Made in Chesterfield

New Year Career and Progression Opportunities in Chesterfield

The new year is a perfect excuse for individuals to take on a new challenge and seek opportunities to develop their career.

Whether you are looking to progress in your personal career or an employer looking to develop your workforce, Chesterfield’s training provider network have many opportunities available to you.


Apprenticeships can be a great option to either kickstart a new career or upskill an existing career. Undertaking an apprenticeship means you can gain qualifications whilst getting real life work experience and being paid for it.

Stuart Greensmith White, Programme Development Worker at Derbyshire Adult Community Education Service, is currently completing his Level 7 Senior Leadership apprenticeship.

Stuart Greensmith White

He explains how apprenticeships can be used as a platform to work your way up in your career:

“I began my own career on a level 2 apprenticeship and have worked my way up to the highest level.  Apprenticeships are not only for new entrants to the workplace – they are also a fantastic way for those established in their careers to develop further, or perhaps even make a career change.”

“I am so passionate about apprenticeships as you gain knowledge and skills that not only develop your work performance but also your own personal confidence.  My experience of apprenticeships is that they open doors and provide opportunities – I would encourage all current and potential apprentices to aim high and achieve their goals!”

Nathaniel Hall is part of Chesterfield Borough Council’s communications team and recently completed an apprenticeship. He joined the team in 2018 to complete a digital apprenticeship but has since been promoted to work as a digital communications officer helping to oversee the council’s website and social media platforms.

Nathaniel Hall

Nathaniel said: “I was looking for a career path I was passionate about. I always enjoyed media studies in school and college, so I thought this was the best route for me to go down. The apprenticeship helped me develop lots of new skills and gain a thorough understanding of digital marketing techniques. I was really focused on my learning throughout the apprenticeship and that has helped me to progress in my career.”

Search the current apprenticeship vacancies in Chesterfield here

Find more information and guidance on becoming an apprentice here

Employ an Apprentice

Apprenticeships are available in 170 different industries from hair and beauty to aerospace engineering, apprenticeships have been making an impact on local businesses for hundreds of years.

Superior Wellness


Carol Claydon

Carol Claydon, Head of Human Resources at Superior Wellness, explains how taking on an apprentice has benefitted their business:

“We have noticed various business benefits associated with hiring apprenticeships at Superior Wellness. With the level of growth we’ve experienced over the past year, we have needed to adapt training and roles according to the needs of our business. Apprenticeships have been critical to this – the flexibility of an apprenticeship really allows you to shape the roles and skills required, which in return is great for the personal development of the individual.”

Chesterfield Borough Council

The benefits of apprenticeships are wide ranging to the business, and managers at Chesterfield Borough Council often find that they refresh and update their own knowledge while supporting apprentices through the programme. A quality apprenticeship programme adds value to the organisation or business and will provide a well-qualified future work force.

Chesterfield Town Hall

Chris Miley, Learning and Development Officer, at Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “At the council we use the apprenticeship levy in two ways – to both recruit and upskill staff.”

“To recruit new staff; all job vacancies are reviewed to see if they could be offered as an apprenticeship, this is also built into our succession planning with a clear career pathway onto higher level apprenticeships. We have recently recruited for apprenticeships in procurement and HR.”

“In terms of upskilling, the apprenticeship levy enables us to upskill our existing workforce. We currently have colleagues undertaking apprenticeships in Level 3 Team Leader/Supervisor, Level 5 Operational Departmental Management, Level 7 Leadership and Management as well as apprenticeships in accountancy, legal and learning and development. All of the council’s vacancies are advertised on our website, as well as being promoted on our social media channels.”

Learn how you can get involved and take on an apprentice here

Find out how you may be able to access apprenticeship funding here

Kickstart Programme

The Kickstart Programme has been helping young unemployed adults develop their skills and get into work in Chesterfield. Over 282 young people have started Kickstart placements in the Chesterfield area, benefitting from a six-month job placement to gain valuable work experience and build their future careers.

Connor Preece, Central Services Administrator at Workpays, shared his experience of the Kickstart Programme.

Connor Preece

He said: “I chose to take part in a Kickstart placement as I knew it would be a great chance for me to gain lots of work experience over 6 months.”

“As I was coming towards the end of my Kickstart placement there was a full-time position available at Workpays and I knew it would be a great opportunity to take. I submitted my cover letter and shortly after attending another interview, I was offered the role of Central Services Administrator and was very excited to start my new role in a full-time position which I now love.”

“Overall, I feel the Kickstart scheme was a huge benefit to me as I was able to get 6 months of work experience and learn while I worked which was very fun. I would also highly recommend the Kickstart scheme to others who are currently looking for a job and may be struggling to do so as they lack the work experience necessary for many jobs. I really hope to see more people take advantage of such an amazing opportunity.”

Find out more about how you can get involved with the Kickstart Programme here


Traineeships are available to young people aged 16 – 25 years, to help prepare them for employment or apprenticeship by providing education and a work experience placement.

Employers can offer a work experience placement to a trainee and work with local training providers to design the programme. For employers there is an incentive of £1000 and they are a good way of working with an individual before taking on as an apprentice.

Find out about Traineeship funding here

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Made in Chesterfield praised by businesses, schools and pupils

An impact report has revealed that nearly 200 students from North East Derbyshire’s schools got a hands-on taste of manufacturing and engineering careers during the Made in Chesterfield festival in November last year.

Businesses, teachers and pupils have all praised the Made in Chesterfield initiative.

Nick McGowan, assistant headteacher a teacher at Whittington Green School which visited Woodhead Construction’s enterprise centre site, said: “We’ve been teaching construction in the school for the last 15 years and one thing we have always struggled with is access to site so the visit was absolutely brilliant. The visit opened the student’s horizons to the jobs and opportunities within the construction sector.”

In a review of the month-long annual festival undertaken by Direct Education Business Partnership (DEBP) which coordinated Made in Chesterfield in conjunction with Destination Chesterfield, it also found that there was no demand for virtual school visits, indicating that schools are keen to re-engage face-to-face with the business community despite the pandemic.

Ivan Fomin, Managing Director of MSE Hiller and Destination Chesterfield’s board member responsible for manufacturing and engineering in the borough, said: “The uptake of the physical workplace tours by schools for Made in Chesterfield was very encouraging given the current climate of uncertainty. There is a very real appetite amongst schools to give young people the widest exposure to careers and job opportunities.”

He added: “It is so important that we highlight the local career and job opportunities to young people as they are an intrinsic part of Chesterfield’s growth ambitions.”

Virtual workplace tours were launched last year amidst the pandemic, however with Covid restrictions eased physical workplace tours were reintroduced for 2021.

Pupils from Whittington Green School, Springwell Community College, St Mary’s Catholic High School, The Bolsover School, Shirebrook Academy and Heritage Academy all took part in visits to local engineering and manufacturing businesses, including Aztec Oils, Woodhead Construction, CBE+, Penny Hydraulics, Superior Wellness, Morgan Sindall, Weightron Bilanciai, MSE Hiller and United Cast Bar.

Carol Claydon, Head of HR at Superior Wellness which hosted students from Springwell Community College, said: “The tour organised by Made in Chesterfield was a fantastic opportunity for our business. Our team members thoroughly enjoyed explaining more about the business, their roles and their work experience to the students. It was brilliant to see how inspired the students were and I think it opened their eyes to the various career opportunities within the local area.

“The campaign is a fantastic way to inspire the next generation and hopefully showcase the different sectors and opportunities available within the town of Chesterfield.”

Ben Jones, Project Manager at Weightron Bilanciai which hosted students from Bolsover School added: “Hopefully we have inspired young people to be interested in what they want to do as a career so they can start thinking ahead now to what they should be studying and also whether they want to go to university or follow the apprenticeship route.”

Charlie Goodwin, Projects Officer at DEBP who compiled the report commented: “We are so grateful to the many businesses who got involved with Made in Chesterfield and worked with us to make it a success in 2021. We appreciate that everyone continues to experience challenging times, however the feedback from those who participated has demonstrated the value in providing meaningful insights into the working world and the role this initiative has in inspiring future employees.”

Launched originally in 2013, the annual Made in Chesterfield campaign, has since introduced thousands of young people across North East Derbyshire to the possibility of a career in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) sector.

The hands-on campaign aims to bridge the careers information gap between education and industry by giving schools and pupils access to workplace tours, a range of careers videos and the MyFuture virtual careers fair.

Made in Chesterfield 2021 was made possible thanks to funding and support from The Chesterfield College Group, Chesterfield Borough Council, D2N2 LEP and Careers and Enterprise Company, Derbyshire North Career Hub, MSE Hiller, United Cast Bar Ltd and NatWest.

Emily Carter, Operational Careers Hub Lead at D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership added: “We are ever grateful to our cornerstone employers and local business partners for supporting opportunities such as the Made in Chesterfield open doors programmes, supporting young people’s career awareness and aspirations, again this year despite the challenges still faced by industry.

“D2N2 Careers Hub is excited to fund the expansion of this successful model to bring more open doors programmes to young people across the wider D2N2 region during the rest of the 2021-22 academic year.”

Julie Richards, Principal and Chief Executive of the Chesterfield College Group said: “I am delighted to hear that once again the Made in Chesterfield initiative has been a great success. We are proud to support the programme of activities which take place to connect the future workforce with local employers. It is very encouraging to hear how so many schools and employers benefited. It is critical we excite and educate the next generation to understand the fantastic career opportunities for engineering and manufacturing in Chesterfield to build the workforce for the future and secure local economic growth.”

A number of the businesses involved in the Made in Chesterfield campaign are keen to continue to work with schools throughout the year. If your school would like to arrange a workplace visit, please contact DEBP on 01246 212 535.

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Employability and Skills Conference to address future skills needs of young people to help the area meet its growth ambitions

With thousands of jobs set to be created in the borough as part of the regeneration of Staveley, business leaders and the education community are being urged to address the future employability and skills of young people now at a free conference next month.

Tickets are available now for the Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Employability and Skills Conference which is organised by Chesterfield Borough Council and Destination Chesterfield, with support from D2N2 North Derbyshire Careers Hub.

The conference, which returns in person for the first time since Covid hit, is taking place on Wednesday 9 February at Speedwell Rooms in Staveley, between 8:00am – 11:00am.

The annual conference, which is now in its sixth year, aims to strengthen links between education providers and local businesses to ensure that school leavers are work ready and have the skills required by businesses in the area.

This year the Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Employability and Skills Conference will address the future skills and green growth agenda and also examine the current recruitment challenges that employers face.

Speakers at the event will include Ivan Fomin, Chair of Staveley Town Deal and Fiona Baker, Head of People and Skills at D2N2 LEP and Councillor Amanda Serjeant, Deputy Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and Vice Chair of Destination Chesterfield.

Ivan Fomin commented: “The regeneration programme in Staveley is very exciting and has the potential to create thousands of jobs. It’s important that businesses, the council and education and training providers work together to make sure these opportunities are fully realised for local people. The Chesterfield & North Derbyshire Employability & Skills Conference is the first step in making this happen.”

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, deputy leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “I’m proud to be hosting the sixth annual skills and employability conference. This event is important because it helps strengthen the links between business and education, which ensures that young people in our borough can develop the skills local employers need. This year the conference also looks ahead to the skills needed to support green growth in Chesterfield, which is vital to helping meet our climate change commitments. We all need to work together to ensure that young people have a bright future in our borough and that they are developing the skills needed for the future.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield added: “We’re delighted to be able to hold the conference in person once again. The last 19 months have been particularly difficult for both education and business. It has never been more important for these sectors to work together to ensure Chesterfield has the right skills to grow and recover from the challenges of Covid.

“There are so many exciting regeneration projects in the town, including Chesterfield Waterside, Northern Gateway and PEAK, and a lot of opportunities for young people. It’s crucial to ensure we nurture local talent and provide the right training to bridge those gaps and enable people and businesses in the borough to thrive.”

A number of local skills providers based in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire will also be showcased in an exhibition at the event.

Places at the free conference are limited. To book your free place at the event, please visit:

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Pupils visit Superior Wellness as part of Made in Chesterfield tours

A group of eight students and two teachers from Springwell Community College visited the Chesterfield-based Superior Wellness headquarters as part of the Made in Chesterfield project.

Made in Chesterfield is a celebration of the manufacturing, engineering, science and technology industries and careers in the town. The campaign looks to inspire the next generation to the industry, with businesses, schools and training providers coming together to showcase the sector.

Made in Chesterfield is coordinated by Destination Chesterfield and Direct Education Business Partnership and delivered in association with the Chesterfield College Group and with support from Chesterfield Borough CouncilNorth Derbyshire Careers Hub, MSE Hiller, United Cast Bar Ltd, and Natwest.

As part of the project, Superior Wellness offered the students a tour of the office and warehouse space, with a brief introduction from each department. A representative from each department, including those studying for an apprenticeship, explained their role and the projects they work on.

While visiting Superior Wellness, the students were offered the opportunity to look at one of the many hot tubs Superior Wellness distribute globally and ask any questions regarding the products and the business.

Carol Claydon, Head of HR at Superior Wellness, said: “The tour organised by Made in Chesterfield was a fantastic opportunity for our business. Our team members thoroughly enjoyed explaining more about the business, their roles and their work experience to the students. It was brilliant to see how inspired the students were and I think it opened their eyes to the various career opportunities available within the local area.

“The campaign is a fantastic way to inspire the next generation and hopefully showcase the different sectors and opportunities available within the local town of Chesterfield.”

More than 170 pupils from seven different schools across the Chesterfield have been benefitting from tours at several businesses across the town, including Aztec Oils, Woodhead Construction, Vistry Partnerships, CBE+, Penny Hydraulics, Superior Wellness, Morgan Sindall, Weightron Bilanciai and MSE Hiller.

Superior Wellness supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Peak District & Derbyshire Hospitality Charter launches to promote sector and boost recruitment

A new hospitality charter, designed to raise the profile of the hospitality industry and promote the sector as a career of choice, has been launched by business leaders in the Peak District & Derbyshire with support from the area’s official destination management organisation.

The Peak District & Derbyshire Hospitality Charter has been created to help dispel beliefs that those working in hospitality suffer ‘long hours for little pay’ and instead highlight the benefits of being part of such a vibrant industry.

Over 30 businesses in the Peak District & Derbyshire have already pledged their support for the initiative, with businesses of all sizes across the county urged to sign up and form a collective voice for the sector.

The charter has been founded by two local hospitality leaders – Richard Palmer, Managing Director of the Devonshire Hotels and Restaurants Group, and Neil Fischer, owner of the Fischer’s Group – to promote best practice in the industry, with pledges to offer employees opportunity, respect, quality training, a good-work life balance and the chance to grow and develop their career.

Inspired by similar industry initiatives such as the People 1st Hospitality Commitment and the 2020 Hoteliers’ Charter, the Peak District & Derbyshire Hospitality Charter forms the basis of a long-term strategy to combat the hospitality recruitment crisis whilst also paving the way for better education and training across the industry.

Signing up to the Peak District & Derbyshire Hospitality Charter means businesses will make a series of commitments to their employees, which include providing a positive work environment, supporting training and development, offering competitive salaries and safeguarding employees’ mental health and wellbeing.

Collaboration is at the heart of the initiative and the charter also aims to improve training and apprenticeship opportunities in the sector by strengthening links between hospitality businesses and education providers.

Signatories will pledge to work with local universities, colleges, schools and careers advisors to create refreshed qualification pathways that better meet the needs of the sector – whilst also lobbying Government to improve and attract more funding to support education and training across the industry.

Businesses can find out more and sign up to the Peak District & Derbyshire Hospitality Charter using the following link:

Jo Dilley, Managing Director of Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire, says: “The Peak District & Derbyshire Hospitality Charter aims to combat the misconceptions surrounding working in hospitality and instead promote this diverse sector as a rewarding career choice.

“By strengthening links between the hospitality industry and education providers, the charter will not only help to build better training and education pathways, but it will also help businesses to reach young adults at the point when they choose their careers, highlighting the many benefits of working within the sector.

“This is by no means a quick fix, but the launch of this charter marks the start of a long-term strategy to support the hospitality industry, to ease recruitment problems and to ensure local businesses can offer fulfilling careers now – and in the future.”

Neil Fischer, owner of the Fischer’s Group, says: “Hospitality is one of those unique sectors where you get to both learn life skills and pull upon your educational background, while continuing to develop. Whether it’s a passion for food and drink, or purely a business and marketing acumen you are looking to develop, the hospitality industry has it all.

“Notably there has been a stigma associated with the UK hospitality sector for many years. What’s frustrating is that this stems from only 20% of the industry. The other 80% of operations are viable, vibrant and successful businesses, where individuals can succeed.

“While hospitality in many respects is about delivering great experiences, this charter is about so much more; from food education in schools, so individuals grow up healthier and fitter, to delivering great opportunities to those that want to learn, whether as a stepping stone to something else or as a long-term career.”

Richard Palmer, Managing Director of Devonshire Hotels & Restaurants Group, says: “There has never been a better time to join the hospitality industry, learn new skills and to seek more fulfilment from our working lives. Roles in hospitality are an invitation to gain invaluable life skills which open up a wealth of opportunities for those who are looking to develop, whether in the hospitality industry or beyond.

“I relate to this with personal experience, having started my own career as a bar attendant at The Devonshire Brasserie, before travelling to learn from other parts of the world. By age 21, I was managing a £1m turnover business and 25 staff, and by my mid 30’s I became the Group’s MD.

“We’re working hard to challenge the perception of the industry as having long hours, low pay and limited career progression. We began with the introduction of a four-day week for chefs, partnering with local colleges and creating our in-house training program, The Devonshire Hospitality Academy. Now, working with our partners at Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire has allowed us to pull together this charter to showcase all of the great opportunities the sector offers, to give others the benefit of our experience and share our passion.”

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MyFuture careers platform re-launched for 2021 Chesterfield and North Derbyshire school leavers

Following a hugely successful lockdown launch, the innovative employability and careers platform MyFuture, is here to stay for another year.

Developed by Chesterfield Borough Council, in partnership with Destination Chesterfield and the D2N2 LEP the My Future platform was dreamt up during lockdown when Year 11 and 13 young people were unable to access face-to-face careers information.

The platform, however, has been so successful, with thousands of young people in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire using it to find careers advice and apprenticeships, that funding has been extended for a further 12 months helping bridge the gap ahead of large scale in-person careers events returning. Derbyshire County Council is also supporting the relaunch of the MyFuture platform.

Over the last 12 months, more than 4,000 young people, teachers and parents have accessed the platform.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield explained: “MyFuture has been immensely popular since its launch. We were all very keen for it to continue beyond lockdown being lifted and I am delighted that the partners were able to provide funding to enable this. Together we are helping create a strong, skilled workforce which will support the continued inward investment in the town as well as ensure young people gain the best advice and support for their future career development in these challenging times.”

The funding has enabled a refresh of the MyFuture platform by Chesterfield-based creator and designer Oasis Studio. New features within the virtual careers fair include improved search functionality, easier navigation within the exhibition hall, TV screens within the pods which play live videos and immersive sound allowing the user to feel like they are actually attending a live careers fair.

New pods have also been added to MyFuture, including The Tickled Trout, Acorn Training, Edwards Employment Solutions, Superior Wellness, Staveley Town Deal and NLT Training Services. With around 100 pods on the platform, including one featuring The National Careers Service, MyFuture offers young people in the area unparalleled access to careers information.

The pods are set across 11 zones in the virtual careers fair, providing a wealth of information about different sectors, industries, individual businesses, apprentice positions and further education options available across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, deputy leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “We originally launched MyFuture with our partners to ensure there was good quality careers advice available during the pandemic and we have seen fantastic levels of engagement. It’s proved to be such a successful support tool that we are keeping it in place and making it even better than before. There are new organisations featured on the platform and new features which mean it is more interactive and engaging. I’d encourage any young person thinking about their next steps to take a look at MyFuture for local opportunities and inspiration.”

Will Morlidge, Interim Chief Executive at D2N2 said: “Using innovative technology like MyFuture helps to raise aspirations for young people by bringing to life the opportunities available to them. It’s great to see this resource continuing and developing as bringing together the worlds of work and education is a vital part of our strategy to lead our region’s recovery from the impact of Covid-19.”

Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Education Councillor Alex Dale added: “We are delighted to support the relaunch of MyFuture. The website is a great place for young people to explore different career opportunities, get advice and search for local opportunities including apprenticeships and further education courses.”

Young people, teachers and parents who now want to learn about the many opportunities available to future school leavers, can visit MyFuture at

Employers who wish to have their business featured on the MyFuture platform should contact Emily Williams at

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School workplace tours make a comeback for Made in Chesterfield

North East Derbyshire’s school pupils are set to get hands-on with engineering and manufacturing careers once again with the Made in Chesterfield campaign which returns in November.

Forced to moving to virtual workplace tours last year amidst the pandemic, schools can once again visit local engineering and manufacturing businesses in person and discover the range of careers and job opportunities on offer to them in the sector.

Launched originally in 2013, the annual Made in Chesterfield campaign, which is coordinated by Destination Chesterfield in partnership with Direct Education Business Partnership, has since introduced thousands of young people across North East Derbyshire to the possibility of a career in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) sector.

Relaunched for 2021, and free from the constraints imposed last year by the pandemic, Made in Chesterfield is offering workplace tours for schools across 10 local companies operating in the STEM sector.

Aiming to bridge the careers information gap between education and industry, groups of Year 7 – 11 students will be visiting businesses from Monday 8 – Friday 26 November for an educational, interactive learning experience between.

Companies offering workplace tours to schools include CBE+, Superior Wellness, United Cast Bar, Morgan Sindall Group Plc, MSE Hiller, Penny Hydraulics, Aztec Oils, Vistry Partnerships, Weightron Bilanciai and Woodhead Group.

As part of the month-long Made in Chesterfield campaign, schools can also access a range of careers videos to enable young people to experience a number of workplace tours virtually. There is also supporting activities and careers information and apprentice opportunities within the MyFuture virtual careers fair.

Four years ago, Made in Chesterfield introduced Eve Bennett (20) to the sector with a two- week work experience with her now employer MSE Hiller. She has since gone on to complete a mechanical engineering apprenticeship at the company which is one of a number businesses in the sector supporting the campaign.

Eve said: “I still find it shocking that women get frowned upon for going into engineering. It’s a brilliant job and career for anyone. I’ve always wanted to be an engineer for as long as I can remember. I love the job and the company I am working for. I couldn’t see myself doing anything different.”

Ivan Fomin, Managing Director of MSE Hiller and Destination Chesterfield’s board member responsible for manufacturing and engineering in the Borough, commented: “We have been running Made in Chesterfield for eight years and in that time, it has achieved an incredible amount. It works. Two of MSE Hiller’s apprentices are a direct result of the campaign.

“Made in Chesterfield is committed to breaking down preconceived ideas about the sector by young people, their parents and teachers. The world has changed and so has the manufacturing and engineering sector. It offers fantastic skills and training as well as interesting and well paid jobs at every level. Everyone is welcome.”

Dan Heffernan, Careers & Young People Lead at D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership said: “In this fast changing world of innovation, technology and ever increasing advancement within industry, never has the phrase “you can’t be what you can’t see” been more appropriate. After the last 18h months of our young people being confined to their screens, it’s more important than ever that they are now given the opportunity to experience real life workplaces and to engage with employees carrying out real life jobs.

“It’s no secret that the pandemic rocked our labour market and sent shockwaves right the way across industry. However, as we now turn the corner our businesses are looking at how they can bounce back and thrive once again, and central to this will be a pipeline of talent ready to enter their workforce. It is therefore vital that our young people are aware of the opportunities open to them, and crucially that they understand what they must do to get there.

“D2N2 LEP and the Careers & Enterprise Company are incredibly proud to be working on this open door initiative in Chesterfield, building on the successes that have been seen in previous years whilst engaging and encouraging even more businesses and schools to take part. It is then our intention to use this model as a framework to roll out to all schools right the way across the Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire region through our new Careers Hubs.”

Charlie Goodwn, projects Officer at DEBP commented: “We’re excited to working in partnership with Destination Chesterfield and D2N2 to deliver the Made in Chesterfield event in November for students from Chesterfield, Bolsover and North East Derbyshire schools. It’s a fantastic opportunity for students to be inspired by local employers and have their eyes opened to the many career opportunities that are available to them right on their doorstep.”

DEBP has been working with the schools to identify groups of students that would benefit from a visit to a local company. Students identified may have a specific career they would like to learn more about or may just need an opportunity to learn about the careers within their preferred industry.

Charlie added: “We’re looking forward to seeing the impact of this year’s Made in Chesterfield events for the young people and businesses involved.”

Made in Chesterfield 2021 has been made possible thanks to funding and support from The Chesterfield College Group, Chesterfield Borough Council, North Derbyshire Career Hub, D2N2 LEP, Careers and Enterprise Company, MSE Hiller, United Cast Bar Ltd and Natwest.

To find out more about Made in Chesterfield and discover how your school can get involved with a workplace visit, please visit

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Recruitment Event returns to Chesterfield Market

People searching for work in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire are being invited to a recruitment event where they can meet local employers and find out more about training schemes.

Following the success of the last Recruitment Event, Chesterfield Borough Council has once again teamed up with DWP Jobcentre Plus to organise an event designed to give job seekers a helping hand to find their next role and support local businesses to recruit.

It will run between 10am and 1pm on Wednesday 10 November at Chesterfield Market, with employers from sectors hospitality, leisure, construction, and health care attending on the day.

The last Recruitment Event held in September helped more than sixty people find employment with more securing places on specialist training schemes.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, deputy leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “The last event we held worked really well, it allowed job seekers to directly meet employers and find out more about the opportunities available in the area. We got great feedback from both employers and job seekers at the event and felt it was important to host another one before the new year.

“If you’re looking for work, then this event is here for you. You will be able to find out more about current opportunities and may even find your next job on the day.”

Angela Stansfield, Derbyshire Partnership Manager – Department for Work and Pensions, said: “Jobcentre Plus are delighted to be involved in a second Recruitment Event with Chesterfield Borough Council following the successful event in September. These events are a great way to bring jobseekers and recruiting employers together creating the opportunity for interviews to take place on the day & jobs to be filled quickly. Especially on the run up to Christmas this event will ensure people looking for work find the right job for them and their families”.

The drop-in event is open to everyone, with no need to make an appointment, but job seekers registered with Jobcentre Plus can reserve their place by speaking with their work coach.

There will be a special focus on the Kickstart scheme, which provides 16–24-year-olds with a six-month paid work placement, that could lead to a full-time role. There will be the opportunity to find out more about current placements by speaking to the employers directly.

There will also be a selection of local training providers and other organisations who will be able to offer help and support with your job search. They will be able to offer advice on apprenticeships and the training available.

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Start an exciting and fulfilling career in Hospitality and Retail

Hospitality and Retail businesses are a significant part of Chesterfield’s employment sector, partially due to the town centre being considered the 7th largest retail destination in the East Midlands. You can find out more about the sector on the My Future careers platform.

Although the sector has taken a devastating blow during the pandemic and has faced much disruption, this has also opened many avenues to new career opportunities. Chris Mapp, the Managing Director of the Tickled Trout explains: “We really need people to join our beloved industry, it can be an excellent career, we need the next generation to Choose Hospitality.” You can read more from Chris here.

Apprenticeships are one example of these up-and-coming avenues into an exciting and fulfilling career in Hospitality and Retail, offering many benefits and opportunities to learn and earn on the job.

Upskill existing employees

Ringwood Hall Hotel & Spa have taken the opportunity to try and get society motivated to enjoy working in the industry. The business realised there are many benefits to the apprenticeship route including supporting current employees to develop skills and knowledge that are directly relevant to their job roles, which can help motivate the workforce and help the business to retain highly skilled personnel.

Ringwood Hall Hotel & Spa has enrolled 3 of its current employees onto the Hospitality Team Member Level 2 course, in conjunction with Chesterfield College. Leo Baxter, employee at Ringwood Hall Hotel & Spa will be studying to enhance his knowledge and skills in the Conference & Events Operations area.

Leo Baxter said: “I didn’t want to carry on with formal education, but I know I have to because of my age. I recently joined the hotel working in events on weddings and I really enjoy it and earning money to spend on me is great, so I was really pleased when I was told I was able to become an apprentice at the hotel and hopefully become an ambassador for future employees”.

Tim Cadman, General Manager at Ringwood Hall, says: “It saddens me that the industry has suffered so much as it is an industry that will always be needed, but it excites me that we have employees who want to enhance their skills and become the best that they can be in their job roles. We have some fantastic support within the hotels management team who will be great mentors for these employees and with the support of our Human Resources function hopefully we will attract new employees to the business who also wish to make a career for themselves with our support”.

Ringwood Hall Hotel & Spa are also on the lookout for an apprentice chef and painter and decorator. Anyone who is interested in these positions should contact the hotel directly to discuss.

Gain on the job experience

Lucy is a Guest Services Assistant at Van Dyk by Wildes, her apprenticeship involves her working in the main department of the hotel dealing with check ins, reservations and enquiries for the bedrooms, restaurant, and events.

She said: “Every day is different, and every day I learn something new. I always wanted to work in hospitality, and was presented with this amazing opportunity with a great company. I enjoy being a smiley, well dressed and presented person and the apprenticeship suited me perfectly. I enjoy working to a high standard as well as being myself when greeting guests – it is a job I take a lot of pride in doing well as well as the presentation of the hotel and its lobby. Its everything I enjoy.”

Lucy undertook an apprenticeship to gain on the job experience to benefit her future career. She said: “I think for a job like this, it’s really good to get the experience. I have learnt the skills I need for the job whilst also getting the experience I need for my CV. If I was to study this job in education, I would be learning the knowledge I would need, but not the skills I need on the job.”

When I first started my apprenticeship, I was not as confident as I am now, I am happy to talk to our guests and can usually deal with any problems, or questions guests have as I now have that experience.”

Lucy has ambitions to pursue a career as a manager. She said: “The main reason I wanted an apprenticeship was because of the career I want; I enjoy it so much that I want to be a Reception Manager or Front Office Manager. I want to use what I have learned to be able to progress to a higher position.”

There is no better way to hear about the benefits of apprenticeships than from current apprentices. Click here to learn more. 

You can learn more about the industry and the opportunities available by accessing the My Future careers platform.

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Chesterfield College’s virtual jobs board gives employers access to student talent pool

Chesterfield College has launched a virtual jobs board to help employers promote work related opportunities to more than 2,000 college students who are looking to launch their careers in a range of sectors from construction to catering, and many more.

The new jobs board is already giving students access to quality work experience and industry placement opportunities, full-time and part-time jobs, as well as apprenticeships. Local employers are using the service to find students who are keen to start work in roles related to their course or chosen career goals.

The college has highlighted how the virtual jobs board service could help students get the vital work experience they need, at the same time as helping employers fill the skills gaps they have in their organisations, now and in the future.

David Malone, deputy principal of Chesterfield College said; “In today’s market of labour shortages it is vital that employers and colleges do all we can to make sure new entrants to the market are well equipped and ready to contribute to our economy. The jobs board is just one way we hope to develop our partnership with more local employers.

“We have a talent pool of passionate students who are looking for the right opportunities to develop their skills in a working environment. Work experience is as vital as studying to ensure students are ready to develop their careers. When we mix the two elements, we ensure students complete their course equipped with the right mix of knowledge and experience to make valuable employees of the future.”

It is free for employers to advertise jobs, volunteering and apprenticeship opportunities on the virtual jobs board. The college’s work experience team, made up of experienced recruitment and training professionals, supports employers through the process and ensures a quality match with potential candidates.

For more information or to advertise an opportunity on the virtual jobs board please email or call 0345 850 1055 and select option 1.

Chesterfield College supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 190 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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New music studios at Chesterfield College provide industry standard facilities

New studios at Chesterfield College are giving music production students and local musicians a professional space to practice and record, using industry standard equipment.

The studios are the latest addition to the college’s new music department. They are designed to allow students the opportunity to develop the technical and creative skills they need for their future careers. At the same time, they will also provide a useful resource for musicians in Chesterfield to use as a collaborative recording space in the evenings and at weekends.

The new facilities provide a perfect mix of practical and academic spaces for a combination of classroom based learning and hands on experience at music making and recording. They are made up of three elements. These include a traditional classroom space with a suite of macs for learning and editing, a control room including a mixing desk and analogue equipment, and a ‘live room’ which has been designed for traditional collaborative music making. The live room has features which are designed to reflect acoustics and help musicians perform better together.

After spending the first week of term using the new facilities, level 3 music students Josh Clark and Connor Cartledge told us about the difference it had made to them.

Josh who is a rapper, singer and songwriter, with an interest in production said: “I am very happy that I have the opportunity to come in to use an actual studio and work with my peers. The course gives us the chance to learn lots of different skills and practice on different equipment that I don’t have at home. I am excited to know how I can use it next. I am hoping to record my own EP using the facilities we have here. I am really looking forward to that.”

Connor, who wants to be a producer or sound engineer said: “It has made a massive difference now we have this equipment. When we leave college to pursue a career in music, whether as a producer or as a musician we will have the knowledge we need.  We have top of the range microphones and a full studio which will mean any assignments and projects we work on will sound a lot better. Last year we had to record on whatever we had because we couldn’t be in college, so it is going to make a lot of difference. We have got a lot to learn about how to run and work the studio, but it is good to have it ready for the start of the new college year.”

Music tutor and musician, Jonathon Salisbury said: “Having the music studio gives us a professional environment the students can walk into and use. You don’t necessarily need that level of equipment to make good music but if you learn how to use this kind of facility you can always scale back to whatever you need. It is fundamental for students to understand how a professional studio works and get used to that kind of environment. It will help them build up an amazing portfolio of recordings which will launch them onto whatever they choose to do after college.”

“The studio is designed with analogue equipment so it works best for traditional collaborative music making. You can put a whole band in one space. There is real magic that happens when you get musicians together in one room. All the old great bands worked that way. The students who have used it so far have been amazed that they are in this professional space making music with other people again. They are definitely inspired by the quality of what they can produce in the new facilities.”

One local band has already used the space to record parts of their album and the college plans to hire out the new music studios to more local bands and musicians. They are particularly keen to offer the space to those just starting out who are looking for a resource like this on their doorstep.

To find out more about hiring the music studios contact

To find out more about studying music at Chesterfield College visit

Chesterfield College supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 190 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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