
How Chesterfield can be a leader in sustainable housing

How can Chesterfield become a national leader in sustainable housing development for the future? That was the question posed to construction leaders in Chesterfield recently.

The town’s Property and Construction Group gathered to discuss the importance of green development across the town.

Chesterfield Borough Council has set a target of ensuring Chesterfield is a ‘net-zero’ borough by 2050. The organisation is working closely with the sector to find solutions across a range of developments. That includes in both housing and commercial property builds.

Using technology to support sustainable housing

The group first discussed how technological advancements are playing a role in bringing emissions down. Liam Rodda, Business Development Manager at Samsung spoke of the increase in the use of heat pumps in new houses. It is hoped the technology will become just as cost-effective as gas boilers in the coming years.

Liam said: “If you’re putting a heat pump into a new build, there’s not actually a great deal of cost difference compared to a boiler.

“The reality is that heat pumps are easier to fit than most gas boilers. Most competent engineers will be able to upskill in order to fit them pretty quickly. I’m hoping we will see prices come down as we get more labour into it.”

Chesterfield is set to lead the way when it comes to training more heat pump installers. This is thanks to the opening of a newly refurbished training centre by NIBE. Read more about the development, which opened in late 2022 here.

Improving green skills in Chesterfield to power our future

Sustainable skills will also be at the forefront of the new Construction Skills Hub, which is set to be developed in Mastin Moor.

Lynda Sharp, Economic Development Manager at Chesterfield Borough Council spoke about the benefits of the new facility.

Lynda said: “The hub will be an on-site facility linked to a housing scheme at Mastin Moor. That is a fantastic opportunity for young people to gain experience of a live construction site, which will make a big difference locally.”

Another issue raised during the discussion was the viability of retrofitting and insulating existing housing stock, to increase the amount of sustainable housing in Chesterfield.

Jillian Mitchell, of Lomas & Mitchell Architects and Vice-Chair of the Chesterfield Property and Construction Group said: “The big challenge to me in retrofit is how you insulate an existing property without creating more risk of condensation and mould growth.

“The market is so familiar with talking about insulation, and they haven’t really talked about ventilation. Derbyshire is a county where there is a lot of brick and stone, so insulating existing properties is a challenge.”

Cost and viability

Concerns around the cost of sustainable housing was one of the concerns which the forum felt needed to be addressed.

Jillian added: “A lot of what has been done in this country has been incentivised financially. But this has not encouraged people to change their behaviour. A lot of that financial reward seems to be how our industry is driven.

“In Cyprus, they have a scheme where people are able to install a limited amount of PV (solar panels). They are only rewarded if they change their behaviour and reduce the amount of electricity they use. I think that’s what we should be thinking about doing.”

Jim Lomas, Director at DLP Planning Ltd. believes recent climate events have made the sector more focused on cutting emissions, and increasing the number of sustainable housing in Chesterfield: “I certainly think the previous summer has started to focus people’s attention. People have seen some tangible changes in the environment, and it is bringing the issues we face to people’s attention.

“From a construction perspective, we are all probably very informed and alert to it. But the wider public are probably not, and now the penny is beginning to drop. There has to be a cultural change.”

Samsung’s Liam Rodda does believe that new builds are starting to improve from a sustainability point of view: “Terraced houses were built to house a lot of people, very quickly. New builds today are going in the right direction. We’re ticking those boxes more often where the homes are generating their own electricity as much as possible.”

John Short, of JAB Short Ltd. was in agreement, but felt that more focus should be placed on existing buildings in order to make significant change: “It is the existing housing stock that we need to be concentrating on, because that is what will make the huge steps required.”

Working collaboratively to drive change

Jim Lomas stressed the importance of ensuring the younger generation have their say in future developments: “We have got to look at the future generations. Young people will be wanting something more sustainable and will be demanding energy efficient buildings from businesses. We need to give younger people more of a voice and direction in developments because it is their future. However, the viability of schemes is pivotal.”

The session was further evidence of the strong partnership between the private and public sectors in Chesterfield continuing to have an impact.

Lynda Sharp added: “From my point of view, the level of detail and quality of the conversation today shows that we are gaining a greater collective understanding and getting deeper into the issues at hand. From a commercial property perspective, the recently-developed Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre and One Waterside place offices are really good examples of where we should be going.”

Chesterfield’s Property and Construction Group brings together business leaders of the region’s property sector and Chesterfield Borough Council to shape and drive forward collaboration, investment, sustainability and skills within Chesterfield.

Regular forums and networking events are held by the group throughout the year.

If you would like to get involved, find out more about the group at: https://www.chesterfield.co.uk/propertygroup/ or find out more on Linkedin.

property masterclass sustainability

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East Midlands unemployment rate remains low but Chamber research warns this could be set to rise

The proportion of working-age people in the East Midlands who are not in jobs rose slightly from 3.3% to 3.4% in the three months to November, new figures show.

The region’s unemployment rate – which hit a record low of 2.4% in summer 2022 before steadily climbing since – remained below the UK average of 3.7%, according to the Office for National Statistics’ latest regional labour market data published today (17 January).

Meanwhile, the region’s economic inactivity rate – which measures the number of working-age people who have dropped out of the labour market for reasons such as retirement, caring duties, long-term ill health or studying – dropped by one-tenth of a percentage point to 22.3% but this remains near record highs.

East Midlands Chamber chief executive Scott Knowles said: “After an upwards trajectory in the level of unemployment since the summer – although against a context of still being at historically low levels – it is reassuring to see this curve begin to flatten in recent months.

“However, our own research suggests unemployment levels may not remain so low in the future. Our final Quarterly Economic Survey of the year, which ran throughout November, found there was an 8% decline from quarter to quarter in the proportion of East Midlands businesses that added to their workforce in the previous three months, while there was a similar drop-off in recruitment prospects over the coming three months.

“Clearly, the cost-of-doing-business crisis – led by rising costs in energy, interest rates, raw materials, people and fuel – has deeply affected business confidence to invest, and a lack of available skills in the labour market is now impacting significantly on firms’ ability to grow.

“While the slight decrease in the proportion of those people who have opted out of the workforce for various reasons is welcomed, this remains at a very high level and has helped to create the tightest labour market in years.

“This poses a major concern for the road ahead as our economy continues to plateau but there are measures the Government can take to support businesses to develop a skills base fit for 21st century industry.

“In our Business Manifesto for Growth launched in Parliament last month, we propose a series of reforms around how businesses invest in their people.

“These include flexible incentives for business investment in staff training, expanding the use of the apprenticeship levy, bringing forward the introduction of the lifelong loan entitlement to support retraining and the retainment of an older workforce, and a comprehensive reform of the shortage occupation list to allow sectors facing urgent demand for skills to get what they need.

“In other words, this is about ‘getting the basics right’ – removing the day-to-day barriers for businesses and ensuring the basic building blocks of economic success are in place.”

East Midlands Chamber supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Staveley company supports Chesterfield charity’s work in providing life saving training

Support for the 999 Appeal launched by Chesterfield charity, CSALS has been received from Brett Martin Ltd, based at Staveley.

CSALS – Community Save a Life Scheme – is a charity devoted to promoting and facilitating first aid training, offering a free online course in association with Virtual College.

Those who provide support for the organisation’s 999 Appeal receive a practical first aid training session among the benefits provided.

A session which featured the use of defibrillators was recently delivered at Brett Martin’s Staveley site.

Commenting on the link-up with CSALS, Brett Martin’s senior HR advisor, Kim Williams, said: “Brett Martin are proud to be a sponsor of CSALS’ 999 Appeal.

“Not only are we sponsoring such a worthy cause, we are ensuring our employees are de-fib ready should they ever find themselves in a situation where a defibrillator is required.

“The general feedback from our employees who attended the course was that before the training they were scared to use a defibrillator, not anymore.

“The training was informative, practical and fun. Great work, CSALS!”

Debra Johnson, community facilitator for CSALS, said: “We would like to thank Brett Martin for their valued support.

“We were delighted with the feedback received from those who took part in the session and look forward to delivering further first aid training at Brett Martin, ensuring that more of their employees are equipped with the knowledge to save a life.”

CSALS (Community Save a Life Scheme) was formed in 2012, with the aim of raising the awareness of the need for more life-savers. Thousands of people have now completed the virtual course, providing them with first aid skills which could result in lives being saved.

To find out more about CSALS’ 999 Appeal, please email debra@csals.co.uk.

CSALS supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Community group celebrates 10 years of walking at Holmebrook Valley Park

Chesterfield’s Holmebrook Valley Park is celebrating 10 years of hosting a walking group this month.

On 12 January, the volunteer group leaders and other local walkers were joined by Mayor of Chesterfield Councillor Tony Rogers to explore what the park has to offer.

The Holmebrook Valley Park ‘walk with us’ walking group originally launched in 2013, but it was temporarily put on hold in 2020 due to Covid-19 restrictions, then launched again as soon as outdoor meeting restrictions allowed.

Over the years, the group has welcomed many residents and other local people who enjoy walking. A number of the group’s regular members have completed accredited training enabling them to take it in turns to lead the group each week.

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt said: “We have a wonderful team of volunteers at Holmebrook Valley Park who share the role of walk leader each week and help each other to keep the group growing and thriving.

“They meet around 10.15am each week by the café at the pavilion in the top cark park off Watermeadow Lane, ready to set off at 10.30am. They generally walk for around an hour before returning to the café for drinks and chat. Anyone is welcome to join in, no special equipment is needed, just sensible shoes and clothing suitable for the weather.

“There are slopes in the park and some rough surfaces under foot but the leaders will explain the route each week so walkers can decide if it is suitable for their own ability. Everyone is welcome, so if you fancy getting outdoors and exploring somewhere new feel free to join the group.”

Park facilities

The park is open to pedestrians all year round and has won the prestigious Green Flag award for the last twelve years.

The northern end of the park is elevated and offers spectacular views over Chesterfield to Hardwick Hall and Bolsover Castle and on towards Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire.

There is something for everyone to enjoy at the park including children’s play areas, a free outdoor gym, football pitches, cycling, orienteering route, an art sculpture trail, picnic tables and a café.

Join the group

The Holmebrook Valley Park walking group meet every Thursday at 10.30am for a

45–60 minute walk in Chesterfield’s largest park that includes open water, woodlands and hay meadows. Please note the park has hills and some uneven paths.

If you would like to join in, meet by the cafe in park pavilion (top car park) at Holmebrook Valley Park, Watermeadow Lane, Chesterfield, S41 8XP.

You can find out about other park-based walks on the Chesterfield Borough Council website or learn about other group walks in our area and beyond on the Walk Derbyshire website: https://walkderbyshire.org.uk/

For more information, please contact Tina Hensey, Chesterfield Borough Council Community Lifestyles Officer, tina.hensey@chesterfield.gov.uk.


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Inspire Design & Development’s Lee Barnes appointed to Clay Cross Town Deal board

A board overseeing multi-million pound developments in Clay Cross has appointed Lee Barnes, Managing Director of Inspire Design & Development Ltd. to its board.

Last year, the Government announced that Clay Cross would receive £24.1m of funding to deliver a number of projects contained in the Clay Cross Town Investment Plan. In Clay Cross this means;

  • increasing the skills and productivity of the local workforce
  • improving access to a range of high quality jobs and training opportunities
  • improving the environmental quality of the town and town centre

The Clay Cross Town Investment Plan is focussed around three main areas:

  1. Urban Regeneration – ensuring Clay Cross and town centre is a thriving place for people to live and work;
  2. Skills and Infrastructure – supporting investment and the development of small business, creating opportunities for skills and training;
  3. Connectivity – improving local transport links and improved digital connectivity.

Following a period of extensive consultation with residents and businesses of Clay Cross, ten exciting projects were drawn up to use these vital funds.

The Clay Cross Town Board will serve as an advisory function and will be the vehicle through which the vision and strategy for the Town will be defined. The board will produce a Town Investment Plan, which will inform the Town Deal proposals and include the amount of investment to be secured through the Towns Fund. The role of the Town Board is to:

  • Develop and agree an evidence-based Town Investment Plan
  • Develop a clear programme of interventions
  • Co-ordinate resources and influence stakeholders

The board is made up of local councillors, businesspeople and a range of leaders from local public and private sector organisations.

Speaking on his involvement in the Clay Cross Town Deal, Lee commented: “I am delighted to have the opportunity to join the Clay Cross Town Deal Board, as a local business owner I consider it a privilege to be able to use my knowledge and experience in regeneration to help shape an exciting new direction for the town.

“It’s my ambition that the benefits derived from the Town Deal funding create a sustainable enduring legacy for the benefit of future generations.”

Staveley is also one of the towns to benefit from Town Deal funding, which means a number of regeneration projects are taking place to benefit local people and increase living standards and job opportunities in the area. Find out more about the Staveley Town Deal here. 

Inspire Design & Development Ltd. supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Lee Barnes Inspire Design and Development

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Trees planted in Staveley in memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Almost 50 trees have been planted at a site in Staveley, in memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Local school children and tree wardens were joined by representatives from Chesterfield Borough Council to plant 48 oak trees on Darley Close at Staveley, as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy Initiative.

The Queen’s Green Canopy is a unique tree planting initiative which was launched to help mark Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022. Following the wishes of His Majesty The King, the initiative has now been extended to the end of March 2023 to give people the opportunity to plant trees throughout the planting season, in memoriam to honour Her Majesty.

The newly planted trees will help to create a new woodland in the area – called the Queen’s Copse – that will serve as a local memorial to Queen Elizabeth II.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of the Council; Councillor Amanda Serjeant, Deputy Leader of the Council; and the Mayor and Mayoress of Chesterfield were all on hand to help plant some of the first trees on the site.

People across the country – from individuals, groups, schools and communities to larger organisations and businesses – can also play their own part by coming together to plant trees – to serve as a lasting tribute to Her Majesty. More information on how to get involved can be found at www.chesterfield.gov.uk/explore-chesterfield/parks-and-green-spaces/queens-green-canopy

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “Trees help enhance our green spaces, create habitats for wildlife and can tackle climate change by absorbing carbon emissions so I’m hoping that as many people from our local communities will join in with The Queen’s Green Canopy and plant trees across the borough.

“This initiative is not only a great way to honour Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and her extraordinary service, but it will also help increase biodiversity across our borough.”

Over time the site will be managed in a way that is sensitive to nature and biodiversity and compliments the surrounding housing and open space.

binary comment

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East Midlands Chamber launches Generation Next Awards 2023 to recognise region’s young talent

The best of young business talent across the East Midlands will once again be celebrated at the Generation Next Awards – as a refreshed look is revealed for 2023.

The awards are the showpiece programme of the Generation Next network for young professionals and entrepreneurs aged between 18 and 35, which is run by East Midlands Chamber in conjunction with headline partner the University of Derby.

It features 11 categories, ranging from a Start-up Award and Customer Service Award through to Innovation and Technology Award and the Generation Next Future Leader.

The programme includes a new addition that recognises “rising stars” who show ongoing growth and development, as well as refreshed guidelines for prizes recognising outstanding contributions in diversity and inclusion, creativity, corporate social responsibility and sustainability.

The application process of each category award has also been streamlined for a “one form fits all” method involving a reduced number of questions.

Lucy Robinson, East Midlands Chamber’s director of resources and Generation Next lead, said: “The Generation Next Awards are a celebration of the amazing young talent within the East Midlands, and our diverse programme recognises the next generation of business who make outstanding contributions to their communities.

“We want to encourage young professionals from across the region to tell their story and celebrate their successes. There is an award to suit everyone at each stage of their career.”

Last July, Generation Next held its first in-person awards celebration at Bustler Market in Derby, and recognised young talent such as apprentice Ruby Birks, who works for South Normanton-based marketing agency Purpose Media, and the three entrepreneurs behind Derby-based digital marketing and web development agency Alphageek.

It was an awards ceremony with a twist, featuring street food, a live DJ and arcade games. More than 220 people attended, marking it as a new milestone in the Chamber’s events calendar. This year’s ceremony will be held on 13 July, and the venue will be confirmed in the coming months.

Entries are open for the 2023 awards from now until Monday 6 March. They can be submitted either by individuals within the 18 to 35 age bracket or on their behalf by a colleague or line manager.

Applications can be downloaded at generationnextemc.co.uk/awards and should be emailed to the Generation Next team at gennext@emc-dnl.co.uk.

Generation Next Awards 2022 categories

  • Generation Next Future Leader Award (sponsored by University of Derby)
  • Apprentice of the Year Award (sponsored by Loughborough College)
  • Start-up Award (sponsored by Nottingham University Business School)
  • Entrepreneur of the Year Award (sponsored by Fraser Stretton Property Group)
  • Innovation and Technology Award (sponsored by Hardy Signs)
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Award (sponsored by RSM UK)
  • Creators and Makers Award (sponsored by PPL PRS)
  • Volunteering and Charitable Impact Award
  • Environmental Warrior Award
  • Customer Service Award
  • Rising Star Award (new for 2023)

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Chesterfield Pride shortlisted for national award

The annual Chesterfield Pride Festival has been recognised amongst the best grassroots LGBTQ+ events across the UK.

The celebration, which takes place every year in Stand Road Park has been nominated for “Grassroots Pride of the Year Award” at the 2023 Pride Awards, hosted by LGBTQ+ radio station Gaydio.

To make it into the shortlist of finalists, Chesterfield Pride was nominated by the public, before being judged by an independent community panel, with members working across a variety of sectors both publicly and privately.

Chesterfield Pride is one of the biggest and best attended Pride events in the region, with thousands of people attending each year.

Dan Walker, organiser of Chesterfield Pride commented: “We are thrilled to be nominated for this award. Grassroot Pride events are vital for our communities and we really proud of the event we have in Chesterfield.

“Chesterfield Pride has grown year on year and 2022 saw our largest event yet. We are passionate about creating an event that is open to all areas of our community and always look to how we can improve going forward. Thank you once again to all those that took the time to nominate us for this award.”

The awards ceremony will take place on Friday, 10th February 2023 at the Hilton Manchester Deansgate. The evening will bring people from across the LGBTQ+ community together to recognize the extraordinary efforts to bring Pride to all corners of the UK across ten categories.

Chesterfield Pride is set to return on Sunday 23rd July 2023 for another packed day of entertainment. The Main Stage will have a variety of well known artists performing, including chart topping stars and faces from stage and screen. Meanwhile the Cabaret Stage will see some of the best of unsigned talent, fabulous Drag Queens and comedy performers.

Find out more about the event at: https://www.chesterfield.co.uk/events/chesterfield-pride/

joe 1 Chesterfield Pride

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Workshops launched to help Chesterfield residents with mental wellbeing and work/life balance

Community Chesterfield is launching a series of workshops for people in the town, with ‘Calm In A Box’ aimed at tackling mental well-being and the work/life balance.

Starting on the 18th of January and running through until the 1st of March, Community Chesterfield has teamed up with Calm In A Box to offer a series of free online training sessions to staff and volunteers of community groups and charities, as well as staff and students at the University of Derby.

Led by Calm In A Box founder Sarah Markham, the framework aims to help those taking part to find a better balance in their life, and see the rewards making these changes can bring. Training & Tea is Community Chesterfield’s signature bitesize online training that presents successful and accessible workshops covering a variety of topics.

Sarah, who is Founder and CEO at Calm in a Box commented: “Calm in a Box brings together my personal interest in well-being with my professional experience and aims to promote a calmer lifestyle at home and at work at a time when we are often overwhelmed with busyness, stress, and anxiety which can lead to both mental and physical health issues.”

Each session includes key themes, research, insight, and storytelling. The workshops will enable participants to learn ways to shift their mindset and encourage positive behaviour to make the changes they need.

Daniel Jones, Marketing and Communications Officer at Community Chesterfield said: “It’s been a tough few years for a lot of people, and we wanted to encourage a positive start to this one, a fresh outlook, and to help support our communities in making 2023 one to look forward to, and we hope this series of Training & Tea will help achieve that.”

Free places are available as part of the National Lottery Community Fund, and Community Chesterfield’s partnership with the University of Derby to those qualifying (see their website for details). Tickets are open to businesses and individuals at a cost of £20 per session.

Community Chesterfield supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


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Launch your business in Chesterfield

Looking for a change in 2023? Or maybe you’ve got a big idea which you’re looking to get off the ground. Now is a great time to hit the launch button on your start-up business in Chesterfield.

From quality office spaces to superb support, the town has everything you need to get started.

Find out below about some of the town’s recent start-up success stories. We’ve also spoken to a range of advisors and business leaders in the town, to get their expert tips on getting started.

Getting started

Vision Derbyshire start-up support and grant scheme

Entrepreneurs in Chesterfield are getting a boost from an innovative business support scheme.

Vision Derbyshire provides them with tailor-made advice, guidance and funding to get their ideas off the ground.

It is open to people who live in Derbyshire, and want to bring their business idea to life. Its also open to people who have recently set up a new venture in the last twelve months.

A team of experts are in place to offer free and impartial advice and support tailored to your needs, including:

  • mentoring
  • business planning
  • financial planning
  • marketing
  • signposting to other suitable areas of support

Grant funding of up to 50% of total project costs to a maximum of £10,000 per applicant is available, subject to meeting eligibility criteria. Vision Derbyshire’s business advisers will guide you through the application process.

Networking opportunities and help in securing a wide range of services necessary to help entrepreneurs turn their venture into a success are also part of the support package on offer.

To find out more about the Vision Derbyshire scheme and request support email business@derbyshire.gov.uk with:

  • a brief description of your business venture or idea
  • your current status – idea stage, first 3-months of trading, 3 to 12-months trading
  • your contact details – name, address of your business, email, preferred telephone number

Vision Derbyshire is a collaboration of local authorities across Derbyshire which delivers priority projects which have a positive impact on people’s lives and achieve greater council efficiency. A funding pot of £550,000, which has been raised through Derbyshire’s involvement in the Government’s retained business rates pilot scheme, has been set aside to support start-ups in Derbyshire and Derby.

Get the information you need

Do you have a business idea that you would like to explore? Keen to start a business but not sure how? Or maybe you’ve recently started trading and want to make sure you have all the essential building blocks in place for your business to be successful.

East Midlands Chamber is hosting a Business Starter Workshop at the Northern Gateway Enterprise Centre on Tuesday, 31st January 2023, giving you the chance to gain vital knowledge and information on starting your company.

Find out more here.

Start-up success stories in Chesterfield

We’ve spoken to some of the town’s brightest entrepreneurs who have been supported to get their business moving by the Vision Derbyshire project. Could this be you in 2023?

Suzanne Lloyd – Suzanne Lloyd Consultancy

Virtual Assistance | Suzanne Lloyd Consultancy | Chesterfield (virtueva.co.uk)

New business owner Suzanne Lloyd worked in business and office management for over 15 years, but saw a gap in the market to start her own virtual assistance business. Suzanne hadn’t considered starting her own business previously but saw a clear opportunity of providing virtual services to small businesses.

She launched her business Virtue Virtual Assistance in 2021. The business offers friendly and bespoke Virtual Assistance, HR Management & Bookkeeping services, personalised to the needs of small businesses. Suzanne aims to be the staff member that every business needs but can’t necessarily afford on a permanent basis. She is highly organised and loves to plan.

Suzanne commented: “Getting to know a business like it’s my own, I can offer personalised and tailored support or assistance so that the organisation can focus on what’s important.

“I’m really proud of how far I have come in such a short time. I’ve had to push myself out of my comfort zone, but it’s so rewarding when I get new enquiries on the back of referrals from happy clients! Working alongside my Business Adviser has changed my whole mindset of what I, and my new business, can achieve. Sara has helped me to challenge my own perceptions of what opportunities I can seize.

“I would have to say for anyone thinking about it just to do it. Yes, it is a big leap and there is a lot of unknowns, however the positives have far outweighed the negatives for me. After being made redundant from my last two positions I finally feel in control. To feel appreciated every day is such a nice feeling. The flexibility and quality time it has given to my family has truly changed my life.”

Vicky Staniland – Blooms & Bantams

Blooms & Bantams – British Flowers, Flowers, Florist (bloomsandbantams.co.uk)

Vicky Staniland launched her dream business Blooms & Bantams in 2022 after growing and arranging flowers for her own wedding and spotting a gap in the market.

The business based in New Whittington, grows and sells British flowers locally. Sustainability is at the core of the business, selling directly to customers wanting gift bouquets or event flowers.

Additionally, offering workshops on growing and arranging, Blooms & Bantams also aims to teach the skills of growing and working with flowers to encourage people to take it up themselves.

Whether it be flowers for key calendar occasions, or wedding, funeral or corporate events, Vicky aims to provide a service that leaves customers with a new, or renewed appreciation of the beauty and bounty of British grown flowers.

Vicky said: “My business advisor, Sara, has been instrumental to the success of Blooms & Bantams’ first year. The advice I have received has always been constructive and has encouraged me to explore options and considerations that I would have likely ignored without prompt. These opportunities have encouraged me to develop connections and gain access to resources that have been incredibly useful in the first stages of starting a business.

“I have also received a grant from the Start Up Support scheme, which has allowed me to buy new raised beds. This additional space will allow me to increase my output volume and grow many more flowers for sale next year.

“I would urge any new business owner to seek the support of the Vision Derbyshire programme as it may help provide the information and guidance that is so useful during those first few months of trading.”

James Biltaji – MediGuard

MediGuard | The Smart Pillbox (themediguard.co.uk)

MediGuard is developing and building The MediGuard Smart Pillbox. A pillbox designed to help people on multiple prescription medication take their pills on time and keep their loved ones informed about their adherence.

In 2019, James’ Dad had to have a liver transplant and was going through the initial recovery stages. He was taking around 20 tablets a day and really struggled to take his medication on time.

James commented: “My brother and I tried to help as much as possible, however we couldn’t be there all the time. When we couldn’t be there two things would happen, he’d forget to take his medication, or on a couple of occasions he accidently double dosed. We looked for something that would keep us connected and informed through a mobile app, but there wasn’t anything that we could find. That’s where the vision for The MediGuard came into place.

“It all takes time to build something from nothing, but we’ve made tremendous progress over the last year.  We’ve been working hard on building the hardware and mobile application, as well as getting feedback from potential users on features and functionality of the product.

“One of the most valuable resources so far has been the free business support and advice from our Vision Derbyshire business advisor Sara Martin.  Sara has been helping us with anything we’ve not been sure about. She has pointed us in the direction to potential funding opportunities, events related to our business in the area and connecting us with universities and people that can help progress our business. Without her, half of the events and opportunities we have taken part in would have been missed.”

Jackie Smith – Aspire Export Solutions Ltd

As a student, Jackie gained experience working for a number of local businesses including Robinsons of Chesterfield and Bryan Donkins before studying Applied Languages at University in London.

Returning to Chesterfield in the late 80s, she considered setting up her own business as an export consultant. However, to gain more experience and develop her international business knowledge, Jackie chose to develop her career working for big businesses within international markets. Jackie’s most recent position was Engineering Products Director within the construction industry.

Jackie explained how she decided to start up her own venture: “Following the covid pandemic, I felt that it was time to follow my dream of setting up my own business. Whilst the ideas and thoughts behind the business were plentiful, I was nervous about setting up on my own.

“I have been able to access lots of support for new start- up businesses and also businesses looking to expand. This includes the DWP, D2N2, Scaleup 360 and the Local chamber of commerce. Sara Martin Start-up advisor from Vision Derbyshire has been particularly supportive.

“I have been signposted to a number of courses that have helped to expand my knowledge. I have also received individual support and mentoring on the various aspects of running your own business, including developing a brand. This has helped me move the business forwards and Aspire Export Solutions is launching in January 2023.

“So, for budding entrepreneurs thinking about starting up their own venture in the town I would highly recommend that you do not be hesitate. There is so much support available locally, and I feel that I am in a much better position with my new business. I am looking forward to its launch in the New Year.”

Hear from the Experts

We’ve been speaking to some of the leading business coaches and advisors in Chesterfield, to get their top tips on starting up in the town.

Banner Jones Solicitors

Chesterfield legal firm, Banner Jones Solicitors has roots in the town dating back to the 1800’s, providing a range of services, support and legal advice to businesses in the town.

Katie Ash, Head of Employment Law commented: “Don’t be afraid to recruit staff. The world of Employment Law can be complex and it can make new business owners nervous about taking the plunge.

“Employing staff can be hugely beneficial to a business and can often be the catalyst for growth. It’s always worth remembering that ordinarily employees do not actually accrue unfair dismissal rights until they have 2 years’ continuous service. This takes away some of the initial pressure. If you do however employ someone and something does go wrong, there are plenty of resources available to help. Our team are only ever a phone call away.”


Andy Ball Great2

Andy Ball, CEO of Great2, has spent the last 12 years starting and scaling businesses across the East Midlands and was awarded Entrepreneur of the Year at the recent Love Chesterfield 2022 awards.

“Setting up a new business is daunting. There are so many competing demands for time. There are also many things to do where you have little experience to draw upon. For example, accounting, business operations, branding and marketing.

“One of the smartest decisions I made early on was to outsource those, to focus on growing the business. As well as supporting growth of the business, it also meant I got some down time at the weekends. It allowed me to pace myself and avoid the dreaded entrepreneurial burnout.

“I recognise the value of this advice so much that I have now built Great2. The purpose of Great2 is to support entrepreneurial success. We bring together a vibrant coworking space and meeting rooms (Great2Work) in central Chesterfield. This is alongside business growth services (Great2Grow) to help local small businesses grow in a sustainable way. I am always keen to meet start-ups and small businesses to see how we can help them.”

You can read more of Andy’s tips here

Business Doctors Chesterfield

Business Doctors

Dedicated to helping small and medium sized businesses achieve their goals, local Business Doctor Emily Coy works in partnership with business owners, sharing a wealth of business knowledge as well as providing individual expertise.

Emily said: “No business can survive without customers. It is therefore of vital importance to spend time deciding who your ideal customer will be. This will inform many other business decisions you make, especially around marketing. Ask yourself the following questions in order to create a customer profile; What is their age, gender, and location? What is their situation in life/business? Why will they buy from you? How often will they come back?”

SMH Group

Josh Dickens SMH Group

SMH Group has been established since 1995 and has been advising local Chesterfield businesses and individuals by providing in-depth expertise and insight into the complex financial, legal and tax matters which may impact their business, personal and family interests.

Business Development and Marketing Manager, Josh Dickens has this piece of advice for people looking to start their own business:

“You only get one start at your business, so its important that you get the right advice, from the right people, straight away.

“This could be speaking to an accountant who will help you structure your business in the most efficient way, speaking to a marketing agency to make sure that your branding, socials and website reflect the message you are trying to send, or speaking to an IT firm to make sure all of your software and systems are in place ready for your launch.”

CCM Change Cosultancy

CCM Change Consultancy is a business set up to support sustainable business transformation and provide an experienced, pragmatic, and innovative perspective on all aspects of change within the business setting.

Business Transformation Consultant, Nick Gorman explains how business owners should approach making their ideas a reality:

“For any complex or sizeable project, business leaders should analyse the biggest challenge within it and determine how/if they can overcome it before expending time and capital in the foothills.

“There is a place and time for gut feeling and intuition, but any idea that needs resources and investment requires the support of solid strategy.”

Great office space to suit all budgets

One Waterside Place

Chesterfield has a range of great office options to support you on every step of your business journey.

Regardless of your workspace requirements, our spaces accommodate co-working and hotdesking to spacious offices for a large team.

Find out more: https://www.chesterfield.co.uk/business/invest-in-chesterfield/office/

Join a network of like-minded local businesses

Celebrate Chesterfield Expo

Did you know you could gain marketing and business support, alongside the chance to build links with likeminded organisations?

There are now over 200 Chesterfield Champions working closely with Destination Chesterfield, hoping to to showcase our area as a destination to live, work, visit and invest.

Becoming a Chesterfield Champion is a great way to put your organisation on the map locally. It provides the opportunity to network with key business leaders in our town.

Find out more: https://www.chesterfield.co.uk/destination-chesterfield/champions/

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Housebuilder joins forces with Junction Arts and local school for birdbox art project in Brimington

Housebuilder Bovis Homes, part of Vistry Yorkshire, has teamed up with Junction Arts, a Chesterfield based arts charity, to create a variety of artistically designed birdboxes at its Brimington Heights development.

Junction Arts commissioned artists, Adrian Riley and Annabel McCourt are leading the project, which will see clusters of birdboxes placed around the development site to provide refuge for local birdlife, as well as acting as creative markers for connections with existing public footpaths and rights of way.

In November last year, Adrian and Annabel brought in a third artist, Iona Calvert to work closely with children from Brimington Junior School, involving them in the creative process of being public artists. Pupils from the school spent four days coming up with designs for the exteriors of the birdboxes. Etched on poles supporting the birdboxes will also be quotes from the schoolchildren about the things they value about ‘home’.

Following close advice from Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, the birdboxes will come in a variety of different sizes, materials and colours to encourage diversity of bird species, and will be strategically located throughout the development to draw the eye across the various vistas of the area.

The initial plan is for 40 bird boxes to be placed throughout the Brimington Heights development, with the potential for more to come in later stages. Additional artwork created by Adrian and Annabel will also be showcased throughout the site at various locations.

Adrian Riley, said, “We loved working with the children at Brimington Junior School. Over four days they played with pattern, colour and words, made up birdsong, invented new names for colours and sounds and explored what home meant to them, which resulted in some great ideas.

“Their enthusiasm, creativity and humour will help bring the birdbox artworks to life and create something that’s both visually engaging and of benefit to local wildlife. We also hope the boxes will encourage local people to walk the re-opened public footpaths to view the work. They’re intended to bring joy to everyone who encounters them.”

Louise Graham, sales manager at Brimington Heights said: “Bovis Homes strives to work with local communities to gain their valuable input in shaping and enhancing each of our developments. These community partnerships are incredibly important to us and demonstrate our company culture, underpinned by our values, of ‘building better together’.

“It’s been wonderful working with the Brimington schoolchildren and using their creative enthusiasm to help bring the birdbox project to life. The values the children placed on the meaning of ‘home’, and what ‘home’ means to them were particularly insightful and are just the values that we plan to instill within the Brimington Heights development for our buyers as they make their new property a home, and the new development, a neighbourhood.”

“Brimington Heights is in such a beautiful location, this is the perfect project to both cater for local wildlife and enhance the natural spaces within the development for our residents.”

The Brimington Heights development includes a number of other ecological enhancements, such as a native hedgerow that has been planted along the northern boundary of the site, providing a landscaping buffer as well as a feeding corridor for wildlife.

Brimington Heights comprises 150 three, four and five-bedroom homes, and provides options for those stepping onto the property ladder for the very first time, growing young families needing a bit more space, as well as those looking for a place to downsize after children have flown the nest.

Junction Arts supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


Birmington Heights Arts

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