Chesterfield Champions

DLP Planning Ltd

DLP Planning Ltd is a national planning consultancy operating across Chesterfield from their offices in Sheffield and Nottingham.

DLP have provided planning advice within Chesterfield over a period in excess of 20 years and have a good working relationship with the Local Planning Authority. Their project experience spans a wide range of sectors including the residential, employment, education, leisure sectors and their knowledge can be applied to small and large projects. They have a passion for securing the delivery of development through the support they offer to clients, local project teams and through their proactive negotiation with stakeholders.

Clare Plant, Director at DLP Planning Ltd, said:

“DLP is a national consultancy of eight offices and we pride ourselves on applying knowledge and building relationships at a local level to guide our clients through the planning process. Our team has a wide range of experience across all sectors of the built environment and we also benefit from the advice of our transportation and surveying colleagues within the wider practice to ensure that the developments that we support are physically and commercially deliverable.

“Our experience in Chesterfield extends over 20 years and includes residential and commercial development schemes, bought forward through collaboration with the Local Planning Authority. Our input into the Local Plan process also enables us to shape the strategic growth of the town and to identify contacts and clients who we can encourage to deliver the ambitious objectives set out in the plan.

“We regularly work with other consultants and architects within Chesterfield to provide a flexible and responsive service for all sizes and type of client and we pride ourselves on introducing new investors to the potential of the town.”

Destination Chesterfield Logo

Destination Chesterfield

Destination Chesterfield is responsible for developing a co-ordinated approach to marketing the town

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Chesterfield Market

Chesterfield Flea Market

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Artist impression of the GAteway at Peak in Chesterfield


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