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Carbon Reduction Planning to Science-Based Targets: Enabling the pledge to Net Zero

In the current challenging economic climate, organisations are battling with the desire to drive growth and profitability, whilst investing in low carbon emitting technologies to reduce their carbon footprint and speed up their journey to achieving Net Zero. This carbon reduction planning webinar is your chance to learn more.

What are science-based targets and how do we work out if we are on track?

Companies want to focus on baselining their carbon footprints while being able to take meaningful action towards Net Zero. As requirements to report to standards before making pledges and commitments gain momentum it is no longer acceptable to just state a company is attempting to be Net Zero by a certain date. It needs to be substantiated.

In this webinar you will explore:

  • What science-based targets are
  • How science-based targets work
  • What the short and long term goals that need to be met, to make an accepted pledge to net zero

Getting under the skin of the process and the figures to demystify the next step on the Net Zero journey.


Julie Adams, a Carbon, Cost, and Procurement Consultant with Auditel, a leading Cost, Procurement, and Carbon specialist organization, delivers this webinar. Auditel help organisations reduce their carbon emissions whilst also reducing their costs.

The UK Government funds this project through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), and East Midlands Chamber delivers it.


  • Online


  • 10.00AM - 11.00AM


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