Property and Construction

Growth, rebrands and exciting milestones for Chesterfield Champions

A number of Chesterfield Champions have announced recent successes, with firms revealing new recruits, rebrands and anniversaries.

Find out more in our roundup from across the town below.

Redbrik celebrates a flurry of female promotions

Redbrik promotions

Redbrik Estate Agents has announced numerous internal female promotions.

The firm recently celebrated promotions among both long-standing employees and recent recruits:

  • ​​Gemma Hynes has been promoted to Area Manager from her previous Property Consultant role.
  • Sarah Bicknall has been promoted to Area Manager from Lettings Property Consultant.
  • Thea Cox has been made Marketing Manager, promoted from Marketing Executive.
  • Grace Bradbury has been promoted to Sales Manager from her previous role as an Applicant Manager.

Claire Madej, Redbrik’s Talent and HR Manager, commented: “Redbrik is only as good as its people and I’m so pleased to see these fantastic women progress through the agency and take us – as a company and as part of the wider industry – forward. Last month the industry celebrated both International Women’s Day and the first-ever Women In Estate Agency conference, so we’re pleased to mark yet another milestone for women in property with these incredibly well-deserved promotions.”

Exciting rebrand for Roy Peters Estates


Roy Peters Estates, which has been trading successfully in Chesterfield for nearly 50 years has rebranded with a fresh new look.

The company has redeveloped its office accommodation to make it a brighter more welcoming environment, along with creating a dedicated private meeting room for anyone with concerns to share these in confidence.

Richard Sherwood, Director at Roy Peters Estates said: “We felt it appropriate to freshen our image and indicate we are ready for the challenges to come, whilst appreciating where the business started and our founders Roy Cutt and Peter Bown.

“We have come a long way and have plans to grow the business, specifically our residential management, building our commercial portfolio and offering professional commercial services, as we feel there is a gap in the market for a local specialist in the town.

“Our new branding will stand out and compliment our physical and on-line presence. We have some new faces here at Roy Peters, including Commercial Specialist Andrew, Accounts Lead Julie and our first Apprentice George. All three have settled in well and are already complimenting our existing team.

“Chesterfield has a huge amount to offer its residents and businesses, as do Roy Peters Estates. We, as a Chesterfield business do our best to deal with other local businesses and mutually benefit the town. ”

Edwards Employment Solutions celebrates 5th anniversary

Chesterfield recruitment agency, Edwards Employment Solutions is celebrating five years of success in the town.

The business recently announced growth, with a move to new office space the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre – find out more on the post below on some of the company’s main achievements over the last five years:

Woodall Homes announces dynamic rebrand

Woodall Homes, with current developments across Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and South Yorkshire, has launched a refreshed brand, marking its continued commitment to providing premium homes for first-time buyers, families and downsizers in the modern market.

Managing Director, Dave Wood commented: “The new Woodall Homes brand reflects our commitment to creating attractive premium-quality homes that enhance homeowners’ lifestyles. Our more dynamic and stylish new look marks our next era, as we continue to deliver timelessly attractive, sleek properties and interiors.”

Based in Barlborough, Woodall Homes have five developments currently under construction across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, with exciting plans for the coming years. Having secured funding from The British Growth Fund in 2021, the housebuilder has invested in its people, processes and planning as they take on further sites for growth.

Redbrik, Roy Peters Estates, Edwards Employment Solutions and Woodall Homes support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Chair’s blog: “Chesterfield is still moving forward with confidence and optimism”

In the face of national and global economic challenges, Chesterfield is once again forging its own path.

Like so many times before, our town is rolling up its sleeves and making change happen for the better. We’ve seen many developments come to fruition over the last couple of years and as a result sites which were previously derelict are now full of life.

New offices at Chesterfield Waterside and the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre are already attracting investment and creating jobs for people in our town. There are already 90 people working within the Waterside Offices, and the Enterprise centre is now more than 60% occupied.

News of the extension to the Markham Vale North Industrial development, located at Junction 29a just off the M1 is another boost for our area. To date, Markham Vale has created more than 2,700 jobs, with potentially 800 more on the way thanks to the additional development plots.

Whilst we are all aware that Chesterfield is on the up, we must keep shouting about this as a collective. With a view to maintaining this progress I am excited to see Destination Chesterfield taking the town’s message to the UK’s biggest trade and investment show this May, UKREiiF.

Working alongside Chesterfield Borough Council and businesses in the town’s Property and Construction Group, we will be speaking to colleagues from across the country, helping to explain the wide range of benefits Chesterfield has to offer to inward investors and occupiers.

We’ll make investors aware of our illustrious history of innovation, and our fantastic connectivity and transport links. The fact that you can be in several major cities within just a couple of hours is a huge selling point; one which many other places are quite rightly jealous of!

It’s not just messaging around our town’s range of development sites and commercial workspaces which will be on display.

We will also shout about the fantastic quality of life here in Chesterfield, including our emerging food, drink and leisure offering. There has also been significant new housing delivery in the town over the past few years, which will also appeal to potential occupiers.

The fact that we’re so close to the world-famous Peak District National Park has already attracted major investment – including the £300 million PEAK development, which continues to progress.

Attracting further investment to Chesterfield remains a priority because it benefits everyone connected to the town.

It means more money in the pockets of our residents thanks to the creation of quality jobs, and naturally this leads to more money spent in our independent businesses, helping our economy to grow further.

Whilst we are all understandably concerned by recent reports about the state of the UK’s economy, I am pleased to say that Chesterfield is still moving forward with confidence and optimism – and shows no signs of stopping.


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Major clay donation from Chesterfield Champions aids canal restoration

The restoration of the Chesterfield Canal will shortly take a great leap forward, thanks to a huge donation of clay from Suon Ltd.

Chesterfield Canal Trust will be spending £5.3 million on major works. These monies are its share of the Staveley Town Deal.

A substantial section will be rebuilding the historic Staveley Puddlebank. This is a massive structure, spanning 800 metres long and stretching across the Doe Lea Valley.

It was originally constructed in 1776 out of clay dug by hand and moved in wheelbarrows. The structure was 10 meters high when it crossed the river Doe Lea. It was partially bulldozed in 1972, hence the need to remodel it.

The value of the clay runs well into seven figures. It is currently at Foxlow, just north of Barrow Hill.

The total volume is 160,000 cubic metres. If this was all heaped onto the pitch at Wembley Stadium, it would be 22 metres high. That’s the height of a seven storey building or five double decker buses. If it was piled onto the centre court at Wimbledon, it would be over 800 metres high. That’s the same as the Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building or nearly three times the height of the Shard, Britain’s tallest building.

The Chesterfield Canal Trust says it is incredibly grateful for this wonderful gesture by Suon, and also to the Chatsworth Settlement which has waived its right to the royalties that it held upon the clay.

Nicholas Wood, Estates Director for Chatsworth, commented: “We are very happy to have been able to support the Chesterfield Canal Trust with this project, and we hope it will help enable future generations to enjoy the canal for many years.”

Chesterfield Canal Trust’s Development Manager, George Rogers, said: “Purchasing and transporting suitable materials from other sources would be prohibitively expensive and cause untold disturbance to the local population. Without this incredibly generous donation, the project simply couldn’t proceed in its current form and so the Trust is very grateful for the support and generosity of Suon and Chatsworth. We look forward to continuing our long history of working together to enable the restoration of the canal”.

Ivan Fomin, Chair of the Staveley Town Deal Board, said: “It’s fantastic to see project sponsors working together to achieve the overall objectives of the Town Deal. This is an important donation that will help ensure the canal can continue to be enjoyed by local people and visitors, whilst making use of this natural resource in the local area.”

Suon Ltd, Chatsworth Settlement Trustees and Chesterfield Canal Trust support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

staveley puddlebank clay

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Panel session at major UK trade show to shine a light on the huge potential of devolution for our region

The huge potential of devolution for Chesterfield and the wider East Midlands region will be showcased at a major UK trade event this May.

D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) is leading a panel session at the UK’s Real Estate Investment and Infrastructure Forum (UKREiif) 2023 in Leeds, to discuss upcoming devolution in the East Midlands for businesses and investors.

The D2N2 region, covering Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, has a proud industrial and manufacturing track record and is at the forefront of economic development, with the East Midlands Freeport and the East Midlands Development Company recently established.

The region is on track to become the home of the UK’s newest and largest combined authority in 2024. The D2N2 area sits in the heart of the country and is very well connected, and benefits from proximity to infrastructure assets such as East Midlands Airport, the M1 and fast rail links, and its central location means that almost 90% of the UK is accessible within a four hour drive.

The panel session will provide the opportunity for delegates to hear from speakers representing D2N2 LEP, the East Midlands Development Company and key businesses in the region, who will share their insights on the benefits and opportunities devolution will bring to the East Midlands.

Delegates will have the opportunity to get involved in the discussion about what the private sector can bring to complement and enhance the newest and largest devolution deal in England, set to leverage at least £38m per year over 30 years.

The panel session will be chaired by Nicolle Ndiweni, Inward Investment and Business Expansion Specialist, Invest in Nottingham, and the panel of speakers will include:

• Will Morlidge – Chief Executive, D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership
• Andrew Roberts – Regional Head of Acquisitions, Yorkshire & Central, Harworth Group
• Andy Dabbs – Board Director, Whittam Cox Architects
• Sir Chris Haworth – Chairman, East Midlands Development Company
• Ellie Hinds – Business Development Manager, Scape Group
• Steve Wooler – Chief Executive, BWB

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield said: “We are very excited to be collaborating with D2N2 LEP, Marketing Derby and Invest in Nottingham to showcase the exciting opportunities to invest in the region. One of the region’s many strengths is the effective collaboration between the public and private sector to drive forward sustainable economic growth. The panel session at UKREiif will showcase this work, and how you can get involved in the future.”

Will Morlidge, Chief Executive of D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) commented: “We are delighted to host this panel session at UKREiif. The East Midlands devolution deal is not just about driving more funding from the Government into our region: it is also a very clear signal from Government that the East Midlands is the vibrant industrial heart of the UK and is a great place to invest. Together with the rest of the panel, I am really looking forward to discussing the unique opportunities that devolution will unlock for businesses and investors in the region and beyond.”

John Forkin, managing director of Marketing Derby, added: “As well as championing Derby and Derbyshire, we also regularly collaborate with our partners on projects that benefit the wider region, such as the East Midlands devolution deal, which we are fully behind. Over the years, we have achieved some notable successes, attracting major companies, both national and international, bringing thousands of new jobs to this part of the world and we are excited about the huge potential to do so going forward.”

Lorraine Baggs, Head of Investment at Invest in Nottingham said: “The East Midlands Mayoral Combined Authority presents a fantastic opportunity for our region to combine our strengths. Nottingham’s two world-class Universities provide exceptional talent to our strong industries. We’re experiencing more development in Nottingham than ever before with countless cranes in the sky, and two transformational city centre sites in the Broad Marsh and The Island Quarter. The devolution deal will bring more investment into our growing region.”

Places for the session are open to those registered to attend UKREiif and can be booked here.

Chesterfield Crooked Spire view

Image courtesy of Derbyshire Economic Partnership

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£1 million boutique apartment hotel boost for Chesterfield town centre

Empty Grade II listed office and shop units in Chesterfield town centre could be transformed into a nine-apartment boutique hotel through a £1.02 million investment by Voeberg Hospitality.

The Sheffield-based company has submitted a change of use planning application to Chesterfield Borough Council to convert two former offices at 39 and 39A Holywell Street, and the neighbouring former hairdressers at 41 Holywell Street into apartments for holiday lets and use by business travellers.

The Grade II listed Georgian buildings – opposite the Holywell Cross car park and Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre – would be sensitively converted into one two-bedroom and eight one-bedroom apartments for use as short-stay accommodation and be called Holywell Hotel.

Emily Smith, Director of Voeberg Hospitality, said: “The Holywell Hotel development offers an opportunity to bring a high-quality boutique apartment hotel to an area of Chesterfield town centre that needs investment to bring historic empty buildings back into everyday use.

“The location of the Northern Gateway, with its good links to Chesterfield railway station, offers the opportunity to attract visitors and business travellers wanting to visit the Crooked Spire in Chesterfield, as well as the Peak District National Park and South Yorkshire.

“While Chesterfield has existing hotels and B&Bs we believe there is an unmet need in the local market for a boutique apartment hotel of this type. We intend to work with other local businesses to create cross-promotional opportunities for the benefit of our guests.”

The plans submitted to Chesterfield Borough Council seek permission to make some minor structural alterations while predominantly keeping the overall layout of the three buildings. There will be considerable investment to repair the buildings, including restoring the sash windows, renovating the doors and conserving all the listed features.

Working alongside Covest Architecture and Planning and Design Group, each property would be converted to provide three self-serviced apartments, with a bedroom, kitchen, dining and bathroom facilities.

There will be access to an outdoor amenity space, cycle storage and laundry facilities.

Instead of having a traditional reception desk the properties will operate as a ‘smart hotel’ with self-check-ins, keyless entry and a digital portal which will provide guests with relevant information about their stay.

Emily added: “My husband, Ryan, and I began investing in property in Scotland five years ago. Last year, we took the decision to move our family and business to this area and have continued to invest and develop residential properties in Chesterfield.

“We chose to invest in Chesterfield because it is a growing and forward-looking place, while also being a historic market town. The people of Chesterfield have a very open and welcoming approach and seem keen to assist businesses that support the sustainability of the town centre.

“We look forward to making a contribution to that growth by bringing another part of the town centre back into active use through the development of Holywell Hotel.”

Further information about the Holywell Hotel refurbishment project can be seen at

Emily and Ryan holywell hotel

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Construction begins on speculative new business park in Clay Cross

Construction is now underway on a multi-million pound scheme to unlock land for employment in Clay Cross near Chesterfield.

Roe Developments is set to transform the second phase of Wingfield View Business Park, which will see the creation of around 65,000 sq ft across 16 high specification industrial / logistics units, offering units from 2,000 to 12,000 sq ft.

The estate will offer high quality employment and business premises, available for occupation from Q3 2023. Interest has been strong to date, with several units now under offer.

Harry Orwin-Allen, Senior Surveyor at Knight Frank in Sheffield, which is marketing the park with FHP Property Consultants, said: “Our client Roe Developments has already proved the demand for high quality, new build industrial and warehouse opportunities in this area, with Phase One a single industrial terrace having been successfully delivered and either sold or let prior to construction having completed.

“The park offers competitive lease terms and freehold sale values, with units being built to a specification to meet modern occupiers’ requirements and to provide the highest standard of industrial and warehousing space available in the area.”

Key features of the units will include full height roller shutter access, 6-8m eaves height; 3 phase power; glazed reception entrance way with personnel door and ample yard and car parking.

Wingfield View Business Park is located directly off the A6175 along Market Street on the corner of Coney Green Business Centre. The property has easy access onto the A61 and is also 10 minutes from Junction 29 of the M1 Motorway.

Wingfield View follows the successful development of the Railway View Business Park in Clay Cross by Roe Developments which is now 100 per cent let.

There are currently several regeneration schemes and developments taking place across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire. To find out more about the latest on some of the major projects across the area, go to:

Wingfield View Apr 23

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Collaboration leads to eye-catching display at Chesterfield Waterside

Two Chesterfield Champions have collaborated with Chesterfield Borough Council to deliver an attention-grabbing display in and around the Basin Square area of the Chesterfield Waterside scheme.

FWD: Motion, a creative agency based in Chesterfield, managed the branding, design, manufacture, and installation of the new perimeter display at Basin Square working alongside Bolsterstone Group PLC which is delivering the Waterside scheme with Chesterfield Borough Council.

The new site display builds on the brand redevelopment and website build for Chesterfield Waterside which FWD Motion completed in 2019.

Chesterfield Waterside is one of the UK’s largest regeneration schemes; a £340 million sustainable development set in a canal-side environment. Waterside is built across 16 hectares with phase 1 of the development, known as Basin Square, delivering Grade A office space, a hotel, apartments, and a multi-storey car park.

Phase one at Basin Square recently saw the completion and opening of One Waterside Place, a seven-storey large floorplate office funded by Chesterfield Borough Council.

The new display, which features 190 meters of printed and cut vinyl 8x4ft di bond aluminium hoarding boards with protective anti-graffiti laminate, showcases the high quality office space available within the building.

Already two floors of One Waterside Place have tenants – BHP Chartered Accountants and luxury women’s leisurewear company Varley’s, and the new eye-catching display boards are helping to attract the attention of prospective tenants.

Tom Swallow, Development Manager at Bolsterstone Group PLC commented: “It was a pleasure to work with FWD Motion as always on the design of the hoardings. They worked with us to deliver a quality product which compliments the high quality public realm at Chesterfield Waterside. They are helping to create a lot of interest from prospective tenants and investors in both the office building and forthcoming developments at Basin Square and the wider Waterside scheme.”

Emma Cole, Marketing Director at FWD Motion commented: “FWD were delighted to work with Bolsterstone on the aluminium hoardings project, Chesterfield Waterside is a fantastic development for the local area, and we are proud to be a part of that. Working not only on design, but also print and installation means we get to see a project delivered and in use. Seeing it on display makes a real difference as you can visualise the impact it will have in the local surroundings.

“As a fully integrated creative and digital agency we can work with clients on design, print, installation, development, and marketing projects.  We love working with local companies and helping make a positive branding impact.  If anyone has a project they’d like to discuss, we’d love to help.”

Bolsterstone and FWD Motion support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

One Waterside Place signage

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Full refurbishment completed at The HQ in Chesterfield

Leading property and asset management firm, FI Real Estate Management (FIREM), has completed all phases of a full refurbishment of The HQ, Rowland Hill House to reveal 44,000 sq ft of modern open-plan office space.

The £1.2m project has seen FIREM upgrade the former Royal Mail building to Grade A office space specifically designed for flexible working, offering bespoke and turnkey packages tailored to meet specific business needs and requirements.

After the completion of the first phase in April 2022, FIREM began a second phase of works to the ground and third floors, completing in February 2023.

The rise of hybrid working has created a shift in office requirements for businesses across the region, with The HQ pioneering a new approach in the Chesterfield business community.

Award-winning commercial vehicle hire company, Northgate Vehicle Hire, has recently signed a lease of 8,000 sq ft, alongside other tenants, Derbyshire Police and Reed in Partnership, demonstrating the diversified offering of the office facilities to suit a range of businesses.

Tim Knowles, founder and Managing Director of FIREM commented: “The HQ’s office concept has never been seen before in Chesterfield and reflects the work we are doing to progress Chesterfield’s business offering in line with nearby cities.

“It is arguably the most competitive office product in the Chesterfield market, offering businesses a bespoke turnkey service from day one that can be modified to suit their changing needs and requirements.”

Modern, well connected office spaces are now available across Chesterfield. Regardless of your workspace requirements, from co-working and hotdesking to spacious offices for a large team, our aim is to make you as productive as possible.

To find out more about the wide range of office spaces on offer across the town, go to:

FI Real Estate Management supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

The HQ reception

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Chesterfield’s Grade A office spaces contribute to town’s ongoing success

Grade A office spaces in Chesterfield are proving a major success, bringing new investment and jobs to the local area. Recently-completed developments are attracting businesses to Chesterfield, as well as providing modern spaces for existing firms in the town to grow.

Examples of this can be seen at the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre, One Waterside Place and The HQ. Did you know that office spaces at the Northern Gateway Enterprise centre are already 75% let?

To find out about their success, we’re taking a look at some of the prime locations you can choose from when investing in Chesterfield.

If you want to know more about how Chesterfield’s office spaces can help your business grow, go to:

One Waterside Place

Grade A One Waterside Place office

For large, modern, and well located office space, look no further than One Waterside Place.

Bolsterstone Group recently delivered the new 36,000 sq ft Grade A office space at Chesterfield Waterside in the Basin Square neighbourhood. This development provides large spaces (up to 15,000 sq ft) which are critical to support inward investment into Chesterfield.

Furthermore, companies based in the centre have the advantage of being a very short walk away from Chesterfield Rail Station.

Tenants including BHP Accountants and Varley have already made One Waterside Place their new home.

Speaking on why Chesterfield is such an attractive proposition for any relocating business, Tom Swallow, Development Manager at Bolsterstone Group said: “Chesterfield has so much going for it. We are centrally located, close to big cities and the Peak District and have amazing transport links.

“Chesterfield station provides a link to London in under two hours. Manchester or Leeds can also be easily reached in just over an hour.

“As well as affordable house prices, Chesterfield also has a great mix of independent and boutique shops, cafes and restaurants.

“The town’s location together with its offer is ideal for companies who are looking at providing a good quality of life for their employees.”

Tom added that he believes the provision of high-quality office space in the town is hugely important. He commented: “It is needed to both help existing companies grow and also support direct inward investment from companies looking to relocate into the area.

“Quality offices are also more sustainable in economic, social and environmental ways. This can benefit companies looking to improve their ESG agenda as well as helping Chesterfield achieve its net zero ambitions.”

Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre

Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre Grade A office space

The Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre has exceeded initial expectations since its opening in 2022.

Several organisations are now operating from the building, with more than 75% of the space available already taken.

So, what do businesses love about it? Of course, it’s central location – in the heart of Chesterfield town centre. But tenants also benefit from ‘easy in and out’ letting terms at the Grade A development.

Tenants also benefit from access to a range of other council services. This includes business support and corporate rates for leisure passes, parking permits and conferencing facilities.

With its town centre location, the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre is easily accessible by car, train, bus and cycle users. It’s situated opposite the new Saltergate multi-storey car park and close to all major bus routes and Chesterfield Train station.

Edwards Employment Solutions moved into the building in 2022. Managing Director Izabella Edwards commented: “Our move to the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre has been an absolute game changer for us.

“From a business point of view, we are benefitting from the excellent location. People looking for a new job are able to pop in and see us when they are in town. We even have our clients from local businesses coming in to see us!

“We now have such modern and functional facilities to host people – it’s really working well for us.  In addition to this, my team and I are really enjoying being back in Chesterfield Town Centre and making the most out of shopping and eating out at lunchtime.  I would encourage any business thinking about making the move to go for it, we’ve certainly not looked back.”

The HQ

Grade A office space at The HQ, Chesterfield

Specifically designed as a solution to modern ways of working, The HQ recently underwent a £1.225m refurbishment to upgrade the existing building to Grade A office facilities.

With 44,000 sq ft. of flexible and conventional office space, The HQ has been popular with several local and regional businesses. Firms working across various industries operate from the development, including ChargedEv and Derbyshire Police.

Businesses benefit from not only the high-quality space but also the community and support network within the building. This gives them a forum to connect and collaborate with businesses they otherwise may not meet.

Dominic Knowles, Head of Offices at FI Real Estate Management, which operates The HQ commented: “The market town boasts an active and vibrant business community that is keen to forge partnerships, giving local and regional firms the opportunity to expand their networks.

“Chesterfield is also ideally located near the motorway network with great access to the M1; the neighbouring cities of Sheffield, Derby and Nottingham can all be reached within an hour.

“Nestled on the edge of the Peak District and surrounded by a selection of high-quality bars, restaurants and shops, Chesterfield is the perfect location for those looking to create the desired work-life balance.”

Dominic explained why the provision of Grade A office space is key to the town’s future. He added: “Providing quality office space ensures the town keeps pace with nearby cities.

“Investing in office space helps attract more businesses, which then stimulates further investment in the area, boosting employment and enriching the working lives of the local community. It also helps employers incentivise staff to come back into the office.”

Chesterfield Property and Construction Group

Bolsterstone Group, FI Real Estate Management, Whittam Cox Architects and Chesterfield Borough Council are all represtented in the town’s Property and Construction Group, which aims to shape and drive forward collaboration, investment, sustainability and skills within Chesterfield.

Find out more about the group at:

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Progress continues at Horizon 29 development in North Derbyshire

A new industrial development near the M1 in North Derbyshire is progressing rapidly, and is expected to total over one million sq.ft of space once complete.

Horizon 29, located in Bolsover is strategically positioned with J29a of the M1 only a mile away, providing excellent access to the UK’s national motorway network. The scheme extends to 53 acres offering a variety of unit sizes, ranging between 73,174 – 249,995 SQ FT across three phases.

Construction is now 80% complete at Horizon 29 for Phase 1A, and 40% complete for Phase 1B. Cladding has completed for Units 1 and 2 and internal works are progressing rapidly. Steelwork is nearing completion for Phase 1B.

Horizon 29 is an outstanding development for a diverse range of businesses seeking to optimise their distribution network in the East Midlands and to the rest of the UK.

Sustainable features of the industrial and development hub include solar PVs, air source heat pumps, enhanced cladding, responsibly sourced sustainable materials, LED lighting and electric vehicle charging points.All external works are being undertaken by McLaren Construction (Midlands & North) including general hardstanding, car-parking, electric vehicle charging points, landscaping, mains services and drainage.

Gary Cramp, managing director of McLaren Construction (Midlands and North), said: “We are delighted that works are progressing well at Horizon 29 P1B and we’re on track for completion this summer. In a prime location in the Midlands, Horizon 29 will be a premier distribution centre for the region, and an ideal hub for quality tenants looking for direct and easy access to the M1 north and south.

Dick Smallman, construction director at Equation Properties, said: “We are delighted to be working with McLaren on the second phase of this prestigious development, the scheme is progressing extremely well. This is a high-quality product in a premier location.”

To find out more about the current developments taking place across Chesterfield, alongside the benefits the town can offer to businesses investing here, go to:


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Sports agency announces move to Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre

Chesterfield’s Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre has welcomed yet another tenant, with I Am Sports Management announcing the building in the heart of Chesterfield as its new home.

The ‘Grade A’ office space is already more than 60% occupied, with firm taking advantage of the central location, modern facilities and wide range of business support.

I Am Sports Management is a Christian Based Sports Agency. The organisation manages player representation, as well as providing a wider personal service to young players as well as established professionals.

On top of representing athletes in the world of sport, the company’s clients are supported with Mental and Spiritual wellbeing, family support and finance guidance.

Business owner, Steve Jacques commented: “All that we do is based on the foundation of our faith and is delivered in a transparent, ethical and moral basis and treating players as people not assets.”

I Am Sports Management joins several new arrivals to the Enterprise Centre, with digital transformation firm Konektio and charity CP Teens also announcing a move to the development in recent weeks.

Steve explained why the centre provided the perfect base for his organisation: “We wanted a central location but something that was a more contemporary feel and this was exactly what we were looking for. We actually expected to have to go to a city to get this environment.”

“I was born and bred in Chesterfield. In spite of working significant amounts of time in London and with extensive overseas travel, Its my town! It’s ideally central for travel by car, rail and air and has a great mix of activity and peace round the corner in the Peak District.

“Don’t be fooled by the idea of a ‘sleepy market town’. The facilities here are excellent and superb value for money for B2b businesses.

Find out more about basing your business in one of Chesterfield’s quality grade A office spaces at:

i am sports management

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