Chesterfield events

Forthcoming Events

Selling for non-sales people

There are many instances when a ‘sales support person’, usually involved in the implementation or delivery of a product or service, can have significant influence on the level of present and future business from that client. In fact non-sales people probably generate more trust and future business in just these situations.

The time to promote added value services and products is at the point when the client has just had a successful installation or completion of one project or are talking with a ‘technical’ person they feel they trust.

Your support people also need to understand the influencers involved. They have easier access to the ‘insider’ information the sales approach needs, and need the ‘commercial skills’ to ask the right questions to gain further business opportunities and close them or feed them to their colleagues to secure more added business.

Course Programme in detail:

• Gain rapport fast using verbal and non-verbal communication either on the telephone or face to face
• Using technical credibility as a sales tool
• Knowing who to contact and how to approach the discussion
• Developing confidence in the non-sales role
• Identifying your clients values and motivators to buy
• Powerful questions to help your client become clear on the right solution, your solution
• Understand the roles played by multiple decision makers in the client buying process
• Objections and questions – how to answer them to help the sales process
• Getting people to commit

This course will discuss and practice simple methods to identify the clients motivations in buying a given product or service.

It will create with you, a series of questions to ask, to understand what an additional product or service is really worth to your client, and therefore how to represent exceptional value to them. It will review the sale influencers within each of your clients, and the information you can gather to help the sales effort and where to find it.

Imagine having a series of simple to apply and yet very powerful techniques available to you to identify what motivates your clients to buy, how to represent value in their language, and how to gain further sales opportunities for you and your colleagues.


  • East Midlands Chamber - Chesterfield, Chesterfield, S41 8ND


  • 9:30am - 4:30pm


  • £285 - Chamber member price
  • £370 - Non-Chamber members

Contact details:


Christmas at Chatsworth

This Christmas, Chatsworth House will be transformed with their annual display to get everyone in the festive spirit.

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Hardwick Wintertide

Come back and build memories at Hardwick once again as the season of Elizabethan magic will be here for Hardwick Wintertide!

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Robin’s Lost Letters - Winter Windows Trail

The Christmas Robin lost their letters while they were shopping in Chesterfield. Can you follow the trail to find the letters. Everyone who completes the trail will receive a wooden Christmas bauble.

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