Residents, businesses and community groups across the borough are being invited to have their say on local plans to reduce the impact of climate change, as part of Chesterfield Borough Council’s ongoing commitment to tackle the climate emergency.
By taking part in the new survey, people can help shape the council’s next climate change strategy which will set out how the authority will continue to reduce its own environmental impact, while working with the community to lower emissions across the borough.
The updated strategy will build on the success of ambitious work already underway to help the council become a carbon neutral organisation by 2030, and to lay the groundwork for Chesterfield to become a carbon neutral borough by 2050.
Councillor Amanda Serjeant, deputy leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “Since we declared a climate emergency in 2019, we have taken clear and effective action to lower the environmental impact of our services – focussing our efforts where we can make the biggest difference.
“This includes a £13.7m programme to reduce carbon emissions from our council homes, at least 1000 trees being planted each year since 2019, a switch to renewable energy purchases for electricity, and policies across the council which builds a consideration of climate change into all that we do.
“We’re now moving to the next phase of these plans and this updated strategy will underpin our ongoing efforts to achieve our robust targets – ensuring we continue to act now, to safeguard our future.”
Residents, businesses, or community groups can comment on the strategy themes by visiting the council’s website where they can find a background document, glossary, and link to the online survey until Monday 12 December.
Councillor Serjeant added: “The climate crisis is one of the biggest issues facing our communities, now and in the future and we know it’s important to local people and businesses. But we can’t tackle this alone. We need to work together to understand what we need to do and commit to taking further action in the areas we can make the most difference – such as how we use land and buildings across the borough, the transport networks we have and the amount of energy we all use.
“We’re urging residents, businesses and community groups across the borough to review and comment on our plans, to help make sure we create a borough which is safe and sustainable for everyone.”
The council is committed to work towards meeting the 2030 target by eliminating greenhouse gas emissions within its direct control and offsetting those emissions that cannot be eliminated by 2030. The council also aims to work with the community to support the transition to a carbon neutral borough by 2050 at the latest.
The first Climate Change Action Plan was officially adopted by the council in 2020 – and has made strong progress against the 45 actions which were identified for the council to take between 2019 and 2023.
The new strategy builds on these achievements and aims to ensure progress can be maintained to reach the target in 2030.
Annual delivery plans will be developed to support the new strategy and will also be shared with the community to comment on and get involved in the plans.
To take part in the survey please visit the council website before Monday 12 December: