Chesterfield Champions

The Clear Group

The Clear Group are an independent Chartered Insurance Broker formed in 1975. As well as insurance they also offer Risk Management, Environmental Services and HR solutions to companies of all sizes in a variety of sectors. They also provide Private Client insurance services for those individuals that require an enhanced level of service.

Their team of highly experienced, qualified, professionals are always on hand to provide support and guidance. The Clear Group are all about going the extra mile for their clients; they pride themselves on their knowledge, experience and exceptional customer service, care passionately about their clients’ businesses, taking the time to fully understand each individual risk. The Clear Group appreciate that certain sectors require specialist knowledge which is demonstrated through their Chartered Insurance Broker status. This title is only awarded to firms committed to developing and maintaining the knowledge and capability of their people so they can deliver the highest quality advice.

Claire Thompson, Account Executive, at The Clear Group said,

“Having lived in Chesterfield my whole life, I am passionate about the town and its local businesses which is why we are Chesterfield Champions. The Clear Group are proud to support many local businesses in the area and with all the new developments I think the town has a very bright future, which The Clear Group are keen to be part of. Being my hometown, I enjoy working with local people and helping to ensure the future of their business by ensuring they have the right protection in place should they need it.”

Claire ProActive
Destination Chesterfield Logo

Destination Chesterfield

Destination Chesterfield is responsible for developing a co-ordinated approach to marketing the town

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Chesterfield Market

Chesterfield Flea Market

Rummage through an eclectic mix at the popular Chesterfield Flea Market.

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Business Support

Business Support

Chesterfield is a great place to grow your business and there are a number of organisations that offer business support and advice on local tendering opportunities, skills and funding opportunities.

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