Chesterfield Champions

3 business men in front of a sign that reads 'tudor group' represnting tudor business solutions

Tudor Commercial Finance Ltd

The Tudor Group, and Tudor Commercial Finance Ltd, is a family-run business, established in 1989 by Mark Tudor. The business uses its long and extensive experience to find the right funding solutions for individuals and businesses; anything from buying a dream home, to funding investment, cash flow or growth in a business. It also helps its clients make safe financial decisions about their savings, investment and retirement.

Phil Walker recently joined Tudor Commercial Finance Ltd after a banking career of over 35 years in Chesterfield and the surrounding area. Phil commented

“The task for businesses in finding the right funding or finance solution can be such an arduous one nowadays, with so many funders seemingly unknown or out of reach locally. We provide a local relationship service, akin to the traditional bank manager approach, with access to the full range of funders available, so that the right solution can be provided for every situation.”

“Having always lived in Chesterfield, I am passionate about the town, its people and its great entrepreneurs and businesses. The way that businesses in the town work together and interact with each other is fairly unique, and helps Chesterfield prosper and attract further business to the town.

“I have been involved in the Chesterfield Champions initiative since its inception nearly 15 years ago. So I am delighted that Tudor Commercial Finance has become a new Champion, as we look to support the town’s future growth and prosperity in the exciting years ahead.”

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Destination Chesterfield

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Chesterfield Flea Market

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Business Support

Business Support

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