Chesterfield Champions

SEO CoPilot

Based in the heart of Chesterfield, SEO CoPilot delivers bespoke Search Engine Optimisation, Web Design and Social Media campaigns to help businesses increase traffic to their website and boost the amount of sales and enquiries they receive. The company works closely with all clients and provides a very high standard of work and customer service.

Business Owner Guy Tomlinson is proud to be based in Chesterfield:-

“I chose Chesterfield as the place to base my business mainly because of the atmosphere and the potential the area has. There are hundreds of businesses both on the high street and on local industrial estates, as well as smaller home setups. All of which can benefit from search engine optimisation, social media marketing, web design/development and pay per click internet marketing.”

“I’ve always been very focused on helping local businesses grow their online presence and became a Chesterfield Champion to make sure companies in the area know there is someone locally who can help with their Internet marketing. SEO CoPilot can manage these services so that they run on auto pilot, helping businesses to achieve everything that’s expected from them online these days and freeing up time for them to expand and grow.”


SEO CoPilot
Destination Chesterfield Logo

Destination Chesterfield

Destination Chesterfield is responsible for developing a co-ordinated approach to marketing the town

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Chesterfield Market

Chesterfield Flea Market

Rummage through an eclectic mix at the popular Chesterfield Flea Market.

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Guy Tomlinson SEO CoPilot

SEO CoPilot Shares More Industry Knowledge with Chesterfield College Students

Students at Chesterfield College received more expert advice from SEO CoPilot.

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