Chesterfield Champions

Derbyshire Voluntary Action

Derbyshire Voluntary Action (DVA) is an innovative independent charity, which strategically represents and champions the work of the health and wellbeing related voluntary and community sector in Derbyshire. It provides vital support to a diverse range of local charities and community groups, and connects people and resources to projects and ideas.

Derbyshire Voluntary Action’s vision is that communities across Derbyshire receive the support they need to be caring, cohesive, inspired and vibrant, with the aim of making the community and voluntary sector stronger.

Jacqui Willis, Chief Executive of Derbyshire Voluntary Action, says: “Our local community is the reason my team comes to work every day. We actively engage with and support our 320 plus members, which range from tiny volunteer-led self-help groups through to local and regional charities delivering projects to the benefit of large numbers of Derbyshire residents. Whatever their size, Derbyshire Voluntary Action’s membership has one key thing in common: it is dedicated to supporting the most vulnerable in our community by helping them to maintain and improve their health, wellbeing and personal circumstances.”

Why should local businesses care about the voluntary and community sector?

Thriving communities are those where residents look out for each other and where everyone has someone to turn to. People gain satisfaction from the pride they feel in the place they live and they feel able to positively influence decisions made about their area.

Derbyshire Voluntary Action looks forward to forging new relationships and partnerships with our fellow Chesterfield Champions. Thriving communities are not only great places to base a business and to employ staff – but it goes without saying that they are great places to connect with people too.

Destination Chesterfield Logo

Destination Chesterfield

Destination Chesterfield is responsible for developing a co-ordinated approach to marketing the town

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Chesterfield Market

Chesterfield Flea Market

Rummage through an eclectic mix at the popular Chesterfield Flea Market.

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Derbyshire Voluntary Action urges Chesterfield residents to step forward as community champions

Derbyshire Voluntary Action is urging people in Chesterfield to help their community to stay safe and protected from covid-19.

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