Chesterfield Champions


Cloud-Busting specialises in helping SME business leaders navigate the Scale-Up journey, from a small business to a medium-sized business.

Mel Archbould founded the business in 2022 following the successful sale of their family-owned engineering SME business in Chesterfield.

Did you know, in the UK, there are 210,550 small businesses (10-49 employees) but only 35,600 medium (50-249 employees)?  Growing your business from small to medium is testing. Challenges start to occur when the organisation reaches 35-40 employees. Once a business hits 80+ employees, the business settles. It is an established medium-sized organisation, it can weather the storms of the business journey as the infrastructure, financial backbone and leadership vision is solid and embedded and ready for the next part of the yoyage.

Reflecting on all of the lessons learned over the 17 years of being Managing Director, and there were many, Mel says “at no point when seeking support, guidance, coaching and counsel on our scale-up journey, did I ever speak with anyone who remotely came close to having experienced I was living through”.

Cloud-Busting, located in Chesterfield, addresses this gap in real-life experience scale-up support for business leaders in the East Midlands, Yorkshire & Humber region. “Chesterfield is ideally located in the heart of this region with a wealth of SME businesses established across a broad range of sectors” Mel states. “From this central location we deliver a range of programmes and workshops for managing directors, CEO’s and Leadership Teams to get their business Scale-Up Ready and to develop their Scale-Up Success Factors within their organisation”. Mel also offers a confidential MD Sounding-Board service for the business leader who needs independent, outside-in perspective, someone to bounce ideas around with and explore solutions to business challenges.


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