Property and Construction

East Midlands economy shows resilience as regional unemployment remains under 4%

The East Midlands’ unemployment rate has remained at 3.7% for the fourth month running, new figures by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show.

The data, for the period between July and September 2023, means the proportion of working-age people in the region who do not currently have a job but are actively looking for work has been below 4% since the three months to October 2021 – almost two years.

Nationally, the unemployment rate is half a percentage point higher at 4.2%, although the economic inactivity rate for 16 to 64-year-olds – which measures the number of working-age people who have dropped out of the labour market for reasons such as retirement, caring duties, long-term ill health or studying – is 21% for both the UK and East Midlands. This remains above a pre-pandemic trend around the 19% mark.

East Midlands Chamber chief executive Scott Knowles said: “The fact our region’s unemployment rate has remained at a relatively low level for such a prolonged period is testament to the efforts and resilience of our region’s business community in the face of significant economic challenges.

“Rising economic inactivity has been one of the greatest concerns over the past couple of years as it led to a dwindling labour market, which has restricted capacity – and therefore the ability to grow, raise productivity and bring prices down.

“While this rate remains above pre-Covid levels, it’s pleasing to see this has now come down by about 2% throughout this year, giving firms more room to manoeuvre.

“However, our own research shows there is no room for complacency. Our Quarterly Economic Survey has highlighted a slight growth in the region’s workforce, with 60% of East Midlands businesses adding to headcount in the first quarter of 2023, rising to 62% in Q2 and 63% in Q3.

“Employment prospects look weaker going forward with the proportion of firms expecting to recruit in the coming months falling by a net 8%, amid slowing demand for our region’s businesses products and services from both domestic and international customers.

“Many employers continue to face challenges with filling job vacancies. While 58% of organisations attempted to recruit during Q3, two-thirds (67%) of those experienced problems in finding suitable staff.

“This illustrates how we really need a dedicated Government policy that supports companies to invest in their people, whether that be in upskilling their existing workforce or reskilling prospective employees to fill skills gaps.

“In our regional economic blueprint, A Centre of Trading Excellence: A Business Manifesto for Growth in the East Midlands and Beyond, investment is one of the ‘four Is’ we urge Government to prioritise – and next week’s Autumn Statement provides a great opportunity to address this.

“We have set out a list of policies we believe will make the required difference, including introducing flexible incentives for businesses that invest in staff training and bringing forward the introduction of the Lifelong Loan Entitlement to support retraining and the retainment of an older workforce.

“We must also tailor policies to recognise the diversity of people who are out of work and avoid a one-size-fits-all solution. We would also like to see Government work with businesses to offer support, and share best practice, on what a flexible and inclusive workplace looks like as this is another vital ingredient in enticing people back to work.”

Chesterfield has a quality workforce, and sits between several universities in Sheffield, Nottingham and Derby. Find out more about why our town is an excellent location to base your business. 

Commerce House, East Midlands Chamber

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Clay Cross town centre regeneration becomes a reality as planning decision is approved

Clay Cross Town Board and North East Derbyshire District Council have reached a major milestone in their proposals for the Town Deal’s Town Centre Regeneration, as Planning consent was approved by the Planning Committee on 7 November 2023.

The approval covers several key elements which are:

  • The creation of a new Town Square which will become a public space to be used for markets, seasonal events and as a public forum.
  • Food and beverage and leisure units – the route from Broadleys to the public square to be lined with artisan food companies, leisure operators and cafes and restaurants.
  • The pedestrianisation of Market Street, creating more public space for visitors.
  • Repurposing an existing historic building with the aim of providing a quality food and drink offering and leisure opportunities, directly overlooking the public square.
  • Improving connections through the town by re-opening access between Bridge Street and Market Street.

Further work is also being undertaken by the Town Board to explore the possibility of direct access to a car park via the A61.

Clay Cross Town Board Chair, Lee Barnes said, “I’m overjoyed to see the town centre proposals approved.

“It’s a milestone very personal to me, as a Clay Cross business owner, and someone who has spent a career in regenerating urban areas, so to be able to see the go-ahead for great improvements coming to a town that is local to me, has been a great privilege as Chair.”

Clay Cross Town Board member and North East Derbyshire District Council Leader, Cllr Nigel Barker said, “Following months of hard work and collaboration between officers, members and partners, we’re delighted to see our efforts pay off to earn the approval of a really solid set of proposals that will bring Clay Cross’ town centre into an exciting new era for residents and businesses.”

“Clay Cross has not seen significant investment for many years and to be able to now deliver the news that this project will go ahead and put Clay Cross on the map, bring employment opportunities for our communities and having fantastic facilities and a centre for the town is really exciting. I am honoured to be able to deliver this for all of us.”

Martin Kirkpatrick, Director of Buttress, who have been central to the design of the Masterplan, added “This is good news. The development holds great promise in supporting the Clay Cross Town Board’s vision to provide a vibrant hub for both visitors and business opportunities. The historic buildings within the Clay Cross conservation area, with this investment, are poised to become the heart of the town, offering a catalyst for new and exciting entrepreneurial prospects.”

This decision follows a string of recent Town Deal milestones in recent months, such as launching the Low Carbon grants for businesses and the significant progress of developing the Clay Cross Active leisure facility, in what is set to be one of the most pioneering community assets in the region.

Clay Cross

Birds’ eye view of Clay Cross Town Centre

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Fundraising boost for restoration of Chesterfield Canal

Chesterfield Canal Trust has announced a funding drive to create new community spaces alongside the canal in Staveley, and has received support from AVIVA.

The firm is supporting the Canal Trust’s appeal via its ‘Save Our Wild Isles Community Fund.’ As part of this, the Canal Trust has launched a Crowdfunding appeal and is encouraging people to help boost the area’s regeneration.

AVIVA will kick start the appeal with £500 and will give the Trust £2 for every £1 it raises, up to a maximum of £15,000. This means that if the Trust can raise £7,500, AVIVA will turn it into £23,000, or up to £24,500 with Gift Aid.

The appeal only lasts for six weeks, finishing on 19th December. See full details on the appeal and make a donation.

Restoration works will take place at Hartington. At present there is rough ground and steep slopes, but over the next 18 months a new Trans-Pennine Trail bridge and a new lock will be built, and the canal will be restored.

TPT bridge plans Chesterfield Canal Trust

The Trust wants to create a great canalside environment for people and wildlife around the new bridge, giving nature a head start and creating a suitable setting for the new lock which will be built early in 2025.

It needs to raise funds for 60 Trees (some semi-mature), 200 metres of hedging, 12 benches (including four wheelchair-accessible ones), native wildflowers, signs and information boards, accessible paths and landscaping works.

The new information boards will encourage people to learn about and help tackle climate change and the planting will take this into account.

Rod Auton, Secretary of Chesterfield Canal Trust commented: “Everyone I meet, from local dog-walkers to long distance cyclists, wants us to create proper, well-managed, and safe places to go and enjoy nature and meet friends etc. In return for your donations, we volunteers are committed to help manage these new spaces in future years for the free enjoyment of all.”

Find out more about the restoration of Chesterfield Canal, and other regeneration projects taking place in Staveley.

Chesterfield Canal Trust supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Chesterfield Canal Paddlespots

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Return of Made in Chesterfield to inspire the next generation of manufacturers and engineers

A campaign which aims to close skills gaps in Chesterfield by providing young people with tours of leading manufacturing, engineering and construction businesses is returning for the tenth time.

Made in Chesterfield has already introduced more than 3,600 young people to the prospect of a career in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and maths) sectors, with more set to gain valuable insights this November.

The campaign, coordinated by Destination Chesterfield and Direct Education Business Partnership and sponsored by Chesterfield College, was officially launched at a celebration event alongside the town’s network of Chesterfield Champions yesterday (Wednesday, 8th November).

Figures published in East Midlands Chamber’s Q3 economic survey revealed that 58% of manufacturers across the region which tried to recruit experienced problems in finding suitable staff. At the same time, Chesterfield Borough Council has forecast that 3750 people are expected to be working in the sector across the borough by 2030.

These figures outline the requirement for a strong, skilled pipeline of talented individuals to secure the future growth of these industries across the town.

During Made in Chesterfield, secondary school pupils will gain access to firms such as Weightron Bilanciai – an international firm that makes industrial weighbridges, Superior Wellness, a hot tub manufacturer listed as one of the UK’s top 50 fastest-growing businesses, and Dalton Roofing, a family-run business operating in Chesterfield’s property and construction sector.

Ivan Fomin, Managing Director at MSE Hiller and Destination Chesterfield Board Member commented: “Made in Chesterfield continues to play an important role in showcasing the wide range of career options available to young people in our town.

“Having hosted several tours at my own business, I’ve seen first-hand how the campaign inspires those thinking about their future options. We know a career in manufacturing can be extremely rewarding, and our sector needs to keep generating a strong pipeline of talented individuals for the future to keep our business and wider economy thriving.”

Julie Richards, Principal and CEO of the Chesterfield College Group commented: “Having sponsored Made in Chesterfield for the past few years I’ve seen the real impact the initiative has. As a stepping stone between student and employer, we are proud to help this campaign inspire young people considering a rewarding career in Chesterfield’s growing manufacturing, engineering and construction industries.

“With work on our new cutting-edge Engineering, Manufacturing and Science Centre due to commence this year and our partnership with the Construction Skills Hub now running in Staveley we’ll continue to equip more local people with the right skills required to build a successful career and help to strengthen the local and regional economy.”

Clare Talati, CEO of Direct Education Business Partnership (DEBP) added: “Made in Chesterfield makes an important contribution to the CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) offer across the area; providing context for learners of the world of work, showcasing local opportunities, and enabling employers to meet potential future employees”.

To find out more about the activity taking place throughout the MADE in Chesterfield programme, go to:

The Destination Chesterfield Partnership has received £180,000 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It follows a successful funding bid by Chesterfield Borough Council, to secure £2.69 million worth of funding for local projects.

Made in Chesterfield launch

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Chesterfield Champions collaborate to bring new office space at One Waterside Place to life

Rosewood Wealth Management has worked in partnership with local company, We Are Spaces to design a vibrant new office space for their new premises at One Waterside Place.

The finance firm has announced a move to the town’s new seven-storey office building, having previously operated from an office on Brimington Road.

Rosewood teamed up with Amy Revell, Director at We Are Spaces Ltd, a firm which provides customised furniture and fit-outs for companies, to ensure they can work in the best environment possible.

Amy, who is a member of the Chesterfield Property and Construction Group, explained how pleased she was to be involved in the project:

“Working with Rosewood Wealth has been amazing. From our very first meeting, it was clear how much the move meant for Shannan and Donna personally, but also for the whole team and the growth it will enable them to achieve. We have similar businesses in that we started from scratch, are passionate about what we do, and have worked hard to build strong foundations for our businesses.

Rosewood Wealth Management One Waterside Place

“We all live in Chesterfield, employ local people and care about creating new opportunities and wealth for other local people, so its been a pleasure to share that ethos working together to achieve the same things.

“Our mission was to create a space that enhanced the well-being of the team, was a welcoming and warm environment for both their clients and their families, whilst being practical and professional, enabling them to grow their team steadily over time. The heart of the office has become the central informal breakout area, which is surrounded by private meeting spaces.

“This flexible space allows them to adapt the space to suit their needs. For example, here they can hold networking events, large team lunches, training sessions, welcome clients and family in for a coffee, whilst providing the option to transition into the more private spaces if they need to discuss more sensitive subjects. Designing in this way means the utilisation of the space is incredibly high.”

rosewood Wealth Management team Nov 2023

Shannan Pool-Gorman, Director and Co-founder at Rosewood Wealth Management said: “From the moment we embarked on our office relocation journey, we felt reassured by Amy’s proactive, understanding approach to the fit-out. After patiently listening to our initial thoughts and feelings, Amy was able to transform the once-empty office floor into a modern, inviting and collaborative space.

“By considering the needs and wellbeing of both our clients and staff, Amy was able to effectively utilise the space to create a practical, multi-functional layout. Furthermore, we felt that Amy’s natural flair and experience in design ensured the entire office flows together seamlessly.

“Working alongside fellow Chesterfield Champion, We Are Spaces, meant that we already shared a common passion for the Chesterfield community and supporting local business. By working together, we were able to create a welcoming environment to be enjoyed by local clients, stakeholders and staff alike.

Donna Robertson, Co-founder and Director at Rosewood said: “With a supportive team of colleagues, friends and family behind us, we were able to smoothly transition into our new office at Basin Square.

“Thanks to the hard-working team at We Are Spaces, the move to Basin Square has been a straight-forward transition. Located a short walking distance away from Chesterfield town centre, our new premises situates us in the heart of the community. As we look to the future, this provides us with exciting opportunities to engage with the wider community and nearby Chesterfield College.

“Additionally, being part of Chesterfield’s Waterside Development enables us to contribute towards the strategic regeneration of the town. As advocates for encouraging growth within Chesterfield, Rosewood’s involvement with Basin Square encourages other businesses to invest locally.”

Looking for new office space for your business? Chesterfield is perfectly located in the centre of the country, with proximity to several major cities via well-connected road and rail networks.

Rosewood Wealth Management and We Are Spaces support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

rosewood We are spaces fit out

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Chesterfield Champions: Firms announce new partnerships, recruitment, fundraising initiatives and events

Firms in the town’s network of Chesterfield Champions continue to announce further progress, and help to raise the profile of the town through various initiatives.

Our latest news roundup from businesses and other organisations across Chesterfield sees a new film festival being launched for young people, a collaboration between Chesterfield FC and a local taxi provider, a new apprentice being recruited by a property and construction firm in the town, and two major charitable donations.

Read the latest stories and updates below:

Veezu kicks off Chesterfield FC partnership

Chesterfield FC X Veezu

Leading Chesterfield private hire provider Veezu, formerly named City Taxis, has partnered with Chesterfield FC for their upcoming season.

Entering their seventh year as first-team travel kit sponsors, only this time under the Veezu brand, the partnership will see Veezu become the club’s official ride partner, ensuring fans can travel to and from home games easily and safely.

“Whilst the rebrand has been a prominent change for us at City Taxis, our ethos and passion for supporting our local community continues under the Veezu brand,” said Sacha Skinner, Regional Marketing Manager at Veezu.

“We are extremely excited to be partnering with Chesterfield FC again and to see Veezu on the training kits, in what has been a fantastic start to the 2023/24 season!”

Chief Executive, John Croot said: “We are delighted to be working in partnership with Veezu and I would like to thank them for their support.

“We are confident that our strong presence and wide reach will help establish the brand in the area.”

Sparky Ink Studio celebrates 7th anniversary with new film festival

sparky ink film festival

Chesterfield’s Sparky Ink Studio, which provides creative experiences and projects for young people is celebrating seven years of success.

The studio will host a film festival, which is a VIP event for the Students, their Families and acquaintances of the Studio over the last 7 years. The festival will be showcasing all the hard work from its talented students and team, dating right back to 2016 when Sparky Ink Studio first opened, as well as some recent documentary clips.

The festival opens at 11am on Saturday 18th November, when the Studio will be returning to its roots at West Studios.  The team will be using the purpose-built theatre and hope to fill all 140 seats there.

Jane-marie Wright , Founder and Creative Director commented: “Since 2018, we have been collecting unseen films, animations and clips from our students and we are so glad we can finally dust off some of our old classics to premiere.

“Our students and Team are very important to the Studio and the work we do and as we are now at the ripe age of 7 we wanted to celebrate this in the best possible way.

“Our little Studio is always trying to give something back to the Autism and SEN community and our students are amazing and deserve to have a special day where they can see how their film looks on the Big Screen. In addition, we think we might be the first ever Film Festival of this kind in Chesterfield and are looking to team up to offer regular Film Festivals of this kind in the future.

“We hope this in turn will motivate more people with Autism, ADHD and other Special Needs to pursue a creative career in this wonderful industry. It is also important that more people know we are here.  We often have people tell us they didn’t know we existed so we want to celebrate that the Studio is here and we want more people to come along to our events, workshops and sessions.”

Find out more about Sparky Ink Studio, along with its events and workshops at:  or on Facebook @sparkyinkstudio.

New apprentice joins DBCP following career change

Charlotte Gladwin DBCP

Charlotte Gladwin has said goodbye to retail management and has embarked on a brand-new career in building control thanks to an apprenticeship.

Previously working as a store manager at a pet shop for three years, Charlotte (21) now joins DBCP as a Level 4 Building Control Surveyor apprentice.

As an apprentice Charlotte will undertake practical on-the-job learning at construction sites throughout Chesterfield and North Derbyshire, working alongside DBCP’s team of experienced and knowledgeable Building Control Inspectors.

During her five-year apprenticeship, she will also combine her practical training with completing industry-recognised exams, which will ultimately see her qualify as a Building Control Surveyor.

As a qualified Building Control Surveyor, Charlotte will have responsibility for completing site inspections independently and ensuring buildings are safe, energy efficient and adhere to building control standards.

A former pupil of Wales High School in Rotherham, Charlotte entered retail following her A’ Levels. Keen to move out of retail and, with an interest in construction and the outdoors, she identified Building Control as the ideal profession in which to build a career.

She explained: “I really enjoyed studying Geography, Psychology and Business at A-Level and, together with my love of the outdoors, I felt that a career in building control aligned with my future ambitions.  At DBCP I’ll be part of the process that creates positive change in the local landscapes for our communities.

“Being in the position to check that building work is correct and architectural drawings have been followed is a significant responsibility. I’m really excited by the fact that at the end of my training, assignments and intense exams, I’ll be carrying out these tasks and be trusted to do so.”

DBCP’s long-running apprenticeship programme is helping the business attract local young people who want to progress their careers within the field of building control. The company currently employs seven apprentices who are at different stages of their training, including degree level.

“The opportunities provided by the team at DBCP are so exciting. I really enjoying being out on site and I’ve already found the team so supportive,” she added.

Delighted to welcome Charlotte to the team, David Pratt, Building Control Manager at DBCP, said: “Building Control Surveyors are in high demand. We look forward to sharing our industry knowledge and best-practice with Charlotte as she embarks upon her five-year training. I know from personal experience that building control offers a long and varied career. I am certainly never bored!”

If you’re interested in a future apprenticeship with DBCP, get in touch by emailing

Sponsored Queen’s Park swim raises more than £7,000

Swimming instructors and pupils with representatives from the charities

A sponsored swim at Queen’s Parks Sports Centre has raised £7,543 which will be shared between two charities.

Around 120 children who take part in swimming lessons at Queen’s Park Sports Centre and the Healthy Living Centre took part in the sponsored swim in October which was raising money for Parkinsons UK and Ashgate Hospice.

Every child in the swimming programme was invited and they all set their own target distances for the swim. In just 12 hours the swimming instructors swam around 42 miles which is the same distance as swimming across the English Channel to France and back to England

The money will be shared between Parkinsons UK and Ashgate Hospice, the hospice was selected in memory of beloved swimming teacher Rachel Pye who sadly passed away earlier this year.

Councillor Jonathan Davies, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “I want to thank everyone who organised and participated in the sponsored swim, they raised an incredible amount of money that will be going to some very worthwhile causes.”

Redbrik Foundation helps Cavendish Cancer Care provide essential services with generous cash boost

Redbrik Foundation Cavendish Cancer Care

Cavendish Cancer Care will now be able to provide essential therapy for children and young people in need of support, thanks to a generous cash boost from the Redbrik Foundation.

Each month, the Foundation selects one charity from the South Yorkshire and Derbyshire area to receive a donation to help them continue their contribution to the community.

In light of receiving October’s grant, Cavendish Cancer Care can now offer art therapy, play therapy and counselling to young people whose lives have been affected by the illness.

Hannah Williams, Fundraiser at Cavendish Cancer Care, said: “A cancer diagnosis within the family can have a huge impact on children, which is why it is so important they can turn to Cavendish, as a safe space to relax and understand their emotions.

“Katie, whose eight-year-old son was supported by our Children and Young People’s Service when his dad had leukaemia, told us the support and care her son received made a difference to her entire family, with unconditional care, attention and kindness that have helped him work through his anxieties. It is families like Katie’s where this gift from the Redbrik Foundation will make such a difference.”

Every month a different member of the Redbrik team is set to nominate a cause close to their heart, helping them give something back to the local community.

This month, Property Consultant Jacob Bailey named Cavendish Cancer Care as his charity of choice. He said: “I am constantly inspired by the amazing work they do and the support they offer to local families and individuals who are facing some of the most challenging times of their lives. It is an honour to be able to help them continue their fantastic work.”

Since it was established in 2020, the Redbrik Foundation has donated tens of thousands to local charitable causes, including Ashgate Hospice, Sheffield Children’s Hospital, Whirlow Hall Farm, Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice, Paces, St Luke’s Hospice, Fairplay and Pathways of Chesterfield.

If your charity is interested in support from the Redbrik Foundation, contact Director David Cooper by email at

Veezu, Chesterfield FC, Redbrik, Chesterfield Borough Council, DBCP, Sparky Ink Studio, and Ashgate Hospice support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Planning application approved for new homes at Chesterfield Waterside

A planning application for more than 100 houses, along with more than 40 apartments at Chesterfield Waterside has been approved.

Following the submission of a detailed planning application in summer 2022, Woodall Homes has secured permission for a residential development and two commercial units as part of the regeneration scheme.

The residential development features 103 contemporary homes and 41 apartments, comprising a mix of one, two, three and four-bedroom properties, to suit a range of lifestyles and buyer needs.

Darren Abbott, Planning Director at Woodall Homes said: “We are thrilled that our Chesterfield Waterside application has now been approved.

“Sitting alongside the River Rother corridor, this development will transform the local area with modern, bespoke and energy-efficient properties plus comprehensive landscaping proposals, which include a linear riverside park with trim trail and a natural habitat edge that will provide a significant net gain in biodiversity.

“We can’t wait to reveal more details about the development over the coming months and see the exciting work getting underway as we look to further enrich the community.”

Pedestrian and cycle links are to be provided throughout the site to encourage residents to take advantage of the excellent local commuter facilities and nearby amenities of Chesterfield town centre, including the railway station, Chesterfield College and Tapton Golf Course.

Development at Chesterfield Waterside is rapidly continuing, following the completion of  One Waterside Place, a seven-storey office building which has already been fully-let to new tenants. Companies now operating from One Waterside Place include two financial firms, BHP and Rosewood Wealth Management, along with Fashion brand, Varley.

To find out more about Woodall Homes and their work within Derbyshire, visit:

If you’re looking for a perfect location and quality of life for you and your family, look no further than Chesterfield. Find out more about the perks of living in our town.

Woodall Homes and Chesterfield Waterside support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Woodall Homes Waterside artist impression of houses

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Planning application submitted for the Gateway at PEAK Resort

Revised Phase 1 planning applications have now been submitted to Chesterfield Borough Council for the Gateway at PEAK, which has been consented on 300 acres of land regenerated from opencast mining located on the eastern boundary of the Peak District National Park, outskirts of Chesterfield.

The Gateway is intended to play an important role in cementing Chesterfield as a destination town and as part of the Peak District experience providing visitors to the region and the local community with low impact ways to explore the National Park thanks to a zero-carbon travel hub.

Like a ski resort, PEAK Resort will be built around a carless mobility service, not in this case to mountains and skiing, but into the Peaks for biking and hiking, for nature, heritage, sport and culture. The commercial village will comprise of experiential retail, locally sourced dining and unique spaces for events, artisan craft and learning experiences.

Phase 1 of the development will create around 1,000 jobs across these sectors with a commitment to education and green skills delivered via an onsite skills academy.

The planning consents for PEAK Gateway Resort were implemented and safeguarded in 2016. The founders of Birchall Properties, the landowner, have already invested over 35 years in nature recovery, passive rewilding and preparation for the development on the 300-acre Birchall Estate which had been the subject of extensive open-cast activities.


The development footprint for Phase One of PEAK Resort is just 10% of the 300-acre reclaimed estate. The rest of the estate continues to facilitate ongoing work and experimentation to improve biodiversity net gain and research into suitable building materials for the future development which can be gathered and replenished. It is also currently home to Forest Schools, helping bring children from urban environments into the great outdoors in safe, educational settings.

Stanton Williams were recently appointed to design the Gateway at PEAK and in recent months key, strategic agreements have been entered into, which will be announced soon. These include:

  • Heads of terms with national retail brands to become anchor tenants for the commercial village element of the Gateway.
  • An agreement with a hotel operator to bring a flagship concept to Gateway and operate the 165-room hotel.
  • Heads of terms with vehicle and transport partners to operate the zero-carbon travel hub.
  • Agreements with regional education providers to develop education and learning opportunities at the Gateway.
  • Heads of terms with a leading UK Waste Management partner to deliver waste management solutions and enable an innovative circular economy with a focus on waste reduction and recycling.

Further information:

  • PEAK Resort is a phased development of national significance. Phase 1 will represent a £200m capital investment supporting and showcasing clean growth in the visitor economy across multiple sectors.
  • Section 73 and Reserved Matters Applications relating to the already consented planning approvals have now been submitted to Chesterfield Borough Council.
  • Outline and reserved matters approvals were granted for previous iterations of PEAK Resort. The revised Phase 1 has now been developed to incorporate latest best practice and operator requirements.
  • The Gateway will comprise zero carbon travel hub enabling carless access to and within the Peak District National Park, a 165-room resort hotel, a variety of F&B outlets and spaces for experiential retail facilitating all types of outdoor pursuits including a significant focus on horticulture and adventure sports.
  • The Gateway will deliver 1,000 new FTE jobs and key strategic partnerships and heads of terms are being reached with several parties which will secure the Gateway’s proposition as a travel hub, in education and skills, experiential retail, leisure, hospitality and accommodation.

Find out more about investment opportunities here in Chesterfield.

Birchall Properties supports supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

The Gateway @PEAK Bird's Eye View

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Young people encouraged to discover career pathways in construction

A series of three events aim to help young people and their and parents and carers learn more about apprenticeships and the options available to them after completing school.

The first Apprenticeship and Technical Education Information Event will be held at Staveley Miner’s Welfare Football Club on Wednesday 15 November from 6pm to 7.30pm. The event is free to attend and designed to allow parents, carers and young people to speak directly with local employers about their options after completing school.

This event has a construction focus with local firms including The Devonshire Group, Harron Homes and Oasis Studio, talking about the wide range of roles in the sector including the building trades but also other roles including architecture, surveying, marketing, business support and many more.

There will be a question-and-answer panel where the attendees can ask about opportunities in the construction sector and pathways into it.

Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from Young Apprentice ambassadors about their apprenticeship experience. Free refreshments and hot food will be provided to everyone attending.

The event is organised by Chesterfield Borough Council, the D2N2 Careers Hub and Workpays.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “It is crucial that we provide the support young people, and their parents need to make informed decisions about the future. Earlier this year we launched our Skills Action Plan which is all about taking a more collaborative approach to developing skills and career opportunities in Chesterfield and events like this are key to realising that ambitious approach.

“Working with our partners at D2N2 and the ASK programme, along with local employers ensures that young people attending the event can develop a really good understanding of careers available in the construction industry and the paths they can follow from school to secure these careers. We are creating a thriving borough where everyone can benefit from a growing local economy.

“Please do come along to this event or one of the other sector specific events later this year – it’s a fantastic way to help young people make the right decision for themselves to develop a great career in our borough.”

Laura Wilkins, Operational Careers Hub Lead, said: “The D2N2 Careers Hub are thrilled to be working with Chesterfield Borough Council and WorkPays to hold the first Apprenticeship and Technical Education Information event. We are excited to invite young people, parents/carers and the wider community to meet local employers from the construction sector and hear from apprentices about their experience of working and learning.

“This will be the first of three events to be held in the Chesterfield area, our aim for these events is to ensure that young people and their parents/carers receive the information, advice and support they need to be able to make an informed decision about their next steps, and whether an apprenticeship or technical education pathway is right for them.”

Tina Patel, from the ASK programme, said: “I am looking forward to meeting parents and carers who can expect an in depth and insightful talk about the world of apprenticeships to enable you to support your child with their future career decisions. The event will provide you with a greater understanding of the vocational pathways available and how you can support your child to apply for vacancies.”

Details about further Apprenticeship and Technical Education Information Events will be shared on the council’s website and social media.

Oasis Studio, The Devonshire Group, Chesterfield Borough Council, D2N2 Careers Hub and Workpays support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

College students construction
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East Midlands moves closer to accessing more devolution funding

The East Midlands has moved closer to becoming a combined authority and unlocking billions of pounds of additional funding after key legislation was approved in Westminster.

The Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill has been granted Royal Assent, paving the way for the creation of the EMCCA and the region’s first Mayoral elections next May.

Derbyshire County Council, Nottinghamshire County Council, Derby City Council and Nottingham City Council will now decide whether to move forward with devolution plans, with decisions expected before the end of the year.

The East Midlands devolution deal, agreed with Government ministers last summer, would see Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Derby and Nottingham benefit from £1.14 billion of funding over 30 years to invest in local projects related to transport, education and skills, housing, the environment and economic development.

Barry Lewis, Leader of Derbyshire County Council, said: “This is a key milestone on the road to agreeing plans to bring in £38 million a year for the East Midlands and move major decision-making to the people who best know our communities, rather than Westminster.

“It’s about improving the lives of people across our region by bringing more and better jobs, opportunities for training, better transport and housing, improving the local economy and accelerating our route to Net Zero. But that’s just the start. If this deal is agreed, we’re determined to build on it over time as other areas have done, bringing further benefits for our residents in the future.”

The powers and funding will be held by the proposed East Midlands Combined County Authority, for which there will be an elected mayor from May 2024, and is presently being steered by the elected leaders from the two city and two county councils which signed the deal.

Representatives from District and Borough Councils, alongside wider partners from business and other sectors, will further support the organisation’s development and governance.

Devolution plans for the East Midlands are similar to those already in place across other mayoral regions like Greater Manchester and the West Midlands.

If the plans go ahead, the EMCCA – spanning two counties and cities – would be the first combined county authority in the country, with a new elected regional mayor at the helm, representing around 2.2 million people.

More funding is expected to become available once the EMCCA is formed – so far, £18 million has been awarded to the area as early investment during devolution negotiations, which is being spent on improving local housing, transport and skills provision.

Earlier this month, the Government announced around £1.5 billion in transport funding for the East Midlands Mayor, who would be in place from May 2024.

Thanks to devolution proposals, the East Midlands has been invited to establish an ‘Investment Zone’, which will attract £80 million of support over five years, with tax incentives for businesses to help boost economic growth right across the region.

Further investment to boost local projects across the region would also be provided through annual Whitehall budgets and spending reviews.

Find out more about the range of investment opportunities in Chesterfield.

Devolution Panellists sat at table on stage with full audience listening

East Midlands Devolution Panel at property and investment show, UKREiiF in May 2023

Posted in Business, Home, Property and Construction

Chesterfield estate agent wins national awards for customer service

Pinewood Properties win 7 awards at The ESTAS, the most prestigious awards in the UK property sector

The Chesterfield and Clowne based agency, Pinewood Property Estates received the Gold award in the Best 2-5 Branch Network in the UK at the prestigious ESTAS Customer Service Awards 2023, the biggest awards in the UK property industry.

The winners were announced at the Grosvenor House in London and hosted by the country’s favourite TV property presenter Phil Spencer in front of 1,000 guests.

Pinewood Chesterfield also went on to win Gold for Best Letting Agent in the East Midlands with the Clowne branch scooping Silver in the same category. This is an achievement that very few agents have achieved in the past. The Chesterfield branch finally went on to finish second and receive Silver for Best Letting Agent in the UK.

Stacey Davies-Bowler, Managing Director of Pinewood Property Estates said “We are absolutely thrilled to be recognised in this year’s ESTAS. It means so much to us as we know it’s our customers who have judged our performance.  We take our levels of customer service very seriously because we know clients have a choice.  We have always been very proud of our personal service, and this proves we are delivering what we promise. It’s amazing that our independent agency from Chesterfield can smash some of the big boys out of the water.”

Phil Spencer, who has hosted The ESTAS every year since their inception in 2003 addressed the live audience “Everyone one shortlisted here today has attained the ESTAS Standard of Excellence which is based purely on service ratings from customers at the end of the moving experience, giving a highly accurate overview of the standard of service that’s been delivered to the end client. This is a great achievement in its own right so whatever unfolds this afternoon you should all be immensely proud.”

Living in Chesterfield

If you’re looking for a perfect location and quality of life for you and your family, look no further than Chesterfield.

Recently rated the 2nd best place in the UK to raise a family, our town has so much to offer. Whether you’re looking for a bustling market town or a picturesque village, Chesterfield boasts mix of contemporary and traditional housing.

Living in Chesterfield and the surrounding area is affordable too! According to Rightmove, the average house price in Chesterfield is at least £10,000 cheaper than Sheffield, Derby and Nottingham.

Find out more benefits of moving to Chesterfield.

Pinewood Properties supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Pinewood properties at ESTA awards ceremony

Pinewood Properties at the ESTA awards ceremony

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Featured, Home, Property and Construction

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