Chesterfield Champions


Established in Sweden in 1871, Handelsbanken has an extensive network of branches in the UK, including the branch in Chesterfield, which opened 2012. With a strong focus on long-term customer relationships and high levels of personal service provided by local branches, Handelsbanken has been rated top for customer satisfaction in an independent annual survey of British Banks’ personal and business customers for the last twelve years. *

Handelsbanken believes that local branches are best placed to make decisions relating to their customers. The great majority of credit and other decisions are made locally, and never by credit scoring or a computer. Our customers benefit from dealing with people they know – in the Chesterfield team, seven experienced bankers, who all live in or around Chesterfield and therefore understand the local market. Customers have direct day-to-day access to the branch team with whom they often build a personal relationship.

Phil Walker, Branch Manager, commented: “With our truly local approach, Handelsbanken is able to offer a banking service which is closely aligned to the needs of the local market. Handelsbanken operates a successful branch in Chesterfield and is excited about the future plans for the town.”

“The town is in the process of reinventing itself and the Chesterfield Champions scheme is playing a key role in promoting the town as being a great place to visit and do business. Along with its excellent location, Chesterfield has exciting plans and developments, which will help make it an even more successful place in which to be based.”

* EPSI Rating, October 2020. For more information visit

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