Chesterfield Champions

Pure Awards

Pure Awards offers professional award writing and content creation services in three core areas: Business Award Writing, Grant Writing, and Content Creation.  They are passionate about helping businesses achieve the best return on investment, save time, create differentiation, gain trust, increase awareness, and attract new business.

After 10 years working in events and fundraising, Lucinda White found her niche in writing successful award entries for her clients back in 2010. Realising how rewarding this was and the difference it was making to her clients, Lucinda pursued this specialist skill and began to market herself as ‘the awards lady’! Over the years Lucinda has worked with hundreds of different businesses seeking success through awards and fundraising and her expert writing skills have been an integral part of her their success and recognition.

Founder and director, Lucinda White comments

“With a 98% success rate, we are guaranteed to get your business into the finals.  It is important for us keep authenticity at the forefront of our minds when helping companies to craft compelling content that showcases their achievements.  It is our mission to help local businesses within Chesterfield get the recognition they deserve from their achievements through awards.  We are honoured to be part of the Chesterfield Champions and look forward to assisting the businesses within this thriving town grow and develop.”


Lucinda and Jenna - Pure Awards
Destination Chesterfield Logo

Destination Chesterfield

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Chesterfield Market

Chesterfield Flea Market

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Relatively Speaking


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