Chesterfield Champions


DEBP specialise in supporting the aspirational decision making of young people and adults to shape their future. They strive to help them fulfil their potential and believe everyone deserves an equal chance of success.

They work with young people up to the age of 19 (or 25 for those with special educational needs and disabilities – SEND) and vulnerable young adults.

DEBP deliver a range of careers related programmes and employer support is fundamental. This ensures young people are aware of the opportunities available and the skills employers’ value and look for, and are aware of the changing employment landscape around them.

Clare Talati, Managing Director, said: “We are proud to be Chesterfield Champions and support lots of local initiatives. Many members of the team are from Chesterfield and the surrounding areas and are proud of where they live and work. Although we work much further afield too, Chesterfield is our base and provides a central location to our work.”

They are also a partner in Made in Chesterfield which aims to introduce young people to careers in the manufacturing, engineering, science, and technology industries. It is a great initiative – which DEBP have been involved in since 2014 – and a fantastic example of how to continue to help inspiring the next generation.

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