Made in Chesterfield

Grants available for Derbyshire Visitor Economy Businesses

Visitor economy businesses in Derbyshire are being encouraged to apply for grants of up to £10,000 to rebuild their business and develop valuable digital assets in light of the coronavirus pandemic.

Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire is offering business grants to support a range of activities such as website development, new photography, the creation of virtual tours and the implementation of cashless payment systems to help businesses bounce back and drive the recovery of the sector.

The grant programme is part of Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire’s European Regional Development Fund project, and has been recently updated to reflect new business needs that have emerged as a result of the current climate.

Alongside digitalisation, grants of £1,000 to £10,000 are also available in the following areas:

  • Accessibility – e.g. accessible equipment and facilities for people with disabilities.
  • Environmental – e.g. electric car charging points, e-bikes or a water system for use by visitors that replaces the need for plastic bottles.
  • Cycling – e.g. secure cycle storage and maintenance equipment for use by visitors.
  • Internationalisation – e.g. website translation or the implementation of online booking/cashless payment systems to encourage international visitors.

Jo Dilley, Managing Director of Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire, the area’s official tourist board, said: “I’m delighted that we are able to offer this funding through our European Regional Development Fund project. Derbyshire’s tourism industry is incredibly important to the local economy and these grants will enable businesses to rebuild and bounce back stronger than ever.

Jo added: “Grants are available for things such as online booking systems and virtual tours, which are both key in the current climate and will help to enrich the area’s tourism offer and power our recovery plans. I would urge businesses to visit the website for more information and get your applications in as soon as possible.”

Businesses applying for the funding must meet the following criteria:

  • They must be part of the visitor economy and its supply chain, including sole traders, partnerships and limited companies.
  • They must be located in Derbyshire.
  • They must have less than 250 employees.
  • They will need to demonstrate how the grant funding will help their business to become more competitive and support the area’s wider visitor economy.

Successful applicants will receive a 50% grant towards the cost of the overall project, with a minimum 50% grant contribution being £1,000 and the maximum £10,000.

A free webinar providing more details on the business grants programme is being held on Thursday 21 May.

Eligible businesses can register their interest for a grant now at

staying tourists

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Chesterfield Royal leads the way in Covid-19 research

Chesterfield Royal Hospital’s Research Team has become one of the UK’s leading figures in the country’s efforts to treat COVID-19.

The team has been recruiting to a number of urgent public health research trials, some of which are designed to explore potential treatments for COVID-19.

Amanda Whileman is the Royal’s Matron for Clinical Research, she said: “We’re recruiting to a number of urgent public health studies, namely a study looking at how our genes play a part in the virus, an observational study to find better ways of diagnosing and managing COVID-19, and ‘RECOVERY’. We are also collecting data for a COVID-19 in pregnancy study using the UK Obstetric Surveillance System (UKOSS) to inform guidance on care for women and babies.”

“For us, the ‘RECOVERY’ trial is particularly significant as we’re looking very closely at several different existing treatments recommended for testing by the Chief Medical Officer. The purpose of the research is to find out whether treatments are effective for COVID-19. Patients are randomly selected through a computer process to receive one of the treatment options or no additional treatment. Our results will be combined with those from other hospitals to assess the effectiveness of these treatments.”

The Research team was able to act very quickly to national calls for patients to become involved in these trials. Their approach has been particularly impressive given that some of the team are themselves in the ‘at risk’ category.

Amanda added: “There are two studies that we are about to embark on, one being the ‘Principle’ trial which takes us out into the community, working with our Royal Primary Care colleagues. This study is about reducing the rates of hospital admission for patients with suspected COVID-19 for those aged over 50 years with certain underlying health conditions and over the age of 65 with or without an underlying condition. Again, it’s about assessing the effectiveness of trial treatments in preventing hospital admissions.”

“It is quite remarkable that we only started on our journey of recruitment to COVID-19 studies on 19th March, yet have managed to collect a significant amount of data. We commenced recruitment to the RECOVERY trial on 26th March and the genetics study on 21st April.”

“We’ve had to split ourselves into two teams; those that are able to be patient facing and those who are in the ‘at risk’ category themselves. Both teams have been working on a rota, seven days a week to ensure we are able to offer the research studies to all eligible patients.”

“The team that is unable to attend the wards has been working closely with critical care in order to enroll patients remotely into studies. They have been liaising with patients’ families to explain the nature of the studies to keep them informed, working tirelessly to input the much needed data onto the databases. We’ve worked around the clock to ensure that the answers we are looking for in relation to COVID-19 and its treatment are found as soon as possible.”

“We are extremely proud that we are one of the highest recruiting sites in the UK for the RECOVERY trial. This, without a doubt, is down to the passion and commitment the research team and our colleagues have shown to deliver a gold standard service to the patients in our community. We also cannot forget that without patients volunteering to take part, none of this research could take place. We are incredibly grateful for their participation and support.”

Chesterfield Royal Hospital

Chesterfield Royal Hospital

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Action Grants available for local groups with ‘Derbyshire Spirit’

Derbyshire County Council are re offering support to community groups, clubs and charities that are at the heart of local communities and show ‘Derbyshire Spirit’.

‘Derbyshire Spirit’ is about us looking out for each other, following the guidance, staying safe and being kind during the coronavirus pandemic. For more details please visit the Derbyshire Spirit website (opens in new tab).

Through the Action Grants scheme money is available to help groups get back on their feet when the coronavirus pandemic is over so they can continue with their invaluable work.

Derbyshire County Council Leader Councillor Barry Lewis said: “We’re very aware that many groups in our local communities have had to stop their meetings and activities during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic but we want to reassure them that we’re still offering support for when they can resume. Their work makes a real difference to peoples’ lives and they’re a glowing example of what we’ve termed ‘Derbyshire Spirit’ through their selfless dedication to others and especially those in greatest need.”

“I know that when the pandemic has passed there will be more inspiring projects going on and I would encourage residents to apply for our Action Grants now. It could be just the helping hand needed.”

The Action Grants scheme has been running for nearly 2 years and the final round closes at the end of May. The grants are mostly up to £500 and Derbyshire County Council are looking to support the following activities:

  • Community Safety: grants for projects to reduce crime and the fear of crime including raising awareness about scams and rogue trading, schemes to tackle anti-social behaviour and initiatives to help residents keep themselves safe
  • Youth Activity: including setting up youth clubs, organising activities for young people, projects to help young people gain new skills or schemes to help them deal with mental health issues
  • Physical Activity and Sport: money for schemes to encourage residents of all ages to take part in physical activities, keep fit and stay healthy – or which encourage people to get active if they’re not already.

There are also a small number of £5,000 and £10,000 grants available in these 3 categories and for another category called ‘community activity’. The community activity category covers things such as setting up new community groups, organising a local event or starting a community project.

The Action Grant process is quick and simple and decisions are usually made within 4 weeks of the closing date. The deadlines for the final round of applications is 31 May 2020.

To find out full details of the scheme, including all the projects awarded grants so far, click here (opens in new tab).

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Chesterfield manufacturer launches click and collect service providing sanitiser to local businesses

Pronto Paints has launched a click and collect service for businesses in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire for its newly developed hand sanitiser.

Since April, Pronto Paints has supported essential organisations with its WHO formulation Handrub Sanitiser by donating supplies to local care homes, charities and frontline services.  The rub has also been available in bulk quantities for manufacturing companies and frontline services to purchase.

As the lockdown period is changing and more businesses are starting to reopen, the handrub has now been made available in 5 litre refill bottles for businesses based across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.

David Beckford, Managing Director of Pronto Paints said “We really want to help our community get back to work safely.  We are pleased to announce that we are making single packs of our handrub sanitiser available for Chesterfield businesses to order on a click and collect basis.  The rub will be provided in 5 litre refill bottles at a discounted rate for local companies. We will continue to make donations to local care homes, charities and frontline services.”

Founded in 1989, Pronto Industrial Paints is a family-run manufacturer of high technology surface coatings, supplying commercial partners and clients with paints specific to their exact needs. The business has doubled in size over the last 10 years and the aim is to continue this growth and double the size of the business again over the next 10 years.

Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire based businesses can find out more about the new service at

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DBCP helps fund and distribute PPE visors for healthcare workers in Chesterfield

Derbyshire Building Control Partnership (DBCP) is one of a number of businesses paying for the materials for 20,000 masks which are then donated free of charge to frontline NHS staff, GP surgeries, First Responders, care homes and hospices.

Ashgate Hospicecare, Whittington Moor Surgery and Lime Tree House in New Whittington are just three of the healthcare settings that are benefitting from visors that are being made by an army of volunteers from animal charity Broken Souls Rescue.

The masks are the brainchild of Stephen Greaves, a volunteer at Broken Souls Rescue and owner of SG Design Studio Architectural Services based in Swadlincote. He was inspired to produce the masks after talking to Simeon Cornes, a building inspector at DBCP who revealed how his wife, who is a nurse, desperately needed PPE in her workplace.

Stephen used his office’s 3D printer which is more used to printing architectural designs, to create an initial batch of 200 visors. Word spread and now, with an army of volunteers  and funding from businesses for materials, Stephen is hoping to make and supply more than 20,000 masks.

Stephen said: “Fundraising during lockdown is particularly difficult so the opportunity to both support the national pandemic effort locally and raise money for the charity is something I am delighted to be able to do.”

“We are relying on donations to enable us to purchase the material used to make the visors. Other than this, all time, cutting and expenses is given from volunteers. Without these volunteers, this would not be possible.”

As well as providing funding for materials and production costs, the team at DBCP is also helping distribute the visors. Hundreds have already been gratefully received by healthcare settings in and around Chesterfield.

Ali Ward-Foster, Partnerships Manager at Ashgate Hospicecare, thanked DBCP for the donation, saying: “We are incredibly grateful for the support of our community and local businesses like DBCP who have donated essential PPE supplies to the hospice. The equipment not only keeps our patients and staff safe but also enables loved ones to spend precious time together when it matters most. For that we cannot thank everyone involved enough.”

Val Johnson, Practice Manager at Whittington Moor Surgery, commented: “They are much appreciated and useful to protect staff against COVID.”

Karen Mitchell at Lime Tree House added: “It is reassuring to know there is community spirit at these difficult times. The donation has gratefully received by us all at Limetree House.”

Neil Johnson, Managing Director of DBCP said: “These are unprecedented and trying times for everyone and I am delighted that we have been able to make both a practical and financial contribution to the COVID-19 effort.”

“The DBCP team were only too happy to help deliver the masks. Being able to get involved in some small way with both the Broken Souls Rescue charity and the local COVID effort has lifted spirits across the company.”

Broken Souls Rescue works nationally to re-home and rehabilitate dogs and cats in need. To donate to Broken Souls Rescue, please visit

Click here to find out more about Derbyshire Building Control Partnership (DBCP)

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Chesterfield company invent upcycled phone harness to protect mobile phones and the environment

Chesterfield business, Oasis Studio, have designed and created an upcycled mobile phone harness to help protect mobile phones and the raise awareness of the environmental damage they cause.

As a digital media company, Oasis Studio’s content is delivered on electronic devices, and they wanted to do more to protect the devices their content is delivered on. They invented the Yoyo Grip out of used bike inner tubes to extend the life-cycle of a smartphone, whilst also stopping more inner tubes from going to waste. Oasis’ aim is to stop mobile phones from dropping, cracking and getting lost, in order to extend the devices’ life-cycle as much as possible, and reduce the demand of new phones being created.

Founder and Director of Oasis Studio, Paul Deakin, said: “There are 3.5 billion smartphone users worldwide, with 78% of the UK population owning one. That’s a lot of mobile phones that are contributing towards our carbon footprint, and we felt we had to do something about it.”

“Used bike inner tubes also go to landfill, so we at Oasis Studio decided to tackle both issues head on. The Yoyo Grip is a harness that’s upcycled from bike inner tubes, to save mobile phones and the environment.”

Nick Brown, Managing Director of havebike, a bicycle repair and maintenance company, said: “A product that prevents damage to mobile phones and reducing further waste and consumption is just genius. It’s also a well thought out design that’s very functional.”

He added: “As an environmentally conscious bicycle service company, we’re very mindful of how we recycle waste. We’re delighted to be able to donate old inner tubes so they can be turned into Yoyo Grips. We’re even more excited about stocking the Yoyo grip as a product!”

The Yoyo Grip attaches around your mobile, whilst retaining full functionality of the smartphone including the camera and side buttons. The elasticated cord and utility clip then attach to your wrist or belt loop, to stop your mobile getting dropped or lost. The Yoyo Grip will go live on Kickstarter on the 1st of May and finish on the 31st of May.

Find out more about the Yoyo Grip here.

Click here to find out more about Oasis Studio

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Online careers programme launched by Derbyshire Education Business Partnership

Derbyshire Education Business Partnership (DEBP) have launched a new online careers programme, Directions, which aims to support young people at home due to the impact of COVID-19.

The programme is available to young people in secondary schools, special educational needs or disability schools and includes access to careers advice, employer workshops and study resources.

DEBP are offering one-to-one information, advice and guidance, as well as group activities covering applications, apprenticeships, employability, resilience, transition and stress management. The team are also are working closely with local employers to offer Q&A’s, video diaries, networking and virtual visits to help ensure young people are developing the skills employers’ value and look for.

Clare Talati, Director at DEBP said, “We have a team of qualified Careers and Employability professionals who are ready to support online. Normally they are based within schools or visit them on a regular basis. We want to carry on supporting our partner schools and others to assist young people with their future choices.”

To be a part of the programme, parents, carers, career leaders, teachers or students are asked to register their interest here. A member of the DEBP team will then get in touch to guide you through the next steps.

For more information about Directions please email Dayna Stubbs at

Derbyshire Education Business Partnership, alongside Destination Chesterfield, are the main organisers of the Made in Chesterfield campaign, which works with local schools and their students to raise the profile of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) sector careers. The initiative was as a finalist in the Business and Education Partnership category at the East Midlands Chamber Derbyshire Business Awards 2019.

Click here to find out more about Made in Chesterfield

Year 11 GCSE students from Eckington School visited the award-winning Penny Hydraulics in early 2020 as part of the Made in Chesterfield campaign

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Small businesses boosted by bounce back loans

Small businesses will benefit from a new fast-track finance scheme providing loans with a 100% government-backed guarantee for lenders, the Chancellor announced yesterday (Monday 27 April).

Rishi Sunak said the new Bounce Back Loans scheme, which will provide loans of up to £50,000, would help bolster the existing package of support available to the smallest businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

The scheme has been designed to ensure that small firms who need vital cash injections to keep operating can get finance in a matter of days, and comes alongside the £6 billion awarded in business grants, supporting 4 million jobs through the job retention scheme and generous tax deferrals supporting hundreds of thousands of firms.

The government will provide lenders with a 100% guarantee for the loan and pay any fees and interest for the first 12 months. No repayments will be due during the first 12 months.

The loans will be easy to apply for through a short, standardised online application. The loan should reach businesses within days- providing immediate support to those that need it as easily as possible.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, said: “Our smallest businesses are the backbone of our economy and play a vital role in their communities. This new rapid loan scheme will help ensure they get the finance they need quickly to help survive this crisis.”

“This is in addition to business grants, tax deferrals, and the job retention scheme, which are already helping to support hundreds of thousands of small businesses.”

Commenting, Chris Hobson, Director of Policy at East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire), said: “This is another welcome intervention from the Chancellor.”

“Although the Government has already made a significant amount of financial support available to businesses which need it, many have struggled to access it because of the sheer volume of applications being made, the delays in processing them and inconsistencies in the way different lenders are approaching the various loan schemes.”

“In the current situation, every day of delay is having a critical impact on businesses which need funding to ease their cashflow and wage pressures, so anything which can be done to quicken the flow of credit to the firms which need it most has to be a good thing.”

Firms will be able to access these loans through a network of accredited lenders. The government will work with lenders to ensure loans delivered through this scheme are advanced as quickly as possible and agree a low standardised level of interest for the remaining period of the loan.

The scheme will launch for applications on Monday 4 May.

Click here to be taken to our Coronavirus (COVID-19) Business Support Page

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Chesterfield technology company launches Virtual Graduate Fair to support students and universities

Inspired to find a solution for graduates and students affected by the coronavirus pandemic, Chesterfield technology company Oasis Studio have developed the ‘Virtual Graduate Fair’, allowing students to showcase their skills online to visitors around the world.

The online system allows students to display videos, images, and documents within their own custom CGI exhibition stands, all of which can be viewed by potential employers at the click of a button.

Up and down the country, the coronavirus pandemic has forced cancellations and postponements of everything from exams to graduation ceremonies. As a result, students are missing out on one key element of graduation – an end of year show and the opportunity for students to showcase three years of hard work to friends and family, the community, and most importantly, potential employers. A recent report found over 60% of students now have reduced confidence in their post-graduation job prospects.

The event also allows universities to promote the high standard of work created within their halls and allow their graduates to stand out from the crowd as they prepare to leave education and enter the competitive world of work.

Paul Deakin, Director of Oasis Studio, explains: “Competing for your first job after leaving university is difficult at the best of times. The Virtual Graduate Fair allows universities to continue offering the typical end of year shows and graduate fairs which have been threatened this year by COVID-19”.

Paul added: “We hope more universities will see the value in helping their graduates to promote themselves to a much wider audience – and add a bit of an extra boost to their career prospects!”

Oasis Studio is currently in talks with a number of universities, with graduates of creative degrees expected to be among the first to trial the platform.

Click here to find out more about Oasis Studio

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Work to begin on Chesterfield’s Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre

Work is set to begin on the new Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre next week (27 April), to ensure the site is available for local businesses to move in to at the earliest possible opportunity and benefit the local economy.

Chesterfield Borough Council’s contractor, Robert Woodhead Ltd, will take control of the site and begin groundworks on part of the Holywell Cross (Donut) Car Park in Chesterfield town centre as preparation for the construction of the new Enterprise Centre.

Developing a thriving borough continues to be a priority for the Council and that includes supporting the business community during the COVID 19 outbreak and into recovery. Robert Woodhead Ltd have completed assessments ahead of the work beginning and have confirmed they will follow strict COVID 19 social distancing guidelines to ensure the safety of employees and the public.

Councillor Terry Gilby, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for economic growth, said: “We appreciate there may be concerns around any construction activity starting in the town centre right now, given we remain at a key stage of the national response to the COVID 19 outbreak.

“The contractor will be working to the latest Construction Site Operating Procedures published by the Construction Leadership Council in response to the coronavirus outbreak.

“With these essential works progressing safely we hope to minimise any delay to the start of the main build and ultimately its completion. This major construction project will also help contribute to Chesterfield’s post COVID 19 recovery with the council’s requirement for Robert Woodhead Ltd to source local labour, supplies and equipment.

“The project will result in high quality, flexible, office space being made available on easy-in and easy-out letting terms to businesses just starting out or looking to grow their company here in Chesterfield.”

Tom Woodhead, Business Services Director at Robert Woodhead Ltd, said: “Over the last few weeks, we have been working with our industry peers, government and industry bodies to understand how the government guidelines and CLC Site Operating Procedures can be implemented on construction sites.

“We have developed stringent operating procedures, risk and method statements to enable us to start on site to deliver this exciting project in collaboration with Chesterfield Borough Council.”

Groundworks are likely to take around eight weeks to complete, running from the end of April onwards. Whilst these works are taking place the building design will be finalised, supplies of materials ordered and sub-contractors hired. These activities will put the project in a good position to proceed to full construction later on in the year.

The new Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre will accommodate a range of businesses within 32 office suites. It will also offer access to outstanding shared facilities and local business support services.

The new centre is an important addition to Chesterfield Borough Council’s commercial property portfolio and will hopefully be a key component in Chesterfield’s post COVID 19 recovery.

The Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre project has benefited from grant funding support from the Sheffield City Region Investment Fund.

To find out more about your business being based in the Enterprise Centre email either or

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Chesterfield Borough Council reaches over £15 million paid in business support grants

Under the Government’s business grants scheme, Chesterfield Borough Council has paid more than £15.7 million to over 1,300 Chesterfield businesses in order to support them through the COVID-19 outbreak.

The business rates team are working hard to process applications as fast as possible, including working in the evening and at weekends.

Chesterfield Borough Council have stated that a number of eligible businesses still need to provide information before they are able to pay the business support grant. If you are eligible for a grant and you have not yet completed the application form, please apply as soon as possible, so the council can process the grant and make payment to you.

You can download the application form here (opens in new tab).

The council has also produced a new FAQs sheet about the business support grants, which aims to highlight which businesses are eligible and what the funding can be used for. Currently the following grants are in place to support businesses:

  • a small business grant of £10,000 for all businesses in receipt of small business rate relief
  • grant funding of £25,000 for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses with property where the rateable value is between £15,000 and £51,000

You can find more information on the council’s website here:

Click here to see the Detsination Chesterfield Coronavirus (COVID-19) business support page

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