Chesterfield Champions

Roy Peters Estates

Founded in 1976, Roy Peters Estates are a single office private practice of specialist Property Managers based in Chesterfield, covering South Yorkshire and North Derbyshire. Roy Peters offer Commercial and Residential expertise to a wide client base both in the UK and Overseas.

Roy Peters Estates have always been based in Chesterfield and have been Chesterfield Champions from the outset. They have always tried to Champion Chesterfield and appreciate the Town and its residents. The Champions Scheme and the Construction Forum are very important to Roy Peters and gives them a valuable insight to ongoing and future development projects. Roy Peters see Chesterfield as an excellent location for their business and as a place for colleagues to live work and play.

Roy Peters have had many years of experience in the local market and are seen as experts in residential letting and management along with their commercial practice, developments and Block Management.

Director Richard Sherwood said “Chesterfield has a forward thinking and business focused Local Authority and a vision for success in an ever-changing business environment. We at Roy Peters Estates recognise this and want to remain part of our town’s success”.

Roy Peters are keen to speak to potential clients about what sets them apart from other businesses and would be delighted to speak to you.

Destination Chesterfield Logo

Destination Chesterfield

Destination Chesterfield is responsible for developing a co-ordinated approach to marketing the town

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Chesterfield Market

Chesterfield Flea Market

Rummage through an eclectic mix at the popular Chesterfield Flea Market.

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Artist impression of the GAteway at Peak in Chesterfield


Rising from our industrial past is a contemporary destination with a great history and a superb future.

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