Property and Construction

Whittam Cox retains place in UK’s top 50 architects list

Chesterfield’s Whittam Cox Architects has secured a place in the Top 50 UK Architects and Top 150 UK Consultants rankings for the seventh consecutive year.

Over 300 firms took part in the annual consultant survey by leading industry publication ‘Building Magazine’. The publication has ranked the practice as 80 out of all the firms who made the top 150, which includes Architects, Surveyors, Project Managers, and Engineers.

The firm has also secured a spot at number 40 in the UK’s Top Architects, reinforcing the fact that Whittam Cox Architects is one of UK’s largest practices, servicing clients and projects nationwide.

Whilst the report raises concerns about key issues such as the impact of Brexit, Ukraine and recruitment and what this could mean for the industry, the company remains positive as it continues to work with high profile clients on significant urban residential schemes, particularly Build-to-Rent projects across the UK as well as continued growth with retail frameworks and in the logistics sector.

Commenting on the milestone Board Director Nick Riley said: “We are delighted to be recognised again by Building for the seventh consecutive year; we see this as an endorsement of our employees’ commitment to delivering tangible value and the very best outcomes for our clients.

Looking ahead we know we can’t be complacent; it’s essential we remain progressive by being ambitious, agile and responsive through continued times of political and market uncertainty.”

Whittam Cox Architects is also involved with Chesterfield’s Property and Construction Group, which brings together businesses working across the sector in our town.

Board Director Andy Dabbs currently chairs the group, working alongside Destination Chesterfield to host networking events, forums and drive forward further investment in the area.

Whittam Cox Architects supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Whittam Cox Architect of the Year


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Chesterfield’s Custom Solar wins national award for innovative project

Custom Solar has recently been awarded ‘Commercial Solar Project of the Year’ at this year’s Solar and Storage LIVE, for its innovative work at Portsmouth International Ports.

The Solar PV Project, in partnership with Portsmouth City Council involved designing and developing a Solar PV carport canopy system, a 1.2Mw battery storage solution and a 600kWp rooftop solar system.

This project was unique due to challenges faced at foundation and surveying. Operations teams encountered a plague burial site on the planned locations for the carport canopies. After archeologists surveyed the site, the team were instructed to widen the site and ensure that the structures were less than 1m deep. Considering this, the foundations had to be redesigned completely by Customs design engineers to revert to a concrete pad foundation of 3m x 3m per post fixing.

This makes the 2,660 solar panel installation a landmark moment, worthy of its award, as it is one of the first carport canopies to sit at 5 meters high with only 1-meter depth for fixings. Portsmouth International Ports are also the first UK port to have solar canopies, which will contribute to generating 35% of the site’s power.

Custom Solar’s CEO, Gary Sucharewycz, Said: “We are delighted to have won the award for Commercial Solar and Storage project of the year. To have been recognised at the main industry awards for such a prestige project that the team have developed from concept, is a great reward for everyone involved.

“We have worked with a fantastic client in Portsmouth City Council to have successfully delivered the project through many challenges. We see this as a great case study for how solar and storage can be deployed in major operational environments, with solar car port canopy’s set to play a big role in clients generating their own power and assisting their Net zero ambitions to be realised.”

Cabinet member for Climate Change and Environment at Portsmouth City Council, Cllr Kimberly Barrett, said: “It is the council’s priority to support clean growth. I’m delighted that we’ve met our target to begin generating clean energy at the port by the end of 2022, and when fully operational, it will reduce annual emissions by 239 tonnes at this busy site. We’re committed to take positive action to tackle climate change, and this cut in emissions will boost our ambitions to reduce carbon emissions across the city to net-zero by 2030″.

Custom Solar LTD designs, develops, installs, and maintains large scale infrastructure storage and solar systems for clientele including commercial and public sector institutions across the UK. The firm’s track record of tailoring projects for large-scale commercial clients relies on our creativity, our expertise in engineering, and an industry-leading attitude to health & safety.

The company supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


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Award-winning Chesterfield entrepreneur to unveil new ‘Business Lounge,’ aiming to boost business growth

Business growth and support company, Great2, is hosting a launch event on Tuesday 15th November 2022, 4-6pm to unveil a new Business Lounge at their coworking space Great2Work in Chesterfield.

The new lounge at Hayfield House (on Devonshire Street, off Holywell Street) is thought to be the first of its kind in the area.

The event will hear speakers including Dom Stevens of Destination Chesterfield introducing the space, Beverley Beck (a member of the coworking space and supporter of the business) and Andy Ball CEO of Great2 who will explain the ethos behind Great2 and why he is so passionate about helping local businesses to grow.

There will also be time to network with local businesspeople over free drinks and nibbles. There will be a raffle with prizes including a month of free hot-desking at the coworking space, a free business lounge membership for a month, a bottle of Prosecco plus other great prizes. Great2Work’s Front of House, Hannah Finney, will also be conducting tours of the building including the coworking space, training rooms and meeting rooms so that attendees can see how we are encouraging businesses into the town.

The Business Lounge was developed to attract freelancers, micro and small businesses to the town centre. Giving them a comfortable place to go for informal meetings with colleagues or clients and a place to work from in between meetings. With a monthly membership, you can come and go as you please (no need to book). WiFi is included and there’s an ‘honesty box’ for refreshments.

Andy Ball, CEO of Great2 commented: “My vision for Great2 is to become the ‘go-to’ partner for local businesses who want to grow sustainably and make a difference. Our new business lounge is a first for Chesterfield and our aim is to give local businesspeople a professional, flexible and comfortable place to work from – keeping businesses in the town and using town centre facilities. The business lounge alongside our coworking space and business support services allows Great2 to provide a full suite of tools to help local businesses grow.”

Dom Stevens, Destination Chesterfield Manager said: “I look forward to updating on the regeneration of Chesterfield at the Great2Work Open House Event.  Great 2 are one of many independent companies that have decided to Invest in Chesterfield over the past couple of years and make the town their home.”

If you’d like to come along to the event please email

Find out more about Great2Work here

To find out more about the range of great office spaces available across Chesterfield, go to:

Great2 supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Property & Construction group praises ongoing collaboration across Chesterfield

Members of Chesterfield’s Property and Construction Group have praised the ongoing collaboration between private and public sector organisations across the town, which is helping to drive forward several landmark regeneration schemes in the area.

The Chesterfield Investment Summit was delivered to packed room at the Casa Hotel on 28th September 2022. At the summit, the town’s property and construction sector and a handful Chesterfield Champions were invited to a lunch event, which enabled further networking and an opportunity to ask questions to Chesterfield Borough Council’s leader, Tricia Gilby and Chief Executive, Huw Bowen.

After the event, Cllr Tricia Gilby commented: “Chesterfield is very resilient and has consistently come out of national crises stronger than it went into them. In the last recession we established Destination Chesterfield, and this has reaped rewards. We also resolved as a council and with all our partners, to come out of the pandemic fighting and as a result a number of developments came out of the ground, including One Waterside Place and the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre.

“Chesterfield Brough Council and our partners will now work together with inward investors to ensure the next five years are as good as, if not better, than the last five years.”

Read the full round-up of the event here:

The event left attendees impressed with the range of potential investment opportunities opening up across the town, along with optimism for the continuation of strong public/private partnership working across the sector to grow the town’s economy.

Jim Lomas, Director at DLP Planning Ltd:

“It was so pleasing to see such a large turnout for the Investment Summit. There is clearly a great deal of investor interest and enthusiasm from both within and outside the local area. Given our previous and current experience of assisting with the planning process, there is a willingness by the Council to help with business development, housing delivery and infrastructure enhancements, all of which will lead to longer term prosperity and hopefully a greener and more sustainable environment.

“Housing developers in particular are currently delivering the mix and range of property types which are meeting demand and addressing needs. It is clear that many adjoining Local Authority areas outside of Chesterfield are failing to deliver their housing needs and consequently the town is meeting not only its own local needs, but also attracting those from the wider area. The positive consequences for Chesterfield are significant, leading to greater spending power in the local economy, enhanced service provision, regeneration of urban areas and creating a vibrant community, something which can only be welcomed.”

Sarah Wills, Associate Director at Nineteen47 Ltd:

“It was great to be in the room for these discussions. I Really enjoyed hearing about priority projects and collaboration across sectors. It was lovely to hear how integral the Council see the private sector in terms of profile and delivery in the Chesterfield Borough, and we are proud to be a continued part of this conversation.”

Kriston Harvey, Director at Rodgers Leask:

“I think one of the biggest highlights would have to be the fact that following on from previous summits, where it has been great to hear about pipeline projects, we are now able to see these projects coming out of the ground and in some cases complete! Both the Enterprise Centre and One Waterside Place are fantastic examples of this and can hopefully be part of the catalyst to drive further regeneration and development.

“Having quality office space locally is clearly a benefit to the town also. This will help to retain businesses within Chesterfield and strengthen the local economy. It was also really good to hear that both the University of Derby and Chesterfield College have big plans – investing in the future generation is critical and it is great to see that there will be even more opportunities for people to stay in Chesterfield and develop new skills.”

Tony Buck, Associate Director at Oasis Studio:

“I always enjoy attending the Chesterfield Investment summit. It was great to see a full house of delegates in attendance, reflective of peoples’ interest in the future of the town. A range of engaging speakers provided a concise summary of all the present and future developments in the pipeline including good conversation around the recently completed office developments at the Waterside and Northern Gateway schemes.  Looking ahead, it appears a number of regeneration projects as part of the Staveley Masterplan are taking shape, adding the plethora of opportunity for local business like ourselves.”

Find out more about ongoing development taking place in Chesterfield at:

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Mining memorial at Markham Vale reaches completion

A moving tribute to miners who died in 3 disasters at a Derbyshire colliery has been completed 10 years after it was commissioned.

The final 13 life-size steel figures have been unveiled as part of the Walking Together Mining Memorial, taking the total number of statues to commemorate those tragically killed at Markham Colliery to 106 – one for each man who died in the disasters.

Originally commissioned in 2012, the figures form a trail which stretches between the village of Duckmanton, near Chesterfield, to Markham Vale, close to where the former pithead of Markham Colliery once stood.

Markham Vale is the council’s flagship regeneration site reclaimed and developed in partnership with HBD (formally known as Henry Boot Developments) to create new jobs and attract investment into the area.

The trail symbolises a miner’s journey to the pit and back home again and each figure carries a tag with the name of one of the miners, along with their age and job role.

Cheshire-based Artist Stephen Broadbent designed the memorial supported by Markham Vale Heritage Group which researched the lives of the miners who were commemorated.

Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Clean Growth and Regeneration, Councillor Tony King, said: “I feel honoured to have been part of this fantastic project and it’s great to see it finally completed.

“It’s incredibly important that we don’t forget the site’s mining history, the challenging jobs the pit workers had and the sacrifices they made.

“This permanent memorial is a place where the miner’s community spirit can be remembered and where families, friends and future generations can come together to pay tribute.

“I would like to thank everyone involved in the project including the local community, the families and friends of the miners who tragically lost their lives and the sponsors who have helped make this project possible.

“I would also like to thank the artist Stephen Broadbent, fabricator at CB Arts, the team at Beam and the Markham Vale Heritage Group for all their fantastic work.”


The first disaster commemorated by the memorial was an underground explosion on 21 January 1937 which claimed the lives of 9 men. This was followed by a second explosion a year later in 1938 when 79 miners lost their lives and 40 were seriously injured.

The final disaster occurred 35 years later when the mechanical brake on a lift carrying miners to the coalface failed, killing 18 miners and seriously injuring 11 others on 30 July, 1973.

The final 13 figures have been dedicated to:

  1. David Bann, 54, Contractor
  2. Alfred Garland, 52, Timber Drawer
  3. Robert Gregson, 36, Contractor
  4. John William Hadley, 31, Contractor
  5. Joseph Hibbard, 51, Timber Drawer
  6. Joseph Lilley, 30, Road Repairer
  7. Felix Linathan, 48, Contractor
  8. Mark Richards, 31, Ripper
  9. Samuel Edward Salt, 41, Deputy
  10. Clarence Silcock, 42, Ripper
  11. Fred Taylor, 53, Contractor
  12. Redvers Baden Whitehead, 37, Shot-firer
  13. Matthew Williams, 36, Contractor

A grant of £17,830 has been awarded by Valencia Communities Fund through the Landfill Communities Fund to support and install 8 out of the 13 remaining figures.

Great Bear Distribution Limited sponsored three figures, while a further grant of £38,950 was awarded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund, which distributes funding raised by National Lottery players. The further grant will cover the cost of 1 figure and fund several activities, including engagement workshops with the local community, a commemorative publication, heritage walking tours of the site and more.

For more information about the memorial visit The Markham Story Mine website. The Story Mine project is supported by The Heritage Lottery Fund and ourselves to unearth and share stories from Markham Colliery.

Anyone interested in joining the volunteers at Markham Vale Heritage Group can email

Markham miners memorial unveiling marks halfway point

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Council completes modernisation of dozens of properties

Forty one council homes have now been refurbished in Chesterfield – creating brighter, more easily accessible spaces designed to help residents continue to live independently.

Properties at Mallard Court and Leander Court in Staveley are the latest and final independent living flats to undergo a complete modernisation – and mark the completion of a £3.8m refurbishment scheme by Chesterfield Borough Council.

The overall appearance of the flats has been carefully crafted to create a modern and fresh look, and support the council’s vision of creating a greater sense of community by transforming the way it refurbishes homes.

The refurbishment of these properties has seen each home benefit from a newly renovated kitchen and lounge area, whilst each bathroom has been converted into a wet room with a level access shower. This means that homes better meet the needs of residents and allow them to continue living independently.

As part of the council’s commitment to tackling loneliness and social isolation, the effective redesign of these homes will also contribute to a positive living space for residents. Communal and shared areas, both indoors and outdoors, have been given a facelift to create brighter open spaces for residents to get together and socialise. As part of this, both buildings have been linked together to provide additional opportunities for people to spend time together.

As part of its Climate Change Action Plan, the council is committed to ensuring that its existing housing stock is as energy efficient as possible and reduce energy use. The refurbishment of the flats has included new window, roofs and energy efficient facades. Low energy lighting has also been installed in the buildings.

Councillor Chris Ludlow, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for housing, said: “We’re really pleased to have reached this milestone and have now successfully refurbished all of our homes that are designed to help residents continue living independently, keeping to our promise of creating attractive places to live. We are committed to improving the quality of life for local people and a key part of our housing strategy is to make sure that our homes are of excellent quality and create a modern and desirable environment.

“By creating open spaces in these properties, it also creates a place where our residents can get together, meet new people and socialise. The council is committed to tackling loneliness and social isolation, so we hope to see as many residents as possible getting together and enjoying these spaces.”

Pat Fletcher has recently moved in to Leander Court from nearby Aston Court, where she had lived for 16 years. Pat said: “I love living here, the team have done a great job with the refurbishment.

“The communal areas here are fantastic too and a great way to meet up with friends and neighbours. A group of us meet in the communal kitchen at 2pm every day. It’s nice to have the patio and outdoor space that we can all enjoy and use to socialise.”

The refurbishment project started in October 2017 and has also seen Markham Court, Catherine Court, Glebe Court and Brocklehurst Court all being refurbished, alongside Mallard Court and Leander Court.

The properties have been refurbished and modernised by the council’s main contractor, Fortem Solutions Ltd. as part of the council’s commitment to investing in its housing stock.

Councillor Ludlow added: “We’re really pleased to have continued to work with our contractor, Fortem Solutions Ltd. throughout this project. We like to thank all staff for their continued commitment to ensuring that this project has been completed and maintained to the standards our residents expect. Despite the challenges of COVID-19, we have continued to work together safely to complete the project and deliver modern and attractive homes for our residents.”

James Taylor, Contracts Manager at Fortem, said: “We are extremely proud to hand over the completed refurbishment of Mallard Court and Leander Court back to the council and residents. This is the fifth, and largest, refurbishment of existing sheltered accommodation that Fortem have carried out for Chesterfield Borough Council, and the results speak for themselves. It is amazing what can be achieved by utilising existing buildings to provide quality, efficient and welcoming homes for the residents of Chesterfield.”

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Cash injection to explore upgrades to the A61 South of Chesterfield

£50,000 has been awarded to Derbyshire County Council, to assist in making a business case to the government for work on the A61 corridor, to the south of Chesterfield.

The council is contributing by matching the funding to he proposed work, which takes the pot up to £100,000.

Midlands Connect will provide the funding to research and develop a business case to submit to government and will also supply support to the local authority. This allows the council to explore all options available to improve the corridor, which may include improved access for pedestrians and cyclists or enhanced public transport provision along the route.

Swati Mittal, Strategic Roads Manager at Midlands Connect, said: “We are so pleased to be able to give Derbyshire County Council this funding and to help them make their case to government.

“This scheme is exactly in line with Midlands Connect’s values and objectives for the region, and could benefit from a great variety of improvements, which we look forward to exploring with the council.”

Lee Rowley, MP for North East Derbyshire, commented: “I hugely welcome this additional funding that has been announced today.

“We remain at a pretty early stage in terms of how to mitigate the long-term challenges on the A61 but the work that we have done locally in recent years is now starting to be recognised more broadly – including through grants such as this – and I hope it will allow us to make progress in the years ahead. Thank you to Midlands Connect for being willing to support this important work.”

Councillor Carolyn Renwick, Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Environment, said: “We are grateful for the funding from Midlands Connect which will help us to develop future plans for the A61.

“This busy road is important for so many people living between Chesterfield and Clay Cross, and for commuters. The road is likely to get busier as new housing developments and business growth brings more people to the area, so it’s vital we look at what we can do to manage congestion and reduce emissions. This money will enable us to further develop our plans.”

The A61 corridor is a crucial part of the major road network in Derbyshire, connecting the county to Chesterfield and beyond into South Yorkshire. The area for improvement spans from the Horns Bridge roundabout in Chesterfield to the A6175 junction in the centre of Clay Cross.

The road is one of the most congested in the county, with several “pinch points” at key junctions as well as Horns Bridge roundabout. During peak hours, average delays of up to twelve minutes affect travellers along the route in either direction.

New housing developments are being built along the corridor and once completed, their residents will benefit from the improvements. Two key construction sites in the vicinity will deliver up to 2,100 new dwellings.

Improvements to the corridor would support better air quality in the surrounding residential area, which includes housing estates and schools. There are also plans to improve pedestrian and cyclist accessibility, by looking into drop-kerbs, crossing points, and cycle parking.

The business case will build on the outcome of a public consultation undertaken by the council. The consultation runs from 25 July to 16 October 2022.

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New investment sites set to open up across Chesterfield

Chesterfield is ready to do business and willing to make sound investments to ensure the local economy achieves its growth ambitions. That was the message at the 2022 Chesterfield Investment Summit (28 September).

Speaking at the annual summit organised by Destination Chesterfield and Derbyshire Economic Partnership, Dr Huw Bowen, Chief Executive of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “Our record of investment and delivery, with a whole range of partners, shows that the council is willing to invest and provide support to bring projects forward that will help the borough grow and deliver jobs and opportunities to the people that live here.”

A number of new development sites are now set to be opened up for future commercial, industrial, office and residential investment, adding to the current £2billion growth programme already underway across Chesterfield town centre and the borough.

Hartington Industrial Park, a new 75,000 sqm industrial and warehouse development located on the site of the former Coalite Plant in Staveley, aims to build on the success of Markham Vale. Job numbers created by businesses who are based at Markham Vale are now beyond that of when the site operated as a colliery.

Huw added: “Markham Vale has been a tremendous success with demand for commercial space outstripping supply. Chesterfield’s industrial past has opened up a number of investment sites which have the potential to be as successful as Markham Vale in terms of job opportunities and growth in key areas of the borough.”

Alongside industrial sites, Chesterfield Borough Council has also made significant investment in town centre office accommodation, meeting the post pandemic demand for high quality, flexible workspace.

Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre, which opened in July earlier this year, already boasts more than 50% occupancy with 17 of the 32 offices now tenanted. Later this year, Chesterfield will gain Grade A, large footplate offices following the completion of One Waterside Place as part of the £320 million Chesterfield Waterside regeneration scheme. Already tenants have been secured for a number of the floors in the six-storey office block located next to the train station.

Office interiors expert Amy Revell, Co-Founder and Director of We are FM, who spoke at the summit said: “Chesterfield is an exciting place to be right now. Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre and One Waterside Place have given us Grade ‘A’ office space for people to work in. “These workspaces are comparable to those in bigger cities like Sheffield, Leeds and Manchester which deliver the connectivity for hybrid working for a better work/life balance.”

In addition to One Waterside Place, residential and leisure development sites are also being brought forward in the Chesterfield Waterside with the scheme developers, Bolsterstone Group, in talks with hotel and carpark operators as well as investors in a number of Build to Rent apartments.

Confident that investment in the borough will continue at pace, Councillor Tricia Gilby Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “While the current financial climate is a concern, Chesterfield is very resilient and has consistently come out of national crises stronger than it went into them. In the last recession we established Destination Chesterfield, and this has reaped rewards. We also resolved as a council and with all our partners, to come out of the pandemic fighting and as a result a number of developments came out of the ground, including One Waterside Place and the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre.

“Chesterfield Brough Council and our partners will now work together with inward investors to ensure the next five years are as good as, if not better, than the last five years.”

Work has already begun on the town’s ambitious HS2 Station Masterplan which saw the recent demolition of the Chesterfield Hotel, opening up a further development site for investment.

Councillor Gilby added: “Chesterfield’s geographical location and connectivity are key to attracting investment and new residents. Chesterfield is perfectly positioned making major cities very accessible for post Covid working trends, which combine home and office working and we now have a market-leading portfolio of office space to capitalise on this.”

The 2022 Chesterfield Investment Summit was supported by the European Regional Development Fund. The annual free-to-attend event was held at Casa Hotel. It showcased investment activity in the town and was attended by more than 200 people.

To learn more about the investment opportunities in Chesterfield visit

The Chesterfield Investment Summit 2022 also saw the launch of the brand-new Invest in Chesterfield Map, which can be viewed online. The map showcases the wide range of investment opportunities available across our town.

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Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield works begin on Packers Row

Ambitious plans to revitalise Chesterfield town centre are being brought to life, with the first phase of the multi-million pound scheme now underway at Packers Row.

New paving, seating and street furniture – plus overhead festoon lighting to add character – are among the improvements which are being carried out as part of Chesterfield Borough Council’s Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield project.

Packers Row is one of several areas across the town centre to be revamped as part of the scheme. The changes will mirror the look and feel of nearby Elder Way which underwent a transformation last year – creating an attractive and welcoming route from the Northern Gateway into the town centre.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “It is fantastic to see work begin in our town centre and I hope it will demonstrate our ambitions for the wider Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield project. We are working with our contractor to minimise disruption for businesses with the priority being customer access throughout the project.”

The council’s contractor will be working overnight during the first phase of the project, to minimise disruption to businesses and ensure access can be maintained throughout the day.

Funding for the works on Packers Row has been provided by Chesterfield Borough Council and its partners to kickstart revitalisation of the town centre and match funding provided by the Government’s Levelling Up fund.

The revitalisation of Packers Row will set the standard for future work around the town centre.

The council is currently working on detailed designs for the rest of the Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield project, which includes improvements to the Market Place, New Square, Corporation Street, Rykneld Square and Burlington Street.

Together with the major refurbishment of Stephenson Memorial Hall on Corporation Street (which houses the Pomegranate Theatre and Chesterfield Museum) the project is being brought forward thanks to almost £20m which the council secured from the Government’s levelling up fund.

Find out more about the proposals for the town centre, and sign up to receive the latest news by email, by visiting

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Roy Peters Estates welcomes its first ever apprentice

Roy Peters Estates are delighted to welcome their first apprentice in close to 50 Years of successful trading.

George Glazebrook joined the Specialist Property Management Company in September 2022 having had two successful spells of work experience with Roy Peters from School in Bolsover and from West Nottinghamshire College.

Director Richard Sherwood said: “We are delighted to be able to offer George an opportunity to join our team at Roy Peters, he is a smart and intelligent young man who greatly impressed me with his positive attitude and proactive approach in contacting us.” He added; “I must also admit to being a big fan of the Sweeney and am looking forward channelling my inner DI Regan, taking a long drag on a sweet cigarette and saying, “Do us a coffee George!””

Fellow Director Emma Gallagher commented: “in any industry you have to keep moving forward and planning for the future, our industry is changing and we need to be changing with it. We see George as a great asset to Roy Peters and look forward to supporting him through formal qualifications to full Membership of ARLA. (The Association of Residential Letting Agents). He will also assist me with our Commercial business and our ongoing development projects.”

George himself said: “I am so pleased Roy Peters chose me to be there apprentice and I am happy to be starting my career in property as well as learning the skills that the role requires. I believe that this opportunity will open many doors for me and further my career. I am also very grateful and pleased that the Directors and staff are putting in their effort time and resources into my learning.”

Roy Peters were established in 1976 and Principal Roy Cutt is still very much involved with the organisation and is busy planning the redevelopment of the Knifesmithgate offices, due to commence this Autumn.

The company continues to offer a personal, locally focused and tailored service to existing and future clients having years of Residential and Commercial expertise. For more information and for no obligation initial advice please contact Richard or Emma. 01246 272740,

Chesterfield businesses considering taking on an apprentice can find more information at:

Roy Peters Estates supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Regeneration Award shortlist announced for Love Chesterfield Awards 2022

Construction projects across Chesterfield are paving the way for the regeneration of the borough, but only one will be named the winner of the Regeneration Award at the 2022 Love Chesterfield Awards in association with Entire FM – Complete Facilities Management.

Badger Croft, Belvedere House and One Waterside Place have all been selected as finalists for the Regeneration Award – sponsored by BHP Accountants – for their innovative developments.

Badger Croft is described as the ‘largest council housing development in a generation’ in Chesterfield. The £4.1m development has seen 21 brand-new properties constructed on the former Brockwell Court site in Loundsley Green.

The development is providing families with modern homes that have been designed for a more eco-conscious lifestyle. Increased levels of insulation throughout and electric vehicle charging points have been installed on properties with driveways to support lower carbon transport options.

Gary Holmes, Contracts Manager at Henry Boot Construction commented: “We are delighted that Badger Croft has been shortlisted for the Regeneration Award. We have a long-standing affinity with Chesterfield; we’re based just up the road in Dronfield, and a lot of our people were born or live in Chesterfield.

“With Badger Croft, we have increased the supply of affordable homes available and transformed a former brownfield site, enabling 21 local families to move into their new homes. We have also worked hard to give back to the wider community by working closely with Holmebrook Conservation and Improvement Group to enhance landscaping works and boost biodiversity.”

Belvedere House Care Home, built by Crown Care Group and located on St Augustine’s Rd, provides care services to its residents and luxurious living accommodation. With 64 bedrooms and a range of facilities for residents to enjoy, including a cinema, tearoom, bar and brasserie, garden room, hair salon and extensive landscaped gardens.

The care home opened its doors earlier this year and has generated up to 50 jobs within the local area.

Shiva Sheikholeslami, Care Home Manager at Belvedere House commented on being part of the final three for the Regeneration Award: “This selection reaffirms that our brand-new care home has positively impacted the Chesterfield community. This means a lot to us; it’s humbling and reassuring.

“We feel positive and assured to witness businesses flourish, areas develop, and new life spread throughout the region. Through regeneration, Belvedere House looks forward to sustainable development and prosperity – we are excited and lucky to be able to experience this growth.”

One Waterside Place will be a landmark building as part of the £340 million Chesterfield Waterside development, creating jobs and modern, high-spec office space for businesses to occupy.

The office accommodation within Basin Square has been designed to a Grade A specification which incorporates BREEAM Very Good Rating, LED lighting and two passenger lifts. They will also provide cycle parking facilities on site, encouraging a greener commute to work.

Tom Swallow, Development Manager, Bolsterstone Group PLC, which is the company developing the Chesterfield Waterside scheme, commented: “It’s a really exciting time to be part of the regeneration projects within Chesterfield.

“I’m delighted that One Waterside Place is shortlisted for the Regeneration Award; this is a great news ahead of the building welcoming tenants later this year.”

The requirements for the award include either a single business or a collective of businesses that have supported or delivered high quality spaces through regeneration, refurbishment, redevelopment, or improvements to the built environment within a 6-mile radius of Chesterfield town centre.

Chesterfield’s Property and Construction Group brings together business leaders of the region’s property sector and Chesterfield Borough Council to shape and drive forward collaboration, investment, sustainability and skills within Chesterfield.

The collaboration of the Property and Construction Group has allowed Chesterfield to thrive in its plans to develop the town, with new housing and residential developments to Grade A office spaces becoming available to help make Chesterfield the place to invest, work, live and play.

The 2022 Love Chesterfield Regeneration Award winner will be announced alongside the winners of 15 other categories at the black-tie event being held at the Winding Wheel Theatre on 12 October.

See the full list of 2022 Love Chesterfield Awards finalists here:

The 2022 Love Chesterfield Awards are supported and made possible by a number of sponsors and partners, including: Entire FM – Complete Facilities Management, Banner Jones Solicitors, BHP Accountants, Business Wise Accountancy and Tax, Chesterfield Borough Council, DBCP, DBC Training, Derbyshire Times, East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire), , Elder Way, Great2, Hoods Florist, JP Fire Safety Solutions, Minuteman Press Chesterfield, MSE Hiller, Peak Pharmacy, Shorts Chartered Accountants, Spirecross Ltd and SMH Group.


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