Chesterfield events

Forthcoming Events

Animate Chesterfield

Artist puts paintbrush to canvas

Lucie Maycock is Junction Arts’ Artist in Residence for the Animate Chesterfield arts programme!

There are lots of opportunities for everyone to get involved in.

Dream and imagine a future for your town through creative arts, crafts, photography, printmaking and much more. Discover and tell hidden stories about Chesterfield and all its rich heritage. Help to co-create and feed into ideas for creative artwork that will animate the town.

Lucie is offering a range of creative workshops – some designed for children, young people & families and some for adults. All sessions are free. Some are bookable and some drop in.

When Booking is required please book a place via the relevant Eventbrite listing.

Note – aged under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

Thursday 19th September

11am-12.30pm Photography Walking Tours – BOOK ON – Adult focus

We will learn about photography techniques whilst taking a tour of the lovely town centre of Chesterfield. Explore composition, light, focus and the rule of thirds within this workshop. Smart phone required.

2pm – 3.30pm Digital Art – BOOK ON – Adult focus

Using a variety of images that are manipulated using digital techniques to create unique digital art work. Links with the morning photography walking tours and we encourage participants to also book onto this session.

Thursday 26th September

11am-12.30pm Doodle Maps – DROP IN – Adult Focus

Create your very own doodle map of Chesterfield.

2pm – 3.30pm Hanging Map Art – DROP IN – Adult Focus

Create unique hanging map art of your town.

Thursday 10th October

11am-12.30pm Photography Walking Tours – BOOK ON – Adult focus

We will learn about photography techniques whilst taking a tour of the lovely town centre of Chesterfield. Explore composition, light, focus and the rule of thirds within this workshop. Smart phone required.

2pm – 3.30pm Creative Collaging – DROP IN – Adult focus

Using a variety of collaging techniques to make inspiring collage art, a mixture of historical and fun modern images to make creative collages.

Thursday 17th October

11am-12.30pm Acetate Art – DROP IN – Adult focus

Using pictures of Chesterfield such as unusual doorways and buildings including those not often celebrated, we will make bright, fun art work using acetate and POSCA pens.

2pm – 3.30pm Story Seeds – Story Telling & Unearthing – BOOK ON – Adult focus

Come along to these sessions and tell your hidden stories of Chesterfield to inspire a creative artists residency and art work for the town.

Thursday 24th October

11am-12.30pm Printmaking – DROP IN – Adult focus

We will create easy polystyrene and/or Lino prints of places and unusual things related to Chesterfield.

2pm – 3.30pm Blooming Flower Art – DROP IN – Adult focus

Create beautiful flower art using a variety of media and techniques, making large flowers for the shop display.

Tuesday 29th October

11am-12.30pm Printmaking – BOOK ON – Kids focus

We will create easy polystyrene prints of places and unusual things related to Chesterfield. Guide age 7+ accompanied by an adult.

2pm – 3.30pm Creative Collaging – DROP IN – Kids focus

Using a variety of collaging techniques to make inspiring collage art, a mixture of historical and fun modern images to make creative collages. Guide age 5+ accompanied by an adult.

Thursday 31st October

11am-12.30pm Acetate Art – BOOK ON – Kids focus

Using pictures of Chesterfield such as unusual doorways and buildings including those not often celebrated we will make bright, fun art work using acetate and POSCA pens. Guide age 5+ accompanied by an adult.

2pm – 3.30pm Paint the Town – DROP IN – Kids focus

Using old maps and drawings of the town lets see how colourful we can make it! Guide age 5+ accompanied by an adult.

Thursday 6th November

11am-12.30pm Chesterfield Garland – DROP IN – Adult focus

Create a beautiful Chesterfield Inspired Garland using images, drawings, beads and colourful pom pom’s to make vibrant garlands.

2pm – 3.30pm TBC – Adult focus

Thursday 14th November

11am-12.30pm Doodle Maps – BOOK ON – Adult focus

Create your very own doodle map of Chesterfield.

2pm – 3.30pm TBC – Adult focus

Thursday 21st November

11am-12.30pm Story Seeds – Story Telling & Unearthing – BOOK ON – Adult focus

Come along to these sessions and tell your hidden stories of Chesterfield to inspire a creative artists residency and art work for the town.

2pm – 3.30pm TBC – Adult Focus

Thursday 28th November

11am-12.30pm Chesterfield Fantasy Christmas – DROP IN – Adult focus

Using printed images or hand drawn images of Chesterfield participants use a range of mediums to make them Christmassy.

2pm – 3.30pm TBC – Adult focus

Sunday 1st December

11am-12.30pm Chesterfield Fantasy Christmas – BOOK On – Kids focus

Using printed images or hand drawn images of Chesterfield participants use a range of mediums to make them Christmassy. Guide age 5+ accompanied by an adult.

2pm – 3.30pm TBC – Kids focus

Drop In Sessions – Open to all to drop in and take part. Filled on a first come first served basis.

Book On Sessions – Prior booking needed for these sessions.

TBC Sessions – these will be updated in due course

Please note the nearest toilet facilities (inc accessible toilets) can be found in the Pavements Shopping Centre or the Market Hall. Please note that there is a small step into the shop unit.

This is part of the Animate Chesterfield Public Art Programme, funded by Chesterfield Borough Council and produced by arts organisation Beam.

Hardwick Hall Exhibitions

Are you interested in history, heritage and culture? At Hardwick Hall, attend an exhibition that combines a beautiful setting steeped in history with a range of stunning collections and information.

Read more >


  • 77 Low Pavement, Chesterfield, S40 1PB (former Martin & Co shop).


  • Photography Walking Tours

    11.00AM - 12.30PM
  • Creative Collaging - Adult focus

    2.00PM - 3.30PM
  • Acetate Art - Adult focus

    11.00AM - 12.30PM
  • Story Seeds - Adult focus

    2.00PM - 3.30PM
  • Blooming Flower Art - Adult focus

    2.00PM - 3.30PM
  • Printmaking - Adult focus

    11.00AM - 12.30PM
  • Printmaking - Kids focus

    11.00AM - 12.30PM
  • Creative Collaging - Kids focus

    2.00PM - 3.30PM
  • Acetate Art - Kids focus

    11.00AM - 12.30PM
  • Paint the Town - Kids focus

    2.00PM - 3.30PM
  • Chesterfield Garland - Adult focus

    11.00AM - 12.30PM
  • Doodle Maps - Adult focus

    11.00AM - 12.30PM
  • Story Seeds - Adult focus

    11.00AM - 12.30PM
  • Chesterfield Fantasy Christmas - Adult focus

    11.00AM - 12.30PM
  • Chesterfield Fantasy Christmas - Kids focus

    11.00AM - 12.30PM

Contact details:

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