Made in Chesterfield

Celebrating the town’s food and drink scene and relaunching Made in Chesterfield

I have to kick off this month by congratulating everybody that was involved in the Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards 2019. I look forward to these sell-out awards every year as it involves a room full of people invested not only in their industry, but in its success in our town.

The black-tie event, held at the historic Winding Wheel Theatre this year, brings the celebration into the heart of the town, where darker evenings are soon to be illuminated by the stunning Christmas lights which are to be switched on on the 17 November.

At the 2019 Chesterfield Food & Drink Awards, Chris Mapp, Head Chef and Owner of The Tickled Trout, was awarded the prestigious Chesterfield Food Hero award.

There are few things that bring people together quite like Christmas. It’s all too easy to get caught up in day-to-day life and put things like family time to one side, but Christmas is a great reason to make time especially around a dinner table.

Chesterfield has a plethora of places to eat and drink that we have never had before. Real ale pubs, gastro pubs, cafes, bars, restaurants, hotels, Italian, Indian, Greek, Japanese, Chinese, French… you name it – Chesterfield’s food and drink scene has it.

There’s a full programme of entertainment for Christmas in Chesterfield from traditional markets to the annual pantomime and from stand up comedy to musical concerts.

Variety, as they say, is the spice of life and as the town grows, we are able to offer more job roles and career opportunities to young people. Nowhere is this more evident than in our manufacturing and engineering sector.

Once again, we’ll be raising awareness of the breadth of jobs and roles in this sector with the annual Made in Chesterfield campaign in November. The programme brings together schools and businesses in the sector in order to open young people’s eyes to the opportunities in the local area – something increasing in importance with increased local developments, investment and, of course, Brexit.

There’s lots going on in the area, festive and otherwise. Let’s fully embrace the community and Christmas spirit and come together to talk up the town. There are fantastic things happening around us that can be easy to dismiss in our day-to-day lives. Let’s all take a moment to appreciate them as 2019 draws to a close (already!).

Blog by Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield

Made in Chesterfield is coordinated by Destination Chesterfield and Derbyshire Education Business Partnership and delivered in association with the University of Derby.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Apprentice Town, Blog, Business, Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, Christmas, Destination Chesterfield, Development, Leisure, Made in Chesterfield, Visiting

New partnership set to help Chesterfield achieve its goals

A new closer working relationship between Chesterfield Borough Council and Derbyshire County Council, focussed on delivering key regeneration projects, will help achieve the borough’s growth strategy.

As highlighted in the Chesterfield Borough Council’s growth strategy approved in 2018, there are a number of significant growth and regeneration projects underway in the borough. Collectively, these projects provide an opportunity to put Chesterfield on a higher growth path. For Chesterfield’s communities these projects will bring the opportunity to access up to 10,000 new jobs.

The new Joint Growth Board will ensure the councils will consider at a strategic level how best to deploy resources to ensure delivery timescales and outcomes are met.

Resources will be shared to accelerate and achieve further economic development in the area, with both organisations currently involved in a number of multi-million-pound projects across the borough including the Northern Gateway project, Chesterfield Waterside, Staveley Corridor improvements and planning for HS2. There will also be a dedicated skills delivery officer to ensure the work readiness of local people to take advantage of the new jobs that will be created.

Councillor Terry Gilby (right), Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for economic growth, said: “Both councils have ambitious economic growth programmes underway, so the creation of the new Joint Growth Board will allow us to accelerate project delivery, share resources and have a more joined-up approach to working with our private sector partners.”

“We put our communities first in each of the projects we undertake, so I believe that the new jobs, housing and benefits this partnership will bring to our local economy will help to make Chesterfield a thriving borough.”

Derbyshire County Council’s cabinet member for economic development and regeneration Councillor Tony King said: “As Derbyshire’s largest town, we all want to see Chesterfield thrive.”

“That’s why it makes sense to work together, to pool our resources and efforts to create jobs and drive economic growth. It’s all part of our approach to being an Enterprising Council and it’s what our residents and businesses expect.”

The Joint Growth Board will include the leaders of both councils, as well as the appropriate portfolio holders who will be responsible for monitoring the delivery of a defined list of key projects and decision to ensure plans remain on track.

Councillor Gilby continued: “This is really great news for the borough. The new board will allow a direct link to the political leadership of both councils and will create a multi-disciplinary resource able to work flexibly across identified priority projects.”

One of the next projects on the horizon in the heart of Chesterfield is a new enterprise centre (below) for both start-up and medium sized businesses on the Holywell Cross (donut) car park, with work due to start after the archaeological dig is finalised. This is one element of the Northern Gateway project, funded by a Sheffield City Region Infrastructure Fund grant of £5.83 million.

Works are also underway on Elder Way and Knifesmithgate to create new retail outlets under the new Premier Inn, as well as there being street improvements planned in the area next year.

Enterprise Centre

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield, Development, Leisure, Made in Chesterfield

Chesterfield Investment Summit 2019 hears how localised social media could be key to revitalising town’s high street

With up to 74% of high street retailers not having an active social media presence, Polly Barnfield OBE, a member of the government’s High Street Task Force has urged Chesterfield’s shops and market traders to adopt social media and use it to deliver both improved footfall and sales on demand.

Speaking at the sell-out 2019 Chesterfield Investment Summit, Ms Barnfield, who has been named as one of the top 100 most influential women in technology, believes events and localised social media activity could be the key to revitalising and growing Chesterfield’s high street.

She said: “Social media is a resource that any business can use, and retailers should use this opportunity to engage with and understand their customers.”

“Social media is fundamentally changing the rules of doing business. It’s not a question of a business being online or offline anymore – they must be both. There has been a huge shift in human behaviour over the last 15 years driven by social media. For the first time ever, people now spend more time on their mobile phone than watching TV.”

However, she urged retailers not to just to focus on selling themselves on social media. “Engagement with the community around you is key. You can’t just sell your own product on social media if you want to be successful,” urged Ms Barnfield.

She advised: “Retailers should post on social media every day and talk to their audience not just about what is happening in their business but around them.”

Highlighting the power of social media on retail at the Investment Summit, it was revealed that ALTERIS, owner of the town’s Vicar Lane Shopping Centre, has successfully used the online platform Maybe* over the last six months to increase footfall by 29%.

ALTERIS bought Vicar Lane Shopping Centre out of administration earlier this year promising to create ‘a new town centre retail model for the post e-commerce world’.

Ms Barnfield was one of several speakers presenting at the annual Investment Summit which was held at Chesterfield’s Casa Hotel.

Addressing future investment and development opportunities in Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire, the event was organised by Derbyshire Economic Partnership, Destination Chesterfield and Marketing Derby.

Speaking at the event Dr Huw Bowen, Chief Executive of Chesterfield Borough Council, also revealed that the town had welcomed 330 business start-ups in the last 12 months.

He commented: “For Chesterfield to grow and survive it needs to be a place where people feel they can do business and do it successfully. This means ensuring we make the most of our competitive advantages in order to attract investment as well as optimise our current development opportunities including HS2, Chesterfield Waterside, Northern Gateway and Peak Resort. Our competitive advantages underpin our recently published Growth Strategy.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield, highlighted the town’s successful public-private sector partnership approach to investment, commenting: “Chesterfield is a town of opportunity and we have the partners and collaboration in place to drive forward our ambitions to not only deliver our current development plans but also attract further investment and continue to grow.”

More than 200 people attended the 2019 Chesterfield Annual Summit. In addition to Polly Barnfield OBE and Huw Bowen, delegates also heard from Mark Warrilow, Skills Stakeholder Manager – Phase 2 (Skills Employment and Education) at HS2 Ltd; Peter Storey, Head of Markham Vale at Derbyshire Country Council; Mark Jones, Head of Technical at Kier Living; Cllr Tony King, Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration, Derbyshire County Council and David Higham, Commercial Director at Learning Unlimited, part of the Chesterfield College Group.

To keep up-to-date with investments and developments in Chesterfield, please visit

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Destination Chesterfield, Development, Leisure, Made in Chesterfield, Visiting

DEBP Shortlisted for Careers Provider of the Year

Chesterfield Champion, Derbyshire Education Business Partnership (DEBP) have been shortlisted for the Careers Provider of the Year Award in the Careers Excellence Awards 2019.

Now in its third year, the Awards are organised by The Careers & Enterprise Company, partnering with the Gatsby Foundation.  The Awards shine a light on best practice careers provision – inspiring and preparing young people for success in the world of work.  The Awards are made up of 10 categories to highlight the talent and expertise required to reach the Gatsby Benchmarks, build networks and support careers leaders.

Clare Talati, DEBP Director said, “We are extremely proud to be shortlisted for the Careers Provider of the Year Award.  We work incredibly hard in partnership to strengthen and broaden the scope of Careers Education and ensure that learners benefit from, and schools meet, the Gatsby benchmarks.”

Clare continued, “All our programmes improve a young person’s ability to make careers decisions; educating them to be better informed and more confident through reality-based career interventions. This motivates each young person around academic attainment and identifies how further learning can support their aspirations.”

DEBP work across mainstream and SEND provision with two schools providing exceptional references in support of this nomination.

Debbie Gerring, Headteacher at St Martins School and Horizons 6th Form said, “DEBP are an active, important part of St Martins outstanding provision. Colleagues provide proactive employer links, paving the way for our students, all of whom have additional needs, to access meaningful, inspiring employer encounters.”

Helen Suffolk-Adams, Careers Leader at Landau Forte College said, “We have worked in partnership with DEBP for the last three years.  They are my ‘go to’ provider of choice and never let me down.”

DEBP are one of only three businesses to be shortlisted for the Careers Provider of the Year Award and will attend the Awards Ceremony on Friday 27 September at the Royal Society of Chemistry in London.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Apprentice Town, Made in Chesterfield

Avenue School Challenge to expand

Chesterfield Champions Placing Futures have been a key partner in a successful project that promotes career opportunities in the construction sector.

The Avenue School Challenge, which aims to help students find out more about the world of construction and improve their science, technology, engineering or maths (STEM) skills, was set up by North East Derbyshire District Council and partners in  autumn 2018.

However, thanks to the success of the pilot project, the council has now pledged to continue with the initiative for the next ten years.

Cllr Martin Thacker MBE, Leader of North East Derbyshire District Council, said: “I’m delighted we have been able to help students find apprenticeships and work experience through this pioneering project.

“I’m also pleased we have been able to expand the scheme, so it can be of benefit to even more young people eager to carve out a career in construction.”

Pupils from Tupton Hall School and Parkside Community School took part in the pilot project, which included taking part in various ice-breaking and construction activities at North Derbyshire District Council’s Wingerworth offices, as well as site visits, talks in school from industry professionals and a visit to Chesterfield College to create video CVs.

At the end of the scheme, the students then attended a special presentation evening, where they were presented with certificates and a CREST qualification – a widely recognised national award within the construction sector – for all their hard work.

In addition, four pupils were given apprenticeships and three students had work experience placements with Kier Living, who are building the first phase of houses on the Avenue site in Wingerworth and have been involved with the project from the start.

Four schools will now be involved in the Avenue School Challenge, when it is re-launched on 23 September 2019.

Kier Living will be talking at the Chesterfield Investment Summit on the 11th September

Posted in About Chesterfield, Apprentice Town, Business, Made in Chesterfield

Planning application submitted for Activity Centre

A planning application has been submitted to Chesterfield Borough Council to build an Activity Centre at Peak Resort.

The indoor activity centre will be built at PEAK in Chesterfield and represents the beginning of the phase one delivery of the resort.

The application which has been submitted for consideration by the council is for an indoor activity centre including zip lines, climbing walls, caving, ninja course, trampolining, rope courses, fun walls, adventure golf and e-karts, based at PEAK, Sheffield Road, Unstone, Chesterfield.

PEAK plans to be an integrated leisure, health, sport and education destination on the edge of the Peak District National Park; set on the 300-acre Birchall Estate in Chesterfield.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “The council has worked closely with the developer of PEAK for a number of years and is pleased to receive the planning application for the activity centre which if approved will enable the first element of the PEAK resort to be delivered on the site.

“If successful it is anticipated that the centre will create 100 jobs in Chesterfield with more employment expected as the remainder of the PEAK resort development comes forward.”

Developers of the PEAK site are planning a phased development, with phase one costing in the region of £100m and representing approximately one third of the total outline planning permission.

Attractions in phase one are hoped to include:  – an indoor adventure activity centre; a lake and amphitheatre; gateway building and travel hub; hotels, covered events space, multi discipline cycling trails and car and coach parking.

Works previously completed on site, thanks to a £2.8 million Sheffield City Region Infrastructure Fund grant, saw a new roundabout created with access directly connecting the site with the A61 Dronfield bypass.

New multi-user greenways have been formed to link the resort with cycling, horse riding and walking routes in the Peak District National Park, Chesterfield, Sheffield and the countryside in between.

Peter Swallow, Chair of the town’s marketing campaign, Destination Chesterfield said: “It’s fantastic to see the PEAK development continue to move forward with plans for a new indoor venture.  As well as creating new jobs for local people and supporting the town’s economy, the site will be an exciting addition to Chesterfield and will be popular with residents and visitors alike.

“Destination Chesterfield has promoted the progress of the PEAK development since its announcement and looks forward to welcoming the development to the town.”

The application is likely to be heard by the planning committee in forthcoming months.

Find out more here.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Destination Chesterfield, Development, Leisure, Made in Chesterfield, Summer, Visiting

Results show Derbyshire A-level students continue to do county proud

A-level students in Derbyshire schools have continued to do their county proud by achieving good grades.

According to provisional information for the 25 schools and academies in Derbyshire which offer post-16 education:

  • Around 2,100 students have received their Level 3 (A-level and equivalent) results
  • The average grade for a Derbyshire student was C this year
  • The overall pass rate in Derbyshire is 98%

Schools have been working hard to analyse their results issued yesterday and provide information and support for students as they take their next steps towards university, college, employment, apprenticeships or other opportunities.

Our Cabinet Member for Young People Councillor Alex Dale said: “A big congratulations to all students, teachers, staff, governors and parents on their success.”

“We’re really proud of our young people in Derbyshire and we wish them all the best as they choose higher or university education, training, apprenticeships or employment.”

Councillor Dale also reassured students who may be disappointed with their results that support is available.

Students who do not get the grades they hope for should get in touch with their school or college which will be able to help them access support and advice to consider all the alternatives.

Advisers can help students consider their options and decide on the best way forward. That might involve resitting some or all of their exams or taking other qualifications.

If young people have just missed their grades they can try their chosen university or college to see if they can still get in or go through the clearing process to find an alternative place.

Councillor Dale added: “We would advise those students not to panic but take the advice and support that’s on offer, do their research and consider all their options before deciding what to do next.”

“Students with A-levels who are not thinking about higher education can check out the apprenticeship website or visit our Derbyshire Skills Festival – the county’s largest careers event for young people.”

It will be held at the Proact Stadium in Chesterfield on Wednesday 18 September 2019 from 1.30pm to 7.30pm. Visitors will also be able to take part in have-a-go sessions to test their skills and give them an idea of what different careers might be like. Find out more here.

All results are provisional until the Department for Education issues its official performance tables in January 2020 but are accurate enough to provide a countywide overview.

Derbyshire Skills Festival

Posted in About Chesterfield, Apprentice Town, Made in Chesterfield

Behind the scenes tour of the Mayor’s parlour

Chesterfield residents will have the opportunity to visit the Mayor’s parlour this September as the council open the doors to celebrate Heritage Open Days in the borough.

Every September, organisations and volunteers across the country organise events to celebrate the country’s history and culture, and for the first-time residents can book to get a ‘behind the scenes’ tour of the mayor’s parlour.

The mayor and mayoress, Councillor Gordon Simmons and Councillor Kate Caulfield, will also talk about their roles at the council and duties they carry out on a weekly basis.

Two tours will take place on Friday 20 September and will take around one hour to complete. Refreshments will also be provided. A maximum of 30 people can attend each tour so booking is essential if you would like to come along. To find out more and to book your place click here.

You can register to attend one of the below tour times:

• 1pm – 2pm
• 2.30pm – 3.30pm

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centre and visitor economy, has helped to organise the events. She said: “Heritage Open Days are events that take place around the country each year. The events are all about celebrating history and the communities in which we live, so we are delighted to be opening up the mayor’s parlour for tours in 2019.”

Cllr Gordon Simmons (mayor), Cllr Kate Caulfield (mayoress)

Posted in About Chesterfield, Celebrate Chesterfield, Leisure, Made in Chesterfield, Visiting

Entries now open for the Derbyshire Times Business Excellence Awards 2019

Entries are now open for the 2019 Derbyshire Times Business Excellence Awards.

Currently in its 11th year, the winners of the 14 categories will be announced on Thursday 14th November during an awards ceremony taking place at Casa Hotel. The categories for 2019 are;

  • Charity of the Year
  • Professional Services Award
  • Leisure & Lifestyle Award
  • Community Contribution
  • Small Business of the Year (sponsored by the University of Derby)
  • New Business of the Year
  • Business Person of the Year (sponsored by Banner Jones Solicitors)
  • Customer Service Award
  • People Development Award
  • Apprentice of the Year
  • Independent Retailer of the Year
  • Excellence in Manufacturing Award (sponsored by Shorts)
  • Innovation Award
  • Lifetime Achievement Award (sponsored by Future Life Wealth Management)
  • 2019 Business of the Year (sponsored by BHP)

Businesses can apply for more than one award and more information relating to each category can be found on their website here. The awards portal allows applicants to save an entry, and complete it at a later date.

Last year, Future Life Wealth Management’s Managing Director Jillian Thomas won the Lifetime Achievement award and this year the company is sponsoring the category.

Jillian said: “We are proud to be sponsoring this award and I want to be there to congratulate the new recipient.”

“Winning the award last year was a fantastic pat on the back. But it wasn’t about me, it was about the great team we have at Future Life Wealth Management.”

As well as sponsoring the category and being an associate partner, Jillian will be a judge. “I am looking forward to seeing the entries. I am sure the standard will be really high.”

“There are some amazing companies and individuals in our county and we want to be able to help celebrate them all,” said Jillian.

Last year, local hospice and charity Ashgate Hospicecare was recognised with two awards, Charity of the Year and Business of the Year (right). Other winners included Chesterfield Champions Shorts and Stephensons Tea and Coffee House.

The deadline to enter is 6pm on Thursday 19th September 2019. Finalists will be announced 3 weeks prior to the awards, and tickets for the awards ceremony will be on sale from Monday 7th October.

To enter and find out more visit

Winners and runners-up of Derbyshire Times Business Awards 2018 join together for a group photograph.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Apprentice Town, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Made in Chesterfield

Supporting Chesterfield’s growth

Read the latest blog of Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield.

August is upon us and we’re well into the summer holidays. If you’re looking to explore what our town has to offer you and your family, then this is the time to do it!

We have more festivals and events in and around the town centre than ever before. The shortlist for the Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards has also been released, offering a great starting point for the very best places to eat and drink.

It’s a great way to kickstart the summer holidays with the kids. What better way to entice them off their screens than with the promise of a tasty treat followed by a day of learning, disguised as fun and intrigue?

There’s a multitude of events going on in the area – from canal cruisestreasure hunts and miniature train rides to hands on history at Bolsover Castle, science roadshows and the Chesterfield Food and Drink Festival. There is something to suit every taste (pun intended!).

As the events calendar has grown year on year, so has Chesterfield’s fortunes. I am delighted that we can, once again, turn the spotlight on the town in the annual Chesterfield Investment Summit. This year the theme is supporting communities through regeneration.

The increased footfall in the town centre and attendance at the many events is evidence that Chesterfield’s regeneration is successful.

More than £1bn of developments are on site and more are on the way. 2019 is the year that we are seeing spades in the ground on a number of much anticipated sites, like Northern Gateway, Elder Way and Chesterfield Waterside. All these sites are, in turn, creating employment opportunities.

There are now more jobs at Markham Vale that when it was a colliery. A record number of 2,236 people are currently employed at Markham Vale; that’s 200 more people than were employed at the former colliery site in its 1980s heyday. Proof that Chesterfield’s regeneration strategy is working.

And we have more success stories to look forward to. Avant Homes is to begin building 173 homes at Waterside later this year after receiving detailed planning permission. Pronto Industrial Paints Ltd have also acquired a new site that will treble their existing space.

Whether you’re a resident or business, it’s important that we come together as a community to support the town’s growth in order to safeguard our future success. Together we really do make a difference.

If you’re interested in the ongoing regeneration of Chesterfield and finding out about how you can support it and get involved, then register here to attend the Chesterfield Investment Summit which takes place on 11 September at Casa Hotel.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Apprentice Town, Blog, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield, Development, Leisure, Made in Chesterfield, Summer, Visiting

D2N2 businesses to benefit from £16.74m skills training fund

Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire (D2N2) LEP area are urged to take advantage of a £16.74m skills training fund to upskill their workforce.

The training is delivered as part of a programme called Skills Support for the Workforce (SSW), which Serco’s Employment, Skills & Enterprise business is managing across the D2N2 region. Under the 28-month programme which launched in April, Serco will work in partnership with the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) to provide skills development that focuses on upskilling employees in key priority sectors as identified in the LEP’s strategic economic plan;

  • Transport Equipment Manufacturing
  • Life Sciences
  • Food & Drink Manufacturing
  • Visitor Economy
  • Low Carbon
  • Transport & Logistics
  • Creative & Digital Industries
  • Construction

Through SSW, eligible businesses can benefit from funded training, tailored to their specific needs. Training is flexible and businesses can select full qualifications or mix and match individual units that are directly relevant to their work. Previous SSW programme participants have benefited from increased employee confidence, motivation and productivity and improved employee loyalty and retention.

Business participants will each benefit from a bespoke Training Needs Analysis that identifies requirements for upskilling or skills gaps in their workforce. Training for participant businesses could cover subjects such as IT and digital skills, leadership and management or more vocationally relevant courses.

The SSW programme in D2N2 also offers support and training for individuals at risk of redundancy or those who have been made redundant within the last three months.

To deliver the programme, which is co-financed by the European Social Fund and the Education and Skills Funding Agency, Serco has partnered with expert training organisations to offer local businesses recognised accredited qualifications and bespoke training courses, aiming to enhance employees’ skills and increase the competitiveness of the businesses.

Rob Matts, Head of Skills Support for the Workforce at Serco, said: “I am delighted that Serco has been selected by the Education and Skills Funding Agency to manage the SSW programme in Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire in partnership with the LEP. We have already supported more than 20,000 learners through our SSW delivery across England with more than 7000 businesses benefitting from this important service.”

“I would urge businesses or, individuals that may be facing redundancy, to get in touch with our team and take advantage of the funded training on offer. We look forward to enabling many more businesses to take advantage of SSW training to upskill their staff and grow their businesses.”

Chris Pook, D2N2 Growth Hub Project Manager said: “Nurturing skills within the workforce is essential to help businesses thrive. Companies that we speak to often require advice and support for them to access the right skills for their business and this programme will provide meaningful training which will help support business growth and productivity improvements in the local economy. We look forward to working closely with Serco on this opportunity.”

Businesses can contact Serco on or click here for more details and to find out if they are eligible for funded training through Skills Support for the Workforce.

driving business success

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Celebrate Chesterfield, Destination Chesterfield, Development, Made in Chesterfield

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