Chesterfield Champions

Become a Chesterfield Champion

Join Chesterfield Champions to pledge your support for Chesterfield and North Derbyshire

If you are passionate about Chesterfield and are keen to help raise the profile of the town and your business, the team at Destination Chesterfield would love to work with you.

To become the latest Chesterfield Champion, please complete the form below and we will be in touch to confirm your application.

The annual contribution to Destination Chesterfield to become a Chesterfield Champion is based on the number of full time employees in your business:

1-10 – £262.50
11-25 – £446.25
26-49 – £787.50
50+ – £1575

If you would like a discussion before becoming a Champion please email or book in a meeting here.

The information you provide will be used to process your contribution and deliver the services provided by Destination Chesterfield.  We will look after your data and only use it for legitimately permitted reasons.  To find out more read our privacy policy.

If you are providing details of colleagues that you would like to be included in the provision of the Chesterfield Champions scheme.  Please ensure that they are aware before submitting.

You or they can update their marketing preferences with Destination Chesterfield at any time by calling 01246 207207 or email

Anna Meer stood in office smiling to camera

Champion of the Week

Meet our Chesterfield Champion of the Week, Anna Meer, Director of Highways, DLP Planning

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chesterfield champions CSR event

Chesterfield Networking Events

Find out about the future of the town, meet local businesses and access support at Chesterfield networking events.

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Find Your Perfect Office

Discover the perfect office space in Chesterfield for your business. Regardless of your workspace requirements, from coworking and hotdesking to spacious offices for a large team, our aim is to make you as productive as possible.

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