Residents and visitors are being invited to share their views on plans for a new Chesterfield Market layout.
A team from Chesterfield Borough Council will be at Market Place on Saturday 21st March to find out about current shopping habits and opinions of the current market and stalls on offer.
The survey will also be available to fill in online from Thursday 19 March to Friday 3 April
For members of the public
For market traders
Chesterfield Borough Council is working with consultants to address issues previously raised by traders which include:
- increasing the number of market stalls in a prominent position and look outwards so they can be seen by shoppers;
- the need for increased power supplies for refrigerators and tills
- and creating more space for wheelchairs and buggies.
Councillor Amanda Serjeant, Chesterfield Borough Council’s Executive Member for Leisure, Culture and Tourism, said: “Although Chesterfield’s markets remain extremely popular, we are aware that there are issues which we need to address to improve the open market and attract new traders to Chesterfield.
“We are keen to seek the views of the people who use the market to help us in bringing forth plans to make improvements. So I’d encourage anyone who would like to take part to come along to the Saturday market on 21 March or fill in the survey online.”
Traders will also be asked for their opinions in a series of focus groups currently being held.
A further round of consultation will be carried out once the options for the new market layout are available. This is likely to be late summer.