What is Made in Chesterfield?

Why Should My School Get Involved?

There are so many reasons for your school to get involved in Made in Chesterfield! Let’s inspire and educate young people about the opportunities for employment in Chesterfield. Plus, we want to empower teachers to talk to their students about the range of careers available in our local economy.

We offer enriching workplace visits for primary and secondary schools, as well as for Colleges and Independent Training Providers. The visits also support the achievement of the Gatsby Benchmarks.

Some reasons to get involved:

  1. Give your students and teachers an immersive experience that contextualises careers guidance and showcases opportunities within local companies.
  2. Prepare young people for the workplace and improve employability skills.
  3. Raise awareness of careers in Engineering, Manufacturing, Property and Construction and other STEM-related areas.
  4. Promote the study of STEM subjects.
  5. We can organise Made in Chesterfield events to support your curriculum and help meet The Gatsby Benchmarks.

Gatsby Benchmarks:

  • A stable careers programme– Made in Chesterfield runs over four weeks and can support a school’s careers programme.
  • Learning from labour market information – Visits to businesses for students and accompanying teachers/careers advisers can give insights into the labour market in Chesterfield. There are also resources which link to labour market information.
  • Addressing the needs of each pupil – We can make a range of our visits part of your school’s tailored advice and support to each pupil.
  • Linking curriculum learning to careers – Made in Chesterfield is linked to businesses offering STEM related careers. Employers may be able to offer subject-specific activities to support schools.
  • Encounters with employers and employees – Young people can experience workplaces first-hand with hands-on activities and tours. They will meet employees from the organisation and talk about careers in the sector.  As Made in Chesterfield is an annual rolling programme of activity it can be accessed throughout a young person’s educational journey. This offers multiple interactions with local businesses.
  • Experience of Workplaces – The campaign has delivered workplace experience since 2014. Over 3,500 young people have taken part in visits so far. The new rolling programme of activity will make this more accessible and flexible for schools.
  • Encounters with Further and Higher Education – Chesterfield College are the headline sponsor of Made in Chesterfield. Both Chesterfield College and The University of Derby are board members of Destination Chesterfield and we can facilitate relationships with them both.
  • Personal Guidance – Teachers/careers advisors accompanying students on visits can ensure their industry knowledge and understanding of the requirements are up to date.  This will assist in providing high-quality personal guidance to young people.

Feedback from students:

“The day has made me think again about the future. As a result I will think more about different options after my exams.”

“I enjoyed the trip because it taught me the different job opportunities there are in construction.”

“It was fun – and I didn’t know there were so many different jobs.”

“I learnt a lot. It was good to be able to go into the company so that I could see the jobs and hear how employees started their jobs!”

To arrange a visit, go to the Made in Chesterfield website, which will be made live at 10.00AM on the 27th June.

Group of students in high vis jackets in a warehouse

Tours for Schools

We are pleased to be back offering tours for schools this October. Made in Chesterfield visits are designed to inspire small groups of students from Years 6-13.

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Man talking to a group of students in a warehouse

Made in Chesterfield Partners and Supporters

Thank you to all the businesses, partners and schools who help to support Made in Chesterfield and inspire the next generation to the industry. 

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Group of students in high vis jackets in a work space

About Made in Chesterfield

Made in Chesterfield is designed to bring together businesses, schools and training providers to showcase the sector to future school leavers.

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