Property and Construction

Chesterfield Property and Construction Group: “We are truly excited by what lies ahead for Chesterfield”

Chair of Chesterfield’s Property & Construction Group, Andy Dabbs has penned his thoughts on a productive 2022 for the sector. Andy also shares his optimism for the group and wider investment and developments across Chesterfield as we head into 2023.

It is hard to imagine that it was only in the December of last year, we were still operating under the cloud of the pandemic, uncertain if the rise of a new variant would threaten the recovery of our industry and our attempts to return to ‘normal’ business activity.

However, as we sit here now, reflecting on 2022 and looking forward into the new year, uncertainty feels like it has become the only thing we can be certain about. The formation of Chesterfield’s Construction and Property Group (CCPG) in 2020 was ultimately about providing greater sector focussed support for the Town and local property businesses through public and private sector collaboration, and now heading into its third year, I believe we have never been better placed as a network to support each other in an exponentially changing and increasingly volatile industry.

Positively, throughout this period and now its 2nd year since its formation, Chesterfield Property Group members has continued to work hard maintaining a meaningful platform for engagement connecting both the public and private sector together. The group has maintained a clear focus on key themes centred around promoting the town, the skills and future talent agenda, business engagement, the climate emergency and importantly providing support to our Local Authority who continue to work tirelessly in their efforts to support the town and the property sector.  The group has tailored its activity over throughout 2022 focussing on delivering tangible and meaningful outputs, some of these including:

  • Property Forums – updating local property businesses on the latest market activity
  • Skills and Talent masterclass – bringing key figures from property and construction alongside key skills and training providers to discuss how the sector can overcome the skills issue
  • Quality and Sustainability masterclass – discussing sustainable development in Chesterfield, and why this is critical for future of the town
  • Investment Summit – hosting a property focussed Q&A session with Chief Executive Hue Bowen and Council Leader Trisha Gilby
  • Regular social media activity – highlighting some of the key issues in the industry such as skills, sustainability, diversity in the sector and promoting developments taking place in the town etc.
  • A variety of networking and social events including walking tours, and brewery visits. supporting business to business relationship development

Property and Construction Masterclass Chesterfield

There is no question that the current economic outlook will pose challenging for those operating in the Property sector, but we must be careful not to be consumed by negative media, and instead businesses must focus on their ‘own economy’ and work even harder to invest in building resilience against any uncertainty. The property group believes that the best way of doing this is by working collaboratively together, sharing our experience, and working hard to unlock and connect each other to the wide array of opportunities across the region.

Despite everything, Chesterfield continues to attract interest from the investment market, and with the secured levelling up funding, will see the continued regeneration and development of our built environment over the coming years. The town is rich with potential and opportunity, and we are delighted that the Property Group has played a small part in supporting in its success over the last few years.

As the Property Group looks forward to the year ahead and the activity plans start to take shape, we are truly excited by what lies ahead for Chesterfield and the wider Borough. We will look forward to building upon our existing relationships whilst forging new ones as the Group continues to evolve and adapt to support the developing needs of the town.

If you work within the Property and Construction Sector and would like to hear more about the groups developing plans, please get in touch by emailing

Property and Construction Group Chesterfield

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Optimism over ‘green shoots of recovery’ in 2023, says East Midlands Chamber study

The East Midlands economy has suffered a series of knocks throughout the year, with cost pressures hitting businesses hard – but there are hopes for a more optimistic outlook in 2023.

This is the verdict of East Midlands Chamber after its latest research, which showed a decline in customer demand for products and services, investment intentions and recruitment prospects – yet a slight upturn in business confidence for the year ahead.

As part of its Quarterly Economic Survey (QES), which is delivered in partnership with the University of Leicester School of Business and gauges the health of the region’s economy, the Chamber produces a State of the Economy Index to provide an “at a glance” picture showing the direction of travel for the local economy based on aggregated indicators.

It has trended downwards every quarter since the start of the year to reach its lowest level since the end of 2020 – a period of local Covid-19 restrictions and the beginning of a second national lockdown – but underlying data in the Q4 2022 survey offers room for optimism.

East Midlands Chamber director of policy and external affairs Chris Hobson said: “2022 has been a difficult year economically, with a series of events negatively impacting activity and sentiment – some out of our control and others self-inflicted.

“Domestic demand and international activity has softened slightly as the year has gone on, with cashflow deteriorating and investment intentions down.

“Recruitment difficulties have been the perennial issue, with this final set of data suggesting a drop-off in businesses seeking to grow their workforce.

“However, within that data lies a multitude of experiences, not all negative, and some signs for positivity as we enter 2023.

“Although business confidence – which affects tangible decisions like investment – has dropped significantly from where it was at the start of the year amid the war in Ukraine, political stability and policy flip-flops, there has been a small rise in optimism over profitability and turnover prospects during the final quarter of the year due to a more consistent approach to policy.

“While the gradual slowdown in demand has created capacity within the economy – opening the pressure valve on prices that has been one of the inflationary drivers – there are also signs that other drivers of inflation are starting to soften.”

Key findings from the Quarterly Economic Survey Q4 2022 for the East Midlands*, which was conducted between 7 November and 1 December 2022, included:

  • UK sales stagnated between the third and fourth quarters of the year, with UK advanced orders down by 9%
  • Overseas sales were up by 5% quarter on quarter but advanced orders decreased by 2%
  • The proportion of businesses that added to their headcount in the past three months fell by 8% compared to the previous quarter, while there was a similar decline in firms expecting to recruit new staff in the next three months
  • A net 57% of businesses expect they will be forced to raise prices as they grapple with rising costs for energy, interest rates, people, raw materials and fuel – although this is down from 62% and 58% in the previous two quarters
  • A net 17% of firms reported a decrease in cashflow, marking a 3% rise in the proportion of companies affected
  • A lack of room at the margins means investment intentions continue to trend downwards – falling by 6% quarter-on-quarter for plant and machinery, and 8% for training
  • After nosediving in recent months, business confidence in the prospects of profitability improvements rose 10% compared to the previous quarter, although optimism over improved turnover was down by 1%.

Chris added: “To turn these green shoots into real economic growth in 2023, it is essential that policymakers work with businesses to support them in their growth aspirations.

“Our Business Manifesto for Growth, launched at Westminster in November, provides a blueprint for this.

“While there is no one silver bullet, an immediate action Government could take is to better incentivise business investment in equipment and training, reducing inflationary pressures by both creating further capacity and softening the impact of high staff costs.

“Policy and geopolitical events aside, the biggest thing businesses will be hoping for in 2023 is a bit of calmness and consistency from those taking decisions on the direction of the UK economy – along with meaningful engagement with those businesses that will ultimately deliver the growth to ensure any recession is not just shallow, but short.”

The results will be discussed at the Chamber’s Annual State of the Economy Review on Friday (16 December), held in partnership with the University of Leicester, Geldards and emh group at Memorial House, in Coalville.

Professor Mohamed Shaban, associate dean for business and civic engagement at the University of Leicester School of Business, said there was support available for businesses affected by the economic climate.

He added: “We are proud of our long heritage providing research-informed knowledge exchange to businesses in the East Midlands and beyond through degrees, management development courses such as Help to Grow: Management, business support services, internships, placements, consultancy, knowledge transfer partnerships and contract research.

“Our academics thrive on solving business problems with world-changing research and innovative solutions providing real-world impact.”

To read the full Quarterly Economic Survey report for Q4 2022, click here.

East Midlands Chamber supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Markham Vale extension to create 800 new jobs locally

An extension has been approved to build on the hugely successful Markham Vale business park, next to the M1 in Derbyshire.

Markham Vale was established as a joint venture between HBD and Derbyshire County Council back in 2006 and now hosts more than 2,700 jobs across a wide range of sectors, including advanced manufacturing and logistics.

Markham Vale is home to a range of business uses, including Daher Aerospace which is exporting monorail parts to Cairo, Grangers International which manufactures waterproof outdoor products and shoe care products, and Sterigenics, which makes sterile healthcare products.

Devonshire Property Group will continue its work with the commercial developer HBD at Markham Vale and hopes to create around 800 new jobs for local people, with a scheme that pays strong attention to its natural surroundings.

The project includes an extensive landscaping plan that makes the most of the site’s existing features, whilst protecting and improving the river corridor. Significant planting will include c. 5,700 new trees (including 2.15ha of new woodland planting), 3.7ha of new grassland habitat and two kilometres of new native hedgerow to screen the development and create areas of new habitat.

This creates a 10% improvement of biodiversity net gain over the existing ecology value, in excess of current policy.

The success of the existing business park has led to the site running out of space to accommodate large space users and without this new development, Markham Vale will have to turn away investment from the growing industrial and logistics sectors, who require large units at locations with good access to the motorway network.

The site itself comprises two non-protected agricultural fields, bounded by the M1 to the south and keeping a large separation distance between the business park and the village of Woodthorpe. The final design of the buildings will be in accordance with the established design code for Markham Vale, which fixes a limited palette of colours to minimise visual impact. All vehicular traffic will use the existing highway network to allow easy access to the motorway.

Andrew Byrne, speaking on behalf of Devonshire Property Group commented: “The extension to the business park at Markham Vale is expected to create up to 800 new jobs for local people at what is a very successful development already supporting 2700 jobs in a variety of sectors.

“We’ve put in place an extensive landscaping plan, which includes protecting and improving the river corridor, and extensive tree and hedgerow planting as well as a large area of grassland. We’re also working with the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust to improve the wildlife habitats on a nearby site that will result in an overall 10% net gain in biodiversity. This is a high-quality extension to a highly successful employment location, with the aim of making a real contribution to the strength of the local economy.”

Devonshire Group and HBD support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Markham Vale Business Park

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Council takes next step to safeguard the future of Chesterfield’s historic Tapton House

Proposals to safeguard the future of Chesterfield’s historic Tapton House – ensuring the Grade-II* listed building can be restored and brought back into beneficial use – have been considered by Chesterfield Borough Council.

A sympathetic scheme which would see the building restored and converted for residential accommodation, together with a commitment to retain the parkland for public use and create visitor access to part of the Georgian mansion, was chosen as the preferred option by the council’s Cabinet on Tuesday (13 December).

The decision followed careful consideration of bids from 17 interested parties, with the council’s Cabinet approving the sale of the property on a 999-year ground lease to developers, Stone Castle Enterprises Ltd. The sale is subject to further legal due diligence and exchange of contracts.

Councillor Dean Collins, cabinet member for economic growth, said: “Just like the people of Chesterfield, we want to achieve the very best outcome for Tapton House. This is why we set out to find a new owner with the necessary expertise and financial ability to restore and refurbish Tapton House and safeguard its long-term future.

“The council’s Cabinet considered a detailed report on the bids received and the robust process that has been followed to evaluate and score each against a range of relevant criteria – including evidence of proof of funds, and that conservation and environmental matters have been properly considered.

“The offer put forward by the preferred bidder represents the most credible, sympathetic and financially viable option to restore and safeguard the building for generations to come, and the developers have made a commitment to work closely with the council, the Friends of Tapton House and the wider community, as their plans progress.”

Any development will still be subject to planning and conservation approvals, but the proposals put forward set out an aspiration to convert the main house into 15 apartments, with three town houses and two bungalows built in place of the annexe buildings.

Stone Castle Enterprises Ltd have confirmed that no hard boundary would be required and open public access to the parkland would continue. The developers would also seek to create a public heritage area in the building to ensure its past use as the home of Charles Paxton Markham and George Stephenson are celebrated and the importance of the property to the town’s history continues to be commemorated.

Councillor Collins added: “I would like to express the council’s thanks to all 17 bidders who submitted offers to take on this treasured asset. In arriving at a final decision on this important matter, Cabinet members also considered the many views that have been expressed and representations made at earlier council meetings – including the debate on the Friends of Tapton House’s petition.”

A spokesperson for Stone Castle Enterprises Ltd said: “Our vision for Tapton House is to reflect its heritage, honour its past and to create new homes within the space that are steeped in history but built for modern lifestyles.

“We understand the significance of Tapton House to the local community and as such our proposals include maintaining the current levels of public access to the grounds around the building and exploring the viability of developing part of the building to showcase Tapton House’s rich heritage.

“We look forward to working hard, alongside the council and the community, to deliver the best for Tapton House and for the town and borough.”

The Cabinet decision is subject to the council’s usual call-in procedures.

Tapton House

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Major new housing development and community facilities approved for Mastin Moor

Plans for 650 new homes and community facilities in Mastin Moor have been approved by Chesterfield Borough Council.

The project, undertaken by the Devonshire Property Group is due to start in summer 2023.

Andrew Byrne, Devonshire Property Group: “Mastin Moor will gain 650 new homes, including affordable homes, all built to the latest environmental standards. As well as new community facilities such as a residential care home, shops, and health and leisure amenities, 20 hectares (c50 acres) of new parkland will be created.

“As part of this development we’re particularly proud to provide a home for the Construction Skills Hub, a council-sponsored, Staveley Town Deal project that will deliver a range of vocational courses designed to upskill the workforce in both current construction techniques and those required to create the sustainable homes and workplaces of the future.”

The housing and community development at Mastin Moor will be built on approximately 46 hectares (c113 acres) of land south of Worksop Road. It will deliver 650 new homes, a quarter of which will be built to higher adaptable and accessible standards.

The project also includes a new elderly care centre and specialist accommodation, health centre, convenience shops and retail. All of the homes will have access to electric car charging units and will be electrically-heated making them some of the most environmentally friendly new homes in the district.

The development will sit amongst 20 hectares of green, open space for the community, with children’s play areas, informal recreation spaces and naturalistic tree planting (approx 8500) to increase biodiversity.

The project is expected to take 10 years to complete and will create 150 direct construction jobs as well as 150 supply chain and other roles. The Construction Skills hub will be in place for the duration of the project, providing a range of vocational courses designed to upskill the workforce in both current construction techniques and those required to create the sustainable homes for the future.

Devonshire Group supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Mastin Moor plans

Mastin Moor Plans, image provided by The Devonshire Group

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Chesterfield Champion assists in bringing The Institute of Quarrying to new Derbyshire HQ

A Chesterfield Champion and member of the town’s Property and Construction Group has assisted in bringing forward a planning application to transform Derbyshire’s National Stone Centre into a world-class visitor experience.

A detailed planning application for a £6.5m transformation of the centre which draws on influences from local rock formations for the building’s form, has now been jointly submitted.

The proposed new National Stone Centre will embody strong references and links to the area’s geology and industrial heritage, including the overhanging rock formations found in local gritstone outcrops, such as Black Rocks and Stanage Edge.

Phase One of the project includes proposals for a 100 seater café/restaurant; four naturally lit classrooms with a combined capacity of 120 learners; 700m2 of museum/exhibition space; a souvenir shop; Changing Places facilities; a new thematic children’s playground; and a 1200m2 open-air circular piazza for community events.

Working closely with The Institute of Quarrying and Babenko Associates, Rodgers Leask prepared a Transport Statement, Travel Plan and Flood Risk Assessment to support the application.

Commenting on the job, Jack Lindsay, Senior Transport Planner at Rodgers Leask, said: “Having visited the site a number of times to support design development, it is clear to see that the proposals will result in a fantastic facility for all future users and it’s great to have been able to support a site that considers and enhances access opportunities for all”.

Rodgers Leask’s Traffic and Transportation team helped Babenko Associates develop a masterplan that caters for the predicted increase in multi-modal trips to the centre, with improved pedestrian connections, the installation of electric car charging facilities, bicycle storage and the commitment to implementing a range of suitable travel plan measures.

James Thorne is chief executive officer of the Institute of Quarrying, which has merged with the National Stone Centre. He says: “In 2021 the value of tourism to the Peak District and Derbyshire’s economy was estimated at £1.96 billion. A reimagined and reinvigorated National Stone Centre will bring new visitors, as well as providing a focal point for engaging the public, schools and colleges in the science, history, present and future of the quarrying and mineral products industry.

“We are delighted to have reached this point in the project, which makes everything feel so much more real. This planning application is the end result of over a year’s consultation and engagement with all of our stakeholders. We have listened and learned, taking on board feedback that has helped shape our application.

“We firmly believe that our plans represent an exciting moment in the history of the National Stone Centre, delivering a unique building that is both fit for purpose and inspiring for generations to come. It’s the home that such a significant collection deserves, as well as proudly representing what is now the largest manufacturing sector in the UK.”

Jo Dilley, Managing Director of Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire says: “We’re proud to support the Institute of Quarrying’s exciting plans for the National Stone Centre near Wirksworth. These plans signal a positive step towards their goal of creating an extraordinary new centre of excellence that will not only attract visitors from across the UK but will also support local jobs and provide unique educational opportunities that will benefit both visitors and residents alike.

“As a valued Strategic Partner, the Institute of Quarrying shares our commitment to increasing the value of tourism and promoting the Peak District and Derbyshire as a sustainable, world-class destination. The National Stone Centre is a great public asset that will help deliver these goals and more – and securing its future is so important.”

Rodgers Leask and Marketing Peak District and Derbyshire support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

National Stone Centre plans

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Final brick laid on £2m Health and Wellbeing Hub for NHS Staff

The final brick has been laid in the building of the purpose-built £2m Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS FT’s Health and Wellbeing Hub.

Funded by Chesterfield Royal Charity, the first-of-its-kind Hub will provide modern facilities for all 4,500 colleagues on the hospital site. Badged ‘caring for carers’– it will provide services and facilities for those hospital colleagues working around the clock at the Trust, providing direct and indirect care to all our local communities and families.

The Health and Wellbeing Hub is looking to be available seven days a week for colleagues to utilise and enjoy, with facilities to include: Counselling rooms, ensuring support for the mental health & wellbeing of our colleagues; complimentary therapies; gym equipment and areas for group or individual reflections after traumatic incidents.

Beverley Webster OBE, Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Hub Development Board and Atulkumar Patel MBE, Chair of Chesterfield Royal Charity were tasked with laying the final brick on the Hub – known as a Topping Out ceremony. As well as laying the final brick, there was also a sneak peek inside of the Hub to see where the rooms are starting to take shape.

Beverley Webster MBE, Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Hub Development Board, said: “It’s so exciting to see the Hub take shape. The initial vision is becoming a reality and I cannot wait to see how all colleagues benefitting from it.”

Opening in Spring 2023, the appeal continues for all local people, groups, teams and businesses to now contribute, fundraise and back this ambitious and exciting project which will provide health and wellbeing support for our local NHS heroes.

Atulkumar Patel MBE, Chair of Chesterfield Royal Charity, added: “The charity is proud to be able to support our wonderful staff. It was a privilege to lay the final brick on behalf of our many supporters such as DSFS, Westfield Health and NHS Charities Together and, of course, the many staff who have also helped to fundraise for the Hub. The progression made is fantastic thanks to Stepnell’s dedicated workers. Bring on Spring 2023!”

To support the Chesterfield Royal Charity and to raise or donate funds for the Health and Wellbeing Hub, please visit:

Chesterfield Royal Hospital supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Fusion Utilities invests millions in new North Derbyshire site

Following a multi-million-pound investment, Wolseley Infrastructure has announced plans for its Fusion Utilities brand to open a new 160,000-square foot facility in Bolsover, near Chesterfield, just off the M1.

The new Wolseley Infrastructure site will house a wide variety of best-in-class utilities products which will allow the brand to provide better availability than ever to customers.

The new site will be used as a fulfilment centre to deliver stock directly to customers on-time and in-full nationally, as well as providing services such as Hire & Servicing and housing technical services, national sales office and design teams.

Located just off the M1 in Bolsover for easy driver access, the new site is due to be ready in April 2024.

Commenting on the investment, John Hancock, Managing Director at Wolseley UK, says: “This exciting investment has been inspired by our Customer First approach, which has guided our developments ever since Fusion Utilities became part of Wolseley Infrastructure. We believe that the new Chesterfield site will build upon our product and service offerings to provide our customers with an even easier, more streamlined way to meet their utilities needs.”

On top of the massive benefits to customers, the new warehouse will create jobs for residents in Bolsover and the surrounding area. John continues: “Our dedication to people goes beyond our employees — and we’re proud that the new site will help to support the local community too. It’s all part of our mission to create a Positive Impact in everything we do.”

Planning is already underway for the development, with Neal Lambert, Technical Director at Fusion Utilities, and Simon Dennis, National Operations Director, at the helm of the project.

Initial designs include the warehouse combining a green exterior with building features that mirror the natural landscape, visually showcasing Wolseley Infrastructure’s commitment to being environmentally conscious. The site will also include local vegetation to provide a biodiverse habitat, in addition to having attenuation ponds to reduce flood risks.

Neal comments: “This new warehouse marks an exciting time for Fusion Utilities, with our customers, colleagues and suppliers all reaping the countless benefits this site will provide, in a central location with easy motorway access. The team have been working tirelessly to make sure the site meets all our customer requirements and we can’t wait to unveil it in 2024.”

In addition to this announcement, Fusion Utilities have recently announced the launch of their Essential Product Range (EPR), in conjunction with its Civils brand Burdens. This further reinforces their commitment to provide greater stock availability, by enhancing their current offering. The brand will hold 1,500 lines at mandated levels across the entire branch estate.

To find out more about the benefits of locating your business in Chesterfield, go to:

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Midlands Energy Summit shines spotlight on region’s opportunity to become ‘famous’ in future energy agenda

The East Midlands needs to determine which part of the future energy agenda it wants to lead if it is to attract overseas investors, an audience of business leaders heard at a conference.

Speakers at the Midlands Energy Summit, held by East Midlands Chamber in partnership with the University of Nottingham at the Hilton East Midlands Airport hotel today (1 December), emphasised the importance of the region having a clear focus when it comes to prioritising various energy strands.

Nora Senior, chair of the East Midlands Freeport, said becoming “famous” for an aspect of the green economy will help to establish clusters of businesses to accelerate innovation and create new jobs, while demonstrating a local commitment to achieving net zero will help to attract inward investment.

Many of the solutions will come from academic research and the University of Nottingham’s vice-chancellor Professor Shearer West CBE, as well as Sustainable Hydrogen Centre for Doctoral Training director Professor Gavin Walker, showcased some of its work in the areas of transport and mobility, energy generation and management, and communities and the built environment.

East Midlands Chamber director of policy and external affairs Chris Hobson said: “With our industrial heritage, world-class research in our universities, central location and the UK’s busiest cargo airport, our region has all the raw ingredients required to be a national and international leader in the net zero economy.

“This is why we are calling the East Midlands a Centre of Trading Excellence in our new Business Manifesto for Growth, which was launched in Westminster last week and calls for Government ‘to back the East Midlands to back the UK’.

“We believe there is plenty to get behind here but there is also a lot for us to think about as a region. The East Midlands Freeport offers a fantastic opportunity to create a name for ourselves on a global stage but as we heard during the Midlands Energy Summit, we need to consider what the focus should be – whether it’s in hydrogen, battery production or aerospace, for example.

“It’s also important that as a region, we demonstrate a commitment to growing our competitiveness in the right way as this is what investors across the world want to see when they decide where to throw their backing.

“More broadly, energy security is a hot topic for many organisations as our research tells us the number one concern for businesses right now is rising energy costs, which is also the main driver of inflation.

“Businesses are eager to work in partnership with Government and the energy industry to develop a long-term energy strategy that gives them certainty about security of supply and minimises costs, which will enable firms to get on with doing what they do best in creating wealth and opportunities locally.”

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Chesterfield’s brand-new M&S store opens at Ravenside Retail Park

Local people have been supported to secure jobs at the new Marks and Spencer store in Chesterfield, as part of a partnership project with Chesterfield Borough Council.

Located in Ravenside Retail Park, the store is designed with customers and local families at heart with a fresh, market-style Foodhall and a spacious Clothing, Home and Beauty Department, and over 400 car parking spaces.

At 46,000 sqft. the new store marks a big investment for M&S in Chesterfield, with over 100 new recruits joining the current team to welcome customers through the doors.

On the store’s official opening day, (Wednesday, 30th November) the M&S Chesterfield team gathered at the store entrance at 10am with Store Manager, Matt Corker, who was joined by guest of honor, Percy Pig, to cut the ribbon and declare the store officially open.

The opening day was also marked with a live broadcast from North Derbyshire Radio, who hosted the Breakfast and Daytime shows from the shop floor – interviewing colleagues and customers and getting a first-look at all the exciting new features.

Soaking up the opening day celebrations, Store Manager Matt Corker, who has worked at M&S for over 25 years, is exceptionally proud of the new store and his amazing team of of over 200 colleagues.

Matt said: “We’re thrilled to open our brand-new store in Chesterfield today. The last few weeks have been spent putting the finishing touches to our new store and I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone in the team who has worked so hard to make sure everything is ready for our big opening day.”

“The store is an exciting investment in the future of M&S in Chesterfield and I can’t wait for our customers to explore all the new features that the store has to offer. As well as bringing our existing M&S Chesterfield team across to the new store, we’re proud to introduce over 100 new recruits to M&S Chesterfield, who can’t wait to meet everyone. With an amazing new, fresh-market feel Foodhall and a Clothing, Home & Beauty department which is the perfect place to shop your M&S favourites, we really do have the best of M&S here in Chesterfield for everyone to enjoy!”

While acknowledging that it’s disappointing to lose the household name from its central location on the high street – Chesterfield Borough Council has welcomed the firm’s commitment to its future in the borough.

Local people were supported to apply for roles at the new store at a recent recruitment event led by the council.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “The opening of this new Marks and Spencer store at Ravenside Retail Park represents a significant investment in our borough.

“Whilst we understand that the move is disappointing for our high street, the company’s decision to remain within our town demonstrates the confidence that this national retailer has in Chesterfield’s future.

“It has also created more than 100 new jobs, and we’ve been working closely with the company to support local people to benefit from these new employment opportunities.”

The council does not own the building which has now been vacated by Marks and Spencer, but is continuing to work with the landlord to explore alternative uses for this key town centre building,

Councillor Sarvent added: “While we have no direct control over the former Marks and Spencer building, we will do all we can to explore and support positive new uses for this central site in our town centre.

“We’re also making significant investments in this area to ensure we can create a modern, vibrant visitor destination which builds confidence in the town – including our ambitious ‘Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield’ town centre regeneration plans which are moving forward after we secured nearly £20m from the Government’s levelling up fund.”

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Training provider appointed for Construction Skills Hub at Mastin Moor

Chesterfield College and the University of Derby have been appointed as the training provider for the new Construction Skills Hub in Mastin Moor, which is set to provide specialist training for thousands of learners as part of the Staveley Town Deal.

The innovative Construction Skills Hub will provide a practical platform for construction training, careers activity and work experience on a live construction site in Mastin Moor.

Over ten years, the hub aims to provide training, careers insights, and work experience for over 5,000 learners.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, Deputy Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “It’s fantastic to be able to announce that the college and university will be working together to support this project. As well as providing support for trade skills, this partnership provides the opportunity to progress to a university level and develop the skills needed for roles like quantity surveyor or estimator, ensuring that everyone in Staveley can start, stay, and grow in the town.

“I look forward to working with them and our partners the Devonshire Group to progress the development of the Hub and start welcoming learners in Autumn 2023.”

A site has already been identified for the Construction Skills Hub in collaboration with the Devonshire Group, which will be bringing forward a new housing development in Mastin Moor. This will allow trainees to develop their skills on a live housing site, and in time there will also be opportunities to gain experience on other Staveley Town Deal construction projects.

Andrew Byrne, Property Development Director for Devonshire Group, said: “When I first saw the concept of a Construction Skills Hub and was asked if we could help deliver one for Chesterfield, my resounding response was yes, and I know just where.

“Devonshire Group are deeply committed to offering opportunities for learning and skills development, and to making a real difference to the lives and employment prospects of those in our communities, so we are delighted to be able to assist the Council in providing a home for the Skills Hub. Supporting the next generation of people who will help create our built environment is something to be truly proud of.”

Initially the Skills Hub will provide training in site and bench joinery, brickwork, ground works and electrical installation but in time the offer will expand to include training in retrofit and green technologies. It will be open to school leavers and other residents seeking to train or retrain.

Gavin Varley, Director of Advanced Engineering, Building Technologies and Construction at The Chesterfield College Group, explains: “We make a commitment to our students to not only provide them with the skills and qualifications they need, they are just the start, but with the work experience and industry knowledge that gives them the clarity of how and where to progress their career for years to come. We’re delighted to be a partner of this project as it comprehensively addresses this wider student experience, we commit to providing for all.”

Professor Chris Bussell, Pro Vice-Chancellor Dean of the College of Science and Engineering at the University of Derby, said: “We are delighted to have been appointed the training provider, alongside Chesterfield College, for the new Construction Skills Hub, which will provide real-world learning opportunities to thousands of people looking to embark on a career in the construction industry or develop their skills so they can progress onto new roles.

“The Hub will enhance the existing construction training offer by providing the opportunity for local learners to develop their skills in a live on-site centre. Our ambition is for this to be ground-breaking, delivering a model that builds on the innovative approach of other such centres, and we are looking forward to developing our relationship with Chesterfield College as well as working with prominent private sector companies on this exciting project.

“As a Civic University, we are committed to supporting the city and county’s long-term economic growth and prosperity, improving the life chances of people, developing a pipeline of talent that choose to live and work in the area, and addressing the skills gap through our involvement in initiatives such as the Construction Skills Hub.”

Working on a live construction site will not only allow learners to develop the skills they need, but it will also provide practical experience and help provide a link to construction companies where they could find permanent roles.

Staveley is set to benefit from £25.2 million of investment through the Town Deal with the aim to create a town where everyone can start, stay and grow. This investment will support eleven different projects across the town and provide a once in a lifetime opportunity to help shape the future by improving transport links, creating new housing, providing skills for local people, enhancing community facilities, and regenerating the town centre.

Find out more about Staveley Town Deal:

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