UK Asbestos Training Association (UKATA)
Based at the Markham Vale Environment Centre, UKATA is a leading association dedicated to improving the quality and standards of asbestos training. Its ultimate goal is to protect workers and the public from the risks associated with asbestos exposure. The association has over 200 members and industry associates globally. A small but dedicated team operates from the UKATA headquarters.
The location of the head office at Markham Vale provides direct links to the M1 via J29a and easy access to the train station for any business travel arrangements.
UKATA is proud to help Destination Chesterfield promote the town and develop the local economy. Chief Operating Officer, Craig Evans said:-
“Business in Chesterfield must be vocal in promoting what this region has to offer and as such, UKATA is proud to be part of Chesterfield Champions.”
“Many organisations, UKATA included, have made Chesterfield their home for good reason. This is a great region for business and this message is one we can endorse strongly. Many local companies work together for mutual benefit. This is another advantage Chesterfield can offer those thinking of relocating here.”
Recruitment and training opportunities
Everyone in the office team is a Chesterfield resident. So, it made perfect sense for the firm to become a Chesterfield Champion. Working with Destination Chesterfield, UKATA can engage with like-minded organisations in the Chesterfield business community, and do its bit to support local people.
The team has been offered diverse training courses in association with Destination Chesterfield and the feedback received has been excellent.
The firm also offers work experience placements and internships to local students across Derbyshire. To be involved with up-and-coming projects and new initiatives in Chesterfield is something UKATA continues to support. UKATA is also a member of East Midlands Chamber and actively supports the apprenticeship scheme.
Raising awareness
UKATA is keen to raise awareness about the dangers of working with asbestos. It shares the message locally, nationally and globally. Being a Chesterfield Champion allows the team to spread this message to more people and move closer to achieving its goal.
Charities and Sponsorship
UKATA supports the national charity, Mesothelioma UK. It exists to support people with mesothelioma to live better and longer and to prevent mesothelioma from happening to future generations. They do this by advocating for better treatment and care, enhancing quality of life, supporting research and amplifying the patient’s voice.