Property and Construction

Chesterfield’s Property & Construction Group is leaving no stone unturned in shaping our town into a great destination for generations to come

With so many great developments coming to fruition in our town centre and surrounding areas, there is plenty to get excited about in the coming years across Chesterfield.

We are beginning to see the groundwork for millions of pounds worth of investment in our town, which I’m confident will turn Chesterfield into a superb visitor destination and a place ripe for investment.

We are just weeks away from the opening of the highly anticipated Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre, which has already seen plenty of interest from investors locally and further afield. The state-of-the-art business centre will help to create 500 jobs, ensuring the town centre economy is resilient for many more years to come. At Destination Chesterfield, we are very excited to be showing our Chesterfield Champions around the development in the near future, demonstrating what an asset the new Enterprise Centre will be once open and operational.

On top of that, development at Chesterfield Waterside is continuing at a pace, with new housing and high-quality office space being developed. This will be another key milestone in the regeneration of Chesterfield, with its proximity to Chesterfield Station making it an excellent location for commuters to Sheffield, Nottingham, Derby and beyond. The proposed Chesterfield Station Master Plan will also ensure anyone arriving in Chesterfield has a great first impression of the town when they step off the train!

In terms of our historic town centre, further transformations are going to be seen around several key sites. Our market will be revamped, ensuring one of our most treasured assets continues to thrive in modern times. The striking Stephenson Memorial Hall is also undergoing a major refurbishment, extending the iconic Pomegranate Theatre, and improving our cultural offer with a better museum, gallery space and education facilities.

Positive things are also happening in our town centre right now! We’ve seen several new shops, cafes, bars, and restaurants making Chesterfield their new home since we came out of the pandemic. It is very encouraging that so many great independent businesses are seeing the potential in our town for the future.

As part of the role of the Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Property and Construction Group, business leaders within the sector locally are ensuring that with these multi-million-pound developments taking place across the town, no stone is left unturned in ensuring we can maximise the potential of these investments. The group constantly discusses several key themes based around skills, business support, promoting investment in Chesterfield and sustainability and wellbeing. As a group, we believe we have a golden opportunity to transform the landscape of Chesterfield for generations, and ensure our town aspires to be an excellent place to work, live, visit and invest.

To find out more about the Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Property and Construction Group, go to: or email

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Substantial support for proposed £130 million Chesterfield Staveley Regeneration Route

Plans to build a major regeneration route which would relieve congestion and open up new opportunities for jobs and homes have won substantial backing from people living in the area.

The Chesterfield Staveley Regeneration Route (CSSR) will involve building a new 3.7 mile single carriageway road between the Sainsbury’s roundabout in Chesterfield, across Works Road, and through to Hall Lane in Staveley.

Estimates suggest the project could cost £130 million to deliver and Derbyshire County Council is now working on detailed proposals for the route so that it can apply for government funding.

The County Council carried out a non-statutory consultation during March and April so that the views of people living in the area can be factored into the emerging proposals.

More than 2,000 people visited the Virtual Consultation website which was set up online to give as many people as possible convenient access to all the information about the proposals.

Consultation documents were also made available at 5 sites in Chesterfield, Staveley and Brimington for those without internet access.

A total of 377 people made detailed comments about the CSRR proposals, with more than 60% of them in favour.

Councillor Carolyn Renwick, Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Environment, said: “The Chesterfield Staveley Regeneration Route represents one of our most significant opportunities to help level-up north Derbyshire. Not only will it reduce congestion, it will also support investment in the economy in areas like Barrow Hill and Staveley, bringing brownfield land back to life.

“Securing public support for these proposals is therefore critically important as we build up to an application to government for funding to help deliver the route and all the opportunities it creates.

“We understand that people will have concerns about the potential impact of a new road on traffic, amenities and the environment. This is why we carried out this non-statutory consultation so that we can listen to people’s views and respond to them as we move forwards.”

The route will involve diverting 2 sections of the Chesterfield Canal and DCC will work closely with the Canal Trust to develop proposals. It will also be subject to a detailed Environmental Impact Assessment and will include detailed plans for walking and cycling links.

Besides opening up access for new homes and jobs, analysis has shown that building the new route could reduce daily traffic volumes by up to 75% on Chesterfield Road in Staveley, and by up to 45% on the Chesterfield Road Crematorium area and Ringwood Road at Brimington.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “The Chesterfield Staveley Regeneration Route is critical to ensuring we realise the potential of Staveley and Chesterfield. It will create new and positive opportunities for our residents and businesses – complementing the significant and ongoing investment across the borough by the council and our partners.

“It will act as a catalyst for further investment in the Staveley Works corridor and support the investments made through the Staveley Town Deal. It will also help alleviate congestion for our residents by creating a better connection to the M1. I look forward to working closely with our partners to achieve this ambitious infrastructure project.”

Further work will now be carried out to develop detailed proposals for the Chesterfield Staveley Regeneration Route and it is expected that a formal statutory consultation will take place later this year or early next year.

A planning application to build the route would follow, and subject to approval and government funding, construction work could begin in 2025.

Find out more about regeneration in Staveley at:


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DBCP strengthens technical support team with new appointment

DBCP has further strengthened its technical support team with the appointment of Natalie Hague.

Bringing more than 20 years’ experience in customer service to the role, Natalie joins DBCP from Dunston Innovation Centre in Chesterfield, where the building control company is based. Natalie’s new role with DBCP means she now just works two floors above where she was based with her former employer.

Margaret Pratt, Business Operations Manager at DBCP who heads up the technical support team, was impressed by the friendly and warm welcome she received each day from Natalie so had no hesitation in offering her the new role.

Natalie jumped at the chance to work in a completely new industry with the opportunity to gain new qualifications. She commented: “I was moving house and noticed the address on the building control documents was DBCP, which is based in Dunston Innovation Centre. I went upstairs to see if the guys at DBCP could help and, since then, I’ve just been really intrigued by the industry.

“I’m going to be doing my LABC qualification soon to give me a wider understanding of building control and that should really help me on a daily basis. It’s a career change and an exciting new challenge but there are lots of transferrable skills from my previous roles – there’s a strong focus on customer service and I’m familiar with a lot of the IT software too.”

On a day-to-day basis, Natalie will be handling data inputting, answering the phone and booking building inspections for builders and property owners.

David Pratt, Building Control Manager at DBCP is delighted with the appointment: “We’re thrilled to welcome Natalie to the team, our technical support team is the core of the business and offering great customer service is what we’re all about. We’re always looking to grow the team, creating jobs for local people and investing in our staff.”

Outside work, Natalie has a young family and enjoys spending time with her five-year-old daughter Nicole. She also loves international travel, visiting America, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Mauritius and the Caribbean.

If you’re planning any construction projects and would like to discuss how DBCP can support you, please contact our friendly team of experts for advice and information on 0333 880 2000 or visit Or, if you’re looking for a career in building control, we have vacancies for a Senior Building Control Surveyor and Customer Services Administrator. Please visit to find out more.

DBCP supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Children learn more about the Staveley Town Deal

60 local school children visited the canal where they learnt more about the projects being funded through the Staveley Town Deal.

Year six pupils from St Mary’s Catholic Primary School were taken on a trip along the Chesterfield Canal by the Chesterfield Canal Trust after speaking with Ivan Fomin Chair of the Staveley Town Deal Board about how the funding will change the town and canal.

Ivan Fomin, Chair of the Staveley Town Deal Board, said: “It was fantastic to go along and meet these pupils and tell them more about the Town Deal. They had some really great questions and ideas. It’s really important that we engage with everyone about the town deal but particularly important to speak to young people because we want to build a town where they can live, grow and pursue a great career.”

During the visit the pupils travelled along the canal onboard The Madeline through the new Staveley Lock, before walking the length of the canal from Staveley canal basin to Tapton Lock. They also learnt about how the canal has changed over the past 100 years and how it will continue to change with funding through the Town Deal.

Geography field trips like this one are used to observe and record the physical and human geography features of the locations. The geographical focus on this trip was the land use in each area.

Over £25m worth of projects which will benefit Staveley residents for generations to come have been given the official go ahead, after Government approved the package of all eleven projects within the Staveley Town Deal Programme.

It is a significant milestone for the range of projects that will receive funding through the Towns Fund, which are being delivered by a variety of organisations including Chesterfield Borough Council, Derbyshire County Council, Staveley Town Council, Barrow Hill Community Trust, Chesterfield Canal Trust, Staveley Miners Welfare Football Club and Tawnywood Ltd.

Together the projects offer a once in a lifetime opportunity to improve the quality of life for residents, create new employment opportunities with higher level skills, ensure it is a place where everyone can be proud to live and guarantee that the town and its residents have a bright future ahead – supporting Staveley as a place to start, stay and grow.

Find out more about regeneration in Staveley at:

Chesterfield Canal Trust supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Heart of Chesterfield included in Midlands Engine Investment Portfolio

The Midlands Engine partnership has launched the Midlands Investment Portfolio – a ‘digital front door’ opening up investment opportunities across the region, with the heart of Chesterfield included in the range of investment opportunities available across the region.

Taken together, it is estimated these opportunities could support or create a staggering 220,000 jobs and deliver more than £33bn in Gross Development Value.

Within the digital portfolio, the ‘Heart of Chesterfield’ entry states: “Through a range of significant regeneration and redevelopment underway across the town, Chesterfield is building on its industrial roots and market town heritage to become a contemporary destination with a prosperous future.

“Developments underway have already delivered new business units, office accommodation, innovation centres, modern housing, retail centres and new schools – and the town offers attractive investment opportunities in a range of schemes.

“Over the coming years, the town centre will be transformed through developments including Chesterfield Waterside, Northern Gateway, Elder Way, public realm improvements and the delivery of the Chesterfield Station Masterplan.

“There are a range of opportunities available for investment including capital investment, residential, end-user occupiers and leisure and hotel operators.

“Chesterfield is a sub regional service centre for North Derbyshire, it has a great Town Centre that is steeped in history with a historic market but that is balanced by new investments and opportunities including the Levelling Up Fund.”

The Midlands Investment Portfolio showcases exceptional investment opportunities across Midlands core sector strengths. The Portfolio has been developed in collaboration with Midlands Engine partners, including the region’s local authorities, local enterprise partnerships, and leading promotion and investment agencies – to present the most complete picture currently available of Midlands priority investment propositions.

Working with Midlands champions in geographies across the world, the Portfolio now becomes a vital asset for their continued advocacy and support for the economic growth and future prosperity of the region.

The Portfolio forms the keystone of Midlands Engine’s involvement at the UK Real Estate Infrastructure Investment Forum (UKREiiF). Throughout the Forum, the Midlands Engine partnership will showcase the region’s strengths in support of the urgent need to level up and drive economic growth and prosperity.

Explore the Portfolio here.

Sir John Peace, Chairman of the Midlands Engine, said: “The Midlands offering to the world has always been prodigious – from our heritage as the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution, to the cutting-edge technologies that are being developed right now in sectors as diverse as health and life sciences, digital and clean energy. The Midlands Investment Portfolio showcases the exceptional breadth of our region’s investment potential in one place – a comprehensive resource to pinpoint the primary investment opportunities our wonderful region has to offer. As Midlands Engine partners continue our work, together, to accelerate growth and prosperity in our region, the Portfolio will be a vital tool in our collaborative efforts to drive inward investment.”

Minister for Investment, Lord Grimstone said: “The Midlands Investment Portfolio provides a world-leading resource to maximise investment into the region which will support jobs, boost the local economy and level up the UK. This government is committed to supporting the Midlands Engine through trade and investment, thanks to my department’s support and ambition in signing Free-Trade Agreements that will benefit every region of the UK.”

Minister for Levelling Up, Neil O’Brien MP said: “The Midlands is home to a hotbed of talent across a range of important sectors. With this investment portfolio, the Midlands Engine have done a great job of showcasing the very best investment opportunities across the region.

“The Government is working to ensure the Midlands Engine continues to fire on all cylinders as we deliver our mission of levelling up every corner of the country.”

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People encouraged to have their say on Chesterfield town centre regeneration plans

People are being encouraged to have their say on a multi-million pound project to revitalise Chesterfield town centre – helping the borough thrive for generations to come – with the launch of a public consultation.

The £10.28m Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield scheme aims to transform the look, feel and flow of the town centre – creating a contemporary market town that has better connections between key public spaces, and a more attractive physical environment.

It includes plans for significant improvements to Chesterfield’s historic market grounds, along with proposals that will help maximise the potential of the iconic Crooked Spire as a key attraction for visitors, while also re-imagining town centre spaces for a range of flexible uses including markets, festivals, events, cultural celebrations and community gatherings.

Together with the £17m refurbishment of Stephenson Memorial Hall – which received planning permission in March 2022 – the project is being brought forward thanks to almost £20m which the council secured from the national levelling up fund at the end of last year.

The latest designs for the scheme were approved by the council’s Cabinet this month and are out for public consultation from 24 May to 8 July 2022 before a final Master Plan is developed.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “We’re really excited to share our proposals for the town centre with the residents and businesses of Chesterfield, as well as those who work in and visit our borough.

“This is a chance for people to learn more about the plans and our vision for the future – and then tell us what they think, to help shape the final proposals.

“It builds on the consultation we held last summer, seeking views on plans to revitalise our historic market. Overall there was strong support for our ambition but some issues about the stall layout and size were raised – we have worked really closely with market traders, listened to their views and updated our plans based on their feedback, so having your say really does make a difference to the future of the town.”

People can take part in the consultation online at or visit an exhibition which is on display in the Visitor Information Centre in Rykneld Square (Mondays to Saturdays from 10am to 5pm) during the consultation period, where paper copies of the plans and survey will be available to view.

Cllr Sarvent added: “Chesterfield has been a flourishing market town for hundreds of years, but like places everywhere, we must address the challenges that the increase in online shopping presents to the future sustainability of our town centre.

“Our town has so much to offer, and we want to harness and build on this to create a town centre that remains vibrant, and relevant in today’s world.

“This project, together with the scheme to refurbish our historic Pomegranate Theatre and Chesterfield Museum, will transform the experience for those visiting the town centre, and help sustain the economic future for the wider borough.”

Levelling up funding is being used to extend the council’s planned regeneration of the market grounds, with extra investment now centred on key public spaces and the connections between them – including Burlington Street, Corporation Street, Rykneld Square, Spire Walk, Market Square and New Square.

It is proposed that new paving, seating, lighting, and street furniture will combine with more greenery, to create better-looking and better-connected spaces which people can enjoy and socialise in.

The Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield project will complement work to regenerate the Northern Gateway and – at the other side of town – will connect with plans to transform the area around Chesterfield Station.

Key areas of focus are:

  • Corporation Street – a tree-lined boulevard with improved paving and lighting will transform this key gateway to the town centre and provide a welcoming environment for visitors to the refurbished theatre and museum.
  • Spire Walk – the council will work in partnership with the Church of St Mary and All Saints to create a more welcoming and attractive space in which to enjoy our iconic Crooked Spire.
  • Rykneld Square – the proposals seek to make better use of this open public space – providing a better connection with the Crooked Spire, improving the feel and flow of this area.
  • Burlington Street – proposed upgrades to paving, planting and lighting will create a more attractive main route – better connecting the Market Place and High Street through to Rykneld Square and Spire Walk.
  • New Square and Market Place – a multi-million pound investment will revitalise Chesterfield’s historic market. The plans will create a modern, vibrant town centre experience with additional space alongside our traditional markets to host outdoor events and speciality markets. The council has worked with local traders to develop a revised market stall and layout design for the main market, and to consider how New Square could be used to complement the town centre offer in future.
  • Packers Row – under existing plans, in place before the successful bid for levelling up funding, this area will also undergo improvement, following the completion of similar public realm works at the nearby Elder Way. Plans include improved lighting and paving, with an overhead light canopy to add character.

Respondents to the public consultation will be entered into a prize draw to win £50 worth of Love2Shop vouchers.

The work will be carried out in phases and is due for completion in 2025.


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Council seeks to safeguard future of Tapton House

A new owner or tenant is being sought for Tapton House in a move designed to safeguard the long-term future of this historic Chesterfield site.

Backed by Chesterfield Civic Society, Chesterfield Borough Council has taken the decision to advertise Tapton House in Brimington for sale or rent – with a view to bringing the empty Grade II* listed building back into use.

Dating back to 1794, the building was built by local banking family, the Wilkinsons. It was then briefly occupied by railway pioneer George Stephenson (from 1838 to 1848) before becoming the home of the Markham family from 1873 to 1925.

It was subsequently given to the former Chesterfield Corporation by Charles Paxton Markham, who expressed the hope that it would be used for the benefit of the people of the town, leading to the creation of the former Tapton House Secondary School which occupied the site until 1991. Chesterfield College then took over the building as a base for its Higher Education provision before returning Tapton House to the council in 2018.

Councillor Dean Collins, Chesterfield Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Economic Growth, said: “Tapton House and the surrounding area is a key heritage site in our borough, and we’re committed to finding a long-term solution that will safeguard and conserve its future.

“Since the college vacated the building three years ago, we have overseen its general repair and maintenance while looking for a suitable tenant – but are becoming increasingly concerned about incidents of vandalism and arson in the nearby Tapton Park.

“The council, just like the people of Chesterfield want the best for Tapton House, which is why we’re now keen to attract a new owner or tenant who is prepared to make the substantial investment needed to restore and refurbish the building to a standard fit for occupation.”

Philip Riden, Chairman of the Chesterfield Civic Society, said: “The Civic Society committee believes that the best chance of securing the future of Tapton House is for it to be sold by the Borough Council on a long lease with planning permission for change of use back to a private residence.

“If necessary, this could be coupled with the demolition of the school buildings of 1931, which are of no special merit. Public access to the grounds could, we believe, be maintained alongside the creation of a private garden attached to the mansion.”

The property will be available for sale on a long leasehold basis for a term of 999 years at a fixed peppercorn ground rent, or to let on a new lease on commercial terms.

A number of uses will be considered, subject to appropriate consents being in place – and any final decision on the sale of Tapton House will be taken by the council’s Cabinet.

Under the terms of any sale or rental agreement, there will be a small private outdoor area for the exclusive use of the new owner or tenant but plenty of parkland left for residents to walk around and enjoy views of Tapton House.

The building will be marketed by Knight Frank and all enquiries should be directed to Peter Whiteley at Knight Frank by emailing, or calling 0114 272 9750.

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Fortem launches new health and safety standard

Fortem has launched their new Health and Safety standard, Safe4Life, which builds upon their existing promises to ensure everyone goes home safe, every day.

Safe4Life – Taking Care of You, represents Fortem’s commitment to the health, safety, and well-being of all its staff, trades, supply chain partners and stakeholders. The aim of this rejuvenated standard is to reinforce the essential requirements and expectations, which all levels of the business must meet, to develop and maintain a world-class Safety, Health, Environment and Compliance (SHEC) culture.

The existing standard includes the four key principles required to embed a robust health and safety culture:

  • Value- No one should suffer pain.
  • Belief- ALL accidents can be prevented.
  • Attitude- Everyone has a zero tolerance of unsafe behaviour.
  • Behaviour- Everyone looks out for themselves and others.

These guiding principles are at the forefront of everything Fortem do, be that in the planning and delivery of work, community engagements, on the move and any other way in which its people operate.

The new model builds upon these four guiding principles to incorporate seven key elements:

  • Empowerment
  • Engagement
  • Intervention
  • Supervision
  • Consultation
  • Leadership
  • Recognition

The new standard has been designed to reflect how Fortem approach and manage Safety, Health, Environment and Compliance. Each component of the model details elements of the management system that is either already in place or that will be launched as part of the initiative.

Mike Hart, Managing Director at Fortem said, “The Health and Safety of our workforce, customers and members of the public continues to be our number one priority. A robust, well embedded safety culture creates the foundation for which high Health & Safety standards develops and thrives.

“It helps prevent accidents and incidents and encourages people to report observations, in an environment that does not apportion blame. It leads by example. It protects our people by making sure they receive the right training, equipment, safe systems of work, PPE, support and mentoring. It does not compromise on the safety of its people. It keeps abreast of current legislation and industry best practice and ensures our people are given the relevant information from these so they can continue to work safely. It empowers people to do the right thing, all the time, even when no one else is looking.

“Our refreshed Health and Safety strategy ‘Safe4Life’ is an important milestone in ensuring that, together, we drive our Health and Safety culture across our workforce and supply chain to underpin how we design, plan and deliver all of our work in branches and projects.”

Fortem supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Stephenson Memorial Hall refurbishment receives further funding boost    

An ambitious project to refurbish Chesterfield’s historic Stephenson Memorial Hall – which is home to the Pomegranate Theatre and Chesterfield Museum – has been boosted by £695,000 from Arts Council England’s Capital Investment Programme.

The funding has been secured by Chesterfield Borough Council and will be used to install a ventilation system in the Pomegranate Theatre auditorium and create a new Changing Places toilet. This funding will complement the Government’s Levelling Up Funding and investment from the council which aims to create a modern cultural attraction in the heart of the town centre.

Under the plans the refurbished Stephenson Memorial Hall will bring together an extended Pomegranate Theatre, a reconfigured and modern museum, alongside new gallery space, a café bar, education and community facilities. The £17.5 million project will also protect the Grade II listed building and ensure that it remains part of the borough’s heritage for many more generations to come.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “It’s fantastic news that we’ve received more support for our multi-million-pound refurbishment of the Stephenson Memorial Hall. This funding will help ensure we realise our ambitions of creating an accessible cultural experience, allowing more of our residents and visitors to access this building to enjoy performances and learn about our heritage.”

Peter Knott, Midlands Area Director of Arts Council England, said: “Our Capital Grants programme provides organisations with vital funding to ensure they have the right buildings and equipment to help them become more sustainable and innovative places, as they deliver exciting and creative work to the public.

“We’re pleased to be investing in seven projects in the East Midlands – from replacing well-worn seats in auditoriums and purchasing the latest digital technology to installing ecologically friendlier lighting and making buildings more cost-effective.  Funded work includes updating access facilities designed to ensure a more welcoming experience for visitors.”

As part of these 2021-22 and 2022-23 grants, over £22.7 million has been awarded to 66 cultural organisations across the country. The Capital Investment Programme aims to help cultural organisations across the country transform their buildings and equipment so they can operate safely post-pandemic, improve access, seize technological opportunities, and reduce environmental impact. From Barrow-in-Furness to The Isles of Scilly, the organisations receiving funding share a vision to build a fit for the future cultural sector, which all members of their communities can access.

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Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield plans set to be considered

A multi-million pound project to revitalise Chesterfield town centre – helping the borough thrive for generations to come – is set to be considered by Chesterfield Borough Council.

The £10.28m Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield scheme aims to transform the look, feel and flow of the town centre – creating a contemporary market town that has better connections between key public spaces, and a more attractive physical environment.

It includes plans for significant improvements to Chesterfield’s historic market grounds, along with proposals that will help maximise the potential of the iconic Crooked Spire as a key attraction for visitors, while also re-imagining town centre spaces for a range of flexible uses including markets, festivals, events, cultural celebrations and community gatherings.

Together with the £17m refurbishment of Stephenson Memorial Hall – which received planning permission in March 2022 – the project is being brought forward thanks to almost £20m which the council secured from the Government’s levelling up fund at the end of last year.

The latest designs for the scheme will be considered by the council’s Cabinet on 17 May and, if approved, the proposals will be subject to a consultation period running from 24 May to 8 July 2022 before a final Master Plan is developed.

Councillor Kate Sarvent, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centres and visitor economy, said: “Chesterfield has been a flourishing market town for hundreds of years, but like places everywhere, we must address the challenges that the rise in online shopping presents to the future sustainability of our town centre.

“Our town has so much to offer, and we want to harness and build on this to create a town centre that remains vibrant, and relevant in today’s world.

“This project, together with the scheme to refurbish our historic Pomegranate Theatre and Chesterfield Museum, will transform the experience for those visiting the town centre, and help sustain the economic future for the wider borough.”

Levelling up funding will be used to extend the council’s planned regeneration of the market grounds, with extra investment now centred on key public spaces and the connections between them – including Burlington Street, Corporation Street, Rykneld Square, Spire Walk, Market Square and New Square.

It is proposed that new paving, seating, lighting, and street furniture will combine with more greenery, to create better-looking and better-connected spaces which people can enjoy and socialise in.

The Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield project will complement work to regenerate the Northern Gateway and – at the other side of town – will connect with plans to transform the area around Chesterfield Station.

Key areas of focus are:

  • Corporation Street – a tree-lined boulevard with improved paving and lighting will transform this key gateway to the town centre and provide a welcoming environment for visitors to the refurbished theatre and museum.
  • Spire Walk – the council will work in partnership with the Church of St Mary and All Saints to create a more welcoming and attractive space in which to enjoy our iconic Crooked Spire.
  • Rykneld Square – the proposals seek to make better use of this open public space – providing a better connection with the Crooked Spire, improving the feel and flow of this area.
  • Burlington Street – proposed upgrades to paving, planting and lighting will create a more attractive main route – better connecting the Market Place and High Street through to Rykneld Square and Spire Walk.
  • New Square and Market Place – a multi-million pound investment will revitalise Chesterfield’s historic market. Our plans will create a modern, vibrant town centre experience with additional space alongside our traditional markets to host outdoor events and speciality markets. The council is working with local traders to develop a revised market stall and layout design for the main market, and to consider how New Square could be used to complement the town centre offer in future.
  • Packers Row – under existing plans, in place before the successful bid for levelling up funding, this area will also undergo improvement, following the completion of similar public realm works at the nearby Elder Way. Plans include improved lighting and paving, with an overhead light canopy to add character. Work here is set to start in spring 2022.

Councillor Sarvent added: “We have been successful in pulling in millions of pounds of extra funding into our borough over the last 18 months, which is fantastic news for local people. It will complement the significant investments that we and our partners are already making and puts Chesterfield town centre in a strong position for the future.

“We want Chesterfield to continue to be the go-to place and we’re confident that, taken together, the widespread improvements will achieve this by creating a contemporary market town that builds on our proud history and heritage.”

The work will be carried out in phases from spring 2022 and is due for completion in 2025.

Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield

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‘Leaving the door open’ – Chesterfield’s Property & Construction forum continues to highlight sustainability

Jillian Mitchell, Vice Chair of the Chesterfield Property and Construction Group and Director of Lomas and Mitchell Architects has penned this month’s blog on how the group is coming together to highlight the importance of sustainability across the town.

I was asked recently to deliver a 15-minute talk on ‘how to make your home more sustainable’.  It’s a pretty tall order, given the magnitude of the subject.  The first question was ‘how on earth do I cover the subject in only 15 minutes?’  Definition of the word ‘sustainable’ is wide-ranging, covering anything from saving the planet to reducing energy bills, and everything in between.

It can be overwhelming and we often feel powerless to think that anything we do can make a difference, so it is tempting to do nothing.  It doesn’t help that there is a bewildering array of measures and targets out there, quoted in impenetrable units which are hard to put into any sort of context.  Take the example of your fridge.  If you regularly leave the door of the fridge open whilst trying to decide what to make for dinner, for example, you can be wasting 50 – 120kWh/yr.  These numbers don’t mean a lot on their own, but if you understand that 50kWh/yr could run your dishwasher twenty times or 100kWh/yr the washing machine for fifty cycles, the scale and context become much more tangible.

At the heart of the issue, however, is a simple message – we must all do something to contribute to reducing our energy consumption and our dependence upon finite planet resources.  It really doesn’t matter which sector you work in – everyone can do something to make a difference.  The current energy crisis has brought all these themes into sharp focus, and now is the time to capitalise on the opportunities to look at our consumption and behaviours and commit to making a difference.

The Construction and Property Forum have identified key themes, one of which is ‘Sustainability and Quality’, because we want to highlight the need for more ambitious targets across the region.  The challenge is to shift from historical drivers, such as shareholders and regulations, and move towards the over-arching target of net-zero carbon by 2050 whilst still demonstrating profitability and compliance.  The shift needed is seismic and not to be underestimated – but we all have to do something, and we need to do it now.

The Forum seeks to support and challenge our local authorities as they strive towards these ambitious goals whilst providing exemplars of best practice for our colleagues in the sector to learn from and share.  We are keen to explore who is working on these themes in our area and welcome input from colleagues across the sector.  You can get in touch by emailing

In the meantime, maybe it’s time to not leave the fridge door open.

Jillian Mitchell is a Chartered Architect and Director at Lomas and Mitchell Architects.  Jillian is a member of the steering group of the Chesterfield Property and Construction Group and heads up the themes of  Sustainability and Quality.

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Chesterfield Property and Construction Group


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