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Staveley Town Deal project aims to build skills for the future

A project that ensures Staveley residents can develop the skills they need to have great careers and bright futures has been given the green light.

The Construction Skills Hub will provide a practical platform for construction training, careers activity and work experience on a live construction site in Mastin Moor. Over ten years, it aims to provide training, careers insights, and work experience for over 5,000 learners.

The Skills Hub is one of the eleven projects that will be funded by the £25.2m Staveley Town Deal. Following formal Government sign-off, work to secure a training provider and develop the site can begin.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “This is a fantastic project for Staveley as it will help residents to access the training they need to secure good quality jobs. It serves as a great example of what we hope to achieve through the Staveley Town Deal – the creation of new opportunities, open to all. We can now start to work towards delivering this project and encouraging people to register their interest.”

Initially the Skills Hub will provide training in site and bench joinery, brickwork, ground works and electrical installation but in time the offer will expand to include training in retrofit and green technologies. It will be open to school leavers and other residents seeking to train or retrain.

There will also be a careers insight programme, which will be developed in collaboration with local schools, and opportunities for work experience to help young people make informed decisions about their futures.

The project has received support from local construction companies.

Ivan Fomin, Chair of the Staveley Town Deal Board, said: “Establishing the right connections between construction companies, training providers and local people from the outset will be key to the success of this project. It is critical that the training provided meets the needs of the sector. We want Staveley to be a place where everyone has the opportunity to succeed – to start, to stay and to grow.”

A site has already been identified for the Construction Skills Hub in collaboration with the Devonshire Group who will be bringing forward a new housing development in Mastin Moor from the Autumn. This will allow trainees to develop their skills on a live housing site whilst in time there will also be opportunities to gain experience on other Staveley Town Deal construction projects.

A training provider will shortly be appointed to deliver the skills packages and operate the Hub. The provider will help influence how the Hub is developed to ensure that the space and facilities are optimised to meet the needs of learners and the sector.

The first cohort of learners will be engaged from September 2022 with the training compound expected to be fully operational from September 2023.

Staveley is set to benefit from £25.2 million of investment through the Town Deal. This investment will support eleven different projects across the town and provide a once in a lifetime opportunity to help shape the future by improving transport links, creating new housing, providing skills for local people, enhancing community facilities, and regenerating the town centre.

Find out more about Staveley Town Deal on the council’s website:


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New mentoring programme to support young people across North Derbyshire

The D2N2 Careers Hub, Led by the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership and funded by the Careers & Enterprise Company, are expanding an innovative mentoring programme to support more young people across North Derbyshire, in partnership with The Work-Wise Foundation.

The launch follows a successful pilot in 2021, initiated by leaders from Chesterfield’s Property and Construction Forum, in partnership with Chesterfield Borough Council and D2N2 Careers Hub.

The Future Makers, Creators, Designers and Builders Mentoring Programme is designed to support people who may be interested in exploring or pursuing careers working in the built environment. This might include designers, architects, surveyors, structural engineers, builders, and construction workers.

The pilot, which ran from March 2021 to January 2022 and was led by The Work-wise Foundation, saw female students from local Careers Hub schools and colleges; St. Mary’s Catholic High School, Chesterfield College, Whittington Green School, Springwell Community College and Brookfield Community School partnered with mentors from Whittam Cox Architects, Woodhead Group and Chesterfield Borough Council.

As part of this, students took part in construction themed activity days at CBE+ in Chesterfield and had regular meetings with their mentors to introduce them to the world of work and enthuse them about a career in the industry. In January, The Work-wise Foundation visited the students in their schools/colleges with D2N2 Careers Hub and their mentors to award them with certificates to celebrate their achievements.

Hannah Higley, Hub Coordinator for the Derbyshire North Careers Hub at D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership said, “It has been fantastic to see this programme develop over the last year. D2N2 Careers Hub and our local steering group are proud to fund the expansion of this successful model, in partnership with the Careers & Enterprise Company cornerstone employers in D2N2, to support more young people in exploring what their next best step might be”

Cllr Amanda Serjeant, Deputy Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council said, “I am really pleased to see the continuation of this project.  Improving the skills and work readiness of people in Chesterfield is our top priority because it will help ensure our ambition to create a thriving borough.

This programme is a great example of how partnership working can strengthen the links between education and business and help ensure that more school leavers are developing the skills they need to enter the workplace.  I am especially excited to see programmes that inspire with young women in sectors where they are underrepresented is key to ensuring success.

Women currently make up around 14% of professional roles within the construction industry, a number which we hope is set to rise with more and more women choosing construction jobs as a result of programmes like this.”

Following the success and positive feedback received from the schools/colleges, businesses and young people involved, the programme is launching to schools across the North Derbyshire region this month.

The programme will seek 15 mentees who may be interested in exploring or pursuing careers working in the built environment and partner them up with role models from industry who will work with them to build confidence, knowledge, and career prospects.

Over a 6-month period, mentors will receive relevant training which will help them work with their mentee on a bespoke project relevant to their mentors business and/or industry. The programme will finish with a showcase event on 8th July where students will present their projects and celebrate their achievements.

A launch event is scheduled to take place on Friday 18th March 2022 at Chesterfield College and any individuals interested in becoming mentors, or schools interested in their students’ becoming mentees, should contact The Work-wise Foundation at or call Alex Gardner on 07726 362067.

To get in touch with D2N2 Careers Hub, contact

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Top tips for taking on an apprentice in Chesterfield

Hiring an apprentice can bring a wealth of benefits to your business from improved productivity to improvements in the quality of products and services.

This blog explores the top tips for taking on an apprentice from Chesterfield based apprentice providers. Apprentice providers offer support to develop your workforce by hiring an apprentice and offering apprenticeship training.

1. Apprentices are employees that are learning

Katy Baker, Head of Quality and Curriculum at Essential Site Skills, explained:

“New apprentices are in training from day one giving them the opportunities to understand their role and your business. The aim is that in the long term they will become an integral and important employee to the business.

Don’t hire an apprentice expecting them to know everything in your industry or field, they need regular support and mentoring within their role, so ensure you understand what an apprenticeship is all about. Learning with a highly skilled apprenticeship provider along with in-company training and mentoring will support that individual into becoming an important asset to your business.”

2. Conduct research to find the right training provider for you

Tom Fearn, Recruitment Manager at Apprentice Team, said:

“Apprenticeships allow businesses to develop and expand whilst also upskilling current employees as well. Prior to recruiting an apprentice, make sure you conduct appropriate research to find the correct training provider and consider information such as Ofsted grades, achievements and feedback from other employers that is available on the gov website.”

current apprentices in Chesterfield

3. Help fill your skills gap by developing new talent through the recruitment of an apprentice

Anne Wright, Managing Director at Workpays, suggested:

“Help fill your skills gap by developing new talent through the recruitment of an apprentice. Work with the training provider to tailor the learning to meet the skills needs of the business whilst developing the apprentice to gain a beneficial qualification.

When hiring an apprentice, you should consider offering a mentor or coach to help this individual develop and thrive. This person should be a positive ambassador and may have done something similar themselves previously.  This will greatly add value to the apprentice’s journey and increase the chances of retaining them as a valuable employee of the future.”

4. Show your commitment to the apprentices learning

Tom Malpass, Business Development Manager – Apprenticeships at Buxton and Leek College, explained:

“Make sure to show your commitment to their learning and how you know it will be mutually beneficial to both the apprentice and the business.”

Become an apprentice in Chesterfield

5. Consider what skills gap you have and the role the apprentice will carry out

James Lund, Head of Business and Development at Chesterfield College Group, provided us with his top tip:

“Take the time to think about the skills gaps you have and the role the apprentice will carry out. This will help to make sure you are recruiting the right person to benefit your business. It is also important to consider how your organisation will mentor the apprentice in the workplace to make sure you can develop the apprentice to their full potential, giving you the biggest return on your investment. Your apprenticeship provider should be able to support you through this process.”

6. Work with a training provider to find the right apprentice candidate for your business

Scott Tait, Business Development Manager at GBS Apprenticeships, said:

“Work closely with your training provider to make sure they are aware of the type of candidate that would flourish and succeed within your business setting. An apprentice needs to thrive in the right environment with the right business for their career and equally a business needs to have the right apprentice in order to grow and support the needs of the business.”

Resources and Information

7. Make sure to showcase any progression opportunities

Roy Barton, Academy Manager at One to One Training, advised:

“For me, it would be all about progression. What career can the apprentice expect to move into and what are the longer term opportunities? If an apprentice is offered a choice of gaining a qualification but limited in opportunities to progress beyond this with one employer, and another has longer term strategy and vision, then it is likely the apprentice will choose the one with more opportunity.”

8. Invest time into your apprentice to reap the rewards in the future

Paul Burton, Head of Apprenticeships at DBC Training, explained:

“Make sure that you have the availability to invest time into your apprentice. Ensure to remain patient during the early stages and check your apprentice understands everything. For a lot of apprentices, this could be their first full-time job and therefore require additional attention. If you invest the time at the start, you will reap the rewards in the future.”

Find out more about hiring an apprentice and the funding which is available here.

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Chesterfield businesses encouraged to submit entries for the Top 100 Apprenticeship Employers 2022

Entries are now open for the Top 100 Apprenticeship Employers for 2022, the annual ranking of England’s outstanding apprenticeship employers produced by the Department for Education.

The Top 100 Apprenticeship Employers celebrates England’s outstanding apprenticeship employers and helps future apprentices, parents and careers advisers to identify apprenticeship opportunities at the country’s leading employers.

First launched in 2020, the annual employer rankings have been developed by the Department of Education, in partnership with High Fliers Research, who independently assess and rank the nation’s top apprenticeship employers.

The rankings weren’t produced in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but they’re back in 2022 to showcase the apprenticeship employers that have done the most to provide successful apprenticeships over the last 12 months.

And new for 2022, England’s top small and medium-sized employers are being featured for the first time in the Top 50 SME Apprenticeship Employers.

Employers will be recognised for their commitment to employing apprentices, their creation of new apprenticeships, the diversity of their new apprentices, and the number of apprentices who complete their apprenticeships and progress further with the employer.

Together, the Top 100 Apprenticeship Employers and Top 50 SME Apprenticeship Employers will reveal which employers – large and small – are the country’s top apprenticeship employers for 2022.

Apprenticeship employers in every industry and employment sector – from accountancy, fashion and law, to teaching, nursing and engineering – are invited to enter for this year’s rankings.

The entry deadline is Friday 25th March and the new rankings will be announced during a special live broadcast in the summer of 2022.

More details about the rankings, how to prepare your entry, and the minimum entry requirements are available on the official entry website:

The new employer rankings for 2022 will be announced during a special live broadcast in the summer, celebrating the country’s leading employers of apprentices.

Nadhim Zahawi, Secretary of State for Education said: “The business benefits and career opportunities created by apprenticeships makes them a key feature of our commitment to level up skills and opportunity across the country.

“There are thousands of employers of all sizes and sectors that are providing individuals with the chance to learn new skills and have successful careers, while boosting their business’ success in the process.

These rankings will help everyone, from young people to career-changers, to make informed decisions about their future and unleash their full potential. I encourage all eligible employers to enter.”

Find out more about apprenticeships in Chesterfield:


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Students and higher apprentices graduate with university-level qualifications from Chesterfield College

Students and higher apprentices from Chesterfield College celebrated their graduation recently after studying for university-level qualifications. In the first graduation ceremony for two years, proud friends, family and employers attended a special ceremony at the Winding Wheel in Chesterfield.

Graduates who completed their courses over the last two years were finally able to celebrate achieving their university-level qualifications in a wide range of subjects and levels following their studies during the pandemic.

Achievements in higher national certificates and diplomas as well as foundation, full and postgraduate degrees in engineering, public services, social care, education, sports and creative media were all celebrated. Those celebrating success with higher level professional qualifications in business, human resources, management, accounting and education were also recognised in the ceremony.

James Dietsch, graduated with a BSc Hons in Software Development and was chosen to give the student vote of thanks at the ceremony.  Studying for a degree in computer software development at Chesterfield College gave James the chance to develop a career in something he loved after he was made redundant from a job in retail. He is now working with the college to develop the new digital technology centre which recently opened, providing students on a range of courses from construction and engineering to computing and art with industry standard equipment to develop their skills.

He said: “The fact that we have made it here today to attend our graduation is not only a testament to our commitment to complete a course, but also to the hard-working staff members of the college who have supported us throughout this journey. Graduates, we have all progressed into a unique club of individuals and have the power now to determine our own path, so with that I ask that you simply follow your dreams and do whatever makes you happy.”

Lee Hardy graduated with a Level 5 qualification in Leadership and Management along with 3 of his colleagues from the Central England Co-operative Society. They had all studied for the qualification on an apprenticeship. He told us:

“It has been a long time coming to be able to celebrate our achievements so it is a relief to finally be here. The company does really well at investing in colleagues. Studying at this level gave us more opportunities, greater learning and something we can give back to the company as well as ourselves. The leadership skills we have gained already has helped us massively.”

Julie Richards, Principal and Chief Executive of the Chesterfield College Group congratulated the graduates at the ceremony. She said;

“I am delighted we are able to hold our graduation ceremony today. It feels very special for the graduates to celebrate the incredible achievements with family, friends and employers. Every year I see students show remarkable dedication but I believe these graduates have shown extra resilience and commitment in achieving such success in such unprecedented circumstances.  On behalf of The Chesterfield College Group and our partner universities, I would like to congratulate each and every one of you and I wish you every success for the future.”

Chesterfield College works alongside a range of partners to deliver university-level and professional courses, including Sheffield Hallam University, University of Derby and Pearson. This allows people who want to work towards higher education qualifications the opportunity to access  flexible, affordable and quality higher level skills with their local college.

To find out more about the courses available at the University Centre visit

Chesterfield College supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Conference hears how delivery of post-16 green and digital skills a priority to support area’s economic growth

Green and digital skills have been identified as a priority to support economic growth in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Speaking at the sixth annual Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Skills and Employability Conference (9 February 2022), Fiona Baker Head of People and Skills at D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership said: “We lag behind the rest of the UK in terms of productivity, and this is because our workforce doesn’t have the right skills.

“There has been an exponential increase in employer demand for digital skills recently.  Businesses and education and training providers must work together to ensure that young people are equipped with the right skills to meet the local growth agenda.”

With more than 16,000 students in North Derbyshire set to gain their GCSE and A level qualifications in the next five years and thousands of jobs expected to be created following investment in Staveley, the free conference brought together business leaders and the education community to address the future employability and skills of young people.

The conference followed the Department for Education’s announcement last year that it plans to reform post-16 technical education and training to support people to develop the skills needed to get good jobs and improve national productivity.

Organised by Chesterfield Borough Council and Destination Chesterfield, with support from D2N2 Careers Hub – Derbyshire North, the conference also heard from businesses and education and training providers in the local area.

Nick Catt, Managing Director of Weightron Bilanciai who spoke at the conference urged local providers to work together, saying: “Schools, colleges and businesses need to engage with each other to identify the skills needed in the economy. Having a generic approach to skills doesn’t work as every local economy is different.”

Julie Richards, Principal and CEO of the Chesterfield College Group, welcomed the proposed changes to post-16 education saying: “”The need has never been greater to work in partnership to provide our young people with post 16 options which ensure everyone in our society has opportunities to develop at all levels. We must meet their needs, and the needs of our economy now and in the future.”

Cllr Amanda Serjeant, Deputy Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and vice chair of Destination Chesterfield added: “The conference has highlighted that one in 4 young people fall out of their post-16 education choice at age 17. We must ensure that young people get the right information at 16 and that they make an informed decision to take up the correct training provision for their own future. In turn this will help ensure they get the right training to work in highly skilled jobs which will contribute to a thriving local economy and provide a high quality of life for local people.

“It is crucial that we look to the future and the skills we will need to transition to a low carbon economy in Chesterfield. Ensuring that we have the right mix of skills to support a sustainable future is key to mitigating the effects of the climate crisis. It was great to hear from employers and training providers about how they will be helping to support this transition and providing the skills needed to support a low carbon, high value local economy.”

Around 100 people attended the conference at Speedwell Rooms in Staveley. The annual conference aims to strengthen links between education providers and local businesses to ensure that school leavers are work ready and have the skills required by businesses in the area. As well as representatives from the business community and skills and education providers, students from Springwell Community College, which is based in Staveley, also joined the conference.

Emily Carter, Operational Careers Hub Lead at D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership said “For young people, meeting employers and experiencing different workplaces is a key element in helping them find their best next step.  We are delighted that local cornerstone employers, strategic partners of the D2N2 Careers Hub and Careers & Enterprise Company joined the conference to share best practice, and a huge thanks to the young people from Springwell Community College who facilitated table discussions.

With a regeneration programme currently underway in Staveley and thousands of jobs expected to be created over the next few years, Ivan Fomin, Chair of Staveley Town Deal commented: “It’s important that businesses, the council and education and training providers work together to make sure these opportunities are fully realised for local people. The Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Employability and Skills Conference is the first step in making this happen.”

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Derbyshire named as one of 55 areas to benefit as a government ‘education investment area’

Derbyshire is one of the areas to be included in new government plans to transform education.

The County has been identified as one of 55 ‘cold spots’ across the country to benefit as an ‘Education Investment Area’.

In these new areas the Department for Education will target investment, support and action to help children from all backgrounds and areas to succeed at the very highest levels.

Derbyshire County Council’s Member for Education, Cllr Alex Dale said: “We very much welcome today’s announcement that Derbyshire has been recognised as one of 55 areas across the country to benefit from this new government investment in education to ensure every child has the same opportunities, wherever they live and whatever their background.

“This investment into the county is a great opportunity to support our schools and will complement work we’ve already started by investing £1m into local programmes to improve reading and essential life skills for young people.

“The detail of exactly what this announcement means for Derbyshire is to follow and we will be studying it closely, but meanwhile we look forward to working with the Department for Education on our collective ambition to improve education in Derbyshire and give every child the best possible start in life.”

The new government investment will build on the county’s work during the coronavirus pandemic to deliver a £2.8 million Holiday Activities and Food programme, which established a network of 62 community and voluntary providers to deliver more than 60,000 holiday activity and food places to vulnerable children eligible to free school meals over summer and Christmas.

At the height of the pandemic between June 2020 and October 2021 the council also offered an additional 816 places through its sports and outdoor education services, delivered more than 9,000 digital devices to Derbyshire children through government schemes and provided internet connection to 562 children and young people across Derbyshire.

Find out more about learning and skills in Chesterfield here:

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Chesterfield MP congratulates local construction apprentices

The Chesterfield MP and Shadow Minister, Toby Perkins, has praised the work of local construction apprentices during a visit to William Davis Homes’ Skylarks development.

Mr Perkins, Shadow Minister for Skills and Further Education, presented certificates to bricklayer Kieran Moulds and joiners Joshua Ford and Dominic Heardman.

The trio completed their apprenticeships with the house builder at the development in Dunston. All three live in Chesterfield, attended Chesterfield College and will continue to work at Skylarks in their chosen trades.

Mr Perkins was joined by Amanda Serjeant, Deputy Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and representatives from Chesterfield College. Both organisations worked with William Davis Homes to create these local apprenticeships opportunities.

Gary Long is the Apprenticeship Manager at William Davis Homes. He said: “It’s rewarding to see these three completing their apprenticeships after what has been a difficult couple of years for them. They have seen their training disrupted because of the pandemic and I’m proud of the resilience and commitment they have shown despite this challenge.

“We were also pleased to work with Chesterfield College and the Borough Council to offer our apprenticeships to young people in the Chesterfield area looking to build a career in construction. Over the years, a large part of our workforce has been built on apprenticeships and we aim to continue to create these opportunities.”

The MP for Chesterfield, Toby Perkins, said: “I am delighted to present these apprentices with their certificates and congratulate them on their hard work and achievement. I also want to thank William Davis Homes, Chesterfield Borough Council and Chesterfield College for working together to create these positions and help these apprentices with their skills development and career progression. This cooperation by local authorities, providers and businesses is great to see.

“Recent research proves that our nation’s economic growth is being held back because too few young people are being attracted into the Construction industry. It is estimated that we need to train as many as 40,000 more apprentices every year to keep pace with demand and retirements from the industry. We need many more apprenticeship opportunities so I am delighted to herald the work of these young people today.

“Skills and retraining should be a vital part of our economic recovery and high-quality apprenticeships are central to this. These apprentices now have a foothold in the construction industry, which they can use to build a career in many different directions.”

Councillor Amanda Serjeant added: “Developing the skills young people have is vital to ensuring they have the ability to access career opportunities created by investment in Chesterfield. Our local labour clauses help ensure that investment creates these local employment opportunities and prioritises local suppliers.

“The progress of the apprentices on this site is just one of many successful examples of this policy in action. We can help create the opportunities with investors and developers but it is the hard work of these apprentices that has ensured they achieve their qualifications and developed the skills they need to be successful. I want to congratulate them all on this fantastic achievement.”

This week marks National Apprenticeships Week in the UK, running between 7th-13th February. The week is being marked in Chesterfield with the town’s Employability and Skills Conference on Wednesday, 9th February at The Speedwell Rooms in Staveley.

The conference will focus on the future skills and green growth agenda and examine the current recruitment challenges that employers face. A selection of local skills providers based in Chesterfield & North Derbyshire will also be showcased in an exhibition at the event.

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Three local young people kickstart their career in recruitment at Edwards Employment Solutions

Three young people have had their careers in Chesterfield’s recruitment sector kickstarted by Edwards Employment Solutions.

Adam Chapman (25) from Dronfield and Tia Lowe-Fowler (23) from Eckington have joined Edwards Employment Solutions through the Kickstart Scheme as Recruitment Co-ordinators, while Ellie Hartshorn (27) from Chesterfield has joined the business as an apprentice.

The Kickstart Scheme was launched last summer by Chancellor Rishi Sunak, with the aim of creating six-month paid work placements for young people who are at risk of long-term unemployment.

Izabella Edwards, Managing Director of Edwards Employment Solutions explained: “As soon as I heard about the Kickstart scheme I was keen to use it to bring young people into the business and give them a step into the recruitment sector.”

She added: “It has been an incredibly challenging time for many employers and the Kickstart scheme is a really brilliant incentive to support young, local people at risk of not being able to get back into work any time soon because of the pandemic.”

Both Adam and Tia bring a wide range of experience across a variety of sectors to their new roles at Edwards Employment Solutions, where they will be helping match candidates and employers.

It was a previous tennis coaching position at Beauchief Tennis Club, that initially introduced Adam to a customer/client facing role and ignited his interest.

He said: “I’ve always enjoyed helping people and, with this role, you have the ability to make a really big impact on someone’s life by helping them find the right job. I’m really excited to start working with the Edwards team and put my people skills to use.”

Like Adam, Tia has also held a number of customer-facing jobs, including one as a dog groomer. She said: “I’ve enjoyed a number of roles from bar work to dog grooming but really wanted a career change. The position with Edwards really appealed to me as I wanted more of a commercial role. I am keen to provide great customer service and help effectively match candidates and employers.”

Ellie Hartshorn joins the business alongside Adam and Tia as an apprentice. With previous roles in nursery and social care, Ellie decided she wanted a complete career change and is now using an apprenticeship to retrain.

She explained: “I was looking into a career change for a while, but I am really passionate about helping people and wanted this to continue, the role with Edwards felt like a perfect fit. I get to work in an office environment yet still talk to people on a daily basis to help them find the right positions for them. It’s a really interesting sector.”

Praising Ellie, Adam and Tia, Izabella said: “Our new starters have already surpassed our expectations!

“I am committed to giving them all the help and support they need to really enjoy and succeed in the recruitment industry. But, more than that, I really want to help Ellie, Adam and Tia to progress at Edwards beyond their training programmes.”

Despite the pandemic, Edwards Employment Solutions has experienced two successful years, helping many key worker industries to find the staff they need.

Established in May 2018, Edwards Employment Solutions has helped thousands of local people secure employment, placing more than 600 people in permanent roles and over 3,000 in weekly assignments, throughout Derbyshire and South Yorkshire.

Anyone interested in exploring a career in recruitment, please email or call on 01246 886 366.

Edwards Employment Solutions supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Chesterfield College to highlight the importance of apprenticeships at upcoming event

During National Apprenticeship Week (7-11 February) Chesterfield College is inviting people to find out how an apprenticeship can build their future career.

The college is holding an Apprenticeship Careers Fair on Wednesday 9 February, open to the public from 4pm until 6pm at their Infirmary Road campus. The event will give people the chance to explore the benefits of apprenticeships and the range of opportunities available.

A host of local employers who value the role that apprentices play in their workforce will also be at the event. They are keen to meet their future workforce and illustrate how apprenticeships provide a great way to develop skills and a career.

The Chesterfield College Group supports over 3,500 apprentices a year, working with hundreds of employers across a range of industries from care to construction and engineering to education.  Apprenticeships give you the chance to learn and train for a specific job, earn a wage and get hands-on experience.

With plenty of exciting vacancies to choose from, the apprenticeship team from the college will be on hand at the event to offer guidance about the range of options available. They will also offer support throughout the application process.

Leah Shortt, Head of Student & Apprentice Services at Chesterfield College said: “I look forward to welcoming anyone who wants to find out more about apprenticeships to our Apprenticeship Careers Fair. The employers who are joining us are passionate about developing people through apprenticeships. This event gives people a perfect opportunity to chat to them and our experienced apprenticeship team.

“Whether you are a school leaver or you want to explore how apprenticeships can help you start or change your career, this event is for you. Anyone over the age of 16 and living in England can do an apprenticeship. There’s no upper age limit. All you need is a keen interest to build your future.”

Find out more about apprenticeships at Chesterfield College visit

Chesterfield College supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Workpays set to host ‘The Big Assembly’ during National Apprenticeship Week

Workpays’ annual event ‘The Big Assembly’ is set to return again this year, with the broadcast set to inform thousands of young people about the benefits of apprenticeships.

Last year the event was watched live and on-demand by over 60,000 people, with schools, parents, students and employers receiving information and advice about possible next steps in their careers.

This time around, The Big Assembly is teaming up with Pret A Manger, Bakkavor, Disability Rights UK, the Co-operative Bank & Coca-Cola Europacific Partners.

It is produced by Chesterfield-based Workpays in partnership with GetMyFirstJob, ASK & Amazing Apprenticeships.

Alex Glasner, MD at Workpays, said: “The aim of the Big Assembly is simple: inspire the next generation of apprentices. For many school leavers, the broadcast is a starting point to discover what their next steps are after graduation – whether it be employment or further education. The Big Assembly is the jewel in the crown of National Apprenticeship Week!

“With more and more people tuning in each year, we wanted to make the 2022 Big Assembly the BIGGEST one yet, so we’re broadcasting it live from an employer – something that we’ve never done before! ”

The 2022 Big Assembly broadcast is being hosted at Pret A Manger and will be available to watch at from the 8 February 2022.

It will feature a panel made up of employers, current apprentices, former apprentices, and a representative from the Disabled Apprentice Network.

David Carter, UK People Director of Pret said: “We’re thrilled to be hosting The Big Assembly broadcast this year as we partner with Workpays to hire and inspire the next generation of apprentices.

The Big Assembly is an amazing way to reach thousands and we’re excited to have representation on the panel sharing our apprentices’ success stories and showcasing what ‘a day in the life of an apprentice’ is really like. We can’t wait to help build the future and hope we help those wanting to become an apprentice.”

As well as Q&As and myth busting, there will also be segments showcasing the apprenticeship programmes at Pret, Bakkavor, Disability Rights UK, the Co-operative Bank & Coca-Cola Europacific Partners.

Workpays supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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