

staveley waterside

Staveley Regeneration

The future development and regeneration of 150 hectares of former industrial land in the Staveley area of Chesterfield is a long term vision to remove industrial dereliction and improves the landscape at the same time as creating an opportunity for new housing, significant employment opportunities and green infrastructure. The development will also improve the linkages between existing communities.

The objectives are to:

  • Create new employment opportunities
  • Develop a range of high quality house types
  • Improve connections between Barrow Hill, Staveley and Hollingwood
  • Enhance tourism and leisure opportunities
  • Provide an integrated transport network including public transport provision, enhanced footpath and cycle provision and an agreed programme of highways improvements
  • Enhance the natural environment

Staveley Town Deal

Over £25m worth of projects which will benefit Staveley residents for generations to come have been given the official go ahead, after Government approved the package of projects within the Staveley Town Deal Programme.

It is a significant milestone for the range of projects that will receive funding through the Towns Fund, which are being delivered by a variety of organisations including Chesterfield Borough Council, Derbyshire County Council, Staveley Town Council, Barrow Hill Community Trust, Chesterfield Canal Trust, Staveley Miners Welfare Football Club and Tawnywood Ltd.

Together the projects offer a once in a lifetime opportunity to improve the quality of life for residents, create new employment opportunities with higher level skills, ensure it is a place where everyone can be proud to live and guarantee that the town and its residents have a bright future ahead – supporting Staveley as a place to start, stay and grow.

Chesterfield Borough Council is the accountable programme lead but will also be delivering three projects using Town Deal funding.

Find out more about the Staveley Town Deal projects

Hartington Business Park

hartington business park

Hartington Business Park at Staveley, which completed a refurbishment in July 2023, has already secured significant lettings since its launch to market.

Marketed by letting specialists Commercial Property Partners (CPP), alongside Knight Frank, on behalf of the Devonshire Property Group, interest to date in the brand new, terraced, industrial warehouse accommodation has been exceptionally strong, resulting in all units being let on the first phase of development.

The Hartington units, built with a steel portal frame and steel profile cladding, offer 6m clear height, secure concrete yards, EV charging points, full fibre broadband and ample parking spaces.

Phase 2 will see a further 70,000 sq ft of industrial and warehouse units developed, ranging from 2,000 sq ft – 10,000 sq ft. Work on-site is expected to take place across 2025.

The Park is conveniently located on the northern edge of Staveley, five miles to the North East of Chesterfield. The site further benefits from easy access to the M1 via J30 and J29A, located just 3.5 miles and 2.5 miles away respectively.

Staveley Works Regeneration

The regeneration of the 150-hectare Staveley Works Area will open up the staveley corridor for development, and the recently secured £25m town deal for Staveley shows the scale of opportunities here.

Derbyshire County Council has submitted a £90 million funding application to enable construction of the Chesterfield Staveley Regeneration Route, Midlands Connect has given its support and the application is currently lodged with the Department for Transport for decision.  If successful, the funding will need to be defrayed in full by 2025.

New Community to be built in Staveley

A planning application has been submitted to build up to 700 new homes as part of a vibrant new community at Staveley in what is one of the biggest regeneration projects in the Chesterfield area.

As well as new two, three and four-bed housing, redevelopment of the 100-acre brownfield site, known as Staveley Works, will include a primary school, a marina on the Chesterfield canal, retail and community facilities, a cycle and footpath network, and new wildlife habitats.

Formerly an iron and steel works, the site will benefit from more than £100m of investment, which will link the communities of Brimington, Hollingwood, Staveley and Barrow Hill. The first homes are expected to be available in around five years time while redevelopment is scheduled to last around ten years in total. During the building and infrastructure work, the development is expected to create around 200 construction jobs. The completed development is expected to support around 800 jobs in the commercial, leisure and education sectors.

Staveley Town Deal funding confirmed

Over £25m worth of projects which will benefit Staveley residents for generations to come have been given the official go ahead

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Residents encouraged to have their say on Staveley Regeneration Route

New proposals to build a road linking Chesterfield and Staveley have been drawn-up to cut congestion and open up land for employment and housing.

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Hartington Business Park warehouses from above

Hartington Business Park fully let as Capital Angling Limited agree on-site expansion

Devonshire Property Group, part of the portfolio of Devonshire Group businesses, is celebrating full occupancy at its Hartington Business Park scheme

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