Ashgate hospice

Chesterfield residents and businesses continue strong support for the local community

People and businesses in Chesterfield are continuing to support various initiatives and events, aimed at bringing our community together and supporting local charities.

The town’s network of Chesterfield Champions are helping to support the town through fundraising, sponsorship, and even helping to put smiles on faces to their customers.

Find out below about some of the latest activity from across our community.

Rosewood Wealth Management supports local artists by sponsoring the Chesterfield Postcard Show

Landscape - rosewood junction arts

Chesterfield’s Rosewood Wealth Management is joining forces with Junction Arts this spring to help it stage an exhibition of mini masterpieces that will raise money for the local arts charity.

The Brimington Road financial advice firm is sponsoring The Chesterfield Postcard Show 2023, an annual event that gives local people, communities and up and coming artists the opportunity to showcase their work at an exhibition in West Studios.

Last year 70 artists took part, and 131 postcard-size pieces were exhibited.  The exhibition celebrates the importance of getting creative and its impact on people’s self-esteem and well-being.  The event is organised by Junction Arts and local artist Dave Elsom and the theme for 2023 is Wish You Were Here.  They are inviting people locally, from across the UK, and Internationally to create their own postcard piece of art and submit it by the 20th of April 2023.

Rosewood Wealth Management was founded in 2019 by Directors Shannan Pool-Gorman and Donna Robertson, it has since grown to become one of North Derbyshire’s most respected financial advice firms.  They offer services including mortgages, equity release, pensions, investments, and insurance.

Shannan Pool-Gorman, Director at the firm said: “At Rosewood we believe that it is important to give back to the Chesterfield community in which we operate.  Junction Arts has a fantastic track record of bringing communities together and empowering them through the arts.  This event is brilliant because its easily accessible to people of all ages and abilities, all you need is a piece of A6 card! We’re delighted to be supporting The Chesterfield Postcard Show and I hope that it’s the first of many Junction Arts initiatives that we’re involved in.”

Hannah Bowdler, Fundraising Coordinator at Junction Arts said: “We’d like to say a huge thank you to Shannan and the team at Rosewood Wealth Management for supporting this year’s show.  Their sponsorship will allow us to raise more money at this year’s event and help us to engage more local people in the arts. I’m delighted to be working with this fantastic local business that puts community at the heart of what they do.”

The deadline for entries is the 20th April 2023.  The exhibition will run from the 9th to the 19th May 2023 at West Studios. Further information about the exhibition and how to get involved can be found here:

Incredible donation for Ashgate Hospice from football fundraisers

Ashgate Referees donation

Two stalwart Sunday football league referees who have been donating their match fees to Ashgate Hospice were invited to Chesterfield FC where they handed over their donation pitch side.

Chris Roberts and Bruce Baskerville, from Chesterfield, have refereed thousands of semi-pro and non-league matches between them and decided to start donating a percentage of the fees they receive for officiating games.

The duo, both aged 64, have now raised more than £4,100 for the North Derbyshire hospice in just over 12 months.

Word of their kind-heartedness soon caught the attention of the local football fraternity and teams started voluntarily adding a donation of £5 or £10 as a gesture from their club.

They were invited to the Spireites’ match at home to Notts County on 11 February where they presented the money raised to Ashgate’s Community Fundraiser, Lynn Jones.

“We have made a commitment to ourselves that we won’t ask for any donations – that’s our mantra,” said Chris.

“We have been overwhelmed by the way our little story has caught the attention of the local football community, our friends and family.

“To begin, we just made a comment on our Facebook pages to highlight that we had raised another few pounds for the hospice and in just a matter of weeks people were offering us donations.

“We also noticed that when we arrived to do our matches some teams would voluntarily add a further £5 or £10 to our fee as a gesture from their club.”

Chris and Bruce wanted to help the hospice as they believe everyone in Chesterfield has an “affinity” with the hospice after being touched by its “amazing” care.

Bruce says they also want to improve the reputation of referees as well as the relationship they have with clubs, coaches, players and supporters.

“Last season I refereed a first division game in the Chesterfield Sunday League and sent the home team’s best player off,” he said.

“After the game they asked me to come into the home dressing room. I was expecting an earful and thought they’d end up throwing the match fee on the floor.

“They ended up paying me the £30 for reffing the game and then matching my fee for a donation to Ashgate.”

The money will help Ashgate Hospice care for families at its Inpatient Unit in Old Brampton, Chesterfield, as well as in their own homes across North Derbyshire.

Ashgate’s Lynn Jones, said: “We’re so grateful for the support of Chris and Bruce and everyone else in the local football community that’s supported their fundraiser.

“It’s so inspiring to hear how they’ve managed to turn a hobby of theirs into something that’s going to help families who need our vital support across North Derbyshire.

“I’m looking forward to following their fundraising venture over the coming season!”

Rose Cottage Doggy Day Care puts a smile on the faces of ‘Pup Parents’ for Mothers Day

rose cottage dogy day care

Chesterfield’s Rose Cottage Doggy Day Care helped to put smiles on the faces of customers recently, by giving Mothers Day cards and cupcakes to the centre’s ‘Pup Parents.’

Dawn Brown, Founder of Rose Cottage explained: “Being a mum is a special privilege – we don’t all have human babies, some have fur babies!

“No matter what type of mum you are we appreciate you and we made Mother’s Day cards to make our mums smile and show our appreciation.”

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Brand new Tractor Fest event coming to Chesterfield

Around 100 tractors will be on display at a new family-friendly festival coming to Chesterfield this Spring.

Tractor Fest is being organised in support of Ashgate Hospice and is set to take place at the Storforth Lane Industrial Estate in Hasland on 26th March.

From vintage vehicles to modern machinery – there will be a huge collection of tractors on display as well as fun activities, including mini tractor driving, colouring, arts and crafts and more.

The event, which is being held by Harold Lilleker & Sons Ltd in support of the hospice, costs £3 for adults and is free for children under the age of 11.

Jack Wood, Head of Fundraising at Ashgate Hospice, said: “We are delighted to be bringing Tractor Fest to Chesterfield this March in conjunction with Harold Lilleker & Sons.

“We’re so excited about this event as it promises to be a super fun day out for family and friends across North Derbyshire and beyond. Whether you’re a self-confessed petrol head or just looking for a day out with the family, there’ll be plenty on offer to keep you covered.

“The event will be taking place at our retail and fundraising headquarters in Hasland; so once you’ve finished browsing the engines on display, you can pop into our furniture store and clearance shop for a spot of shopping or stop by Ashgate Coffee Co for a cuppa and a bite to eat!”

All proceeds from Tractor Fest will help fund vital care for patients and families who need the care of the hospice.

The charity must raise £8 million each year so it can continue providing palliative and end of life care to people across North Derbyshire.

Pre-purchased tickets are not needed for the event and the entry fee can be paid on the gate.

The event will be taking place between 10am and 3pm. Its location can be found by searching S41 0QD into a satnav.

Any owners of a tractor or other farming vehicles who would like to showcase their vehicles is invited to contact the hospice directly to arrange this.

To find out more about Ashgate Hospice’s Tractor Fest head to the charity’s website at

Alternatively, supporters can contact the hospice’s fundraising team on or by calling 01246 567250.

Ashgate Hospice supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

tractor fest 2

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Record-breaking total raised by BRM Solicitors for ‘Free Wills Month’

Clients of BRM Solicitors have raised thousands of pounds as part of a free wills month service supporting Ashgate Hospice.

The event broke BRM’s will month fundraising record by raising more than £23,000 in a single month, which will fund care for palliative and end-of-life patients.

During the free wills month local people were encouraged to make a will. Instead of paying a fee to BRM, they were asked to consider making a voluntary donation to the hospice.

During Make a Will Month, which took place in April, a total of 175 people made their will with BRM while making a suggested donation of £75 for a single will or £150 for a mirror will for a couple.

Jack Wood, Head of Fundraising at Ashgate Hospice said: “We are incredibly grateful to BRM Solicitors for choosing Ashgate Hospice to benefit from its Make a Will Month campaign.

“To have raised a record-breaking amount of donations is just incredible and it will go such a long way towards helping the families who need us most.

We must also thank the unbelievable generosity of the customers who decided to make their will in return for a donation towards the funding of our care.

Everyone at the hospice is overwhelmed by the support and thanks must also go to the wonderful staff at BRM for making this happen. We’re looking forward to working with BRM again next year!”

The total amount raised by BRM Solicitors was £23,495, which is the largest amount the firm has raised for any charity in a single month.

The donation could help pay for one of the hospice’s community workers to make almost 500 visits to a patient in their own home.

Rob Woodhead, Head of Wills and Probate at BRM Solicitors, said: “We are delighted to be teaming up with Ashgate Hospice again this year to raise funds for a charity that plays such a key role in the Chesterfield and North Derbyshire community. We hope to build on this year’s success and raise even more money for the hospice in 2023.”

Ashgate Hospice must raise £8 million over and above NHS funding to fund its services for patients in their own homes and at its site in Old Brampton.

Meanwhile, one in five people is cared for thanks to money left in wills, but as the number of people with life-limiting illnesses increases, demand for the services continues to grow.

Find out more about how you can leave Ashgate Hospice a gift in your will here:

BRM Solicitors and Ashgate Hospice support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

BRM Ashgate free wills month


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Ashgate Hospice invites nurses for on-the-spot interviews in unique recruitment day

Nurses are being encouraged to attend a recruitment open day where they can have an on-the-spot interview for their next role without applying in advance. 

Chesterfield’s Ashgate Hospice is inviting nurses to learn more about working in end-of-life and palliative care at the recruitment day on 17th January.  

The charity is running the free-to-attend session at its site in Old Brampton from 1pm to 4pm.  

As well as interviewing for a permanent nursing position, there is also the opportunity to join the hospice as part of our flexible bank workforce. 

Registered Nurse, Kelly Bartram, who joined Ashgate Hospice as an Inpatient Unit nurse in 2021, says working for the hospice “fills her with an overwhelming sense of achievement”.   

She said: “I had come to a bit of a standstill with my career and was ready for a change and a new challenge, when the job at Ashgate came up I just knew I needed to apply. I really felt as though this could be my niche.   

“From bed baths and toileting to painting nails, applying makeup, and even getting patients a glass of their favourite tipple, we endeavour to ensure families know that nothing is too much trouble.  

“Knowing we so often manage to achieve comfort and peace at the end of life for our patients, their families and people close to them fills me with an overwhelming sense of achievement. 

“I feel like everyone at Ashgate really cares. I am well supported emotionally, and I am believed in and encouraged to keep being the best version of myself.”  

On the day, attendees will get the opportunity to speak to current nurses, the HR team and clinical leads to find out about what a career at Ashgate is like. They will also receive a tour of the hospice. 

It comes as healthcare providers across the UK continue to struggle with a nationwide shortage of nurses. 

Matt Corbishley, Director of People and Performance at Ashgate Hospice, added: “We are looking for nurses to join our award-winning Inpatient Unit team to help deliver our outstanding palliative and end of life care.  

“As part of a multi-disciplinary team, our nurses support patients and their families with complex symptom management and specialist treatments.  

“No two days are the same, but every day is rewarding at Ashgate; we hope you’ll come along to our open day to find out more!” 

Anyone interested in attending must register their interest by ordering an e-ticket for the event in advance. Go to Ashgate Hospice’s website to find out more.

Ashgate Hospice supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Ashgate Hospice nurses

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Chesterfield businesses share more festive joy with support for the local community

Businesses across Chesterfield have shared more festive joy in the run-up to Christmas.

From fabulous charity efforts to hosting a Santa’s grotto for our four-legged friends, here’s a taste of what our business community has been up to this December.

Find out more about some of the great festive initiatives carried out by our network of Chesterfield Champions here.

Banner Jones Solicitors donates to local foodbank

The staff at Chesterfield law firm Banner Jones have come together to collect their largest ever donation for the local foodbank, Gussie’s Kitchen – including toys, toiletries and tasty treats.

Set up in April 2016 and based in St Augustine’s Church in Chesterfield, Gussie’s aims to provide a friendly social space for communities to come together, meet new people and enjoy a tasty, low cost meal made using surplus food distributed by FareShare.

Due to demand within the community Gussie’s have expanded their services to now also act as a foodbank as well as offering seasonal clothing.

The supplies donated by Banner Jones will be handed out to members of the local community using the service this Christmas.

Ann-Marie Lowe, Banner Jones’ marketing manager, said: “Christmas is a wonderful time to get together and spend quality time with families and friends, but for many people it can be an extremely difficult time of year. Especially for those who are struggling financially.

“We are delighted to have collected so many items, and to have been able to support those who are less fortunate this festive season. We hope the gifts go some way to putting a smile on someone’s face this Christmas.”

Redbrik continues to support community with charitable donations 

The Redbrik Foundation has recently donated over £3500 to organisations across Sheffield and Chesterfield.

Established in 2020, the Foundation supports several charitable organisations each year, primarily seeking to enhance the lives of children and young people, the elderly or vulnerable and those with disabilities.

The latest funds were presented to three organisations; Ashgate Hospice received a donation of £1368, £1000 was donated to The Sheffield Children’s Hospital snowflake appeal and the Foundation granted £1500 to Whirlow Hall Farm.

Funds raised by Redbrik colleagues at the Redbrik Foundation Chesterfield 10k in October were donated exclusively to Ashgate Hospice in memory of colleague Kirstie Snape, as per the wishes of Kirstie’s family. In March 2021, Kirstie was sadly diagnosed with cancer, and after a brave fight with many highs and lows, she passed away in September this year.

The Sheffield Children’s Hospital snowflake appeal will contribute to building a helipad at the hospital to save vital minutes when every second counts for patients. Whirlow Hall Farm’s grant will provide alternative education programmes for vulnerable children and young people who cannot attend mainstream education due to a variety of medical needs, mental health issues and learning disabilities.

David Cooper, Redbrik Director and Trustee of the Redbrik Foundation, said: “We are delighted to provide support to all three incredible local charities, and we know first-hand the difference these donations will make in helping the organisations continue their work for the local community.

I am proud of each and every one of our Redbrik team who took part in the 10k to raise money for Ashgate Hospice in Kirstie’s memory, and I commend their dedication to fundraising during such a difficult time.”

The Redbrik Foundation has more to offer and would love to help fund more local charities. If your charity is interested in support from The Redbrik Foundation, contact David Cooper by email on

Vicar Lane Takes part in ‘Let’s Can Hunger’ campaign

vicar lane xmas

To support Chesterfield Foodbank, Vicar Lane took part in a LET’S CAN HUNGER campaign to collect donations of essential supplies, for families and those most in need within the community this Christmas.

Having already run two very successful collections this year for the people of Ukraine, this was another opportunity for the local people of Chesterfield to give what they can, to support a charity that relies heavily on what they receive by the community.

Brandon Howard, Centre Administrator, Vicar Lane said, “We are always blown away by the generosity of our local community, so we anticipate this to be a successful collection to support the work that Chesterfield Foodbank do.”

Paperclip supports Christmas lunch for the disadvantaged

Christmas Day Lunch for the disadvantaged

Paperclip  is supporting a Christmas Day lunch for local people in need of a hot meal, some company, or assistance with mental health or substance abuse.

The businesses is helping out by providing and servicing the telephone hotline, and by volunteering on the day.

To find out more about the Christmas Day lunch event, go to:

Rose Cottage Doggy Day Care hosts Santa’s Grotto for dogs

Rossi the boxer Rose Cottage Christmas

It would be unfair to leave our precious pooches out of the festive celebrations, wouldn’t it?!

Local Doggy Day Care business, Rose Cottage have ensured dog owners can get their pets into the spirit by hosting a Santa’s Grotto, between 12th-16th December.

Aptly named, SantaPAWS enabled owners to compete for the prize of ‘best dressed’ dog. Rossi the boxer dog (pictured) came out on top with his cute reindeer antlers and Christmas jumper!

Rossi and his owner took home a hamper box worth £50 in dog treats.. Someone is going to have a very merry Christmas indeed!

Banner Jones Solicitors, Redbrik, Rose Cottage, Vicar Lane and Paperclip support the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.



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Ashgate Hospice’s Light Up a Life service sees hundreds take part to raise thousands for the charity

Hundreds of families celebrated their loved ones at a poignant sell-out lantern-lit procession and remembrance ceremony – raising more than £20,000 for Ashgate Hospice.

The hospice’s new-look Light Up a Life event saw more than 450 people attend to help fund end of life care in North Derbyshire.

Around 350 supporters joined the 1.2-mile procession as they lit up the streets of Chesterfield with special lanterns personalised in tribute to their family and friends.

It brought walkers to the hospice’s site at Old Brampton, where they were then joined by more supporters who attended just the ceremony.

Families from across the region and beyond came together to remember, celebrate and pay tribute to their loved ones who are no longer with us.

Their support has helped raise more than £20,000 so far, with donations still coming in. This money will go a long way towards helping to fund vital care for patients and their families.

Jack Wood, Head of Fundraising at Ashgate Hospice, said: “Thank you to each and every one of our supporters who braved a chilly December evening to come and join us at our Light Up a Life event.

“December can be an incredibly difficult time of year for many, so we felt it was important to give our community a chance to come together to remember our loved ones.

“This was the first time we were able to hold our Light Up a Life ceremony in person since the pandemic and we are delighted with how the new-look event went – I hope everyone that came along did too!

“From those who walked with us along the procession to our supporters who joined us for the ceremony at the hospice – we’re so grateful for your support and I hope it brings you some comfort at such an emotional time of year.”

The unique remembrance service, which took place on Sunday 4th December, was led by local celebrant Jonathan Reeve and featured gentle live music from local singer Ariarna Joy in the beautifully lit gardens.

Anyone who would still like to remember their loved ones from home whilst supporting the hospice’s Light Up a Life appeal can donate and receive a special lantern which can be personalised with a photo of their loved one and a special message. They will also be sent an electric light to place inside their lantern.

Ashgate Hospice supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Light up a Life Ashgate Hospice

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Families, schools and businesses invited to ‘Go Pink’ for Ashgate Hospice this October

Ashgate Hospice is inviting the North Derbyshire community to turn pink in October to help fund and raise awareness of its care.

The hospice will host its first Go Pink for Ashgate week fundraiser between 10th and 16th October.

Families, schools and organisations are encouraged to organise their own pink themed fundraising event or initiative and help the charity raise much-needed funds so it can continue to support patients and their loved ones.

Rachel Broughton, Community Fundraiser at Ashgate Hospice, said: “Our Go Pink for Ashgate week is finally here and we’re inviting people, schools and organisations across North Derbyshire to join us!

“Can you wear something pink or hold a pink themed event and show your support in return for a donation to the hospice?

“Why not dress as a pink flamingo or wear pink bunny ears to work – do whatever you wish!

“Please reach out to us if you’d be interested in being involved; your support will fund the £8 million needed to provide our care each year.”

Go Pink for Ashgate Week will coincide with Hospice Care Week, which is spearheaded by national charity Hospice UK.

Supporters taking part will help provide care for families like Dale Pashley’s, after his dad, Gordon Pashley, died last year, three days before Christmas.

Gordon, from Creswell, was just 69 years old and had been diagnosed with a rectal tumour.

He received symptom management at the hospice’s Inpatient Unit before being cared for by the Palliative Care Specialist Nurses at his home, where he died in “peace and comfort” with family by his side.

Dale, an Assistant Nurse Practitioner for the NHS, is so “grateful” his family received the support of Ashgate.

The 37-year-old, from Shirebrook, added: “The care my dad and our family received from Ashgate Hospice was just outstanding.

“All the staff always went above and beyond and showed us so much care, compassion, commitment and courtesy to us all during a very difficult time.

“Ashgate is a comfortable relaxing environment for the patient, and nothing was ever too much trouble.

“Dad’s wish was to stay at home with my mum Elizabeth and the rest of our family; with the support of the hospice, we were able to fulfil his wish.”

Among the hospice’s supporters already on board include Chesterfield clothing shop Blanc & Blanc Occasions, which will be dressing their windows in pink to celebrate.

On Friday 14th October from 10am, they will be holding ‘Pink Fizz Friday’, offering up to 70% off selected lines with refreshments, including Pink Fizz, available for a donation to Ashgate Hospice.

Join in with the fun by using #GoPinkForAshgate on social media.

To find out more about how you join in with the Go Pink for Ashgate week celebrations go to

Ashgate Hospice supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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New LGBT+ rainbow crossing unveiled at Ashgate Hospice

A zebra crossing at Ashgate Hospice has undergone a colourful transformation to celebrate diversity and show support for the LGBT+ community.

The North Derbyshire charity painted the vibrant new rainbow pedestrian crossing outside its Inpatient Unit in Old Brampton, Chesterfield.

It is just one of a handful of ways the hospice has been demonstrating its support and allyship for patients, staff, volunteers and supporters from the LGBT+ community.

Ashgate also had a stall at Chesterfield Pride on 24 July and are working with Derbyshire LGBT+ to deliver inclusion and awareness sessions to their workforce, as well as decorating its site and shops in rainbow colours.

It comes after the charity recently appointed an Equality Diversity and Inclusion Lead, Liz Allam, who works across the organisation to ensure the hospice and its care is inclusive and accessible for everyone.

She said: “The new crossing will remind everyone who visits us about our support for the LGBT+ inclusion, and our overall commitment towards equality, diversity and inclusion. It is a symbol of our dedication to be open to everyone who needs us.

“Everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect and have access to high-quality palliative and end of life care in a safe and inclusive environment.

“We know from research that people from the LGBT+ community are under-served by hospices and may well be under-represented in our staff and volunteers.

“It is important that everyone in our community knows that Ashgate Hospice is an open and inclusive organisation where they will be warmly welcomed.”

Ashgate Hospice invited John Yates-Harold from Derbyshire LGBT+, Councillor Ed Fordham and Councillor Martin Thacker MBE as well as staff and volunteers to officially unveil the new crossing on 21st July.

At the unveiling of the crossing John Yates-Harold, said:

“It means so much to arrive somewhere and see the rainbow, it means I can come here and know that I am welcome. From the flags adorned in the reception, to this vibrant and visual crossing, it shows that I can come here and be myself.”

Local businesses Trustseal Ltd and Geveko Markings supported the hospice through the installation and donation of materials to create the crossing.

The work was carried out free-of-charge saving the hospice more than £3,000, which can be redirected to fund patient care.

Liz added: “We are delighted to have been joining in with the Pride celebrations this year and we’re particularly looking forward to being back at Chesterfield Pride this weekend – please make sure you come and say hello!

“Ashgate has a hugely committed and compassionate workforce and by welcoming staff and volunteers with diverse backgrounds we will enhance and strengthen the organisation further.

“We all work incredibly hard to be welcoming and open at Ashgate, but we know that more can be done.

“We must understand the barriers that some groups may face in accessing us and then work to address those across the organisation.”

Find out more about Ashgate Hospice’s equality, diversity and inclusion commitments here:

Ashgate Hospice supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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Streets of Chesterfield lit up for Ashgate Hospice’s Sparkle Night Walk

Thousands of fundraisers lit up the streets of Chesterfield at Ashgate Hospice’s annual Sparkle Night Walk, sponsored by Vertu Toyota over the weekend.

Donning flashing bunny ears and pink outfits, more than 2,000 people stepped out for the return of the hospice’s biggest fundraiser on Saturday 9th July.

The 10k walk is expected to raise over £200,000 to help fund the end of life care and support the charity provides across North Derbyshire.

The event began and finished at Chesterfield Football Club’s Technique Stadium, with walkers setting off at 10pm and live entertainment starting the party at 7.30pm.

Amongst those taking part was Mick Winfield, 67, from Chesterfield who was walking in memory of his brother, John who died in the care of the hospice at just 39 years old.

Mick said: “This is my third time taking part in Sparkle Night Walk and I keep coming back to support the hospice because of the excellent care they gave my brother. Everything they did was perfect, and I just want to give something back for what they did for my brother and my family.”

Another person walking was 57-year-old Julie Lodge and her friend Jane Fox, both from Chesterfield. Julie was walking in memory of her mum, dad and friend Frank who had died just a few weeks earlier.

Julie said: “Ashgate Hospice has been there to support me and my family several times. They were there to care for my dad when he was living with lung cancer, and they were there again when my mum was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

“Most recently my friend Frank was cared for on their Inpatient Unit and again the care was phenomenal. I am lucky that I am fit and healthy and I just want to be able to give something back to those who are less fortunate than me.”

Jack Wood, Head of Fundraising at Ashgate Hospice, said: “From everyone at Ashgate, thank you to every person who turned out to take part in our Sparkle Night Walk and made it such a success.

“It’s incredible to see so many people coming together and we were amazed to see over 2,000 people sparkling for their community!

“We know that many people taking part are doing so in memory of their loved ones, many of whom were supported by Ashgate. That shared experience adds to the sense of community and creates a wonderful atmosphere, where people support one another.

“I would also like to praise everyone behind the scenes, including an army of incredible volunteers across the entire route and our generous sponsors for covering so many of our costs.

“Without them, we simply wouldn’t be able to organise such a large and exciting event for the people of North Derbyshire.”

Super early bird registration for next year’s event has opened, with the walk set to take place on Saturday 1st July 2023.

To find out more about next years Sparkle Night Walk and to register for the early bird price of £7 go to:

Ashgate Hospice supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Image taken by Darren Worthy

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ProAktive Insurance launches fundraising appeal for Ashgate Hospice

A local insurance company is raising funds and awareness for Ashgate Hospice, to help the local charity to continue providing vital palliative care to people in our area.

Senior Account Handler at ProAktive Insurance, Claire Thompson has launched the campaign to show her gratitude to the staff currently providing care for her father at the hospice.

To help with her fundraising efforts, Claire and the rest of the ProAktive team will be taking on the ‘Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge’ on Sunday, 21st August 2022. The team is aiming to complete the 25-mile trek in under 12 hours.

The company is looking to raise at least £1,000 for the charity, with more than half of that total raised already on their JustGiving page.

Claire commented: “I have chosen to support Ashgate Hospice as this charity is very close to my heart, I have promised my Dad, Steve Waddoups that I will raise money for them to say thank you for the amazing palliative care that they are providing for him, and for the support they are providing for my family and families like ours throughout Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

“I will be forever grateful for the care and support of every single one of the nurses, doctors and volunteers allowing my Dad to live out his final weeks in a safe, comfortable caring environment, helping him to keep his dignity and for nothing ever being too much trouble.

“As a business I feel it is vital to support the community and local people here in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire, without the support charities like Ashgate Hospice may not exist.”

To find out more about the fundraising challenge and to donate, go to:

ProAktive Insurance supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Claire Thompson, of ProAktive Insurance with family

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Display of thousands of remembrance flowers set to open at popular country house

Ashgate Hospice is inviting people to remember their loved ones by visiting a spectacular and poignant display featuring thousands of forget-me-not flowers at a North Derbyshire country house this month.

The hospice launched its new Forget-Me-Not Appeal, sponsored by Graysons Solicitors, in May as a special way for supporters to celebrate, mourn and remember loved ones.

Hundreds have donated to receive a flower in memory of someone special, each flower measures 45cm in length and is lovingly crafted by the British Ironwork Centre.  Anyone who would like to dedicate a flower to their loved one can do so by making a suggested donation of £25.

The striking pink flowers will form a display within the picturesque grounds of Grade I-listed Renishaw Hall and Gardens, near Eckington.

Supporters can visit the display for free from Wednesday 15th June to Sunday 19th June and between Wednesday 22nd June and Sunday 26th June.

Amongst those remembering someone special is Karen Esposito who has dedicated a flower  in memory of her dad, Tony Jackson, who was cared for by the hospice at the end of his life.

“Dad was a true force of nature. A man who stood for his community and his family, who didn’t understand the words ‘it’s not possible’.

“He met my mum, Elaine, at a party in the 60s, as teenagers. Dad thought she looked just like Audrey Hepburn, and mum said that he was the most handsome man she had ever seen.

“It was the beginning of a lifelong love; they celebrated their 51st wedding anniversary in September 2021, shortly before he died.”

Tony was diagnosed with a rare form of MND in November of 2020; Karen tells of the “special” care her family received on Ashgate’s Inpatient Unit.

She added: “The physiotherapists took him for walks around the grounds, which he loved. We received regular home visits from the specialist nurse and the consultant, and through this we felt respected, looked after, and listened to.

“I especially remember the much-needed humour in the face of a terrifying disease. Ashgate made Dad feel as comfortable as he possibly could be.

“He passed away at Ashgate in December 2021. We weren’t there with him when he passed away – I had gone home for a rest, expecting to see him again the next day – so it was such a comfort to speak to the two wonderful nurses who were holding his hands for us.

“The staff are special at Ashgate. They are skilled, compassionate, and open. I honestly do not know how we would have managed without them; we all have an increased respect for the work they do and the need for the specialised approach that is needed for people who are at very vulnerable stages of life.”

Once the display ends, supporters of the campaign can then collect their flower from Ashgate Hospice in Chesterfield between Friday 1st July and Sunday 3rd July. Donors can also choose to have their flower posted to them.

Head of Fundraising at Ashgate Hospice, Jack Wood, said: “We’re so grateful to everyone who has supported our Forget-Me-Not Appeal so far, the donations will mean we can be there to provide vital care for families like Karen’s across North Derbyshire.

“We can’t wait to see all of the stunning flowers form the display at Renishaw Hall and Gardens later this month – last year’s display at Chatsworth was so beautiful and poignant and this one promises to be just as special.

“It’s not too late to dedicate a flower in memory of your loved one, just head over to our website to find out more about supporting the campaign.”

The suggested donation for a forget-me-not flower is £25 and the money raised will be used to fund the hospice’s round-the-clock specialist end –of life care.

To dedicate a flower, visit or call the fundraising team on 01246 567250.

Ashgate Hospice supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

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