Chesterfield Champions

1 Femal healthcare profiessional smiling at 1 elderly male at Ashgate Hospice

Ashgate Hospice

Ashgate Hospice is providing compassionate, specialist palliative and end-of-life care to patients with a life-limiting illness and their families across North Derbyshire.

The charity’s vision is for people with a life-limiting illness to be able to live well and to have a good death –well-informed and supported. Alongside ensuring patients’ loved ones are well supported and comforted too.

For patients with the most complex needs, an Inpatient Unit is available. However, most patients’ care is delivered at home by teams of specialist nurses, therapists and healthcare professionals. This enables patients to stay where they feel most comfortable for as long as possible.

All of the care and support provided is free of charge. However, it is not an NHS hospice. Therefore, to ensure Ashgate can continue to provide care, it needs to raise money through fundraising and retail.

Ashgate Hospice runs a variety of Charity events each year, including its annual sparkle walk which you can find information about at:

Peter Stone, Director of Income Generation at the hospice, said: “It’s an honour that Ashgate Hospice is a Chesterfield Champion. Although providing care across the entirety of North Derbyshire, the hospice itself is situated in Chesterfield.

“Ashgate Hospice employs 300 people and has over 600 volunteers. Employees have a wide variety of skills across its sectors, including nursing, fundraising, finance and retail. We’re proud to be contributing to employment as well as the local economy.

“Chesterfield has a fantastic community. Because we want to be here to support that community, we need to be behind the opportunities that Chesterfield has alongside engaging with local people.”

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Ashgate Hospicecare

Ashgate Hospicecare raises over £26,500

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