Chesterfield Champions

Highlight Crafts workshops

Highlight Crafts

Highlight Crafts specialises in designing and creating products for crafts. These crafts include papercraft, fabric, mixed media, flower making, painting, digital crafting and more.

Founded in 2021, the business operates from Clay Cross, providing an online store for customers and offering the opportunity to purchase products via its TV shopping channel, Create & Craft.

Along with the retail side of the operation, the business runs the Highlight Crafts Academy, a purpose-built place for people who love to craft. The academy enables crafters to refine skills, meet like-minded people and have fun doing what they love, all while being taught by experts.

The Academy houses four classrooms, which can host up to 40 people at once. The rooms are fully wheelchair accessible and the in-house catering team can cater to all dietary needs. The Academy also runs 6 craft festivals a year. These are 10-day events which feature plenty of taster classes for people to try their hand at a new craft.

Additionally, the Academy is open every Thursday afternoon for a weekly craft club for anyone wanting to join in for a few hours.

Stephanie Weightman, Creative Director at Highlight Crafts commented:

“As a business, we love being based in the Chesterfield area. It offers a perfect location with excellent transport links to distribute our products, and you also can’t beat the community feel of North Derbyshire and its people.

“We are delighted to be a part of the community, doing our bit to bring people together and allowing them to be creative in a fun and relaxed environment.”

For more information, please visit or call 03300 889338.


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