Property and Construction

Innovative careers scheme inspires Chesterfield’s next generation and aims to reduce skills gaps

A pioneering scheme, which is linking schools with leading property and construction firms in Chesterfield, is inspiring young people to pursue careers in the construction sector.

‘Careers Made in Chesterfield’ has resulted in fourteen quality placements being offered for talented young people to learn about the property and construction sector. This follows several businesses from the town’s property and construction sector participating in workshops at Parkside Community School, showcasing the range of rewarding careers available.

Providing face-to-face interaction with students proved very successful, with 40% of students who completed the programme expressing a high interest in working in the construction sector in the future – rising from just 20% when the scheme was originally conceived in September 2022.

The initiative was launched following a report by CITB, which outlines how an extra 225,000 workers are required in the UK’s property and construction sector by 2027, equating to roughly 3,500 per year in the East Midlands Region alone.

During the ‘Careers Made in Chesterfield’ programme, business leaders carried out an initial speed networking workshop with pupils, answering their questions and helping to open their eyes into the many different exciting roles associated with property and construction.

In the second workshop sessions, students were tasked with designing a new building within the Northern Gateway area of Chesterfield. Working in groups of five to design a community venue, each group was allocated an employer mentor from the property and construction sector to help develop the design.

The project is enabling students to gain vital work experience, but also showcases the breadth of skills needed to achieve Chesterfield’s ambitious growth and regeneration plans.

The innovative pilot has seen 20 professionals from 11 local businesses helping to deliver the programme to 110 Year 10 students at the school.

Andrew Byrne, Property Development Director at The Devonshire Group, and member of the Chesterfield Property and Construction Group added: “One of the main issues being faced by the property and construction sector is that its workforce is getting older.

“It is vital to begin bringing in the next generation, and Careers Made in Chesterfield is one of many initiatives which will help to secure the future pipeline of talent that our businesses rely on.

“It is a very exciting time to be getting into the sector, and with schemes such as this, our young people will one day contribute towards delivering the physical, social, and green infrastructure that Chesterfield needs to continue its sustainable growth.”

Andrew Byrne, The Devonshire Group

Andrew Byrne, The Devonshire Group

Cllr Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and Cabinet Member for Economic Growth commented: “Working with local businesses to deliver the Careers Made in Chesterfield pilot demonstrates how direct engagement with students can spark their interest in different career paths.

“Helping young people learn more about the skills they need and the options available to them is key to ensuring that we can provide secure high quality jobs in Chesterfield and that they can plan for a great future in our borough.”

Ben Riggott, Head Teacher at Parkside School said: “The Careers Made in Chesterfield pilot represented a step change in creating sustained connections between our Year 10 students and some great local companies.

“This model is fantastic for several reasons.  Perhaps most importantly, students build relationships with employers across the programme, which in turn enhances their confidence and the likely outcomes of work experience.

One of the firms to be welcoming a student on placement in July is Oasis Studio, which provides virtual reality and augmented reality services to property and construction businesses.

Tony Buck, Associate Director at Oasis Studio commented: “We jumped at the chance to get involved in the pilot scheme. The construction industry is continually evolving, adopting new technologies and construction methods.

“To stay competitive, I believe it’s crucial we have a skilled workforce that can embrace these advancements. I really enjoyed demonstrating the range of opportunities in the sector today.  We utilised our VR headsets during the workshop to offer the students a virtual site visit and help them understand the brief. I was genuinely impressed by the student’s level of maturity and engagement throughout the workshops, and their ideation of concepts was fantastic.”

Further addressing the increasing construction skills shortage within Chesterfield, the Construction Skills Hub in Mastin Moor will welcome learners from autumn this year.

Funded through the Staveley Town Deal, the skills hub will provide a practical platform for construction training, careers activity and work experience on a live construction site.

Initially the Skills Hub will provide training in site and bench joinery, brickwork, ground works and electrical installation but in time the offer will expand to include training in retrofit and green technologies. It will be open to school leavers and other residents seeking to train or retrain.

The Hub will provide training, careers insights, and work experience for more than 5,000 learners over 10 years.

Businesses and schools that wish to register their interest in the Careers Made in Chesterfield initiative, are urged to contact Emily Williams, Skills Delivery Officer at Chesterfield Borough Council on 01246 959717.

The Destination Chesterfield Partnership has received £180,000 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It follows a successful funding bid by Chesterfield Borough Council, to secure £2.69 million worth of funding for local projects.

Careers Made in Chesterfield header image

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East Midlands Chamber urges businesses to adopt new thinking in recruiting and retaining people amid skills gaps

From supporting out-of-work people to find sustainable jobs to creating workplaces where employees feel they “belong”, new thinking is needed from businesses to plug major skills gaps, says East Midlands Chamber.

The business support and representation network for Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire is embarking on a strategy to support firms with their people needs by gathering intelligence from employers, facilitating the sharing of best practices and creating new toolkits.

A key milestone in this work was the East Midlands People and Skills Summit, held in partnership with Loughborough University at its West Park Teaching Hub.

More than 200 delegates heard from speakers including Baroness Nicky Morgan, the former Education Secretary who now chairs The Careers and Enterprise Company, a national organisation that helps to bring employers closer together with educators in developing careers education.

Naomi Clayton, director of the Learning and Work Institute, also discussed research into why the UK has a shortfall of about one million workers compared to pre-pandemic trends because of rising economic inactivity levels – in which people have left the labour market for reasons such as long-term sickness, caring duties, studying and early retirement.

East Midlands Chamber director of policy and insight Chris Hobson said: “People are a critical ingredient to businesses realising their growth ambitions, yet many have faced major challenges in finding the skills they need from one of the tightest labour markets we have ever seen.

“In 2023, we are in a position where a multitude of changes are unfolding – whether it’s in technology, ways of working or the make-up of our society and workforce – which means we must adopt new thinking to how we recruit and retain our people for business needs.

“The Chamber has a key role to play in helping firms navigate these areas, and the East Midlands People and Skills Summit was a major milestone in this body of work, with the insights we learned helping us to determine the practical business support tools we can create.

“These cover how they can tap into the young talent coming out of our schools, colleges and universities, but also includes how we engage those people who have left employment since the beginning of the pandemic.

“We must also consider how to create a sense of belonging within workplaces, which engages a more diverse workforce with the ability to bring new ideas, perspectives and skills to an organisation – ultimately benefitting the bottom line.”

East Midlands Chamber’s Quarterly Economic Survey showed that while six in 10 East Midlands businesses attempted to recruit in the first three months of 2023, almost three-quarters (73%) of those struggled to fill roles.

Other key activity within its people and skills focus includes dedicated research into inclusive workplace policies across East Midlands employers, a roundtable about how to support more businesses in this area, and the launch of a Collective Skills Intelligence Observatory that provides a data-led approach to help companies and educators understand skills needs and delivery in local areas.

East Midlands Chamber supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Chris Hobson, East Midlands Chamber

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Peak Resort exceeds nature recovery targets

The 300-acre PEAK Resort site has exceeded the nature recovery targets in support of its revised, post-pandemic first phase.

On-going surveys of the Birchall Estate show a spectacular recovery in biodiversity in areas outside of the principle permitted development areas. A mixture of passive re-wilding, and limited land management in the principle permitted development areas have achieved this. The increased biodiversity balance across the whole estate is already well beyond what will be the mandatory target of a 10% Net Gain set by the Environment Act 2021.

Once PEAK Resort is fully implemented, approximately 70% of the estate ownership will be given over to a nature reserve, equivalent to an area of 1.4 times the size of the National Arboretum.

The first phase of PEAK is proposed on 10% of the Estate and will generate 1,000 jobs. Further details of this development will be published this summer.

Achieving a balance between nature’s needs and people’s wants is at the core of the PEAK’s Regenerative Enterprise manifesto.

From the Middle Ages areas within the Birchall Estate were continuously exploited for quarrying, coal mining, opencast, timber extraction, munitions testing, and building demolition landfill.

The current landowners acquired an interest in the Birchall Estate in the late 1980’s over 35 years ago when large areas of the Estate were ecologically barren following extensive open-cast activity.

They saw an opportunity to regenerate the Estate as a place where both people and nature could flourish.

Over two miles of new public access greenways and woodland trails, adopted as Public Rights of Way, have already been created on the Estate. These include a spectacular river walk and areas of native mixed species hedgerows full of bird song.

The landowners have entered into a joint venture with Milligan, a mixed-use real estate and destination developer for the first phase regeneration programme.

John Milligan, Executive Chairman of Milligan said “It was fundamental to our involvement that the land itself supported a continuity of purpose. The Gateway at PEAK will be a world-class tourist and leisure destination, achieving a balance between the interests of nature and people are critical to its success. Birchall have got this off to a cracking start with the achievements in biodiversity gains to date”.

Cllr Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council said “It is fantastic to see formerly open cast land being regenerated for a purpose which balances both human and natural interests. The council is fully behind this regenerative enterprise which is entirely consistent with our climate change and economic growth ambitions.”

The Landowner, Birchall Properties said, “Good news to be getting underway again in the wake of so many challenges – the banking crisis, BREXIT, and COVID have not been able to distract us from our mission – onwards!”

If you would like to know more or visit the Estate at the end of the current ecology season please visit

Peak is one of over £2 billion of regeneration projects in progress or planned in Chesterfield find out more about some of the developments here and discover why Chesterfield is the perfect place to invest.

Birchall Properties supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Redbrik Estate Agents reports almost 200% increase in Google searches for Chesterfield homes

A Chesterfield estate agent says recent investment in the town is attracting more people to live here.

Data revealed by Redbrik, based on Glumangate in the town centre shows that Google searches for homes in the town have rocketed by 196% over the last year.

The figures come shortly after Chesterfield was named the 2nd best place in the UK to raise a family, thanks to its affordability, access to green spaces and a range of highly-rated schools and education facilities.

Redbrik’s data also shows that a number of people are looking for a move away from the larger cities. It shows more than 200 people in the Sheffield area have begun their search for a move to Chesterfield recently.

Jessica Risorto, Director at Redbrik, said: “It’s great to see so much interest in Chesterfield at the moment and so many people looking to move there as there is so much going on.

“Lots of young people choose to continue living in the city after they finish university as they don’t want to give up their exciting lifestyle, but more people are now realising that moving slightly further away doesn’t mean they have to give up on all the benefits of city living.

“In fact, they can have all those benefits with the advantage of the beautiful Peak District on their doorstep and more square footage for their money.”

Chesterfield will play host to several new events and activities this summer, such as the renowned Peddler Market and the first ever Chesterfield Children’s Festival.

On top of that, the independent food, drink and leisure offer in Chesterfield Town Centre, Chatsworth Road and Whittington Moor provides people with great options for socialising and spending their free time.

Pubs and bars dirty habit 873x466

Chesterfield is also well connected, with the beautiful Peak District sat on the western edge of the town, and great connectivity to major cities such as Sheffield, Nottingham, Derby, Manchester and Leeds. Chesterfield residents can also reach London within two hours by train.

Jessica added: “It’s amazing to see so much investment in Chesterfield and so many new offerings which are making a real difference in attracting people to the town – and bringing a slice of the city to the area. Coupled with recently being named one of the best places to raise a family in the country, Chesterfield is well and truly on the map!”

Redbrik supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Work begins on new Chesterfield cycle route

Work to put in a cycle lane along Chatsworth Road in Chesterfield will start today (24 May 2023)

Preparatory work will take place until 3 June 2023, and then on 12 and 13 June 2023, before continuing from 19 June 2023. Traffic lights will be needed along the road for most of the time workers are on site, but they will be monitored so that delays are minimised as much as possible.

From 19 June 2023 work will start at the west end of the scheme and move towards the town centre, with work directly outside Brookfield Community School being carried out during the school summer holidays.

The work will be undertaken in coordination with planned surface dressing which will be around 21 June 2023, depending on the weather.

Chatsworth Road is towards the western end of the new cycle and walking route which will take people into the town centre, past the train station and on towards Chesterfield Royal Hospital.

A Derbyshire County Council spokesperson said: “The new walking and cycling route, once completed, will give a real alternative to taking the car for short journeys across Chesterfield, which is for the benefit of everyone who lives, works or visits the town. Fewer car journeys will bring health benefits to the whole town including cleaner air.”

The government has awarded Derbyshire County Council £1.68 million to create the new route. Further work will take place later this year.

The market town of Chesterfield has an excellent network of cycle routes and is perfectly located as a base for a cycling holiday to explore the Peak District and Derbyshire. Here are some suggestions to help plan your next two wheeled adventure.

Find out more about the facilities available for cyclists in the area here.

We caught up with Paul Chapman, Owner of the local lifestyle magazine and website, S40 Local, who loves cycling, to tell us more and share one of his favourite routes. Read more from Paul.


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Work progresses on refurbishment of former Chesterfield register office

Internal work has started on Chesterfield’s new centre for talking therapies – the building which formerly housed the Chesterfield Register Office.

Beighton Construction is nine weeks into the refurbishment of the premises on Beetwell Street, for charity Derwent Rural Counselling Service.

Having completed roof works, internal strip out, new damp proofing system, floors, heating and new electrics, a team of contractors is now underway with plastering and decoration, plus installing new toilets and a lift.

The three storey centre, set to open in summer 2023 with an official launch event in September, will include office space, numerous treatment and consulting rooms, meeting rooms and relaxation space to help cope with the increased demand for DRCS services in the area, plus options for businesses to rent rooms and floorspace.

Andrew Holmes, director at Beighton Construction, based in Chesterfield, said: “A new damp proofing system has been installed in the basement, partition walls and plaster repairs have been completed plus a new heating system, and the first phase of decorating is underway.

“The new lift will offer access to all floors for centre users.”

Janette Smeeton, chief executive at DRCS, said: “Progress continues on the site which will be one of the largest talking therapy centres in the county.

“Bringing the building back to community use will create a valuable asset for people and businesses in the region.”

The Beetwell Street hub is part of ambitious plans for DRCS which operates a large team of freelance and employed staff based at seven centres across the county covering the Amber Valley, Erewash, Chesterfield, Buxton, Matlock, Ashbourne, Derby, Swadlincote and the Peak District.

Over the last 30 years, DRCS has become one of the largest third sector provider of counselling services in the region offering help to individuals, via self-referral or via a GP, with common mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, stress and long term conditions through counselling, CBT, guided self-help, and other forms of talking therapy.

In the last eight years, DRCS has been in partnership with Derbyshire Healthcare Foundation Trust to deliver the NHS talking therapies for anxiety and depression service, throughout Derbyshire.

former register office 2

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Chesterfield’s Pinewood Property Estates receives prestigious ‘Standard of Excellence’ for fifth year running

A Chesterfield Estate agency has once again been recognised as one of the best in the UK, achieving the prestigious ESTAS ‘Standard of Excellence’ for the fifth year in a row.

Pinewood Property Estates has recieved the accolade based on the service ratings they achieved via customer reviews, submitted to the ESTAS review platform.

The reviews have been completed at the end of the moving experience, and ESTAS monitors service ratings over a 12 month period. It gives a highly accurate overview of the standard of service that has been delivered to customers.

The ESTAS ‘Standard of Excellence’ provides a kitemark, demonstrating the consistent service performance of every firm that has been shortlisted in 2023.

The ESTAS Awards honour the best agents, conveyancers and mortgage brokers in the UK. The awards are powered by the ESTAS online customer review platform, which enables property professionals to demonstrate the customer service standards they deliver for their clients.

ESTAS strict verification process ensures reviews are genuine. This year’s shortlist has been calculated following the evaluation of 300,000 customer review ratings.

The regional and national winners will be announced in October at the prestigious annual ESTAS ceremony held in London.  The awards will be presented by the UK’s favourite property expert Phil Spencer in front of 1,200 of the UK’s top property professionals.

Spencer said: “The ESTAS Awards are based on real feedback, from real clients experiencing real service so they provide genuine proof of the service levels that a firm is delivering to clients. Now more than ever, high quality customer service is crucial if home movers are going to realise their dream of getting the property they set their hearts on.”

Simon Brown, founder of ESTAS says: “At ESTAS we’re creating a community for best practice property professionals who all share a passion for delivering great service and a belief that service really does matter.”

Pinewood Managing Director, Stacey Davies-Bowler said “Once again we find ourselves shortlisted for these prestigious awards for the 5th year running, I have to pinch myself each time this happens and each time we come away with silverware. It makes me so proud that the team continue year on year to offer exceptional customer service to all our clients. Long may this continue.”

Chesterfield offers a fantastic quality of life for residents, with affordable homes and access to good schools. Read more about how our town was ranked 2nd in a list of places to raise a family the UK. 

Pinewood Property Estates supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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‘We want to continue our collaboration to achieve Chesterfield’s ambitious plans’ 

Destination Chesterfield Manager, Dom Stevens highlights how partnerships in both the public and private sectors continue to push forward the town’s extensive range of regeneration projects. 

I have spent this week at UKREiiF – the largest real estate and investment event in the UK, attracting over 6000 delegates from the public and private sectors. 

Team Chesterfield went to the event to share our ambitious new growth strategy with the property sector. 

It has been a busy week of meetings and events, discussing the opportunities in Chesterfield and raising awareness of the Borough. The true success will be known in the coming months and years, as we develop relationships alongside the continued progression of £2 billion worth of regeneration projects.  

One of the strands of the Chesterfield place story is creating connections. People tend to think of this as being about our excellent transport links, our supply chain, and our location next to the Peak District. 

It is much more than just that! 

Throughout history, Chesterfield has built positive relationships to bring forward growth and investment. We have a clear growth strategy, projects to deliver those ambitions and want to continue collaboration to achieve these ambitious plans. 

On Tuesday, Dr. Huw Bowen, Chief Executive of Chesterfield Borough Council highlighted these ambitions, alongside the importance of strategic thinking and collaboration at a packed panel discussion in the Harworth Pavillion.  

huw bowen harworth UKReiiF

Later that day, Joe Battye, Director of Economy and Regeneration at Derbyshire County Council delivered a case study about the Staveley Growth Corridor, highlighting the role of two local authorities and the private sector to bring forward community-changing regeneration. 

Members of our Chesterfield Property and Construction Group came together to launch our new investment prospectus, and it was brilliant to catch up with so many of them over the week. 

You can view the prospectus here. 

It was also great to see Chesterfield highlighted in the Midlands Engineering Portfolio. The document included the transformation of our historic town centre, the £340 million Chesterfield Waterside scheme, and the forward-thinking masterplan for Chesterfield station. 

investment prospectus launch

A collective voice for the region is a huge opportunity that could be brought about by devolution in the East Midlands. A joint event organised by D2N2 LEP, Marketing Derby, Invest in Nottingham, and ourselves explored the opportunities. 

Will Morlidge, Chief Executive of D2N2 LEP highlighted that the deal would ‘move Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire into the Premier League.’ Meanwhile, Andy Dabbs, Chair of Chesterfield Property Group said the deal needs to embrace public and private sector collaboration, and pool expertise and resources to underpin long-term plans. He added: “It’s a real opportunity to change the perception of our region.”

devolution panel ukreiif

Chesterfield has a strong heritage of being inventive and delivering innovative approaches. From the first disposable nappies and the drills that made the Channel Tunnel, to being the proud home of railway innovator, George Stephenson! 

On Thursday, it was brilliant to hear Tarah Gear from Milligan, highlighting another innovative project in Chesterfield – The Gateway at Peak

The project is a pioneer in supporting the Peak District National Park and Chesterfield, in terms of the environment and social inclusion. It was particularly exciting to hear that brands which have already signed up are changing their approaches, to fit with the ethos of this exciting development. 

As Tarah told the panel, they want this development to have ‘a lasting legacy’ and be the ‘ancestor’ that future generations respect.

milligan panel ukreiif

In an increasingly noisy marketplace, ‘Team Chesterfield’ has articulated why our area is a wonderful place to live and work. However, don’t just take our word for it! As The Spectator reported this week, ‘A new property powerhouse is emerging’ in North Derbyshire.  

Thank you to the dedicated and driven partners who continue to work with us and support Destination Chesterfield in raising the profile of the town. Keep a look out for the Chesterfield Investment Summit which returns this October. Once again, the event promises to provide several exciting updates on Chesterfield’s vast regeneration opportunities. 

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Chesterfield bids for businesses with over a million sq ft of new commercial property

A new and ambitious growth strategy for Chesterfield, the largest town in Derbyshire best known for its industrial heritage, historic architecture and proximity to the Peak District, has today been shared with potential investors at UKREiiF, a major real estate and infrastructure investment event, as well as details of commercial property projects that will deliver more than a million square feet of new high-quality office and industrial space over the next two years.

Speaking at the event, Dr Huw Bowen, Chief Executive of Chesterfield Borough Council, said that Chesterfield was delivering consistent and sustainable business growth, and had seen interest in its commercial space increase from both local startups and companies considering relocation to the town since the pandemic lockdowns.

DR Huw Bowen UKREiiF Harworth Panel

Dr. Huw Bowen speaks on Harworth panel at UKREiiF

Data shared in Chesterfield’s growth strategy reveal that the town’s business population has grown by more than a fifth (21 per cent) in the last decade and created 2,000 new jobs, including 1,800 high-value roles in sectors such as advanced manufacturing and professional services. Chesterfield aims to attract a further 400 businesses and 2,000 more jobs to the town by 2030.

Chesterfield Borough Council is supporting, either through direct investment or public-private partnerships, a series of projects to provide high-quality commercial space for businesses. It has helped bring to market almost 300,000 square feet of modern office, industrial, manufacturing and logistics space since the start of 2022, and expects further new premises totalling more than one million square feet to become available by the middle of 2025.

Key commercial developments in the town include:

  • One Waterside Place: 35,000 square feet of Grade A office accommodation located within five minutes’ walk of Chesterfield’s mainline train station. The building provides high quality office space for larger businesses looking to relocate or expand. Opened in January 2023, two of the building’s six floors have already been taken by tenants.
  • Hartington Industrial Estate: a major industrial development in Staveley, an area of Chesterfield next to the M1 motorway. This project will create 800,000 square feet of new commercial floorspace, with multiple modern industrial and warehouse units measuring 20,000 square feet and more expected to become available in 2023.
  • Prospect Park: located just off the A61, the main road between Chesterfield and Sheffield, Prospect Park provides high-quality office space and plots for new advanced manufacturing, warehousing and distribution units ranging from 7,000 – 50,000 square feet.

Chesterfield has also earmarked several prime locations for new residential development as part of plans to build more than 4,000 new homes by 2035. The number of new homes built in the town has exceeded targets in the last three years, and data from shows that residential properties in Chesterfield sell faster, on average, than in Sheffield, Nottingham and Derby.

Dr Huw Bowen, Chief Executive of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “Chesterfield is delivering consistent and sustainable growth, and becoming a destination of choice for entrepreneurs, knowledge workers and investors seeking a compelling work-life alternative to big cities. Our investments in assets, infrastructure, and partnerships are fuelling the transition to a higher-skilled, higher-wage economy. Our indigenous business base is growing, and we’ve seen enquiries from companies considering relocation to Chesterfield rocket since the pandemic.”

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield, comments: “Chesterfield is a great place to live, and now, an even better place to do business. We’re investing in high-quality commercial spaces, opening up opportunities for more high-quality homes, and creating an environment that nurtures both residents and entrepreneurs. With our strategic location, culture of invention and competitive cost base, Chesterfield is the perfect location for startups, scaleups, innovators and investors.”

Find out more at:

View the latest details around commercial property projects in Chesterfield in the latest Chesterfield Investment Prospectus here.

Chesterfield commercial property to be showcased

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Property and Construction firms to highlight key commercial opportunities in Chesterfield at UK’s largest trade show

Did you know that Chesterfield’s business population has grown by 21% over the past decade, with more commercial opportunities in Chesterfield on the way? A total of 2,000 new jobs have been created, including 1,800 high-value roles in sectors such as advanced manufacturing and professional services.

Chesterfield is continuing on its ambitious path. The town aims to attract a further 400 businesses and 2,000 more jobs by 2030. With this goal in mind, it is vital to spread the message about the area’s exciting regeneration plans and commercial opportunities.

Property and construction businesses across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire are highlighting the wide range of investment opportunities in our town at the UK’s largest trade show, UKREiiF. The event is taking place in Leeds from Tuesday 16th-Thursday 18th May 2023.

Delegates from the town will be highlighting our area’s key development sites in several panel discussions. Including the ‘Journey to Zero’ transport hub at the PEAK tourism destination.

They will speak to potential investors about the excellent strategic location of Chesterfield and the importance of transport infrastructure opening up major regeneration sites.

Furthermore, members from Chesterfield’s Property & Construction Group will fly the flag for our town at the event. Businesses will be making attendees aware of the various projects which they are working on. Firms will also support Destination Chesterfield in spreading  the message of the area’s exciting commercial opportunities.

Find out more below on how firms will be Championing Chesterfield at UKREiiF 2023.

Whittam Cox Architects

Andrew Dabbs

A panel discussion at UKREiiF will outline the potential benefits of a devolution deal for Chesterfield and the wider region. The panel will include Chesterfield Property and Construction Group chair, Andy Dabbs, who is also a director at Whittam Cox Architects.

In addition, delegates will have the opportunity to discuss how the private sector can complement and enhance the newest and largest devolution deal in England. The deal is set to leverage at least £38m per year over 30 years.

Andy commented: “I’m very pleased to be collaborating with D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership and showcasing Chesterfield’s portfolio of investment opportunities.”

“Our town possesses a strong relationship between the public and private sector. This is continuing to bring forward an impressive pipeline of regeneration and economic growth.

“The East Midlands Devolution deal will ensure more funding for our region, and further promote Chesterfield as an ideal place to invest.”

Wilmott Dixon Construction Ltd.

Jenna Frudd Wilmott Dixon - highlighting commercial opportunities at UKREiiF

Jenna Frudd, Business & Relationship Manager at Wilmott Dixon commented: “I’m thrilled to be attending this year’s UKREIIF and supporting the fantastic work being done in the development of Chesterfield.

“The town is a prime example of a ‘hidden gem’ town. It’s incredibly welcoming and has a local council and business community that is open to conversations.

“What’s great about UKREIIF is that it provides a fantastic opportunity to attract further investment. With all towns, there needs to be promise of change and excitement of active projects bubbling under in order to help it truly thrive. There is absolutely that happening in Chesterfield.”

FI Real Estate Management Ltd.

The HQ Chesterfield

The team at FI Real Estate Management is highlighting one of the key commercial opportunities in Chesterfield, The HQ.

Dominic Knowles, Head of Offices at FI Real Estate Management said: “Our colleagues attending UKREiff will be networking with business members and leaders at the event, promoting our recent £2m investment at The HQ and discussing the benefits of enhancing investment opportunities for the Chesterfield business community.

“We are passionate about putting Chesterfield on the map as a great place to work by providing Grade A office facilities. This improves Chesterfield’s business prospects, offering workspace fit to rival that of neighbouring cities. In addition, it makes the market town the first choice for future businesses looking to invest.

“Since our investment in the market town began in 2019, we have witnessed significant further investment in Chesterfield. This has had a positive impact on the local business community. It is extremely important for us to draw on our experience in Chesterfield so far, and share this with other business leaders.”

Harworth Group

Investment Chesterfield Harworth Group - Highlighting commercial opportunities at UKREiiF

Joanne Neville, Regional Head of Planning at Harworth Group commented: “Harworth is one of the leading land and property regeneration companies in the UK. The company manages over 13,000 acres across around 100 sites in the North of England and the Midlands.

“Harworth sites serve as exemplars of successful large-scale regeneration, with the business working alongside a range of partners. This also includes part of the allocated Staveley Works site in Chesterfield. 600 new homes are proposed for the site, with a planning application currently pending consideration.

“The Harworth team are always looking for exciting new investment opportunities for acquisitions and partnerships. Harworth will be returning to UKREiiF in 2023 with an even bigger delegation and exhibition space. Join them at the Harworth Regeneration Pavilion (Pavilion 7) for an extensive programme of thought-provoking panel sessions. Additionally, the company will host regional showcases and networking events, with some of the industry’s leading experts.”

Inspire Design & Development Ltd.

Gemma Inspire Design & Development - Chesterfield Champions

Colleagues at Inspire Design & Development Ltd. are excited to be attending this year’s showcase, which they believe promises to be even bigger and better.

Gemma Brewster, Commercial Executive commented: “At Inspire we are passionate about inspiring great places for people to live, work and play. A key part of our strategic approach to achieve this is collaboration. During the three-day event, we will be attending a number of fringe events in the city and holding meetings with new and existing connections.

“Not only will we be discussing future opportunities and building upon those relationships, but we will also be helping to raise the profile of Chesterfield by promoting our current projects in the area such as PEAK.

“We may be slightly biased, but we are very excited about the progress of this development as we feel Peak has the potential to dramatically increase the towns tourism offer which will help boost the Chesterfield economy and showcase the town. We are excited to see how the project evolves over the coming years.

Chesterfield Borough Council offers a free, efficient service to help you find the perfect premises for your business. Find out more about the range of available commercial opportunities in Chesterfield here.

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Noodle Bar to serve up a treat at Markham Vale

A brand-new drive-thru noodle bar is set to open at North Derbyshire’s Markham Vale development, next to J29A of the M1 motorway.

Planning permission has been granted for a Chopstix Noodle Bar which will occupy the final remaining plot in the services area at Markham Vale – one of the region’s flagship industrial schemes, attracting new businesses into the area and creating thousands of jobs.

The new drive-thru joins the likes of fish and chip restaurant Chesters and Gridserve, another new occupier set to open a state-of-the-art electrical vehicle charging station later this year.

Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Clean Growth and Regeneration, Councillor Tony King,  said: “It’s great that we’ve secured another employer bringing a further 20 full time equivalent service industry jobs to Markham Vale.

“We’re pleased that this phase of the scheme to establish a high-quality service stop at junction 29a is almost complete with Gridserve due to start work on building an electric charging forecourt later this year.

“Next we’ll be concentrating our efforts on securing new occupiers for the remaining development plots having just gained planning approval for the construction of four new industrial units on Enterprise Way.”

Richard Hinds, Senior Development Surveyor at Markam Vale property developer, HBD, said: “We’re pleased to welcome Chopstix to Markham Vale; it joins several drive-thru restaurants and facilities and will no doubt prove a popular addition to the scheme.”

Chopstix is part of the QFM Group – one of the UK’s leading franchise businesses. Founded almost 40 years ago, it has built success in recent years with growth across several brands including Costa Coffee, KFC and Taco Bell.

Markham Vale is one of the region’s most successful industrial and logistics schemes. Just 11 acres now remain for development, accommodating a further 190,000 square foot.

HBD supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

markham vale food outlets

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