Chesterfield Champions


nineteen47 is a team of chartered town planners and urban designers, priding themselves on taking a modern approach to a traditional industry.  Founded in 2016, the team acts on behalf of a range of clients, from individual landowners and private customers to local, regional and national developers.  The planning team adopt an honest and proactive approach and has been instrumental in the delivery of a diverse range of projects across a broad variety of sectors, including in the Chesterfield area.

nineteen47’s planning team recognise that development cannot be delivered without a collaborative approach between the client, the project team and the key stakeholders. As such, the team seek to establish positive and open lines of communication from the outset.  This has been recognised by the Royal Town Planning Institute awarding the team national recognition in the planning consultancy of the year awards in 2024.

Associate Director, Sarah Wills is an active member of the Chesterfield Property and Construction Group steering committee. Her professional experience supports the collaborative public-private sector approach that the Group aim to take to support sustainable growth within Chesterfield.

Sarah comments

“Chesterfield is located in the core of our geographical operating area as a business.  We care about its future, we work in Chesterfield, live in Chesterfield and want to see it thrive.  As a team, we are enthused by the town’s palpable ambition to drive growth through strong public-private collaboration. All whilst retaining this localised caring ethos.  nineteen47 are rooted in similar principles. Having worked on several projects in Chesterfield and neighbouring areas, the team understand what the town is about and how to help Chesterfield and its partners into the future.’

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