
Matlock Farm Park’s George Finlay shortlisted for national tourism award

Matlock Farm Park’s George Finlay is celebrating after being announced as one of ten finalists in the running for the title of VisitEngland’s Tourism Superstar 2022.

Organised by national tourist board VisitEngland and supported by The Mirror, the Tourism Superstar competition recognises the dedication and passion of those working in the tourism industry.

The competition invites members of the public to visit to watch a short film created for each of the ten finalists and then to vote for their favourite.

Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire, the area’s official destination management organisation, is now leading the campaign to encourage votes for George using the social media hashtag #VOTEGEORGE.

At just 22 years old, George goes above and beyond in his role at one of Derbyshire’s leading tourist attractions to ensure visitors have amazing and unforgettable experiences.

As Farm Supervisor at Matlock Farm Park, George’s responsibilities include running daily animal-based activities for the public – such as meerkat talks and wallaby encounters – looking after the health and welfare of animals and engaging with visitors around the park.

George is particularly passionate about sharing his love for animals with young audiences and he was nominated to be VisitEngland’s Tourism Superstar 2022 because of the enthusiasm, passion, knowledge and dedication that he brings to his role – attributes that win him regular praise on TripAdvisor from visitors from across the UK.

As well as shining a spotlight on individuals who go the extra mile for tourists in the UK, this year’s Tourism Superstar competition also recognises the efforts made by teams across the industry in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In 2020, during the first Covid-19 lockdown when tourism businesses were closed to the public, George was inspired to create behind-the-scenes social media videos and a YouTube series to bring the farm park to visitors’ homes through the click of a button.

Matlock Farm Park TV has since reached thousands of views online, giving visitors the chance to go behind-the-scenes with entertaining and educational episodes that encourage young people to have a love for animals.

George Finlay, Farm Supervisor at Matlock Farm Park, says: “I am absolutely delighted to be representing the Peak District and Derbyshire in the national finals and to be nominated as Tourism Superstar is an amazing honour.

“I feel incredibly lucky to work in a job where I can share my passion for animals with visitors of all ages from across the UK and Europe, helping them to have rewarding experiences.

“Our amazing destination has so much to offer visitors, and if nothing else, I hope to shine a spotlight on the Peak District and Derbyshire and all it has to offer.”

Jo Dilley, Managing Director of Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire, said: “With his knowledge, enthusiasm and dedication to giving visitors of all ages a great experience, George is a fantastic ambassador for the Peak District and Derbyshire’s tourism sector, and we’re absolutely thrilled to see him reach the final.

“This award recognises the people on the ground whose consistent vision and dedication ensures that visitors have a great experience and we encourage local residents, businesses and visitors alike to get behind him using #VOTEGEORGE.”

Watch George Finlay’s nomination video at

Vote for George Finlay in the VisitEngland Tourism Superstar competition at

The voting closes on 22 March 2022 and the winning Tourism Superstar will be announced on 26 March 2022 at the end of English Tourism Week 2022 (18-27 March).

Follow the campaign progress on Facebook and Instagram at @visitpeakdistrict and on Twitter at @vpdd – and use the social media hashtag #VOTEGEORGE.

Matlock Farm Park and Marketing Peak District and Derbyshire support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Latest Robinson sustainable packaging is a perfect match for Valentines’ Day

A Chesterfield manufacturer specialising in value-added custom packaging has partnered up with luxury chocolate manufacturer Holdsworth, to produce sustainably packaged chocolates in time for Valentine’s Day.

A range of 160g chocolate boxes have been produced: Dark Heaven, Milk Heaven and Assorted Heaven. The packaging has been carefully crafted using 100% post-consumer recycled material and is fully recyclable. The clear viewing window is produced from recycled UK water bottles adding to the sustainable appeal.

David Sharples, Managing Director at Holdsworth Chocolates said: “Valentine’s Day is always a busy time for us. A lot of consumers buy chocolates for their loved ones and it’s so important that the packaging is recyclable and made from recycled material. We pride ourselves on delivering the experience of luxury, handmade chocolates using premium packaging with sustainable credentials; there’s no compromise.”

David continues: “Robinson is a key partner; a local, reliable supplier who produce high quality sustainable packaging that meets all our brand requirements. Being UK based helps us to reduce our carbon emissions and keep our supply chain agile and efficient.”

The boxes have been beautifully printed using six colours including intricate foil blocking, adding a striking element to the finished box making it a perfect gift for a loved one this Valentine.

Jon Walker, New Product Development Director at Robinson said: “It’s always a pleasure to work with Holdsworth. Being a local company we can be responsive and flexible to their needs, turning around their packaging from design to delivering the finished product in 2- 3 weeks.”

In 2021, Robinson launched a new sustainability pledge outlining a range of commitments underpinned by their strategic priorities, focused on putting the customer first, sustainable growth and thriving people. Find out more here.

Robinson supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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School pupils work towards making our town a better place

Pupils at Highfield Hall Primary School have been exploring how we can all work together to improve Chesterfield and create a more sustainable town as part of a new local democracy learning programme.

Taking place from 17 January, the children drew up ideas about how they think the local area, including the town centre and Queen’s Park, could be improved – and then had the chance to share their thoughts at a special question and answer session with Chesterfield Borough Council councillors.

Aimed at pupils aged between 6 to 11 years, the project is designed to help them think about how working together as a community can contribute to big changes for the future with a focus on sustainability. It also supports the wider curriculum including their English language skills.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, deputy leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “We are proud to be able to support this pilot project as part of our local democracy outreach work.

“This has been a fantastic opportunity for local school children to learn more about our borough and contribute their ideas as part of the curriculum. They were all really enthusiastic about the project and had some great ideas for ways we could improve our town and make it more sustainable. I look forward to reading their letters in more detail and seeing if we can introduce any of their suggestions.”

Cllr Serjeant attended the school with ward members Cllr Jill Mannion-Brunt and Cllr Tom Murphy, who accompanied the children on a visit to the town centre and answered questions the children had about the council.

The pupils had some great ideas including public water fountains, reducing in traffic in the town centre, rewarding recycling and encouraging people to walk and cycle more. They had a real interest in sustainability and this was a key discussion topic during the question-and-answer session with their local councillors.

Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, Cllr Tricia Gilby, has created a video thanking the pupils for their efforts. The council will also consider some of the suggestions made by the children and see how they can be realised.

To come up with their ideas, the pupils used the booklet “How to make your town a better place”, developed by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe. Through this booklet, the Congress wants to help children better understand the concept of sustainability and encourage them to share their ideas with their local authority. The pupils at Highfield Hall Primary School helped pilot and test this booklet.

The teachers will now feedback to the Congress on the content of the pilot programme and make recommendations for any improvements. In March, the final learning tool will be adopted by the Congress and be made available for children to use in towns and cities from all 47 members of the Council of Europe.

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Junction Arts appeals for volunteers to get involved in community events

Junction Arts is looking for Chesterfield residents to help with a number of community projects and events, which help bring people together across the town.

The local Charity which helps to celebrate our community through the arts and other creative projects, is looking for people to help with initiatives ranging from supporting family art workshops, visitor support at festivals and parades, and assisting project coordinators in the set up of these vital projects.

Junction Arts says no previous experience is needed, just a willingness to get involved and have some fun. The charity has a number of events lined up throughout 2022, with voluntary roles available in February and March. Opportunities include behind the scenes event prep and site specific live art events.

Upcoming events include the Love Bolsover event in Bolsover Town Centre on Saturday, 26th February and the Bolsover Artisan and Craft Market on Saturday 19th March.

Katie Petraitis originally started with Junction Arts as a volunteer and is now the lead artist at the Bolsover Lantern Parade. She commented: “I’ve been volunteering for Junction Arts for over 10 years, and it is always a fun, varied and worthwhile experience. I volunteer because I believe that having access to creative experiences is important for everybody.

“Creative activities allow people a space to pause, think, reflect and express themselves, and the better supported these activities are, the more enjoyable and fulfilling they are for the participants.

“Junction Arts provide workshops and activities which are accessible in a way which gallery-based or city-based experiences might not be, and encourage shared creative experiences in a friendly and supportive atmosphere.

“No creative experience happens without people supporting it, and through volunteering for Junction Arts I’ve met some amazing people and learnt lots of brilliant new skills.”

All volunteers are given a free Junction Arts T-shirt and have their travel expenses to the project or event covered. Anyone interested in volunteering for the charity is invited to contact the team by emailing

Junction Arts supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


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Derbyshire’s visitor economy receives £500,000 boost from community renewal fund

The area’s official destination management organisation has secured £500,000 to boost jobs, encourage growth and support the recovery of visitor economy businesses in the Peak District and Derbyshire following a successful bid to the Government’s Community Renewal Fund.

Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire, working in partnership with East Midlands Chamber, the University of Derby, The Food and Drink Forum and Nottingham Business Venture, has been awarded a share of an overall project totalling £1.47 million that will run until 30 June 2022.

Investment in low carbon solutions, business growth, employment, training and digital skills are amongst the key aims of the project, which is set to create jobs and breathe new life into local communities as part of the Government’s commitment to levelling-up the nation and achieving net zero carbon emissions.

Financial support for businesses will include growth vouchers and start-up grants of up to £2,000, plus flexible grant funding of up to £8,000 to help businesses access green solutions, adopt digital technology and receive specialist training.

Activity for the project will be delivered under five key strands, known as ‘Accelerators’, with Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire delivering the support for visitor economy businesses.

The five ‘Accelerators’ in the project are as follows:

• Race to Zero Carbon Accelerator to encourage investment in net zero business practices and to offer financial support for ‘clean growth’ such as the implementation of carbon reduction plans.
• Digital Transformation Accelerator to help businesses implement e-commerce solutions and become online bookable. This will also include collaborative pilots for the cultural and heritage sector to access technology solutions, develop town-based festivals and drive market town footfall.
• Start Up to Scale Up Accelerator to deliver mentoring to help start-ups launch a business idea and grants of up to £2,000 to launch a new business or product.
• The Kickstart Accelerator to deliver training and mentoring support to improve job retention, as well as a wage subsidy to convert a Kickstart or Graduate placement into a new sustained job.
• The Financial Accelerator to offer flexible grant funding of up to £8,000 to help businesses fund digital adoption, carbon reduction solutions and specialist training. Growth vouchers of up to £2,000 will be available for consultancy advice to support business growth and a wage subsidy will be available to support Kickstart or Graduate job retention.

The project also includes feasibility studies into the development of two apps, including a visitor app that would provide real-time data on visitor behaviour, and a transport planning app that would align bus and rail routes to popular destinations in the area.

More information on the Community Renewal Fund project, including the grants programme, can be found at:

Jo Dilley, Managing Director of Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire, said: “We’re delighted that our Community Renewal Fund bid has been successful, creating a host of new opportunities to drive the post-Covid recovery and long-term growth of visitor economy businesses in the Peak District and Derbyshire

“As highlighted in our Tourism Recovery Plan, our ambition is to become a leading destination in sustainable tourism and this, alongside our ongoing commitment to boosting jobs, skills and growth, clearly aligns with the Government’s aims for the Community Renewal Fund.

“We look forward to working alongside our partners and hope this project will pave the way for future funding to ensure visitor economy businesses can not only survive, but thrive, as we embark on the road to recovery.”

Diane Beresford, Deputy Chief Executive and Community Renewal Fund lead at East Midlands Chamber, said: “The East Midlands Accelerator project will look at what the needs are locally and seek to address them with targeted, bespoke support that brings together key stakeholders across the region – with each strand connected by the golden thread of acceleration.

“We strongly believe these schemes, which will enhance the existing support out there, will have a transformative impact for so many businesses and individuals in the Peak District and Derbyshire.

“This area is a hive of entrepreneurship and we’re looking forward to assisting people to get great ideas off the ground and then scaling them up, while for more established businesses we can help them navigate their net zero and digital transformation journeys.

“We’re also excited about building on our success in the Kickstart Scheme, having been the UK’s largest and most successful gateway organisation in supporting businesses to create more than 1,800 placements in our region.”

Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire, East Midlands Chamber, and the University of Derby support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Conference hears how delivery of post-16 green and digital skills a priority to support area’s economic growth

Green and digital skills have been identified as a priority to support economic growth in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Speaking at the sixth annual Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Skills and Employability Conference (9 February 2022), Fiona Baker Head of People and Skills at D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership said: “We lag behind the rest of the UK in terms of productivity, and this is because our workforce doesn’t have the right skills.

“There has been an exponential increase in employer demand for digital skills recently.  Businesses and education and training providers must work together to ensure that young people are equipped with the right skills to meet the local growth agenda.”

With more than 16,000 students in North Derbyshire set to gain their GCSE and A level qualifications in the next five years and thousands of jobs expected to be created following investment in Staveley, the free conference brought together business leaders and the education community to address the future employability and skills of young people.

The conference followed the Department for Education’s announcement last year that it plans to reform post-16 technical education and training to support people to develop the skills needed to get good jobs and improve national productivity.

Organised by Chesterfield Borough Council and Destination Chesterfield, with support from D2N2 Careers Hub – Derbyshire North, the conference also heard from businesses and education and training providers in the local area.

Nick Catt, Managing Director of Weightron Bilanciai who spoke at the conference urged local providers to work together, saying: “Schools, colleges and businesses need to engage with each other to identify the skills needed in the economy. Having a generic approach to skills doesn’t work as every local economy is different.”

Julie Richards, Principal and CEO of the Chesterfield College Group, welcomed the proposed changes to post-16 education saying: “”The need has never been greater to work in partnership to provide our young people with post 16 options which ensure everyone in our society has opportunities to develop at all levels. We must meet their needs, and the needs of our economy now and in the future.”

Cllr Amanda Serjeant, Deputy Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and vice chair of Destination Chesterfield added: “The conference has highlighted that one in 4 young people fall out of their post-16 education choice at age 17. We must ensure that young people get the right information at 16 and that they make an informed decision to take up the correct training provision for their own future. In turn this will help ensure they get the right training to work in highly skilled jobs which will contribute to a thriving local economy and provide a high quality of life for local people.

“It is crucial that we look to the future and the skills we will need to transition to a low carbon economy in Chesterfield. Ensuring that we have the right mix of skills to support a sustainable future is key to mitigating the effects of the climate crisis. It was great to hear from employers and training providers about how they will be helping to support this transition and providing the skills needed to support a low carbon, high value local economy.”

Around 100 people attended the conference at Speedwell Rooms in Staveley. The annual conference aims to strengthen links between education providers and local businesses to ensure that school leavers are work ready and have the skills required by businesses in the area. As well as representatives from the business community and skills and education providers, students from Springwell Community College, which is based in Staveley, also joined the conference.

Emily Carter, Operational Careers Hub Lead at D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership said “For young people, meeting employers and experiencing different workplaces is a key element in helping them find their best next step.  We are delighted that local cornerstone employers, strategic partners of the D2N2 Careers Hub and Careers & Enterprise Company joined the conference to share best practice, and a huge thanks to the young people from Springwell Community College who facilitated table discussions.

With a regeneration programme currently underway in Staveley and thousands of jobs expected to be created over the next few years, Ivan Fomin, Chair of Staveley Town Deal commented: “It’s important that businesses, the council and education and training providers work together to make sure these opportunities are fully realised for local people. The Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Employability and Skills Conference is the first step in making this happen.”

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Kickstart Scheme Delivers Permanent Jobs For Young People on Chatsworth Estate

Young people on work placements at Chatsworth set up to address rising youth unemployment have praised the valuable experience with several now progressing into permanent roles.

The Devonshire Group created a number of six-month placements under the Kickstart scheme last year across the garden, catering, farmyard, textiles, collections and wider operations at its Chatsworth and Bolton Abbey Estates.

Now several of the young people who have completed their placements have been offered permanent jobs. The good news looks set to continue with further roles being offered to others due to complete their Kickstart placements over the coming weeks, while other candidates successfully used the experience as a launchpad into related employment elsewhere.

Kickstarters Beth Cartwright and Georgia Wilson, who have been taken on as Collections Assistants, found the placements were an invaluable experience.

Beth said: “I’ve really enjoyed my placement here at Chatsworth, I’ve learned lots about conservation and what goes into keeping a collection. This is something I never thought would be available to me and I’m thrilled to be staying on full time.”

Georgia added: “I have learnt so much about the work that goes into running and maintaining a heritage site such as Chatsworth. I am delighted to now have a job as a result of my placement, allowing me to continue working in a field I love, and gain new experience.”

Chatsworth’s Head of Textiles Susie Stokoe said: “ Kickstart has been a great way to bring young people into the workplace giving them the flexibility to work in positions they may not have originally thought of.”

Over in the Chatsworth Farmyard and Adventure Playground, Josh Nicholls will be joining as an apprentice and Jordan Henshaw now has a permanent job as Farmyard and Adventure Playground Assistant.

Melissa Underwood, Farmyard and Adventure Playground Manager, said: “Kickstart has been a great programme and it has been a pleasure to watch our Kickstarters grow in confidence and gain new skills in a variety of ways.”

Farmyard apprentice Josh said: “I’ve had lots of fantastic support from everyone at Chatsworth. I’m absolutely thrilled to be starting an apprenticeship and look forward to learning more about animal care.”

Jordan added: “I feel like I’ve learnt a lot. The placement has also improved my general agricultural knowledge and I enjoy sharing the farming story with visitors. I feel brilliant about gaining a permanent job and look forward to the start of lambing and the new season.”

With Sustainability such an important area for the Devonshire Group, Tom Hendry was keen to create a high quality placement for a young person in this area. Following a successful placement, Ella Thompson has now been offered a full time role.

She said:  “I knew I wanted a job where my work could contribute towards supporting the community or environment and that’s what sustainability is all about. I was happy that this placement allowed me to build experience and then continue into a permanent role, as I felt very welcomed here by colleagues. I hope to continue to become more confident and get involved in more sustainable initiatives.”

Nathan Fairhead, Talent and Training Coordinator, Devonshire Group, said: “We are thrilled at the progress of our Kickstarters and the attitude they have shown to working with us. They have thrown themselves into their placements, becoming valued members of their teams. We are very excited for how their experience with us will influence their careers, especially those who will remain with us.”

The Government’s Kickstart Scheme is open to young people aged 16 to 24 who are receiving Universal Credit, and at risk of long term unemployment.

Chatsworth and The Devonshire Group supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Starbucks to open new branch in Chesterfield

Major international coffee chain Starbucks is set to open a new branch in Chesterfield.

Plans to open a new drive-through outlet have been approved by Chesterfield Borough Council, in a move which is set to create 25 jobs. Currently the chain has two outlets in the area, situated on the A617 bypass at Heath and near J29a of the M1 on the Markham Vale site.

The site on Meltham Lane, which is owned by Arnold Clark automobiles has sat vacant for a number of years, since Tesco relocated it’s main Chesterfield store to Lockoford Lane more than a decade ago. The new Starbucks outlet will be situated next to the A61, on the site of the former petrol station.

The new development will cover an area of 2,100 square-feet and will also provide parking for 20 vehicles, as well as two disabled bays. Cycle storage for five bicycles is also proposed. One electronic vehicle charging point will be installed, with the capacity to add more in the future.

A statement from the applicant which sits alongside the planning documents said: “The proposals will provide new retail and leisure facilities in the local area and contribute to sustainable economic growth.”

Councillor Dean Collins, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for economic growth, said: “The development of these new business premises is welcome news, it regenerates a disused site, will create more jobs for local people and provides another facility for local residents to enjoy. I wish them every success in bringing this development forward.”

Through a range of significant regeneration and redevelopment underway across the town, Chesterfield is building on its industrial roots and market town heritage to become a contemporary destination with a prosperous future. Find out more about some of the major developments taking place across our town here. 

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Peak Edge Hotel wins prestigious wedding award

Chesterfield’s four-star hotel, Peak Edge, has been awarded the best wedding venue in Derbyshire courtesy of the ‘2022 Hitched Wedding Awards’.

Hitched, the online wedding planning platform, celebrate the UKs most spectacular wedding venues and suppliers, honouring vendors for their professionalism, quality of work, flexibility, and customer service. As one of Derbyshire’s leading wedding venues, Peak Edge was recognised for its unrivalled location on the edge of the Peak District alongside the recent developments to refurbish their event spaces.

Boasting panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, the renovation works completed have transformed the existing orangery suite, into the new Oak Room, which can accommodate over 200 wedding guests, featuring a grand fireplace, open sky lights with vaulted chandeliers and outdoor private terrace area and pagoda. The award also recognised the service provided by the dedicated wedding team and the 2 AA rosette food served featuring produce direct from the local area.

Senior Wedding & Events Coordinator, Michelle Bartle, said ‘We are absolutely delighted to have been awarded best venue in Derbyshire. We’ve been working incredibly hard to deliver the most special of days to each of our couples, despite the ever-changing Covid-19 restrictions over the past year. With business returning to usual, this award has given us the best motivation to head into 2022 ready to create another year full of wonderful experiences.’

Developments continue to evolve at Peak Edge, including ongoing refurbishments to renovate adjoining function suite, The Ashover, with a new bespoke bar, private toilet facilities and outdoor terrace space.

The hotels sister property, Casa Hotel, located in Chesterfield’s town centre, also hosts two fully licensed ceremony suites for up to 200 guests along with 100 bedrooms, including four balcony hot tub and sauna suites.

For all enquiries and further information regarding weddings at Peak Edge, visit or email

The Peak Edge Hotel supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.


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Three local young people kickstart their career in recruitment at Edwards Employment Solutions

Three young people have had their careers in Chesterfield’s recruitment sector kickstarted by Edwards Employment Solutions.

Adam Chapman (25) from Dronfield and Tia Lowe-Fowler (23) from Eckington have joined Edwards Employment Solutions through the Kickstart Scheme as Recruitment Co-ordinators, while Ellie Hartshorn (27) from Chesterfield has joined the business as an apprentice.

The Kickstart Scheme was launched last summer by Chancellor Rishi Sunak, with the aim of creating six-month paid work placements for young people who are at risk of long-term unemployment.

Izabella Edwards, Managing Director of Edwards Employment Solutions explained: “As soon as I heard about the Kickstart scheme I was keen to use it to bring young people into the business and give them a step into the recruitment sector.”

She added: “It has been an incredibly challenging time for many employers and the Kickstart scheme is a really brilliant incentive to support young, local people at risk of not being able to get back into work any time soon because of the pandemic.”

Both Adam and Tia bring a wide range of experience across a variety of sectors to their new roles at Edwards Employment Solutions, where they will be helping match candidates and employers.

It was a previous tennis coaching position at Beauchief Tennis Club, that initially introduced Adam to a customer/client facing role and ignited his interest.

He said: “I’ve always enjoyed helping people and, with this role, you have the ability to make a really big impact on someone’s life by helping them find the right job. I’m really excited to start working with the Edwards team and put my people skills to use.”

Like Adam, Tia has also held a number of customer-facing jobs, including one as a dog groomer. She said: “I’ve enjoyed a number of roles from bar work to dog grooming but really wanted a career change. The position with Edwards really appealed to me as I wanted more of a commercial role. I am keen to provide great customer service and help effectively match candidates and employers.”

Ellie Hartshorn joins the business alongside Adam and Tia as an apprentice. With previous roles in nursery and social care, Ellie decided she wanted a complete career change and is now using an apprenticeship to retrain.

She explained: “I was looking into a career change for a while, but I am really passionate about helping people and wanted this to continue, the role with Edwards felt like a perfect fit. I get to work in an office environment yet still talk to people on a daily basis to help them find the right positions for them. It’s a really interesting sector.”

Praising Ellie, Adam and Tia, Izabella said: “Our new starters have already surpassed our expectations!

“I am committed to giving them all the help and support they need to really enjoy and succeed in the recruitment industry. But, more than that, I really want to help Ellie, Adam and Tia to progress at Edwards beyond their training programmes.”

Despite the pandemic, Edwards Employment Solutions has experienced two successful years, helping many key worker industries to find the staff they need.

Established in May 2018, Edwards Employment Solutions has helped thousands of local people secure employment, placing more than 600 people in permanent roles and over 3,000 in weekly assignments, throughout Derbyshire and South Yorkshire.

Anyone interested in exploring a career in recruitment, please email or call on 01246 886 366.

Edwards Employment Solutions supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Chesterfield businesses named amongst nominees for local tourism awards

Some of the most inspirational tourism businesses in the area will be showcased at the Peak District & Derbyshire Tourism Awards, presented at Casa Hotel in Chesterfield on the evening of Thursday 3rd March 2022.

Tickets are now on sale for the glittering awards ceremony which will include a drinks reception and three-course formal dinner in the stylish surroundings of the premier four-star hotel.

Organised for the second year by Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire, with support from the European Regional Development Fund, the 2022 awards will celebrate the success and resilience of tourism businesses whilst also highlighting the sector’s vital contribution to the local economy.

Finalists have been shortlisted in 15 categories celebrating the best of the visitor economy, from attractions and accommodation providers to unique experiences and great places to eat and drink.

In recognition of the challenges faced by businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic, two new core categories have been added for 2022: the ‘Unsung Hero Award’ and the ‘Resilience and Innovation Award’.

Two new local awards – ‘Team of the Year’ and ‘Tourism Young Achiever’ – have also been added to recognise the thousands of jobs supported by tourism across the Peak District & Derbyshire.

At the awards evening, all Gold winners will be presented with a luxury award designed and made by Derbyshire-based C W Sellors Fine Jewellery & Luxury Watches, whilst Silver and Bronze winners will each receive a certificate identifying them as one of the best tourism businesses in the area.

In a further boost, Gold winners in each of the 13 core categories will automatically progress onto the national VisitEngland Awards for Excellence 2022, which represent the highest accolades in English tourism.

Jo Dilley, Managing Director of Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire, said: “Tourism plays a vital role in making the Peak District and Derbyshire such a great place to live, work and visit, and following the enormous challenges of the past two years, never has the sector been more deserving of recognition.

“We hope you’ll join us in celebrating and paying tribute to some of the passionate individuals and inspirational businesses who help attract and welcome millions of visitors to the destination annually, bringing greater prosperity to the area each year. We look forward to seeing you there!”

Tickets are priced at £65 plus VAT and include a drinks reception and formal three-course dinner. Tickets can be purchased by contacting Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire on 01246 212924, or by emailing

Marketing Peak District and Derbyshire supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Peak District & Derbyshire Tourism Awards: The 2022 Shortlist

Accessible and Inclusive Tourism Award

  • Croft Bungalow Accessible Holiday Let, Birchover

B&B and Guest House of the Year

  • Grendon Bed & Breakfast, Buxton
  • Sheldon House, Monyash

Camping, Glamping and Holiday Park of the Year

  • Landal Sandybrook, Ashbourne
  • Boutique Camping at Scaldersitch Farm, Sheen
  • Beech Croft Farm Caravan & Camping Park, Taddington

Ethical, Responsible and Sustainable Tourism Award

  • Landal Darwin Forest, Matlock
  • Fischer’s Baslow Hall
  • Pure Outdoor Ltd

Experience of the Year

  • Drive Dad’s Car, Great British Car Journey
  • myGuidedWalks
  • Pure Outdoor Ltd

Hotel of the Year

  • Casa Hotel, Chesterfield
  • Rafters at Riverside House, Ashford-in-the-Water
  • The Cavendish Hotel, Baslow

New Tourism Business Award

  • Country Luxe Derbyshire
  • Great British Car Journey, Ambergate
  • Manor House Farm Cottages, Sheldon

Pub of the Year

  • The Prince of Wales, Baslow
  • The Devonshire Arms, Pilsley
  • The Yorkshire Bridge Inn, Bamford

Self-Catering Accommodation of the Year

  • Stainsborough Hall, near Wirksworth
  • Manor House Farm Cottages, Sheldon
  • Oaker Farm Holidays, Hope

Taste of the Peak District & Derbyshire Award

  • The George, Alstonefield
  • The Cavendish Hotel, Baslow
  • Fischer’s Baslow Hall

Visitor Attraction of the Year

  • Bluebell Dairy Ltd, Spondon
  • Matlock Farm Park, Matlock
  • Treak Cliff Cavern, Castleton

Resilience & Innovation Award

  • White Peak Distillery, Ambergate
  • Matlock Farm Park, Matlock
  • Treak Cliff Cavern, Castleton

Tourism Young Achiever Award

  • Jack Boam, Tagg Lane Dairy
  • Luke Henshaw, Great British Car Journey
  • George Finlay, Matlock Farm Park

Team of the Year Award

  • Pinelodge Holidays Ltd
  • Rafters at Riverside House
  • The Welcome Team Ltd

Unsung Hero Award

  • Rob Hattersley, Longbow Bars & Restaurants
  • John Whelan, Rafters at Riverside House

For more details see:

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