Chesterfield Champions

Greatest Hits Radio

Greatest Hits Radio is all about the music and the unique feeling that hearing a timeless song gives listeners.

They play a variety of songs listeners know and love, driven by their shared passion for The Greatest Hits of the 70s, 80s and 90s. They are all about classic songs that stand the test of time and sound as good today as they did the first time heard.

Household name presenters provide grown-up entertainment to the greatest soundtrack. They are fun, positive, passionate and down to earth, delivering content that connects with today and their adult audience, who now the kids are independent, have the time and money to live their best lives.

Greatest Hits Radio feels strongly about making a real difference to the lives of children and young people across South Yorkshire and North Derbyshire. Everything raised in the local area, stays in the local area, to help alleviate poverty, support disability and improve quality of life to enable all children to live life to the full and to achieve their individual potential.

They deliver quality news that matters. Whether it’s the latest breaking news, the biggest issues affecting people across the local area, the big wins from sporting heroes or the home-grown feel-good stories. Also, travel news including the latest on the trains and transport across the area to keep the public moving.

Destination Chesterfield Logo

Destination Chesterfield

Destination Chesterfield is responsible for developing a co-ordinated approach to marketing the town

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Chesterfield Market

Chesterfield Flea Market

Rummage through an eclectic mix at the popular Chesterfield Flea Market.

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Greatest Hits Radio launches Christmas Eve Jingle to spread Christmas cheer

Greatest Hits Radio is encouraging locals across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire to join the Christmas Eve Jingle and gather on their doorsteps to ring a bell at 6pm for two minutes on Christmas Eve.

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