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Sustainability Summit: No one left behind – the journey to net zero

This year’s Summit, delivered in partnership between East Midlands Chamber and the University of Derby, will build on the continued activity to support the transition to a low carbon economy and the path to Net Zero.


We are now two years into the “Decade of Action” which is the call for accelerating sustainable solutions to all the world’s biggest challenges — ranging from poverty and gender to climate change, inequality and closing the finance gap.

The UN Secretary General called on all sectors of society to mobilise for a decade of action on three levels: global action to secure greater leadership, more resources and smarter solutions for the Sustainable Development Goals; local action embedding the needed transitions in the policies, budgets, institutions and regulatory frameworks of governments, cities and local authorities; and people action, including by youth, civil society, the media, the private sector, unions, academia and other stakeholders, to generate an unstoppable movement pushing for the required transformations.

This Summit will focus on the practical ways the business community can aim to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions in the current challenging economic climate, which are estimated to account for around 18% of all carbon dioxide emissions, ensuring this is an inclusive process, supporting all business sizes and sectors.

On the day future funding streams and business support opportunities for SMEs on the path towards Net Zero will be discussed by the experts and key regional stakeholders at the summit.

Agenda (to be finalised)

The main keynote and panels will run until lunch at 13:00hrs, after lunch there will be a range of optional workshops for delegates which will run until 14:30hrs

  • The regional perspective: Green Growth Trends in the East Midlands – Dr Polina Baranova, Senior Lecturer in Strategic Management, College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, University of Derby

The key outcomes from analysis of the East Midlands Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Economic Survey (QES), undertaken over seven years by the University of Derby Business School (DBS), which focuses on companies’ awareness and engagement with the clean growth agenda and the degree to which they supply and benefit from low carbon and environmental goods and services (LCEGS)

  • National policy affecting regional delivery – Sam Lux, Net Zero Business Engagement Policy, Net Zero Strategy Directorate, BEIS

On overview from Government on policies to support the business community to decarbonise which support the Governments net zero targets.

Sam is a policy advisor in BEIS’ net zero business engagement team. She was part of the small team delivering the Together for Our Planet Business Climate Leaders campaign for Andrew Griffith MP in his role as UK Net Zero Business Champion ahead of COP26 in November. Before joining the Civil Service, she led on climate public engagement at Nottingham City Council, and was awarded the Nottingham Roosevelt scholarship which took her to 10 US cities to research urban sustainability stories. In 2020 Sam joined edie’s 30 under 30 programme for future sustainability leaders.

  • The role of the financial system as an enabler to net zero transition – Lewis Stringer, Senior Manager, UK Network – East & South-East Midlands

    We will hear detail of recent research undertaken by the British Business Bank, released in their report Smaller businesses and the transition to net zero, which highlights the potential collective influence of UK smaller businesses and the considerable contribution they could make to wider net zero objectives.

    We will also hear how finance can be an enabler to net zero transition, with the drive to monitoring of financial risk to maintain monetary and financial stability in relation to environmental impact, exploring the direction of travel and role of the financial systems.

  • Driving change through procurement – (speaker tbc)

A focus on how environmental requierments are driven down through the supply chain.

  • Green Jobs Barometer – Alison Breadon, PwC, Markets Senior Partner – East Midlands

PwC has been measuring the relative performance of UK regions and industry sectors on their progress developing green jobs over time. It aims to build an evidence base to assess and support a fair transition to net zero.
We will hear their findings and explore how, left unchecked, green employment will grow in the most fertile spots, but not necessarily where they’re needed most. The research indicates where support and investment need to be targeted and how it is incumbent on all of us to ensure that a reduction in economic opportunity is not the legacy of the green transition. With targeted policies, investment, and training, and collaboration between government, business and education providers, a green future can be a future of employment for everyone.


Workshops running from 13:30hrs – 14.30hrs 

  • Accessing R&D Tax Credits for innovation in green products and services – Darryl Hoy, Shorts Accountants
  • Empowering business leaders to rise to the challenge of climate change – making sustainability simple and actionable, supporting entrepreneurs, change makers and innovators on their journey to Net Zero and beyond – Zellar

Market place

In between the content there will be an opportunity to explore a range of exhibtors available on the day.

If you are interested in exhibiting please email your interest and we will send you the detail for consideration – Sustainability Summit Exhibitor Interest


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