As National Manufacturing Day 2024 (26 September) shines a spotlight on the industry nationally, Chesterfield’s manufacturers have spoken about why they love working in the sector, and how they’re navigating current challenges.
Manufacturing represents 8% of all employment in the town, significantly higher than the national average of 4.5%. While the sector has faced challenges such as rising energy costs, the impact of Brexit, and the lingering effects of a global pandemic, the sector continues to show resilience and plays a vital role in the town’s economic landscape.
Chesterfield’s manufacturing heritage dates back several decades, with the former Staveley Works, Dema Glass and Bryan Donkin factories previously dominating the town’s landscape. Now, thanks to collaborations leading to widespread regeneration across Chesterfield, the sector has welcomed many new businesses to our area, showcasing the pivotal role manufacturing and engineering still plays in the town’s economy.
Products now manufactured in Chesterfield include bespoke holiday lodges, industrial centrifuges and weighbridges, cast iron bars and sustainable packaging solutions just to name a few. But as the sector adapts to change, delegates at a recent Round Table discussion hosted by Destination Chesterfield in conjunction with the Derbyshire Times, discussed the current landscape.
Emily Williams, Skills Delivery Officer at Chesterfield Borough Council, acknowledged the evolving nature of manufacturing in Chesterfield: “We’ve seen a decline in the number of jobs in the sector over the last decade, but at the same time we’ve seen an increase in the number of businesses. The lower numbers of people in employment are thought to be as a result of automation and new technologies. We are still seeing strength in manufacturing locally, and it continues to be a really important sector for us.”
Chesterfield’s manufacturing industry has adapted to these changes by embracing new technologies and focusing on creating a positive working environment. Craig Morrison, Operations Director at Pinelog Ltd, a premium holiday lodge producer, emphasised the satisfaction derived from manufacturing: “It’s been massively rewarding but hugely challenging. I can’t imagine not producing. I just love being able to stand back and say ‘Yeah, I’ve created that.’”
While automation and technology play crucial roles, the human element remains indispensable. Alan Britland, Workshop and Service Manager at MSE Hiller shares his passion for the industry. “I’ve lived in some great places and met some brilliant people along the way. I’ve enjoyed every second of it, but it’s true that you never switch off from it. It has been really rewarding for me and I would tell anybody to go into engineering.”
David Beckford, Managing Director at Pronto Paints, highlights the practical benefits of careers in manufacturing. “One of the big draws is that you get a reliable income and reliable hours. It’s a well-paid, honest profession where you have satisfaction in what you’re doing. It’s a robust working environment but one where you’ll also make genuine friends.”

Diversity remains a focal point for the industry, with ongoing efforts to improve representation. Ian Bates, Policy and Representation Manager at East Midlands Chamber, underscored a critical issue: “A lot of women are interested in maths, science, and STEM, but it seems to be knocked out of them as they get to A-levels. We need to ensure that these students see practical roles in the sector as viable career options.”
Emily Williams adds: “Chesterfield Borough Council has previously worked with the Chesterfield Property and Construction group to deliver a ‘women in mentoring’ programme, and as part of that, we engaged with the Derbyshire BAME forum. Feedback indicated that marketing materials did not reflect diverse role models. There is opportunity to address these perceptions and make manufacturing more inclusive.”
The importance of visible role models is echoed by Craig Morrison. “If more women and girls are seeing female engineers, suddenly it becomes possible to them. 20 or 30 years ago, that wouldn’t have been advertised and it wouldn’t have been visible. As a sector, we’ve started sowing seeds on that front.”
David Beckford’s experience reflects a broader European challenge: “You see the senior leaders of manufacturing companies across Europe, and only a few are female. It’s a family-owned business culture, which has its own dynamics. We’re half-owned by a female founder. So, it’s always been in my DNA working in a female-led business.”

Amidst challenges, the successes of Chesterfield’s manufacturing sector deserve recognition. Matt Close, UK Business Lead at NeoDyne, highlights the importance of finding the right fit for his business when recruiting young talent: “The biggest thing I look for in someone is attitude. They need to have an inquisitive mind. There is no question that diversity will bring benefits to most organisations. It’s quite interesting being able to set up a new office. Because people don’t look around and think that they’re the only female. We took four women on when we opened here in Chesterfield. That’s not something that everyone can do when you’ve already got a workforce and it’s predominantly male.”
The discussion also emphasised the importance of celebrating achievements to raise the profile of the sector. Craig Morrison added: “Sometimes you need to show positives. If you’ve got a good news story, shout about it. Everyone is good at looking at where things went wrong, but what you need to be sharing more of is what went right. I suppose it’s human nature sometimes to focus on the negative. But if we are performing above average, then we should celebrate that.”
David Beckford concurs, underscoring the resilience of UK manufacturers. “I think we see too many negative headlines around our sector. ‘Jobs at risk’ is the headline you’ll see more often than ‘jobs created’. Everyone in the business today has got through all the challenges we’ve had thrown our way in recent years. Resilience has now become a default position, so the fact that you still exist should be celebrated for one thing.”
Chesterfield is the perfect place to work if you’re looking for a new challenge or want to progress in your current career. Find out more at:
The organisations featured in this article support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.