Chesterfield Champions


LandIS specialises in the acquisition of land; specifically, contaminated, or previously developed brownfield or ‘greybelt’ land which has a requirement for ground remediation, waste management, or demolition.

Established in 2021, LandIS is a sister company to VertaseFLI and both companies operate from offices in Barlborough. LandIS seeks to acquire land nationwide however, working directly with housebuilders and commercial developers locally is perfect to enable ‘hands-on’ bespoke solutions.

LandIS specialises in brownfield land as we believe the scars of our landscape should be prioritised for development over green fields however, remediation of economically obsolete brownfield land typically has higher upfront capital costs, and many remediation techniques are invasive which can result in negative impact on the biodiversity value, reduced net developable area, and of course on the land value itself…

…this is where LandIS is able to add value to the landowners’ position in terms of reducing environmental liability and maximising the potential return on the land disposal! Acting unconditionally on land purchase, we are able to create joint ventures with councils, registered social housing providers, commercial and residential developers; to apply and secure planning consent, and enable full site remediation, to create shovel-ready platforms for build to commence!

Land Director’ Tracie Seals lives locally and works in the region, including 23 years public sector housing experience with Bolsover DC and Rotherham MBC; similar to many Chesterfield Champions, LandIS’ clients and contacts have grown with the business and the mutual support across the sector is vital and appreciated…everything starts with a conversation – feel free to get in touch today with Tracie to learn more:

Tracie Seals - LandIS
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