Chesterfield Champions

Apprentice Team Ltd

Apprentice Team

Apprentice Team Ltd is an Ofsted rated GOOD learning provider which was founded in 2011, proudly based in Chesterfield, Derbyshire.

Through their team of dedicated professionals, they work tirelessly to ensure that every learner in their care has the full support needed to achieve their aspirations, and every employer has the right tools to bring their recruitment and training to the next level.

For both young people and adults, Apprentice Team Ltd offers apprenticeships in a variety of industries, including Finance & Payroll, Digital Marketing, Procurement & Supply, Business & Administration, plus many more! Apprenticeships are available to new and existing employees, giving both small and large businesses access to a diverse, educated workforce.

For local employers, they depend on Apprentice Team Ltd for their complementary recruitment service, their workplace training, and of course, their helpful staff.

Tom Fearn, Business Development Manager of Apprentice Team Ltd, explains: “Chesterfield’s sense of community makes it a great place to operate from.”

“In return, we help local people get the education and training they need, and help local businesses employ new apprentices, as well as upskill their existing employees. We are very proud to be a Chesterfield based business.”

Destination Chesterfield Logo

Destination Chesterfield

Destination Chesterfield is responsible for developing a co-ordinated approach to marketing the town

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Chesterfield Market

Chesterfield Flea Market

Rummage through an eclectic mix at the popular Chesterfield Flea Market.

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what is Apprentice Town


Businesses throughout North East Derbyshire employ a large number of apprentices and their are currently hundreds of vacancies available in Chesterfield

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