Chesterfield Champions

Bank Park

Bank Park is different – very different. In what way and how can car parking be different from any other car park management company?

Bank Park offers friendly, fair and ethical car parking solutions whilst also raising much needed funds for local charities.

The business’ ‘Park & Give’ scheme has been operating for over 4 years since it opened our first car park in 2013. The parking partners such as landowners, agents and local authorities choose to partner with Bank Park for many reasons but one of the most attractive benefits is that every car parked in a Bank Park car park contributes to a local charity.

Similarly, those parking patrons choose Bank Park over and above any other car park because of the offer of hourly daily and contract parking at low prices with the added benefit of knowing they are giving to a great cause.

Ashley Kelley, Managing Director of Bank Park said:

“Chesterfield has always been a great destination for us at Bank Park. Through our recent history, we have made many friends in Chesterfield.

“The town is always looking to the future, whilst retaining it’s heritage. You only have to look at the recent developments which have taken place to understand that Chesterfield is not afraid to move with the times.

“We at Bank Park are proud to be part of this evolving town and we hope that we can play a significant part in shaping the future of Chesterfield”.

Destination Chesterfield Logo

Destination Chesterfield

Destination Chesterfield is responsible for developing a co-ordinated approach to marketing the town

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Chesterfield Market

Chesterfield Flea Market

Rummage through an eclectic mix at the popular Chesterfield Flea Market.

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Chesterfield Property Group Banner

Chesterfield Property and Construction Group

Chesterfield Property and Construction Group is partnership led by the sector to showcase and support the industry and promote Chesterfield.

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