Chesterfield Champions

The Wilkinson VA

The Wilkinson VA helps businesses to thrive by supporting them through marketing, social media, sales processes, planning and day-to-day admin.

Established by Chesterfield-based virtual assistant Charlotte Wilkinson, its team of specialists works with businesses both locally and across the UK.

Charlotte launched The Wilkinson VA in 2021 after gaining valuable experience in commercial, conservation and charity sectors.
Her career has included roles with the National Trust’s ranger and project teams, where she honed her skills in strategic planning; management of teams, budgets and events; marketing and social media engagement.

She has also served as executive secretary at Ashgate Hospice, supporting the chief executive, board of trustees and leadership team.
Originally from Manchester, Charlotte moved to Chesterfield six years ago – and has never looked back. She says:

“Chesterfield has a great feeling of community – I very quickly felt at home here.

“It’s an exciting place to be in business. Chesterfield has a very diverse and supportive business community and I’m very proud to be a part of it.”

She relishes the opportunity to help clients develop and grow their business.

“I understand the challenges owners face as they grapple with the many demands on their time – especially as their business grows,” adds Charlotte. “At the Wilkinson VA, we’re pro-active in finding out how we can help, working with clients to identify where they need support – freeing up their time to devote to running their business.”

Charlotte Wilkinson, founder of Wilkinson VA
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