Mayor. The parade will leave from the Town Hall on Rose Hill at 10.40am and will head through the town centre to the Church of St Mary and All Saints (Crooked Spire) where there will be a service at 11am.  At noon the parade will return to the Town Hall.

There will be several dignitaries from across Derbyshire in attendance at the parade, along with Freemen, Aldermen, and former Mayors of Chesterfield, and groups such as the Royal British Legion and uniformed youth organisations.

Members of the public are welcome to attend the parade and church service, with seats being allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Councillor Flood replaces Councillor Mick Brady and Councillor Suzie Perkins who served as Mayor and Mayoress for the 2023 to 2024 civic year.

About the Mayor, Councillor Jenny Flood

 Jenny was born in Lincolnshire, the youngest of three children, her career has been shaped by her parents whose own careers focused on health, supporting those in need and Care of orphaned children. After taking her A Levels, Jenny started her career as a Student Nurse at University College Hospital, London, where she became a Staff Nurse, Union Representative, a Clinical Teacher, and a Ward Sister specialising in the care for the elderly. Jenny later progressed to Nether Edge Hospital in Sheffield to open the Stroke Unit and manage the Acute Unit as Assistant Matron, resulting in moving to Hasland, where she was closer to her sister.

Jenny made a career change when she married her late husband, Raymond. Becoming a full-time trade union official for COHSE in the Trent region, was the Women’s Officer, TULO Representative and the representative on East Midlands Region Labour Party where she became Chair. She was elected to serve on the English National Board, the then part of the United Kingdom Central Nursing Council and following the union merger was the UNISON Officer for health branches in North & South Derbyshire, Central Notts, South Lincolnshire, several Ambulance Branches, and the University of Derby.

Jenny loved going to concerts, the theatre visiting preserved steam train lines, historical sites with her late husband, Raymond, and spending time together on various holidays to the coast, the countryside and abroad, including sailing with friends around the Greek islands. Jenny has one son, Nathan and a daughter-in-law, Joanna. Jenny has a wonderful grandson, Arthur and a granddaughter on the way. In her spare time, Jenny loves swimming, tapestry, baking and being a nanna to her grandson.

In 2011 after her retirement, Jenny stood for Rother Ward and has been re-elected ever since. She has served on several committees and was Chair of the Scrutiny Committee. She is active in her community, influencing the development of parks and the setting up the Rother Active Youth Club to provide holiday activities and food to young children. She was responsible for helping set up Gussies Kitchen, a not-for-profit social eating café, which provided free food to 300 households weekly throughout the pandemic and now Gussies Pantry is providing a weekly food shop for those in food poverty. She is also Chair and a Trustee for Derbyshire Law Centre.

Jenny feels it is important to help young people achieve their potential and have opportunities and experiences that enable them to have the necessary support and chances through education, provision of skills and learn the importance of community, equality and teamwork.

About the Mayoress, Heather Hopkinson

 Heather has lived in Chesterfield all her life she attended primary school in Inkersall and then went to Netherthorpe School until completing sixth form. She began her working career at Inkersall Green School on a Youth Training Scheme working with children with additional needs. Through this work she knew she had found her niche working with children and started to gain more experience in youth work.

Heather attended the University of Derby as a mature student and gained a qualification in Youth and Community, Heather never looked back and has been working with children and families for over 30 years. Throughout her career she has always worked in communities in and around Chesterfield engaging children and families in a variety of settings working as a multi-agency worker, Teaching Assistant and youth worker predominantly in the Rother area and many years ago this was how her path crossed with Jenny.

Heather currently works as a Community Liaison Officer at Parkside Secondary School and is known as a caring, hardworking, proactive and adaptable person committed to making a positive impact to all that she meets. Heather has always strived to make a positive difference to people’s lives and help fulfil their aspirations.

She is a mother to three wonderful children Sarah, Leanne and Jamie. Her fiancé Stephen has two children Jack and Laurie, Heather loves to spend time with all four grandsons and her family means a great deal to her.

Cllr Flood being sworn in

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Chesterfield firms encouraged to apply for AI skills grants

The government has launched a scheme enabling businesses across the UK to futureproof their teams, by accessing funding for AI skills.

The Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) recently announced a £7.4 million pilot scheme to subsidise the cost of AI skills training for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Professional Business Services sector. £6.4 million of grant funding is available.

Through this pilot programme, eligible business can apply for funding for up to 50% of the cost of AI skills training. This is training which supports employees to develop their technical skills and/or understanding of AI to be able to develop, deploy, or use AI in their role. The application window is open until 31 May.

Artificial Intelligence holds huge opportunities to drive productivity and prosperity across the UK economy. It has the potential to increase UK GDP by up to 10.3% by 2030 – the equivalent of an additional £232 billion – and businesses who adopt AI are more likely to be successful than those that do not.

But evidence shows that a lack of AI skills in businesses is hindering AI adoption, in part due to low investment in AI upskilling in UK businesses, particularly in smaller companies.

The new pilot programme will test whether training SMEs in AI maximises the value of adoption AI. Specifically, whether government support in the form of match-funding is an effective way of increasing employer-led upskilling in AI, and whether increased skills translate into AI adoption and firm-level productivity benefits.

Specifically, the pilot has the following objectives:

1. To stimulate employer investment in AI training
2. To address AI skills gaps in the UK workforce limiting AI adoption
3. To measure the impact of AI upskilling on business productivity and outcomes

The funding competition is open to applicants who:

  • Are registered and operate in the UK
  • Employ between 1-249 employees in the UK
  • Are defined as an SME per the BEIS SME Action Plan
  • Have been operating for at least 1 year
  • Are able to match-fund 50% of the cost of the training, and
  • Operate in the Professional and Business Services (PBS) sector

To find out more and apply for the support, go to: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/flexible-ai-upskilling-fund

For more information on business support, funding and training available to Chesterfield businesses, go to: https://www.chesterfield.co.uk/business/business-support/


Two women wearing VR headsets and animation on big screen

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International Horse Trials set to return to Chatsworth

Chatsworth is set to host its annual showcase of world class equestrian action this month, with a variety of entertainment and activities on offer during the much-loved three-day event.

The Chatsworth International Horse Trials sees the return of the British leg of the FEI Eventing Nations Cup, where the world’s best riders will tackle Chatsworth’s technical cross-country course, alongside elite dressage and show jumping competitions.

The challenging cross-country course is always a firm favourite, but the event also offers a range of activities for all ages and abilities including; the Shetland Grand National; have-a-go dog shows where visitors can let furry friends explore courses designed to test speed and agility; as well as the entertaining and educational sheep shows hosted by New Zealander Richard Savory and birds of prey displays from The Yorkshire Countryman.

This year will also see the return of the hugely popular shopping village and fine food walk, home to specialist retailers, as well as local businesses and artisan makers offering the finest crafts, homewares, gifts and more.

Throughout the weekend, families can enjoy wall climbing and face painting, as well as channelling their own artistic talents at drop-in pottery painting sessions to create their own piece of art to take home. For those wanting to explore beyond the event, the house and garden are open as usual, as is the farmyard, where younger visitors can learn more about their favourite friendly animals including goats, guinea pigs and chickens, and discover a number of Chatsworth’s rare breeds including Suffolk Punch horses and the majestic Cream Legbar Chickens.

From the farmyard, young adventurers can take the secret tunnel to the recently refurbished woodland adventure playground, including the newly opened tall towers and slides, as well as a climbing wall, zip wire and dedicated area for younger children, providing hours of adventure. Children can enjoy ascending to the top of the towers for a bird’s-eye view amongst the treetops and climbing into the huge Great Spotted Woodpecker – a reflection of the spectacular nature which surrounds Chatsworth.

Patricia Clifton, Chatsworth International Horse Trials, said: “The International Horse Trials is always a firm favourite in our events calendar. We’re proud to once again play host to some of the world’s best riders with the FEI Eventing Nations Cup, but beyond eventing there is so much more for all ages to enjoy – from supporting local artisan makers to marvelling at the Sheep Show Hustle!

“Whether you’re a first-time visitor looking for a fun day out for the whole family, or a seasoned equestrian enthusiast, there’s truly something for everyone!”

General admission tickets for adults are priced at £17.50 for Friday and £35 on Saturday or Sunday, and children’s tickets are £11. All tickets include free parking and child prices are for ages 5-15 inclusive. Admission is free to carers who are visiting with the person they care for.

The family event is part of Chatsworth‘s theme for 2024 – ‘Celebrating Childhood’, which includes a host of activities including a family festival from 25-27 May and the Picturing Childhood exhibition in the house, aiming to encourage visitors to experience Chatsworth from a new perspective.

The 2024 Chatsworth International Horse Trials are sponsored by Delarki, an investment firm specialising in creating and investing in early-stage premium food and beverage opportunities.

For more information, please visit https://www.chatsworth.org/events/horse-trials/

Planning your trip to Chesterfield and North Derbyshire? Take a look at the range of events and activities available here in Chesterfield.

Chatsworth Horse Trials - horse jumping over obstacle

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5 fabulous events taking place in Chesterfield this May

As the warmth of summer draws near, it’s time to start planning some exciting adventures for your family here in Chesterfield.

Things are really heating up across our town, with excitement and adventure for families of all shapes and sizes.

So this May, mark your calendars, pack a picnic, and get ready to create unforgettable memories together at these fabulous events.

Peddler Market

1 male and 1 female smiling at the camera

This month sees the fourth instalment of the iconic Peddler Market in Chesterfield town centre on the 17th and 18th May.

This great event has made itself right at home in New Square, so if you’ve not been yet, make sure you head along and try some delicious food and drink whilst enjoying live music, entertainment and crafts.

Chesterfield Craft and Makers Market

Birdseye view of Chesterfield market place with stalls and people

The 18th May will also see the Chesterfield Craft and Makers Market arriving back in town, with plenty of opportunities for you to pick up unique products and gifts from local independents.

Dine on seasonal food offerings and browse handmade gifts, whilst helping to support our brilliant local producers!

Chesterfield Canal Cruises

Woman on blue trip boat on Chesterfield Canal with red trip boat ahead

Chesterfield Canal

If you’re after a bit of relaxation, a leisurely journey along the picturesque Chesterfield Canal will be the perfect way to unwind – as the special Canal Cruises are back in full swing.

Gather the family and hop aboard for a relaxing cruise through stunning scenery. Look out for the Fish and Chips Special cruises too taking place on selected dates – a perfect setting for a meal with family or friends.

Rail Ale Festival

Rail Ale Festival - Image Credit: Paul Bigland

Rail Ale Festival – Image Credit: Paul Bigland sml

We can’t talk about the wonderful events happening this May without mentioning the fabulous Rail Ale Festival at Barrow Hill Roundhouse.

The annual celebration will give you or a loved one the chance to discover a vast array of real ales, craft beers, and refreshing beverages to sample. The event always promises some fantastic entertainment, too.

Rock music fans will love pumping their fists and stamping their feet to a tribute to the world-famous AC/DC at the ‘Rail Ale Rock Night’ on Thursday, 16th May.

Chesterfield Walking Festival

Chesterfield Area Walking Festival

Our final pick for the month is one for families who love the great outdoors. Lace up your walking shoes and join in the fun at the Chesterfield Area Walking Festival.

Choose from a variety of guided walks from the 11th-19th May catering to all ages and abilities, ranging from leisurely strolls to more challenging hikes.

For more information on all the events happening locally, visit: https://www.chesterfield.co.uk/visiting/events/

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