Chesterfield Champions

The Work-wise Foundation

The Work-wise Foundation is a registered charity set up and steered by employers to address growing concerns around sector recruitment shortages, skills gaps and the lack of job ready, employable young people.

With a key focus on careers in engineering, manufacturing and technology The Work-wise Foundation has now extended its reach and strategy to address employability skills in general amongst young people within Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Driven by employers The Work-wise Foundation resides between business and education developing and delivering practical solutions to address current and future industry needs.

Helping young people to put themselves at the front of the queue. Building confidence, knowledge and skills to prepare them for the world of work and introduce them to the opportunities available.

Helping employers to attract, develop and retain young talent. Connecting employers to young people, supporting recruitment and providing opportunities for the current workforce to enhance their knowledge and experience.

Helping educators by linking them with employers and practically preparing students for employment and adult life.

They provide an array of hands on experiential opportunities which help employers support young people readying them for the world of work.

John Barber, CEO and co-founder of The Work-wise Foundation explains: “Strong economies and successful businesses need a talent pipeline of young people and a skilled workforce to succeed, something Chesterfield and North Derbyshire recognises. The Work-wise Foundation are proud to play our part in helping develop the talent and skills of our young people to achieve this ambition”.

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